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NPCMod and Addons


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16 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

Hey, shout out to the voice actor you got to play Harley Quinn. She's good to her role! Seriously. You guys have put a LOT of excellent effort into these modules. I'm enjoying them. I appreciate the amount of time you have taken to get these things up and running in a straight-forward, easy-to-use manner.


Also, no bully on baker. He flunked out of culinary school before the apocalypse. Nurse Ratchet was about to have her nursing certificate revoked. And the soldiers spent their first months in a bunker playing nothing but CS:GO. It all makes sense if you think about it.


Smooth brain question: is there anyway to automatically update from github to latest version?


The Mod Launcher will keep the latest version updated for you 

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8 hours ago, ktrain said:

Here are some examples, first is the minibike to show how they should match...



More feedback:


the NPC's don't seem to know god mode, if you're in god mode and encounter a raider they will kill you then you just glide along and can't do anything until you turn god mode off, then you can die and respawn


Also, what is the point of the Baker if you can't hire him? he's just running around doing nothing to justify use of server cpu cycles and RAM...


It looks like the toolbar mod is pulling the name from localization, and our Press E action text is coming from the xml Names property list.  Not a high priority fix but I will add it as a feature request.  

Edited by xyth (see edit history)
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Version value=" pushed and this is considered our first STABLE release, likely good enough to be used for longer game play.


Fixes most of the remaining important bugs


Adds in hearing capability to NPCs so the no longer depend on 360 vision to detect things.  You can sneak up them now.  They no longer can see you through walls.


Teleporting happens behind you, not in front which was jarring.


Everything should now target everything as expected.


NPC and player Friendly Fire fixes, based on relationship between those.  If its hate, its kill on sight.  Dislike wont attack but will take damage from friendly fire.  Neutral or friendlier will not take friendly fire damage.  This is complex and effected by the servers player killing settings, and the above is the default behavior when the vanilla server settings for player killing is left on default.


Zombies were removed from faction targeting and use EAI targeting and tasks, and now behave as expected.




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3 hours ago, ktrain said:

Is this update just for NPCCore, or Score and NPCCore, or Score and NPCCore and Packs?


In other words, what exactly do I have to download and update to use this and keep everything else also working?


If you are unsure, always check out the github repository to see what has been updated and when exactly (you can find that information for every item on the right hand side in the repository list).


This time it looks like only NPCCore was updated 20 minutes ago (at the time of writing this post). If you haven't updated SCore in a while, you may want to update that one too as the last update to it was 21 hours ago.

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9 hours ago, xyth said:

Version value=" pushed and this is considered our first STABLE release, likely good enough to be used for longer game play.


Fixes most of the remaining important bugs


Adds in hearing capability to NPCs so the no longer depend on 360 vision to detect things.  You can sneak up them now.  They no longer can see you through walls.


Teleporting happens behind you, not in front which was jarring.


Everything should now target everything as expected.


NPC and player Friendly Fire fixes, based on relationship between those.  If its hate, its kill on sight.  Dislike wont attack but will take damage from friendly fire.  Neutral or friendlier will not take friendly fire damage.  This is complex and effected by the servers player killing settings, and the above is the default behavior when the vanilla server settings for player killing is left on default.


Zombies were removed from faction targeting and use EAI targeting and tasks, and now behave as expected.




Amazing as per usual!

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Really nice mod!😃 NPCs make adventure more diversity than vanilla.

Playing some other mods with my friends and I really want them to use this mod with others.
I only know a little about xml and failed to use this mod with some OVERHAUL MODS.We are now playing Undead Legacy and unfortunately cannot use both.

So may I ask for a compatibility mod or something like that? or just told me what I should touch if I want to make one myself.

My English is bad. Sorry if I offended someone.😓

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Large overhauls like UL are designed so modding them is very difficult.   I have never played UL so I have no idea how to begin making a compatiblity mod.   Other overhauls are working on adding this mod to their overhaul but you will need to reach out to UL to see what his plan is.

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3 hours ago, xyth said:

Large overhauls like UL are designed so modding them is very difficult.   I have never played UL so I have no idea how to begin making a compatiblity mod.   Other overhauls are working on adding this mod to their overhaul but you will need to reach out to UL to see what his plan is.

Subquake said that he has a plan to implement NPCs, but he plans to create his own C# code base for it, so this mod will most likely never achieve official compatibility.

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3 minutes ago, xyth said:

1000s of hours went into making this mod, so no one should copy/pasting elements of SCore and NPCCore for public use.   Terms of use are posted.  

My question to him was simply that if he still plans to do his NPCs and if yes, if he's going to use NPCMod as a base or use his own code and he said that he will use his own code. It will be a completely new mod then, at least that was how I understood it.

