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Password Option not working on dedicated Server


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I recently updated my dedicated server after about a year of not playing and have noticed that the game no longer prompts for a password when joining. I have tried setting "ServerPassword" setting in serverconfig.xml, command line, and also from the console, but there is never any prompt to enter the password when joining the server.


This seems like a major security flaw in the game, as I'd really like to prefer to continue having a private server.  However, at this time it seems my server is not findable via the new server search function (this is a separate bug I will assume). But I'd prefer to have the password option back instead of just having a "server with secret IP".

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Paste of the log output:

2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.001 INF [GSM] Singleton Initialized...
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.088 INF Version: Alpha 20.6 (b9) Compatibility Version: Alpha 20.6, Build: WindowsPlayer 64 Bit
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.089 INF System information:
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.089 INF    OS: Windows 10  (10.0.19042) 64bit
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.089 INF    CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1650 v4 @ 3.60GHz (cores: 12)
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.089 INF    RAM: 65423 MB
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.090 INF    GPU: Null Device (128 MB)
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.093 INF    Graphics API: NULL 1.0 [1.0] (shader level 5.0)
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.093 INF Last played version: Alpha 20.6
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.094 INF Local UTC offset: -6 hours
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.119 INF Command line arguments: 7DaysToDieServer.exe -quit -batchmode -nographics -ServerPassword=*** -ServerMaxPlayerCount=12 -ServerName=MyServer -ServerPort=23221 -ControlPanelEnabled=true -ControlPanelPort=23231 -ControlPanelPassword=*** -TelnetPort=23241 -SaveGameFolder=saves -configfile=config\serverconfig.xml -dedicated -DynamicMeshMaxItemCache=3 -logfile log.txt -UserDataFolder=worldgen -ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols=SteamNetworking -WorldGenSize=8192 -TerminalWindowEnabled=False
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.132 INF Parsing server configfile: config\serverconfig.xml
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.184 INF Parsing server configfile successfully completed
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.187 INF Starting dedicated server level=RWG game name=MACG_A20_03
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.187 INF Maximum allowed players: 12
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.187 INF Game mode: GameModeSurvival
2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.188 INF [Platform] Init
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.225 INF [Platform] Using native platform: Steam
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.227 INF [Platform] Using cross platform: EOS
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.227 INF [Platform] Using server platform: Steam
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.227 INF [Platform] Using server platform: XBL
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.230 INF Starting PlayerInputManager...
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.410 INF InControl (version 1.8.2 build 9357, native module = False, XInput = False)
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.427 INF [Platform] Initializing Steam
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.428 INF [Platform] Initializing EOS
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.451 INF [EOS] Initialize: Success
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.468 INF [Platform] Initializing XBL
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.633 INF Localization language from prefs: english
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.633 INF Awake IsFocused: True
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.633 INF Awake
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.635 INF Dedicated server only build
ERROR: Shader Occlusion/DepthCopy shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.656 INF Occlusion: Awake
