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20 hours ago, warmer said:

Is there anything special I need to do to enable spawn? It feels like it's broken. When I use "spawnw h" I can get it to register a horde should spawn but none have shown up. When I use "spawnw b" for bandits it says that is an unknown entity.



You should not have to do anything to enable spawns.  Are you sure you have the mods unzipped properly, and installed in the correct folder?  Can't really diagnose what else is going on without a log file, or the config dump to see what mod changes have been applied.

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5 hours ago, Evil_Geoff said:

You should not have to do anything to enable spawns.  Are you sure you have the mods unzipped properly, and installed in the correct folder?  Can't really diagnose what else is going on without a log file, or the config dump to see what mod changes have been applied.

I think I know what the issue is. I was using the GitHub file linked in the Wasteland Overhaul mod. That is very out of date. I just saw the most current link at the beginning of this thread.

Yep that was 100% my issue, the link in the wasteland overhaul takes you to A20 version. The link at the beginning of this thread worked perfectly.

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On 10/18/2023 at 11:23 PM, Evil_Geoff said:

Have you tried looking around the Red Rocket outside Sanctuary Hills?


Not sure if this is an NPCCore issue, a mod conflict glitch, or what.  Using bdub's The Wasteland overhaul with the Friendly Raider Girlz and KHZ Civilians NPC packs.

When using the "Show me your inventory" command to have hirelings/employees/followers/whateveryouwanttocallthem (I swear I hear Lydia saying "I am sworn to carry your burdens" every time I use it 🤣 ) to carry stuff, I have discovered that hirelings (at least some of them) repair items if they were at less than 100% durability. I have recreated this with weapons and armor items.

HOWEVER! If you put mods on the items before giving the items to the follower to carry, the item will be returned without the mods installed. I lost a reflex sight and extended magazine on a 10mm SMG that way.  Not gonna complain at all about the auto-repair feature at all!  LOL  And now that I know about the mods disappearing off of items, I can deal with that as well.  I used creative and got my mods back.

No error messages thrown but maybe someone will be able to duplicate the issue and see what's going on.


I confirmed the free repair and the mods theft bugs when picking up and placing down NPCs.  Its working as expected, as the code recreates the NPC and its contents when you place it back down, and quality and mods are not saved due to limitations of the Items meta data.  Mods shouldnt be on NPC weapons, as they cant benefit from mods.  Lets just say that the NPC takes any mods you put on items in their inventory as payment for free repairs 🙂

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On 10/13/2023 at 2:19 PM, Crepes7 said:

Hi all,


Major issue.  Somehow I found a perk book in one of my storage boxes called "Master of disguise" that was described as letting you join the bandit faction.  I read the book, and now the following happens:

1) Bandits don't attack me, but attack my companion

2) I can't damage bandits who are attacking my companion

3) Civilians attack me, and I can't talk to or recruit them

4) I also can't talk to or recruit bandits


Searched everywhere for how to un-do reading this book, came up empty.  Please advise.

There should be a Whiteriver faction book you can cheat in.


That book is for faction testing and not intended for use in loot or gameplay, for the reasons you discovered.  It could all work as expected, but all that isnt coded yet.


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Question about NPC speed. I ran into a Soldier NPC playing the Wasteland overhaul mod. I am not sure if it was just a high level enemy type or if their speed is relative to the speed I set for zombies. I usually have them set to Jog during the day because it's way to easy if I dont. But this guy was out running me easily and he never got tired swinging his sledge hammer.

Do NPC also follow player relative speed or zombie speed in settings, and do they also have a stamina stat related to attacking?

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On 10/19/2023 at 2:11 PM, lordneg said:

can you hire the raiders?



Thankfully this issue got resolved!  No, I couldn't hire raiders.



6 hours ago, xyth said:

There should be a Whiteriver faction book you can cheat in.


That book is for faction testing and not intended for use in loot or gameplay, for the reasons you discovered.  It could all work as expected, but all that isnt coded yet.



Thanks for the response - that issue was already resolved, thankfully.  I'm still having the issue though of a downtown Wasteland area spawning in *tons* of NPC's (like 20+ battling each other) and they keep spawning more and more until my framerate is like 5 FPS. 


Any help is appreciated on that front!


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Update... the massive overspawning doesn't just happen in a downtown Wasteland area, it seems to be anywhere in the Wasteland at night if you stick around one place for 10ish minutes.


I just found a nice isolated building away from everything, and as I looked it over more and more friendly and enemy NPC's have been spawning in and now there's a small army around my potential new base.  It'd be cool if my FPS wasn't in the 30s :(  There's not *as* many enemy NPC's spawning in as downtown it seems, but there's still far too many and I can't imagine how horde night performance would be.

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Hello! So I am new to the forum and modding in general and my group of friends is setting up a personal server for us to play on. Is there a reason there is no way to put the trader protection and kickout feature back in, to prevent players from camping there during the night? We like it a bit harder when we play after all. We are really wanting to play The Wastelands but this is something that might make us go another route. Would really appreciate any help/responses to help with this. 

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15 minutes ago, Guppycur said:

Turn trader protection on in the poi's XML, but this isn't wasteland, this is npc mod. 

