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13 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

I use melee weapons even in the late game. Not to save ammo but because they are much more fun than guns.

A gun is just point and click. When I use a melee weapon I have to move around, make sure I don't get hit too much by the zombies, don't get pushed into a corner, and so on.


Well most people use melee for example against single zombie on read. There is tons of bullets in 7DTD. MG survival is medicore game but have soo good fighting implementation  - you use melee most time because bullets are expensive and rare as hell so you keep them for bigger groups and special zombies. 7dtd would be much better if bullets would be reduce by 90% but  increase dmg of them by 50%  and throw perk tree into bin

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53 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

I use melee weapons even in the late game. Not to save ammo but because they are much more fun than guns.

A gun is just point and click. When I use a melee weapon I have to move around, make sure I don't get hit too much by the zombies, don't get pushed into a corner, and so on.



This from the guy who prefers horde bases where the traps destroy the whole horde so he doesn't have to get involved himself...? ;)

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21 minutes ago, Roland said:

This from the guy who prefers horde bases where the traps destroy the whole horde so he doesn't have to get involved himself...? ;)

Can't I have both? A horde base that fully automatically processes the horde into mincemeat but doing melee when I do quests ?

I have also built bases that combined both. Traps to thin out the horde and the remaining zombies got their skulls crushed with the hammer.


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@meganoth i should have added that starting with lower damage does defeat the purpose of this change even if you go to double damage over time that wouldn´t be enough.


Let´s take dishong, beeing on the roof, every path up there is interrupted. It wouldn´t even collapse with 500% damage increase during the 15mins of hordenight. And even the silo could propably take 300% easily. Wich would simply be overwhelming for a normal self built hordebase that doesn´t rely on pathing exploits like the corridor base.

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15 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@meganoth i should have added that starting with lower damage does defeat the purpose of this change even if you go to double damage over time that wouldn´t be enough.


Let´s take dishong, beeing on the roof, every path up there is interrupted. It wouldn´t even collapse with 500% damage increase during the 15mins of hordenight. And even the silo could propably take 300% easily. Wich would simply be overwhelming for a normal self built hordebase that doesn´t rely on pathing exploits like the corridor base.


I don't know. This is something that has to be tested, i.e. how much more damage is needed over a whole night with an advanced horde. I wouldn't be surprised if you are right.

Whether that invalidates the idea or a fix that would remove 95% of all buildings from being used as AFK-bases and maybe provide some "fun" for normal base builders too might be worth something, is another debate.


But if you call leading the zombies into traps a pathing exploit then you want a very different game than I do anyway (one that can't really be called tower defense anymore in my view). So we are arguing from very different standpoints and it is no surprise we come to very different conclusions.




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@meganoth The corridor base does rely on the fact that zombies see a path where there actually isn´t a path. It´s two solid walls with a roof wich they see as a path and inbetween you and them is a gap of 5 blocks and it´s impossible to path over that for the player aswell. That´s called exploiting the AI. No matter how you look at it. There is other ways of exploiting their pathing, but i don´t know anything about those.


If you have blocks that push them down on their way to you, that´s a whole different story as there actually is a path with actual existing blocks that they could stand on if it wasn´t for the blocks on the side pushing them into a hole. That´s what we do often.

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On 6/16/2022 at 12:27 PM, pApA^LeGBa said:

@meganoth The corridor base does rely on the fact that zombies see a path where there actually isn´t a path. It´s two solid walls with a roof wich they see as a path and inbetween you and them is a gap of 5 blocks and it´s impossible to path over that for the player aswell. That´s called exploiting the AI. No matter how you look at it. There is other ways of exploiting their pathing, but i don´t know anything about those.


Ah ok. The name is a bit misleading as for me corridor is just a synonym for funnel.




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