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.659 INF Texture quality is set to 3
ERROR: Shader Game/UI/SleeperVolumeFrame shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.702 INF [MODS] No mods folder found
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.703 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.703 INF [MODS] Loading done
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.714 INF Loading permissions file at '7DaysToDieServer_Data/../saves/serveradmin.xml'
2023-02-05T19:27:35 0.731 INF Loading permissions file done.
2023-02-05T19:27:35 1.145 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer
2023-02-05T19:27:35 1.201 INF Loaded (local): archetypes
2023-02-05T19:27:35 1.204 INF Loaded (local): color_mappings
2023-02-05T19:27:35 1.206 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen
2023-02-05T19:27:35 1.206 INF WorldStaticData.Init() needed 0.000s
2023-02-05T19:27:36 1.232 INF Awake done in 598 ms
2023-02-05T19:27:36 1.478 INF Reloading serveradmin.xml
2023-02-05T19:27:36 1.478 INF Loading permissions file at '7DaysToDieServer_Data/../saves/serveradmin.xml'
2023-02-05T19:27:36 1.479 INF Loading permissions file done.
ERROR: Shader Unlit/Text shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
2023-02-05T19:27:40 6.070 INF NET: Starting server protocols
2023-02-05T19:27:40 6.072 INF [NET] Disabling protocol: SteamNetworking
2023-02-05T19:27:40 6.089 INF NET: LiteNetLib server started
2023-02-05T19:27:40 6.091 INF StartGame
2023-02-05T19:27:40 6.091 INF NetPackageManager Init
2023-02-05T19:27:41 6.319 INF Persistent GamePrefs saved
GamePref.AdminFileName = serveradmin.xml
GamePref.AirDropFrequency = 24
GamePref.AirDropMarker = True
GamePref.AutopilotMode = 0
GamePref.BedrollDeadZoneSize = 15
GamePref.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GamePref.BlockDamageAI = 100
GamePref.BlockDamageAIBM = 100
GamePref.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
GamePref.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
GamePref.BloodMoonFrequency = 7
GamePref.BloodMoonRange = 0
GamePref.BloodMoonWarning = 4
GamePref.BuildCreate = False
GamePref.ConnectToServerIP =
GamePref.ConnectToServerPort = 26900
GamePref.ControlPanelEnabled = True
GamePref.ControlPanelPort = 23231
GamePref.CraftTimer =
GamePref.CreateLevelDim = 8
GamePref.CreateLevelName = My Level
GamePref.CreativeMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DayCount = 3
GamePref.DayLightLength = 18
GamePref.DayNightLength = 60
GamePref.DebugMenuEnabled = False
GamePref.DebugMenuShowTasks = False
GamePref.DebugStopEnemiesMoving = False
GamePref.DropOnDeath = 3
GamePref.DropOnQuit = 0
GamePref.DynamicMeshDistance = 1000
GamePref.DynamicMeshEnabled = True
GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimBuffer = 3
GamePref.DynamicMeshLandClaimOnly = False
GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxItemCache = 3
GamePref.DynamicMeshMaxRegionCache = 1
GamePref.DynamicMeshUseImposters = False
GamePref.DynamicSpawner =
GamePref.EACEnabled = False
GamePref.EnemyDifficulty = 0
GamePref.EnemySpawnMode = True
GamePref.FavoriteServersList =
GamePref.FragLimit = 20
GamePref.GameDifficulty = 3
GamePref.GameGuidClient =
GamePref.GameMode = GameModeSurvival
GamePref.GameName = MACG_A20_03
GamePref.GameNameClient = My Game
GamePref.GameVersion = Alpha 20.6
GamePref.GameWorld = South Mixeziha Valley
GamePref.HideCommandExecutionLog = 0
GamePref.JoiningOptions = True
GamePref.LandClaimCount = 3
GamePref.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GamePref.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GamePref.LandClaimExpiryTime = 21
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GamePref.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 4
GamePref.LandClaimSize = 41
GamePref.Language = English
GamePref.LanguageBrowser =
GamePref.LastGameResetRevision = 0
GamePref.LastLoadedPrefab =
GamePref.LastLoadingTipRead = -1
GamePref.LootAbundance = 150
GamePref.LootRespawnDays = 30
GamePref.LootTimer =
GamePref.MatchLength = 10
GamePref.MaxSpawnedAnimals = 50
GamePref.MaxSpawnedZombies = 64
GamePref.MaxUncoveredMapChunksPerPlayer = 131072
GamePref.NoGraphicsMode = True
GamePref.OptionsAllowController = False
GamePref.OptionsAmbientVolumeLevel = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsAudioOcclusion = False
GamePref.OptionsBackgroundGlobalOpacity = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsControllerVibration = True
GamePref.OptionsControlsResetRevision = 0