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First time using Gurlz. I loved it. "Rusty Cora" was a kick-ass companion. Couple of questions.


Is there a way to heal them? Cora would jump from the second floor to go after zombies. She'd lose 20 -30 hp b4 engaging them. I know their health will restore, when idle. Just wondering if there's a way to use first aid for mass healing.


Is there something I can do, to remove some of the text above the character? There's 4 or 5 lines of it.


How does our "contract" expire? Cora just dropped dead. She was fine. Then, she was dead. There was no reason. 

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1 hour ago, scm1893 said:

First time using Gurlz. I loved it. "Rusty Cora" was a kick-ass companion. Couple of questions.


Is there a way to heal them? Cora would jump from the second floor to go after zombies. She'd lose 20 -30 hp b4 engaging them. I know their health will restore, when idle. Just wondering if there's a way to use first aid for mass healing.


Is there something I can do, to remove some of the text above the character? There's 4 or 5 lines of it.


How does our "contract" expire? Cora just dropped dead. She was fine. Then, she was dead. There was no reason. 


You mean friendly raider gurlz? If so, I'm glad you're enjoying them.


Unfortunately healing them is not an option at the moment and the same goes for each and every type of NPC, not just friendly raider gurlz, that feature simply doesn't exist in the core mods at the moment.


As for the text above their heads, there should be only their name and that's it. If you're seeing something more than that, that makes me believe that you might be using older versions of SCore and NPCCore where this extra information was present. If that's the case, you should make sure you have your base mods SCore and NPCCore updated to their latest versions.


As for the last inquiry, I'm afraid I can't give you an answer for that, it would be best to make an official bug report, preferably including the output_log file, and using the following template:



Summary: (a short description of the bug)

Game Version: (A20 bxxx)

Platform: (PC / Mac)

Video Settings: (Low / Medium / High / Ultra / Custom (Custom has many combinations, so just list the settings you think are relevant to the bug if any))

Game mode: (MP host / MP client / SP / Client on Dedi)

Did you start a new game? (Yes/No) Note: do not submit a bug report until you retest your issue in a new game.  

Did you validate your files? (Yes/No)

Are you using any other mods? (Yes/No) Note: Please retest without any mods loaded in a new game.

EAC off?  Note: Needs to be Off.

Bug Description:

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

Actual result: (description of what is occurring)

Expected result: (what you expect to occur)


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1 hour ago, scm1893 said:

...Is there something I can do, to remove some of the text above the character? There's 4 or 5 lines of it...

these only appear when you are in debug mode, although for me, they persisted even after exiting dm, so i just dismissed and rehired the NPC and the wall of text was finally gone


can we keep them any closer when wandering? they just keep going, then find trouble and die without me there to help...which is probably what hapeened to Cora lol

Edited by ktrain (see edit history)
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The Spider Colony Expansion Mod Pack has just been updated with a couple of Prefabs. One is an overhaul of Cave_04 from Vanilla game play at Tier 3. The second one is a Tier 5 Spider's Nest. Rather large and would benefit from 2+ NPC support depending on your level, etc.


It's a Wilderness tagged POI and will head into any Biome that supports it. The Pine Forest.



And desert.



Should spice up spider interactions.


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4 hours ago, ktrain said:

these only appear when you are in debug mode, although for me, they persisted even after exiting dm, so i just dismissed and rehired the NPC and the wall of text was finally gone


can we keep them any closer when wandering? they just keep going, then find trouble and die without me there to help...which is probably what hapeened to Cora lol


Use the command interface.   In creative mode, type NPC and grab the 3 button icon, and place on tool bar.  There is a video on the original post that shows how to use.   You can then command them to follow you and not be distracted.


If you are the leader, they should not Wander more than 30 blocks away.


NPCs will heal themselves with a medicated bandage when the have 65% damage or more.  Healing will be enhanced in a later update


The debug information bubble over head is enabled only if you are in debug mod, and can be toggled on/off using numpad 0






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Thank you all, so much.

I do play in DM 'cause I'm a freestyle builder. (That means I'm too impatient to craft everything.) I was hoping there was a toggle for that info. I had 4 followers, once, and the screen was just gibberish with all their info displayed.


I figured Cora's death was a bug. We were in the base. She was just standing near me and died. 

Check this out. My game was haunted!

After my first post, her 'ghost' showed up in another spot on the map. I could see her info. I teleported to the area. She was still in Follow mode, but wouldn't leave the area on foot. I dropped in a 4x4 and she "rode" back to the base, gunning everything along the way. When I exited the vehicle, she was gone from the game.  Eerie, huh? Like a ghost story quest.

What makes it weirder is, the first time we visited this area, she became possessed, firing continually at anything and everything. Somehow, she became tied to this area so the game resurrected her there.

