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Dear god let me turn off lightning effects in this game!


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I am a photosensitive person who also lives with epileptics. I love this game and want to be able to play it more but I just have to close out the second a thunderstorm happens because the consequences just aren't worth it.


I can't play blood moons at all because of the strobe lightning. You can't even hide from it as it permeates everywhere (even underground!) I have to basically abandon entire worlds because of it.


I tried to alter the game files to stop the 'stormy' weather type from happening. But I'm not a game dev and I've clearly missed an instance SOMEWHERE in those numerous files and there's just no getting away from it... so it's back to ditching the game entirely.


Is there a surefire way to disable that ONE effect? Or do I have to add this to the pile of games I can't play 'because devs think thunder and lightning is more important'?

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While I have no specifics for you, there are console commands to alter weather and ones that affect lighting, but I don't know of any that will affect things outside of a single session.  There may even be a mod for this sort of thing, but again I am not sure of specifics.

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Pretty sure you can mod that out with just a few tweaks in the xml files. Maybe ask in the mod subforum?


I am not 100% sure this could be outdated by now, but using the console it should be the command "weather rain 0" wich should stop thunderstorms also i guess, as there is no thunder without rain? Console opens up with F1. That must most likely be done every time you log in though.


Also not quite sure if this does have any effect on the hordenight tbh.

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A starting point for removing normal thunderstorms might be to go into biomes.xml and find all of these lines:


<Precipitation min="0" max="0" prob="1"/>


And set them all as shown above, min=0, max=0. That will prevent any precipitation (and, I'm assuming, storms) from every biome.


I don't think it'll do anything about bloodmoon, though. The "weather" during BM is not controlled in XML as far as I know. Might just have to disable blood moons entirely.

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If you need, let me know and I can whip up a quick modlet so it does it everytime the game updates itself.  Unless someone else has already done it or you done it yourself.


Changing the base files will work until the game updates to a newer version and replaces the old files.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oooh I'll give it a try, that sounds fun!


The changes I've managed to make seem to have stopped all lightning effects. Occasionally it will drizzle from a clear sky, but that's it.

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On 4/20/2022 at 6:08 PM, BFT2020 said:

If you need, let me know and I can whip up a quick modlet so it does it everytime the game updates itself.  Unless someone else has already done it or you done it yourself.


Changing the base files will work until the game updates to a newer version and replaces the old files.

Hey, any chance you could share a modlet for removing lightning effects to me aswell? My girlfriend has epilepsy so the lightning storms are really annoying. I'm playing darkness falls tho, so would it still work for it?

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2 hours ago, fnfear said:

Hey, any chance you could share a modlet for removing lightning effects to me aswell? My girlfriend has epilepsy so the lightning storms are really annoying. I'm playing darkness falls tho, so would it still work for it?

I will check to see what Khaine has done (if anything) with that part of the code and then build the modlet around it.

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16 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Give this a try




I verified on my computer that it replaced the values for all precipitation events to 0,0.  Based on what I saw with DF, it should still work.


If you run into any issues, just let me know (quote one of my posts so it notifies me).

Thank you sooo much!! Been testing it for a few hours now and it seems to work fine! My girlfriend says a big thank you aswell :D

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9 hours ago, Alice said:

Wow, this community is so kind ❤️


This is only partly true, for rare definitions of kind.  The forum is like PvP with NERF bats.  Lots of aggression but people rarely get hurt.


Or to put it in game terms, we all just stand around trying to psychically force each other to eat glass.

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12 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

Damnit I knew I was going about it wrong.  My end goal was to be known as a rat @%$#.  Not kind.

Weeell... all you'll have to do is edit that mod of yours a bit... all you have to<snip, it seems I'm not enough of a @%$# to describe how to induce seizures in people after all... /sigh :) >

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21 hours ago, theFlu said:

Weeell... all you'll have to do is edit that mod of yours a bit... all you have to<snip, it seems I'm not enough of a @%$# to describe how to induce seizures in people after all... /sigh :) >


That escalated fast.  I just wanted to come off as a jerk, you are just pure evil  😉

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20 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

That escalated fast.  I just wanted to come off as a jerk, you are just pure evil  😉

Evil, me? Noo.. Just a little lesson in misplaced trust - and besides, what's a little blackout between friends.. :)

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