GamePref.OptionsDisableChunkLODs = False
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicDailyTime = 0.3
GamePref.OptionsDynamicMusicEnabled = False
GamePref.OptionsForegroundGlobalOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxAA = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxAASharpness = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxBloom = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxBrightness = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxDOF = False
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMinFPS = 30
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicMode = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxDynamicScale = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxFOV = 65
GamePref.OptionsGfxGrassDistance = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxLODDistance = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxMotionBlur = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxObjQuality = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxOcclusion = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxQualityPreset = 2
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxReflectShadows = False
GamePref.OptionsGfxResetRevision = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxResolution = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxShadowDistance = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSAO = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSSReflections = 0
GamePref.OptionsGfxStreamMipmaps = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxSunShafts = True
GamePref.OptionsGfxTerrainQuality = 3
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexFilter = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxTexQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxTreeDistance = 4
GamePref.OptionsGfxUMATexQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxViewDistance = 6
GamePref.OptionsGfxVsync = 1
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterPtlLimiter = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsGfxWaterQuality = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudOpacity = 1
GamePref.OptionsHudSize = 1
GamePref.OptionsInterfaceSensitivity = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsInvertMouse = False
GamePref.OptionsJournalPopup = True
GamePref.OptionsMenuMusicVolumeLevel = 0.7
GamePref.OptionsMicVolumeLevel = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsMouseSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsMusicVolumeLevel = 0.2
GamePref.OptionsOverallAudioVolumeLevel = 1
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceFrequency = 3
GamePref.OptionsPlayChanceProbability = 0.983
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModel = playerMale
GamePref.OptionsPlayerModelTexture = Player/Male/Player_male
GamePref.OptionsPOICulling = 1
GamePref.OptionsScreenBoundsValue = 1
GamePref.OptionsSelectionBoxAlphaMultiplier = 0.4
GamePref.OptionsShowCompass = True
GamePref.OptionsShowCrosshair = True
GamePref.OptionsStabSpawnBlocksOnGround = True
GamePref.OptionsTempCelsius = False
GamePref.OptionsUiFpsScaling = 1
GamePref.OptionsVehicleMouseSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.OptionsVoiceChatEnabled = True
GamePref.OptionsVoiceInputDevice =
GamePref.OptionsVoiceOutputDevice =
GamePref.OptionsVoiceVolumeLevel = 0.75
GamePref.OptionsWeaponAiming = False
GamePref.OptionsZoomMouseSensitivity = 0.5
GamePref.PartySharedKillRange = 1500
GamePref.PersistentPlayerProfiles = False
GamePref.PlayerAutologin = False
GamePref.PlayerKillingMode = 2
GamePref.PlayerName = Player
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneHours = 5
GamePref.PlayerSafeZoneLevel = 5
GamePref.PlayerToken =
GamePref.PlaytestBiome = 3
GamePref.RebuildMap = False
GamePref.Region = NorthAmericaEast
GamePref.SaveGameFolder = 7DaysToDieServer_Data/../saves
GamePref.SelectionContextMode = 0
GamePref.SelectionOperationMode = 0
GamePref.ServerAdminSlots = 2
GamePref.ServerAdminSlotsPermission = 0
GamePref.ServerDescription =
GamePref.ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols = SteamNetworking
GamePref.ServerHistoryCache =
GamePref.ServerIP =
GamePref.ServerIsPublic = True
GamePref.ServerLoginConfirmationText =
GamePref.ServerMaxAllowedViewDistance = 12
GamePref.ServerMaxPlayerCount = 12
GamePref.ServerMaxWorldTransferSpeedKiBs = 1024
GamePref.ServerName = MyServer
GamePref.ServerPort = 23221
GamePref.ServerReservedSlots = 0
GamePref.ServerReservedSlotsPermission = 100
