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Too many deer in the forest biome


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Went out hunting in the morning and probably found a deer after 30 seconds then a rabbit. That was all the meat I needed so went back to my base and found  another deer trying to break into my base. Or jump over it, I'm not sure.


We should be chasing down chickens and clubbing them over the head like this game intended. 

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yes I also see deer more regularly in A21, they even "sneak" into towns at nights, which is very convenient when you have your base there of course.


I guess the amount is now more tuned towards multiplayer a bit?

Don't know cause I'm almost exclusively playing my own single player games,

but I would think in A20 and before, meat must have been very scarce when you played as a group, judged by the few deers that crossed my path then.


So I guess it's ok now.

Just let them poor little fellas live on happy when your storage box already has rows of full stacks of meat.

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Yeah, I was going to mention the same thing about bears and wolves. With the removal of those from the pine forest, TFP likely wanted to rebalance by increasing the deer spawning. Problem is, just like water not being an issue in previous alphas, getting food is too easy and has been for the last couple alphas. Deer, chickens and rabbits are incredibly easy to hunt. I think they need to either decrease the spawn rate a bit or alter the AI to make them more skittish around the player.

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And here i am hardly seeing any of them. Chickens are everywhere for me though.


@Syphon583 Water still isn´t an issue sadly. Made the most illogical change to water and yet i have no troubles getting enough at all. And yeah they do give us way more food now wich makes the water changes even more cringe tbh.

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I was even lucky enough to find the mineral water book relatively early in all my A21 games til now.

With that you're done considering beverage and can spend everything you find for glue.

Atm running a 7filter farm and sitting on a very good amount of water for everything.

So if you ask me, yes, I also don't see any considerable difference with the new system. If I want plenty of water, I can still get it rather easy.

And I would be very happy if they reverted back to the glass jar system, just because it felt so much more like it should naturally be.


Significantly raising crafting time for empty jars, and/or add a "special tool" like crucible to unlock crafting them, would have had the same effect to cut down availability of big amounts of water early game.


I really can't get my head around why they considered the system so bad that they put effort into this totally different system, instead of just making easy and fast adjustments to the existing one. What was so bad about it?

Edited by meilodasreh (see edit history)
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