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Teragon Tutorials

Tallman Brad

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How to add the Compopack to your Teragon worlds. This method uses a preset to add the required files and settings as currently it's fairly complicated to add your own by hand. Hopefully this will become easier with an update in the future, or some simple software from a third party (there are rumours haha).


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Thank you for the excellent tutorials Brad, i have nade a few maps and they work flawlessly.

i did a map with erosion on and it used all 16 cores and 78% cpu, when it gets to roads it seems to only use 1 core. Is this why its slow to generate roads i know the program says roads are still a work in progress...



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On 1/30/2023 at 1:49 AM, kydyr said:

Teragon hangs at "Create Region POIs" I have not changed the spawn limit and still set at 60. Any help with this would be great.

Could it be that it is actually hanging at the command following that? A common CTD is during Create Preview where the preview calls on a file that has been turned off or not yet created. Have a look at the files referenced in Create Preview and check if there is anything that shouldn't be there. 

Spawn points, regional biomes, roads etc. 

You can always remove everything except heightmap, biomes and POIs to get a feel for your map before committing to roads.

If it is the preview that's causing the crash of course.

Next potential problem is that you're making a modded map and the wilderness pois are stored in a separate folder to the city POIs that isn't listed in the Add Source options.

I hope some of this helps in some way.

An update to wilderness POIs spawning is in progress, according to Pille in his discord channel. But who knows what other priorities there are.l that might b addressed first.

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4 hours ago, Tallman Brad said:

Could it be that it is actually hanging at the command following that? A common CTD is during Create Preview where the preview calls on a file that has been turned off or not yet created. Have a look at the files referenced in Create Preview and check if there is anything that shouldn't be there. 

Spawn points, regional biomes, roads etc. 

You can always remove everything except heightmap, biomes and POIs to get a feel for your map before committing to roads.

If it is the preview that's causing the crash of course.

Next potential problem is that you're making a modded map and the wilderness pois are stored in a separate folder to the city POIs that isn't listed in the Add Source options.

I hope some of this helps in some way.

An update to wilderness POIs spawning is in progress, according to Pille in his discord channel. But who knows what other priorities there are.l that might b addressed first.

Thanks for the answer Tallman Brad and I have to say sorry but I'm dumb when it comes to programs. I need step by step instructions or I don't know how to get stuff installed and  working.

This world gen program that was created by Pille is freaking awesome. I spent pretty much 12 hours messing around with Teragon and managed to get two 14k maps created but they have almost no wilderness POIs in them, ten at most, and to me that's sucks because I really like to explore. 28k maps would be super sweet. I'm hoping I can somehow create more maps that have more wilderness POIs in them all over the map.

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There are various tricks to increasing the number of wilderness POIs using Teragon.  Discord can certainly help you with that.  I would suggest starting by making your elevation and flatness thresholds 15 and 25 for towns.  I don't have terrain in front of me right now, but I believe only elevation is there for POI, so just set that to 15.  This will help to increase the number of POI and help towns getting placed.  You also want to avoid too many sharp angles on hills and mountains and going down into lakes.  Adjusting your settings for those will help.  Biomes also seem to play a part, with wasteland having fewer wilderness POIs and first having the most... At least in my tests.  So adjusting those will also help.  I have my workers POI set to 500 and on most 8k map tests I will get around 200-300 unless I make some change that makes them less likely to appear.


As far as making maps larger than 12k, it is possible, but it is also likely to crash.  I'm sure improvements will be fine to help with that over time.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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I have issued on Teragon always cut off on columns side can't adjust slider like normal Windows explorer columns with adjust slider. I founded Windows text & app size scale is 150% was cut off columns because too small text on 1440p. I turn to scale 100% back normal columns still too small to read then turn up 150% again better to see read.




100% text scale still normal no cut off



I turn up 150% scale without exit Teragon look wide columns when exit then launcher Teragon went back to normal size columns still cut off edge



Edited by Wolves Hero (see edit history)
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  • 1 month later...

Is there a tut about adding a Teragon created map to a Linux Dedicated Server? I tried adding my created map (/home/*USER*/7dtd_server/Data/Worlds, and /home/*USER*/7dtd_server/saves) but the log is showing a ton of errors.

2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.662 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_end' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_end'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.663 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_end' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_end'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.663 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_middle' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_middle'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_middle' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_middle'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_middle' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_middle'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it

I did note that there is a mod folder with the Teragon POIs in my %appdata% on my system, but I'm unsure of where I need to place that folder on the server. Any advice, or a tut would be greatly appreciated. 

My apologies if I posted this in the wrong section, but as I'm looking for a tut, I figured this would be the best place to ask. Thanks.

Edited by LordSith77 (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Every map I generate with Teragon, seems I'm not getting any Traders. Anyone know why?

On 4/5/2023 at 7:29 AM, LordSith77 said:

Is there a tut about adding a Teragon created map to a Linux Dedicated Server? I tried adding my created map (/home/*USER*/7dtd_server/Data/Worlds, and /home/*USER*/7dtd_server/saves) but the log is showing a ton of errors.