GamePref.ServerVisibility = 1
GamePref.ServerWebsiteURL =
GamePref.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GamePref.TelnetEnabled = False
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginLimit = 10
GamePref.TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime = 10
GamePref.TelnetPort = 23241
GamePref.TerminalWindowEnabled = False
GamePref.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = False
GamePref.TwitchServerPermission = 90
GamePref.UNUSED_LastLoadedPrefabSize =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsBloom =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsDOF =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsFieldOfViewNew =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsGamma =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsMotionBlur =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsObjectBlur =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionBounces =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionCullList =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionFarClip =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionRefreshMode =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionShadowDistance =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsReflectionTimeSlicingMode =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSSAO =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsStreamingMipmapsBudget =
GamePref.UNUSED_OptionsSunShafts =
GamePref.UNUSED_PlayerId =
GamePref.UserDataFolder = worldgen
GamePref.WorldGenSeed = MACG_A20_03
GamePref.WorldGenSize = 8192
GamePref.XPMultiplier = 250
GamePref.ZombieBMMove = 2
GamePref.ZombieFeralMove = 3
GamePref.ZombieFeralSense = 2
GamePref.ZombieMove = 0
GamePref.ZombieMoveNight = 1
GamePref.ZombiePlayers = True
GameStat.AirDropFrequency = 0
GameStat.AirDropMarker = False
GameStat.AllowedViewDistance = 12
GameStat.AnimalCount = 0
GameStat.AutoParty = False
GameStat.BedrollExpiryTime = 45
GameStat.BlockDamagePlayer = 100
GameStat.BloodMoonDay = 0
GameStat.BloodMoonEnemyCount = 8
GameStat.BloodMoonWarning = 8
GameStat.ChunkStabilityEnabled = True
GameStat.CraftTimer =
GameStat.CurrentRoundIx = 0
GameStat.DayLightLength = 18
GameStat.DayLimitActive = False
GameStat.DayLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.DropOnDeath = 1
GameStat.DropOnQuit = 0
GameStat.EnemyCount = 0
GameStat.EnemyDifficulty = Normal
GameStat.EnemySpawnMode = True
GameStat.FragLimitActive = False
GameStat.FragLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.GameDifficulty = 2
GameStat.GameDifficultyBonus = 1
GameStat.GameModeId = 0
GameStat.GameState = 0
GameStat.GlobalMessageToShow =
GameStat.IsCreativeMenuEnabled = False
GameStat.IsFlyingEnabled = False
GameStat.IsPlayerCollisionEnabled = True
GameStat.IsPlayerDamageEnabled = True
GameStat.IsResetMapOnRestart = False
GameStat.IsSaveSupplyCrates = True
GameStat.IsSpawnEnemies = True
GameStat.IsSpawnNearOtherPlayer = False
GameStat.IsTeleportEnabled = False
GameStat.IsVersionCheckDone = False
GameStat.LandClaimCount = 1
GameStat.LandClaimDeadZone = 30
GameStat.LandClaimDecayMode = 0
GameStat.LandClaimExpiryTime = 3
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDelay = 0
GameStat.LandClaimOfflineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimOnlineDurabilityModifier = 32
GameStat.LandClaimSize = 41
GameStat.LoadScene =
GameStat.LootTimer =
GameStat.OptionsPOICulling = 0
GameStat.PartySharedKillRange = 100
GameStat.PlayerKillingMode = KillStrangersOnly
GameStat.ScoreDiedMultiplier = -5
GameStat.ScorePlayerKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ScoreZombieKillMultiplier = 1
GameStat.ShowAllPlayersOnMap = False
GameStat.ShowFriendPlayerOnMap = True
GameStat.ShowSpawnWindow = False
GameStat.ShowWindow =
GameStat.TimeLimitActive = False
GameStat.TimeLimitThisRound = 0
GameStat.TimeOfDayIncPerSec = 20
GameStat.TwitchBloodMoonAllowed = True
GameStat.UNUSED_ShowZombieCounter =
GameStat.XPMultiplier = 100
GameStat.ZombieHordeMeter = False
2023-02-05T19:27:41 6.421 INF StartAsServer
2023-02-05T19:27:42 7.469 INF Loaded (local): materials
2023-02-05T19:27:42 7.968 INF Loaded (local): physicsbodies
2023-02-05T19:27:43 8.469 INF Loaded (local): painting
2023-02-05T19:27:43 8.969 INF Loaded (local): shapes
2023-02-05T19:27:56 21.762 INF Block IDs with mapping
Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 7)
2023-02-05T19:27:56 21.772 INF Block IDs total 13640, terr 44, last 13848
2023-02-05T19:27:56 21.809 INF Loaded (local): blocks

