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Is crafting needed anymore? Single player focus.

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So aside from crafting stations, a vehicle and obvious resources do people in single player even bother crafting weapons,tools, armor or mods? Just from personal experience in the past few alphas it feels as if crafting is an after thought in single player since most of the items we need show up in the loot, the traders or in a quest reward. 


I honestly can't remember the last time I bothered crafting a set of armor or crafting mods. It just seems as if crafting keeps getting knocked down on the things of importance.


Yes this experimental is still early but so far it doesn't seem like crafting is really that important outside the things I mentioned earlier. Again this is all single player focused.

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Yes, I craft tools regularly, also guns and typically padded armor.

I craft mods as well, to put into legendary items and sell for extra profit.

Overall, I do a lot of crafting and there is no way I can find everything I need in random loot.

Traders are unreliable either.

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Well, that's part of what A21 is meant to do ... make crafting worthwhile again.  And I have personally noticed myself crafting more now than in A20.  However, you still have the chance of good loot that outpaces crafting in SP, especially after the magazine nerf.  So plus and minus on the results of the changes.

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I craft all the time. I'm about to make my second set of padded armor, made a scope for my crossbow, just made a mini bike handlebars and then a mini bike, headlight for the mini bike. As has been said the traider doesn't always have what you need but if you can make it you're okay. 

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I've generally been crafting weapons and tools that I'm spec'ed into well before I find them in 3 separate starts so far.  In fact, the only T2 melee weapons I've found have been stun batons, always Q1 or Q2.


Somewhat better luck with guns, but not great luck (I generally never spec into guns until late game, so it's unsurprising I wouldn't be able to craft better than I've found.)

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I made my quality five pistol but I had to get a crossbow from a trader quest. The way things are progressing I'll probably be able to make crossbows sometime next week assuming we don't get a new build in which case I will start all over from scratch.

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I craft because I like to, not because I need to. Aside from first set of tools I find almost everything better than what I can craft as I switched to intended mode of play: questing and looting only. Today I even found my first crack a book on this world and was happy that maybe I'll be able to make better gear than what I already looted, but unfortunately no.

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Playing an INT game, warrior diff; most points in the weapon skills, 18 days in:

I have crafted a set of padded armor Q1, now wearing a Cloth Bonus Bundle. Got Q4 steel legs as a reward, might swap over at some point.

I have crafted most of my batons, on a Q5 Stun baton since day 14 horde. Think I found a match for the pipe baton at points and a lower level Stunnie after making a Q3.

I have crafted a single Q1 Sledge turret, bought a Q5 proper shootie turret for ~8k right after, and since have looted a Q2 sledge.

I set up some light electrical defenses for day 14, couple fences and a gennie, all parts bought as I wasn't able to craft anything.


Horde base is a wide stairwell that I just essentially blocked so my sledge can keep tossing zeds around. I do stand there shooting a toilet pistol at them, using looted ammo; but the fence and the sledge would've kept the D14 group at bay easily. Used 20 bought concrete mix for the blockade.

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