2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.662 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_end' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.662 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_end'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.663 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_end' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.663 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_end'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.663 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_middle' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_middle'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_middle' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_middle'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_middle' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_middle'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 ERR Prefab loading failed. Prefab 'bridge_pillar' does not exist!
2023-04-05T06:42:42 53.664 WRN Could not load prefab 'bridge_pillar'. Skipping it

I did note that there is a mod folder with the Teragon POIs in my %appdata% on my system, but I'm unsure of where I need to place that folder on the server. Any advice, or a tut would be greatly appreciated. 

My apologies if I posted this in the wrong section, but as I'm looking for a tut, I figured this would be the best place to ask. Thanks.

I figured it out. In the Teragon output folders is a mods folder with all the POI's that Teragon uses. That folder needs to be placed into your mods folder for them to work right. Hope this helps anyone else who comes across this. 

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Hey Tallman Brad, Pille


I  terraform a lot. I've hand painted, used gw::terranoise, photoshop, nitrogen, kinggen,  teragon and honorable mention

7DTD version A17.4 .  Teragon has a steep learning curve in the beginning. Only because of no popup hints, but these

Tuts have been invaluable to me.


My question is what is the format of the city mask?  Is it grayscale, if so what shades are used, or colored png?


The things i like most about teragon are the city tiling, the import of my custom heightmap, and the biome import.


Im trying to get the mask set up because im making a hybrid, tera king nitro 7dtd.


Thanks in advance


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4 hours ago, 4sheetzngeegles said:

Hey Tallman Brad, Pille


I  terraform a lot. I've hand painted, used gw::terranoise, photoshop, nitrogen, kinggen,  teragon and honorable mention

7DTD version A17.4 .  Teragon has a steep learning curve in the beginning. Only because of no popup hints, but these

Tuts have been invaluable to me.


My question is what is the format of the city mask?  Is it grayscale, if so what shades are used, or colored png?


The things i like most about teragon are the city tiling, the import of my custom heightmap, and the biome import.


Im trying to get the mask set up because im making a hybrid, tera king nitro 7dtd.


Thanks in advance


The mask is simply white and black image the same size as the map, where white is where towns can be placed.  You can find this info and more in the "online documentation" listed in the Help Center tab in Teragon.  It is a Google Doc that I update when there's additional things to add.

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1 hour ago, 4sheetzngeegles said:

Thank You Riamus


I thought the local pdf doc was the only one for now.  I've always used it offline, so I didn't see there was online doc.

Going there now.


I will post my map mod for 20 as soon as it's correct. Then  on to 21.

Thanks again

No problem. I hope you find it helpful.

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Help!  The "Interrupt" button works, but never stops. three little dots appear at the word, indicating that it's still 'interrupting', but how does one then press the 'Continue' button after one has made the change?

Ok.... forget it. By the time I had launched the browser, and composed this post,  as I posted it - it popped up the other three buttons.. Duh!


Edited by paulj_3 (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, paulj_3 said:

Help!  The "Interrupt" button works, but never stops. three little dots appear at the word, indicating that it's still 'interrupting', but how does one then press the 'Continue' button after one has made the change?

Ok.... forget it. By the time I had launched the browser, and composed this post,  as I posted it - it popped up the other three buttons.. Duh!


Interrupt will only interrupt after the current command completes.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My Teragon mega-city map is missing all skyscraper PoIs, what gives? Maybe I have changed some non-trivial parameter without realizing?

Do these PoIs occur if the tile size is too small? I think mine isn't, as I've generated great maps in A20 with these exact settings, but who knows?

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On 10/23/2023 at 8:21 PM, junrall said:

Hello all!


If I import a hand made biome map and have Teragon generate the cities and POIs, will Teragon correctly place tiered POIs into the correct biomes? Thanks!

Sorry for the late reply.  I didn't see the post here.  Teragon doesn't place town POI by biome.  They are placed by district.  As far as wilderness POI, Teragon will place them based on the biomes in the POI Property List.  This works regardless of whether you make your own biome map or Teragon creates it for you... assuming you add the POI after importing your handmade biome map.

17 hours ago, Blasphemous said:

My Teragon mega-city map is missing all skyscraper PoIs, what gives? Maybe I have changed some non-trivial parameter without realizing?

Do these PoIs occur if the tile size is too small? I think mine isn't, as I've generated great maps in A20 with these exact settings, but who knows?

The most common reason is the tiles you have in towns.  If your map is a grid layout (all intersection tiles), you won't have 2 of the skyscrapers because those will never be on an intersection tile, for example.  You can adjust the layout and extra_link values in Read Town Property List to adjust the kinds of tiles you get so you have a greater chance of seeing those skyscrapers.  In addition, if you changed the districts in your Read Town Property List, you may have removed the districts (If I remember correctly, all the skyscrapers are only in the downtown district) that are needed.  Last, the default settings will only create the necessary districts in "center" areas of towns (tiles that are entirely surrounded by other tiles), so if you have towns that are small and don't have center districts, you won't have any of the districts that are listed as center in the Read Town Property List and so will also not get the skyscrapers.  But if you have a megacity, it shouldn't be that small, so that's an unlikely reason.


Feel free to go to the Teragon Discord server in #discussions for help and someone can look over what you are doing and help figure out the cause if this doesn't help.

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