Unloading 54188 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 43338.
Total: 409.799800 ms (FindLiveObjects: 4.115600 ms CreateObjectMapping: 11.923000 ms MarkObjects: 363.528900 ms  DeleteObjects: 30.231700 ms)

2023-02-05T19:27:57 22.649 INF Loaded (local): progression
2023-02-05T19:27:58 23.229 INF Loaded (local): buffs
2023-02-05T19:27:58 23.708 INF Loaded (local): misc
2023-02-05T19:27:59 25.184 INF Item IDs with mapping
2023-02-05T19:27:59 25.184 INF ItemIDs from Mapping
2023-02-05T19:28:00 25.237 INF Loaded (local): item_modifiers
2023-02-05T19:28:00 25.736 INF Loaded (local): entityclasses
2023-02-05T19:28:01 26.240 INF Loaded (local): qualityinfo
2023-02-05T19:28:01 26.786 INF Loaded (local): sounds
2023-02-05T19:28:02 27.480 INF Loaded (local): recipes
2023-02-05T19:28:02 27.963 INF Loaded (local): blockplaceholders
2023-02-05T19:28:03 28.463 INF Loaded (local): loot
2023-02-05T19:28:03 28.963 INF Loaded (local): entitygroups
2023-02-05T19:28:04 29.463 INF Loaded (local): utilityai
2023-02-05T19:28:04 29.962 INF Loaded (local): vehicles
2023-02-05T19:28:05 30.463 INF Loaded (local): rwgmixer
2023-02-05T19:28:05 30.962 INF Loaded (local): weathersurvival
2023-02-05T19:28:06 31.462 INF Loaded (local): archetypes
2023-02-05T19:28:06 31.963 INF Loaded (local): quests
2023-02-05T19:28:07 32.463 INF Loaded (local): traders
2023-02-05T19:28:07 32.962 INF Loaded (local): npc
2023-02-05T19:28:08 33.463 INF Loaded (local): dialogs
2023-02-05T19:28:08 33.964 INF Loaded (local): ui_display
2023-02-05T19:28:09 34.463 INF Loaded (local): nav_objects
2023-02-05T19:28:09 34.963 INF Loaded (local): gamestages
2023-02-05T19:28:10 35.539 INF Loaded (local): gameevents
2023-02-05T19:28:10 36.028 INF Loaded (local): twitch
2023-02-05T19:28:11 36.528 INF Loaded (local): twitch_events
2023-02-05T19:28:11 37.028 INF Loaded (local): dmscontent
2023-02-05T19:28:12 37.527 INF Loaded (local): color_mappings
2023-02-05T19:28:12 38.024 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/styles
2023-02-05T19:28:13 38.524 INF Loaded (local): XUi_Common/controls
2023-02-05T19:28:13 39.025 INF Loaded (local): XUi/styles
2023-02-05T19:28:14 39.525 INF Loaded (local): XUi/controls
2023-02-05T19:28:14 40.025 INF Loaded (local): XUi/windows
2023-02-05T19:28:15 40.524 INF Loaded (local): XUi/xui
2023-02-05T19:28:15 41.024 INF Loaded (local): biomes
2023-02-05T19:28:16 41.524 INF Loaded (local): worldglobal
2023-02-05T19:28:16 42.024 INF Loaded (local): spawning
2023-02-05T19:28:17 42.525 INF Loaded (local): loadingscreen
2023-02-05T19:28:17 42.726 INF createWorld: South Mixeziha Valley, MACG_A20_03, GameModeSurvival
2023-02-05T19:28:17 42.727 INF Occlusion: Disabled
2023-02-05T19:28:17 42.782 INF Started thread ChunkMeshBake
2023-02-05T19:28:17 42.782 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration
2023-02-05T19:28:17 42.783 INF Started thread ChunkCalc
2023-02-05T19:28:17 42.877 INF World.Load: South Mixeziha Valley
2023-02-05T19:28:17 42.894 INF BloodMoon SetDay: day 7, last day 0, freq 7, range 0
2023-02-05T19:28:25 51.199 INF Started thread GenerateChunks
2023-02-05T19:28:26 52.187 INF Calculating world hashes took 890 ms (world size 264 MiB)
2023-02-05T19:28:27 52.566 INF Loading dtm raw file took 1319ms
2023-02-05T19:28:27 53.145 INF Biomes image size w= 8192, h = 8192
2023-02-05T19:28:29 54.536 INF Loading and creating biomes took 1969ms
2023-02-05T19:28:30 56.027 INF Loading and creating shader control textures took 1490ms
2023-02-05T19:28:32 57.510 INF Loading and parsing of generator took 1482ms
2023-02-05T19:28:32 57.574 INF Started thread SaveChunks /7DaysToDieServer_Data/../saves/South Mixeziha Valley/MACG_A20_03\Region
2023-02-05T19:28:35 60.814 INF [DECO] read 145866/
2023-02-05T19:28:35 60.918 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Server
2023-02-05T19:28:35 60.918 INF Dynamic Music Initialized on Dedi
2023-02-05T19:28:35 60.919 INF AstarManager Init
2023-02-05T19:28:35 61.175 INF WeatherManager: Init 8 weather packages
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/Wire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
ERROR: Shader 7DTD_Unity5/Wire shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: '7DTD_Unity5/Wire' - All subshaders removed
WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.627 INF createWorld() done
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.630 INF Loading players.xml
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.672 INF WeatherManager: ApplySavedPackages
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.721 INF Loaded player
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.772 INF VehicleManager /7DaysToDieServer_Data/../saves/South Mixeziha Valley/MACG_A20_03/vehicles.dat, loaded 0
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.773 INF DroneManager /7DaysToDieServer_Data/../saves/South Mixeziha Valley/MACG_A20_03/drones.dat, loaded 0
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.877 INF Setting for 'DropOnDeath' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 3, default = 1
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.877 INF Setting for 'LootRespawnDays' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 30, default = 7
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.878 INF Setting for 'LootAbundance' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 150, default = 100
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.878 INF Setting for 'AirDropFrequency' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 24, default = 72
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.878 INF Setting for 'XPMultiplier' does not match the default (server will go to the modded category): current = 250, default = 100
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.942 INF Wrong hash on Data/Config/entityclasses.xml
2023-02-05T19:28:36 61.981 INF [EOS] Registering server