I conclude, her 'kill crazy' persona was still active, in the game's calculations, even though she was with me, in the base. Eventually, the 'persona' died, killing the one with me. See ghost story quest above. I, literally, had to retrieve her killer ghost and deliver it to the place where she died, to put it to rest. The coolest accidental quest ever.


The other 4 fell through the map, in a strange glitch. The game seemed to pulse or throb 3 times (not a graphics stutter) and they were gone. I could see their name info way below ground. 


@xyth - Do I leave bandages in the inventory? I had put a first aid kit in Cora's, but didn't get the chance to see if she used it.

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Right now bandages are not needed, they will magically heal once away from enemies and are below 65% health.  They use the player bandage arm animation.


Most of the teleporting/ghosting issues hopefully are fixed in the next version.  We need more testing, otherwise we are blind to these issues.


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1 hour ago, xyth said:

Right now bandages are not needed, they will magically heal once away from enemies and are below 65% health.  They use the player bandage arm animation.


Most of the teleporting/ghosting issues hopefully are fixed in the next version.  We need more testing, otherwise we are blind to these issues.



I hope those issues are fixed. I had a shower thought that maybe a good workaround would be that once you hire an npc, you get their bedroll in your inventory, and can place that in your base. So that way if they say, disappear or die you can respawn them there. 

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2 hours ago, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:


I hope those issues are fixed. I had a shower thought that maybe a good workaround would be that once you hire an npc, you get their bedroll in your inventory, and can place that in your base. So that way if they say, disappear or die you can respawn them there. 


I have not seen NPCs fall through the world or disappear like you stated, at least not in the last few builds.  If you dont mind, test without other mods to confirm bugs you see.  Thanks.

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5 hours ago, xyth said:


I have not seen NPCs fall through the world or disappear like you stated, at least not in the last few builds.  If you dont mind, test without other mods to confirm bugs you see.  Thanks.


I will have to. I suspect it's on one profile i have set up, because not only do the npcs fall through, but i am in the process of using up my tuneeling dynamite to rescue a motorcycle that has been swalled by the earth, if it can be rescued. 


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16 hours ago, xyth said:


I have not seen NPCs fall through the world or disappear like you stated, at least not in the last few builds.  If you dont mind, test without other mods to confirm bugs you see.  Thanks.

Play without mods?!😬 JK - as long as I can DM. It'd just take too long, in vanilla, b4 I could hire 4 of them to test. We'd be in A21. I'm assuming that playing with DM on won't change anything in Gurlz behavior.  Plus, it'd be a truer re-creation of the circumstances. 

The Gurlz falling thru might have just been victims of the weird glitch. I've seen a few glitches. I've even fallen thru. (I got an achievement for it.) But I've never seen that before.

I'll set up a new game with just Gurlz and see if I can re-create anything.


Also, there's another Gurl, same avatar as Cora but different name, running around the same area, gunning everything in sight. Something about this area makes em trigger happy. I'm gonna hire her and see what happens b4 starting anew. I'll check back in.

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2 hours ago, scm1893 said:

Play without mods?!😬 JK - as long as I can DM. It'd just take too long, in vanilla, b4 I could hire 4 of them to test. We'd be in A21. I'm assuming that playing with DM on won't change anything in Gurlz behavior.  Plus, it'd be a truer re-creation of the circumstances. 

The Gurlz falling thru might have just been victims of the weird glitch. I've seen a few glitches. I've even fallen thru. (I got an achievement for it.) But I've never seen that before.

I'll set up a new game with just Gurlz and see if I can re-create anything.


Also, there's another Gurl, same avatar as Cora but different name, running around the same area, gunning everything in sight. Something about this area makes em trigger happy. I'm gonna hire her and see what happens b4 starting anew. I'll check back in.


It's a weird one. I suspect everyone is flaling through, but i am just seeing the npcs because they have names? It may be because the particular overhaul i was playing with is not finished, and is mp only and i tried playing it in single player because who reads the description of software before they install it? anyway it allows crouching and crawling through one block high openings, so i have had weird glitch teleports when doing this. when xyth said "i am not seeing this" it clicked that i am playing an incomplete overhaul. 


The problem is all the overhauls i really like, are not compatible with the npcs yet. I see that red "duplicate physics body" line in the startup console and i know that hitboxes will be broken so it's not compatible. That's the downside with early access games: updates break all your favorite mods" 

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Many of the major overhauls are actively working on adding the NPCCore engine to their mods.  This mod with the SCore is more of a NPC feature engine than a mod itself, as we don't put much effort into the overall gameplay experience, we focus on functionality and scalability.  Each of these major mods will use this engine to add NPCs to custom POIs, custom quests, etc.   That's where the real magic will happen.  



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