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As a beginner


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There's so many items that i collect that I just don't know what they do, mechanical parts etc. 


What is the best way to learn what everything is for? Even the descriptions on the game don't explain fully. 

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First of all, congratulations on being a beginner and knowing nothing about the game. Most people here with hundreds / thousands of hours of playtime would love to do a swap with you. 7 days 2 die is an awesome game with so many features to explore. Learning to find your way on your own can be very exciting and once you have played the game for a certain amount of time this part of excitement is gone forever so enjoy it while you still can and don't take the shortcuts watching youtube videos or reading too much in forums like this.


As for your question, to find out about an item's purpose it can be helpful to select the item in your inventory and click on "recipes". This shows you all recipes that include the questioned item, therefore you now know what the item can be used for.

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PoloPoPo beat me to it. 😄


In addition to that, I will say that there are some items that aren't included in any recipe, but might have other uses. A couple examples: old cash, which can either be scrapped to paper or sold to the trader, or fishing weights, also can be scrapped to lead or sold to the trader. There are others that have absolutely no use to you, cannot be scrapped, but are extremely valuable to a trader, like Silver and Gold nuggets.


Another tip if you don't already know it: an items sell value can be seen when the item is selected in your inventory in the top right corner of the window. The value is the total value of the stack (if there are multiple), not a single unit. The sell value is the same regardless of which trader you go to, though there are certain perks or consumables that can increase the value.


Last tip (just cause I'm thinking about it now): As you progress further, you'll likely find armor and weapons/tools that you either don't want to use, don't need for their parts, or are duplicates of what you already have. Depending on quality, the trader will buy them from you for a decent amount of Dukes. While you might be tempted to sell all of these items right away, it's smart to hold onto them until you have spare mods (which you'll also start a collection of) to put in them. Mods greatly increase the value of items you sell to the trader, often getting you more money than just selling them all individually.

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23 hours ago, Gav said:

There's so many items that i collect that I just don't know what they do, mechanical parts etc. 


What is the best way to learn what everything is for? Even the descriptions on the game don't explain fully. 

What I wouldn't give to be in this position again, given alpha 20 has been lovely in a lot of ways.  I also loved the learning curve this game has had over multiple iterations.

Otherwise, good information above!

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