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.110 INF Loading dymesh settings
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.110 INF Dynamic Mesh Settings
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.110 INF Use Imposter Values: False
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.110 INF Only Player Areas: False
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.110 INF Player Area Buffer: 3
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.110 INF Max View Distance: 1000
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.110 INF Regen all on new world: False
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.111 INF Dymesh: Enabled True
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.111 INF Dymesh: Distance 1000
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.111 INF Dymesh: LCB Only False
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.111 INF Dymesh: LCB Buff 3
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.111 INF Dymesh: Imposters False
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.111 INF Dymesh: MaxRegion 1
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.111 INF Dymesh: MaxItem 3
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.113 INF Dymesh: Prepping dynamic mesh. Resend Default: True
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.113 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: /7DaysToDieServer_Data/../saves/South Mixeziha Valley/MACG_A20_03/DynamicMeshes/
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.113 INF StartGame done
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.115 INF [Steamworks.NET] Registering auth callbacks
2023-02-05T19:28:36 62.118 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.Init successful
2023-02-05T19:28:37 62.468 INF [EOS] Server registered, session: bc79cdd8992e41899c8ca5ee855fe989
2023-02-05T19:28:37 62.473 INF [EOS] Session address:
2023-02-05T19:28:37 62.666 INF [Steamworks.NET] GameServer.LogOn successful, SteamID=90169082660022274, public IP=
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.065 INF Dymesh: Warming dynamic mesh
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.065 INF Dymesh: Creating dynamic mesh manager
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.068 INF Dymesh: Awake
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.069 INF Dymesh: Mesh location: /7DaysToDieServer_Data/../saves/South Mixeziha Valley/MACG_A20_03/DynamicMeshes/
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.070 INF Dymesh: Loading Items: /7DaysToDieServer_Data/../saves/South Mixeziha Valley/MACG_A20_03/DynamicMeshes/
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.078 INF Dymesh: Loaded Items: 0
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.079 INF Dymesh: Loading all items took: 0.0100206 seconds.
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.081 INF Clearing queues.
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.081 INF Cleared queues.
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.082 INF Dynamic thread starting
2023-02-05T19:28:37 63.085 INF Dymesh door replacement: imposterBlock
2023-02-05T19:28:46 71.282 INF [DECO] written 145866, in 39ms
2023-02-05T19:28:46 71.289 INF [DECO] write thread 6ms
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.374 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connect from:
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.377 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_0_0
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.377 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_0_0
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.377 INF Started thread NCS_Reader_0_1
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.377 INF Started thread NCS_Writer_0_1
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.379 INF [NET] PlayerConnected EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Local_<none>', CrossId='<unknown/none>', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName=''
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.494 INF NPPL.Read
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.495 INF PlayerLogin: PhantoNyan/Alpha 20.6
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.495 INF Client IP:
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.497 INF [Auth] PlayerName authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.497 INF [Auth] ServerState authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.498 INF [Auth] MpAllowed authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.498 INF [Auth] PlayerId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.498 INF [Auth] DuplicateUserId authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.498 INF [Auth] VersionCheck authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.499 INF [Auth] PlayerSlots authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.500 INF [Auth] LegacyModAuthorizations authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='<unknown/none>', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.501 INF [Steamworks.NET] Auth.AuthenticateUser()
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.506 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authenticating player: PhantoNyan SteamId: 76561198007562148 TicketLen: 1024 Result: k_EBeginAuthSessionResultOK
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.800 INF [Steamworks.NET] Authentication callback. ID: 76561198007562148, owner: 76561198007562148, result: k_EAuthSessionResponseOK
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.800 INF [Auth] PlatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='Steam_76561198007562148', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.800 INF [Auth] SteamFamily authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='Steam_76561198007562148', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.801 INF [Auth] SteamGroups authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='Steam_76561198007562148', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 129.802 INF [EOS] Verifying token for 0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498
