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Why is bedrock +3 now?...


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🙄 What was the point in decreasing the depth in which we could dig? You already made it so zombies could sense us underground and dig towards any base below and now we're limited on how far we can descend? Honestly, I'd rather play older versions because they were more fun. I'll kick the new good graphics to the side for less obnoxious game play restrictions. Aren't updates to games supposed to make it more fun and pleasant, oooooooor, is that not the case with 7 days? because it's become more unpleasant as new patches release. It's my opinion and I know lots of people still like the game, but I do not like 90% of the changes that has happened since I started playing years ago. Unfortunate for me, I guess.

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You can build a base underground and all zombies, with the exception of bloodmoon zombies, will not find you.  If you exceed 100 on the heat map, wandering hordes will just pass you by and screamers will just mill around above you while you are underground.  The screamers will only engage / scream once they see you / locate your presence when you come back to the surface (and may never if you have your entrance a ways from where your base is generating the heat).


Bedrock has been 3 layers since at least Alpha 19 but maybe even further back.

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You can play older versions.


But you should also try making an underground bunker in the current version because they are not impossible to have as a crafting and everyday base. You will just want a separate base for bloodmoon defense. Sorry you aren't enjoying the changes. As you stated, it is your opinion and not necessarily the way others might feel. TFP is making updates that they feel make the game better but not everyone is going to agree obviously. If you don't know about the beta branch to play older versions let me know and I can help you out.

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12 minutes ago, Red Eagle LXIX said:

You have to go back to Alpha 7.3 to find bedrock at layer depth of 2.  That was when the XML files were still inside the asset bundles.


I believe they did make a later change where they lowered the surface level to create more above ground space and thus making less below ground blocks between the surface and bedrock. I think that was either an A17 or A18 change and it was more dramatic of a change than just the +3 change to bedrock.

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3 minutes ago, theFlu said:

Bottom left corner of your map, "elevation".


OiC said the blind man.  I thought it was feet elevation above sea level.  NVM.  

And Second Stupid question.


Why would that even be a big deal?

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On 3/24/2022 at 12:22 PM, BFT2020 said:

You can build a base underground and all zombies, with the exception of bloodmoon zombies, will not find you.  If you exceed 100 on the heat map, wandering hordes will just pass you by and screamers will just mill around above you while you are underground.  The screamers will only engage / scream once they see you / locate your presence when you come back to the surface (and may never if you have your entrance a ways from where your base is generating the heat).


Bedrock has been 3 layers since at least Alpha 19 but maybe even further back.

I can vouch for this. I'm in the process of doing some testing and I needed to  go down to bedrock, but I also needed to be at the highest ground point I could find. Top of a mountain to bedrock is over 200+ blocks. And yes, I'm using the dev digger tool. I'm no fool. Each time I arrived back to the top I'd see a screamer hopping around the uneven terrain far enough away as to not see me. From the bottom I couldn't hear a thing, not even the shuffling of zombie feet. Blissful silence.  

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May i just don´t see the problem here, but why does it matter if it´s 3+ or 0? How deep you can go is only depending on the elevation level of the surface. So if you are lucky you can go deeper on +3 because the surface of your map is just generally more elevated. If you are unlucky your surface elevation is very low meaning you couldn´t even go as deep as on the other map even with bedrock at 0.

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On 3/25/2022 at 1:58 PM, Rotor said:

Stupid question, I thought you had to go down 30 blocks to hit bedrock??  What is this +2 +3 gizmo?


To be clear: the game map is built from level 0 to level 255 and is flat on the bottom and the top. The bottom 3 layers (+1 to +3) are bedrock and the top ~20 or so I think are guaranteed air (unless you use a custom heightmap). In between that are varying heights of terrain, with "sea level" being at about +60. If you're on a mountain at level 120 then you'd have to dig 117 blocks down to hit bedrock.




On 3/26/2022 at 6:04 AM, pApA^LeGBa said:

So if you are lucky you can go deeper on +3 because the surface of your map is just generally more elevated.


Unfortunately, no and in fact it would be the opposite. The map is 256 blocks tall. Any layers consumed by bedrock reduce the available layers for terrain. So if they decided to increase the bedrock layer to 5, that would be 2 fewer layers available between for example "sea level" at +60 and bedrock now at +5.


Furthermore, the layers in biomes.xml are defined by thickness, and capped by heightmap elevation. So for example the first listed snow biome is defined as:


1 layer snow

3 layers dirt

N layers rock (depends on heightmap; this 'fills out' the middle of the terrain)

3 layers bedrock


So imagine the heightmap says that an area should be at elevation +100. In the current 3-layer-bedrock config, that would be:


1 layer snow

3 layers dirt

93 layers stone

3 layers bedrock


If you increase bedrock to 5 layers, that doesn't give you "more elevated" terrain to dig through, you just lose 2 layers of rock:


1 layer snow

3 layers dirt

91 layers stone

5 layers bedrock

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Yeah sure, but what i meant is that if you have a map where the average surface is at +100 with bedrock at +3 you can go deeper than on a map where you average surface is at +50 and bedrock at 0.


Afaik, flat terrain doesn´t automatically mean you are at sea level.


It´s random anyways how you are elevated, so i don´t see the big deal about 2 layers more making it +3 for bedrock. You gotta be in a very specific niche situation that those 2 layers actually matter.

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