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Tool use and Stamina


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So, I completely understand the transfer of stamina regen for weapon use from the old Sexy T-Rex to perks related to those particular melee weapons yet, though SexRex actually controlled the stamina use for tools as well as melee in earlier alphas, I have found NOTHING that will enhance stamina use for tools in a21.  What am I missing?  Is this intended, and though I've been researching it for a few hours, I've found nothing mentioning it in bug reports or in update notes.  Is it that I'm just overlooking it, which is entirely possible considering my advanced age?  Thanks for the help if anyone actually knows.

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You'd think.... but no. Unless the localization hasn't been added and neither have the buffs...


Edit* Second check, it's there, but I surely don't feel that it's working as it should.  By this point, with SexRex, and one-shotting ore, stamina shouldn't be disappearing so quickly, but then, maybe I'm just remembering in a faulty way.  Especially if I'm the only one feeling it.

Edited by Khissi (see edit history)
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Miner 69 affects all items with the perk perkMiner69r.


This includes:

  • All axes
  • All pickaxes
  • All shovels
  • Chainsaw and Auger
  • All repair tools


Are you just using power attacks?  Even with the reduction, power attacks will drain stamina if that is all you do with it.


Power attacks with the Iron pickaxe use 31 stamina (roughly), so a 25% reduction on that (max perk) would mean you are using roughly 23 stamina for each power attack.  Regular attacks would be roughly 14 per swing. 


Also, have you put an ergonomic grip in the pickaxe?  That adds an additional stamina reduction.

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No, tier 5 steel... maybe that's it.  I do have ergonomic grip in it, though, and don't ever use power attacks.  I can one shot ore with normal attacks since I set damage to 300%.  I'd lose my mind otherwise... gah.

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I don't recall too many alphas back, but alpha 20 at least, you couldn't use steel tools without losing stamina unless you drank coffee.  I think it was the same way in A17/18/19 as well, but I'm not positive.  Iron tools can be used without negative stamina gain as long as your hydration is > 75%, but not steel.

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On 6/24/2023 at 2:45 AM, Khissi said:

No, tier 5 steel... maybe that's it.  I do have <snip>

The tool quality shouldn't make much of a difference. I'm sure you know, but the last thing that comes to mind is, are you fully hydrated? The drink bar is basically linearly attached to stamina regen, at full bar you get 10 sta / sec (5 per tick), at half bar you get 5 / sec (2-3 / per tick).


And you're probably not infected to your gills either?

Edited by theFlu (see edit history)
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No.. I graduated to smoothies as soon as my farm was up and running well.  I don't get thirsty any more and certainly not infected.  I think I've come to the conclusion that my memory is faulty since, for the past 10 months until a21exp dropped, I was playing overhaul mods.  Those have differing stamina balances than vanilla and that's on me since I've not been playing vanilla since last experimental.

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Chug some coffee and red tea, have a bite to eat and your stamina will be better while mining. And yes miner 69r is the perk that decreases stamina usage - it says it in the localization. If it doesn't, you may have a mod issue or something similar, reverify your game files a couple of times

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