2023-02-05T19:29:44 130.202 INF [EOS] Device=, Platform=steam, AccType=Steam, AccId=76561198007562148, PUID=0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498
2023-02-05T19:29:44 130.202 ERR [EOS] VerifyIdToken failure: Unknown platform: steam
2023-02-05T19:29:44 130.202 INF [Auth] CrossplatformAuth authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='Steam_76561198007562148', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 130.203 INF [Auth] BansAndWhitelist authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='Steam_76561198007562148', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:29:44 130.205 INF Allowing player with id EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498
2023-02-05T19:29:45 130.446 INF RequestToEnterGame: EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498/PhantoNyan
2023-02-05T19:30:06 151.999 INF Time: 2.35m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 2640.7MB Max: 2640.7MB Chunks: 9 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (0) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 4024.8MB
2023-02-05T19:30:36 182.001 INF Time: 2.85m FPS: 20.01 Heap: 2642.2MB Max: 2642.2MB Chunks: 9 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (0) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 4024.8MB
2023-02-05T19:31:06 212.023 INF Time: 3.35m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 2619.5MB Max: 2642.2MB Chunks: 9 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (0) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 4024.8MB
2023-02-05T19:31:36 242.026 INF Time: 3.85m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 2620.6MB Max: 2642.2MB Chunks: 9 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (0) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 4024.9MB
2023-02-05T19:32:06 272.029 INF Time: 4.35m FPS: 20.01 Heap: 2622.0MB Max: 2642.2MB Chunks: 9 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (0) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 4025.3MB
2023-02-05T19:32:13 278.898 INF RequestToSpawnPlayer: 171, PhantoNyan, 6
2023-02-05T19:32:13 278.950 INF Created player with id=171
2023-02-05T19:32:36 302.042 INF Time: 4.85m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 2648.9MB Max: 2648.9MB Chunks: 234 CGO: 9 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 4039.4MB
2023-02-05T19:33:06 332.066 INF Time: 5.35m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 2642.6MB Max: 2648.9MB Chunks: 234 CGO: 9 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 4039.4MB
2023-02-05T19:33:34 359.576 INF Dymesh: Update items to send for PhantoNyan id: 171  recieved: 0
2023-02-05T19:33:34 359.579 INF Dymesh: Items to send: 0   Added: 0   chunks: 0
2023-02-05T19:33:36 362.074 INF Time: 5.85m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 2643.5MB Max: 2648.9MB Chunks: 234 CGO: 9 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 4039.5MB
2023-02-05T19:33:39 364.431 INF GMSG: Player 'PhantoNyan' joined the game
2023-02-05T19:33:39 364.437 INF PlayerSpawnedInWorld (reason: JoinMultiplayer, position: 2261, 39, 750): EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='Steam_76561198007562148', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:33:55 380.826 INF Executing command 'st 1 4  1' from client EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498
2023-02-05T19:34:06 392.082 INF Time: 6.35m FPS: 19.99 Heap: 2649.7MB Max: 2649.7MB Chunks: 234 CGO: 17 Ply: 1 Zom: 0 Ent: 2 (2) Items: 0 CO: 1 RSS: 4041.1MB
2023-02-05T19:34:13 398.839 INF VehicleManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2023-02-05T19:34:13 398.839 INF DroneManager saving 0 (0 + 0)
2023-02-05T19:34:13 398.842 INF VehicleManager saved 9 bytes
2023-02-05T19:34:13 398.842 INF DroneManager saved 9 bytes
2023-02-05T19:34:15 400.591 INF Executing command 'sg ServerPassword anypassword' from client EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498
2023-02-05T19:34:17 403.095 INF Player PhantoNyan disconnected after 2.1 minutes
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.368 INF DynamicMusic: 171 successfully removed from Bloodmoon state cache
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.368 WRN Client disconnected from dy mesh: Id: 171 Total: 1
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.369 WRN Client disconnect complete for 171 Total: 0
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.369 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='Steam_76561198007562148', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.373 INF GMSG: Player 'PhantoNyan' left the game
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.374 WRN NET: LiteNetLib: SendData requested for unknown client EntityID=171, PltfmId='Steam_76561198007562148', CrossId='EOS_0002aaf0e0a24faa9eed130199f9b498', OwnerID='Steam_76561198007562148', PlayerName='PhantoNyan'
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.380 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0_0
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.380 INF Exited thread NCS_Reader_0_1
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.380 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_0
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.380 INF Exited thread NCS_Writer_0_1
2023-02-05T19:34:18 403.386 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Client disconnect from: (RemoteConnectionClose)
2023-02-05T19:34:25 411.057 INF Clearing all pools
2023-02-05T19:34:37 422.340 INF Time: 6.85m FPS: 20.00 Heap: 2614.7MB Max: 2649.7MB Chunks: 14 CGO: 0 Ply: 0 Zom: 0 Ent: 0 (2) Items: 0 CO: 0 RSS: 4041.1MB