While that is true that it is not the wasteland, it does use NPC and Score as part of it's required components. And I got as far as tracking the part that disables the protection to the NPC mod and Score. I do thank you. I will try that.

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1 hour ago, willthefluteboy said:

While that is true that it is not the wasteland, it does use NPC and Score as part of it's required components. And I got as far as tracking the part that disables the protection to the NPC mod and Score. I do thank you. I will try that.

I turn it off in Wasteland's blocks.xml. Might need to reset the POIs to make it work, or start a new save. Not sure how the protection being off lends to camping in them at night. They are able to be destroyed like all other POIs.

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1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

I turn it off in Wasteland's blocks.xml. Might need to reset the POIs to make it work, or start a new save. Not sure how the protection being off lends to camping in them at night. They are able to be destroyed like all other POIs.

That's the thing, the first 7 days if any person on the server decides to go near the traders the zombies will completely demolish the place and kill the trader. Kinda preventative so we don't need someone to admin in the trader whenever someone does something like that. Also we are unsure if the Big Rocket's count as trader poi's as they are defended by the power armor guys. So hiding out in a big rocket at night would make things too easy. :p I will keep searching. We also want the whole doors closing and it kicks people out of the poi to work as it should too. Just my friends preferences after all. 

I do really appreciate all the help. I feel like I noob that I didn't see the options in that file. XD


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7 hours ago, willthefluteboy said:

I do really appreciate all the help. I feel like I noob that I didn't see the options in that file. XD


One additional thing The Wasteland does, is turn off that 0-Score 'one block crouch' feature that allows players to crawl through those one block holes. It is set to 'true' by default but not well publicised. If you really want that feature to remain on as is default, it's another Wasteland blocks.xml toggle. I check from time to time to see if it gets set to false by default but it still remains in that true state.

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It will help to share what 0-Score is partnering with in your Mods load out, and by its nature, powering. By default, extended Trader features are turned off and it should just be regular game play as far as that is concerned. However, when paired with something that is adding toggle code to switch things from 'false' to 'true' state in 0-Score, additional game play dynamics can appear.

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1 hour ago, arramus said:

It will help to share what 0-Score is partnering with in your Mods load out, and by its nature, powering. By default, extended Trader features are turned off and it should just be regular game play as far as that is concerned. However, when paired with something that is adding toggle code to switch things from 'false' to 'true' state in 0-Score, additional game play dynamics can appear.

As stated in a previous post we are using The Wasteland which has those toggles. But there is no toggle for the kicking out of the safe zone at night. It's just flat out disabled. Toggling the protection doesn't fix that portion of it for some reason. 

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5 minutes ago, willthefluteboy said:

As stated in a previous post we are using The Wasteland which has those toggles. But there is no toggle for the kicking out of the safe zone at night. It's just flat out disabled. Toggling the protection doesn't fix that portion of it for some reason. 

That post was directed at the post before it for Minerva BOS.


I don't know if you are gaming buddies or separate posters.


However, A20 Traders and A21 Traders perform the kickout feature in different ways. A20 sets a kickout zone around the POI and A21 specifically adds some Teleport Volumes to Trader POIs. It is possible they do not have Teleport Volumes in all of the Wasteland Trader Compounds since they are customised or repurposed from A20.

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4 minutes ago, arramus said:

That post was directed at the post before it for Minerva BOS.


I don't know if you are gaming buddies or separate posters.


However, A20 Traders and A21 Traders perform the kickout feature in different ways. A20 sets a kickout zone around the POI and A21 specifically adds some Teleport Volumes to Trader POIs. It is possible they do not have Teleport Volumes in all of the Wasteland Trader Compounds since they are customised or repurposed from A20.

Ahh sorry, yes they are the one hosting the server for our friend group. Sorry for the misunderstanding. ^~^ And I am not versed enough in modding to really make much headway honestly. I’m just bumbling around…


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The challenge here is to check up on each and every 'The Wasteland' trader and see which ones are hooked up for the A21 Kick Out time.
Once that's established and if tests show it works if added, it will require discussion with bdubyah to see if it is acceptable to change any over.


I shall share a couple of images to show how it works in a moment after I launch the Wasteland.

This is 'The Wasteland Trader Bob' from A20 and converted for A21.

You'll see in the menu on the right that 'Show Trader Teleports' is checked.
The POI shows no volume surrounding it. As such, even on closing, the doors may be locked but there'll be no kick out.



This is 'The Wasteland Trader Bob 2' from A21.

[img]https://i.imgur.com/xnL2n54.jpg[/img]It shows that big blue box around it and smaller ones in other areas. They are the ones that will kick you away if you attempt to breach within.


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Your options:

1. Update the older types with no Trader Teleports from the World. That will require assistance if you are not familiar with the process. There is a requests and discussion channel in this forum.

2. Start a new World with them removed from the appropriate POI Prefabs folder.


Either way, it will help to test that the new versions allow the kick out feature to work when it's restored. As for the Rad Cats POI... that's a special case since it has the NPCs.
Using the Rad Cats POI during a Horde Night will effectively kill off all of those NPCs and trash it rendering it toothless. Using it as a one off place for the night or extended nights, is what it is and some Server Admin allow it while others do not. They are pretty rare and luck plays a part but it really depends on your own rule set.

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