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33 minutes ago, PhantoNyan said:

2023-02-05T19:27:34 0.119 INF Command line arguments: 7DaysToDieServer.exe -quit -batchmode -nographics -ServerPassword=*** -ServerMaxPlayerCount=12 -ServerName=MyServer -ServerPort=23221 -ControlPanelEnabled=true -ControlPanelPort=23231 -ControlPanelPassword=*** -TelnetPort=23241 -SaveGameFolder=saves -configfile=config\serverconfig.xml -dedicated -DynamicMeshMaxItemCache=3 -logfile log.txt -UserDataFolder=worldgen -ServerDisabledNetworkProtocols=SteamNetworking -WorldGenSize=8192 -TerminalWindowEnabled=False

Get rid of this mess. For all the settings that you are trying to set here, that have a setting already in the serverconfig, use the serverconfig.xml.

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3 hours ago, PhantoNyan said:

The command line arguments are the set as required by the server provider. In any case, the password option does not work, which is the important part.

Then it needs to be addressed by the provider. The password option obviously works as evidenced by the many thousands of servers running with passwords.

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That is not correct: The password is automatically masked in the output log. The *** is not the actual password being passed on command line. I have already tried removing the option and setting the password in the xml file, but it makes no difference. Please note this exact configuration worked for many years prior to A20.

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I would put a ticket in with the server provider. As a renter, they don’t allow you to remove entries from the command line so any non-functioning item must be remedied by the server provider. They do some sort of edit protection to those lines. I rent from Bluefang and they do not have the password set in the command line so I set it in the serverconfig.xml. It has to be a syntax issue on their end or they accidentally extended the edit-protection to include the actual password.

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It seems I wasn’t clear before. Many of the command arguments are required by the provider, but the server password is not. I can remove it from the command line and specify it in the xml, but it makes no difference: no password prompt is shown when joining.


16 hours ago, meganoth said:

It seems you had version A20.3 a year ago, right? In A20.4 two new lines were added to serverconfig.xml (see https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/28529-alpha-204-stable/ )

I think you should check your serverconfig.xml file whether those two lines are in there, and if not, add them. Then try again if a password set in there works.





I have set the new config lines, and they show in the dump of all the configuration options above, however they do not relate to the password in any way, and do not change the password issue in any way.

Edited by PhantoNyan (see edit history)
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9 minutes ago, Star69 said:

Can you post a copy of your serverconfig.xml? Be sure to hide your password.

best to show even the passwords so we can see if there are issues with them or if illegal characters are used.  can always change the passwords AFTER everything gets solved.


we just dont need to see players passwords etc...

Edited by unholyjoe (see edit history)
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On 2/7/2023 at 5:11 PM, PhantoNyan said:

That is not correct: The password is automatically masked in the output log. The *** is not the actual password being passed on command line. I have already tried removing the option and setting the password in the xml file, but it makes no difference. Please note this exact configuration worked for many years prior to A20.


I have seen quite a numerous amount of server providers that do this; they push out a configuration overruling other settings in the serverconfig.xml and don't change it (which will cause issues like this, if it even runs). I've seen some have configs as old at A16 trying to use those on A20. Best to contact your provider.

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