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JaxTeller718's V1.0 Modlets


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Welcome to my modlet page. These modlets are intended for players who find vanilla a little too easy. They will increase difficulty, remove op items, and overall bring vanilla to an experience that I myself choose to play. It is important to note these mods are not designed to make 7 days better. That is subjective to what you value in your play. Rather it is designed to make gameplay longer, harder, grindier and more difficult. 


If there are any modlets you wish to see converted, or if you have an idea of a modlet you would like to see please leave a reply here and I will create it for you. 


Note: These modlets can not work with Ravenhearst. Ravenhearst will have by default these modlets already included, though balanced for the world of RH.



Latest Modlet




Trader Quality to Level 2

This modlet modifies trader inventories so they will only sell up to level 2 Quality tools, weapons and armor.


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Bigger Wandering Hordes

Takes the vanilla wandering hordes and adds a few extra zeds to each stage for a bigger more dangerous wandering horde. Balances the Animal Hordes as well so they aren't too crazy but have a slight increase.


Download This Modlet



Working Devices

Adds a working coffeemaker, stove, sinks, microwaves and BBQ grills. All vanilla devices can be repaired, coffeemakers and grills are destroyed in world for a chance to take ne home. Stoves and Ranges are upgraded via special crafted kits. You can also make in game stoves and ovens and upgrade them at home. BBQ grills have a few special recipes in them. They can be crafted or used in world. Sinks must be upgraded. Faucets are NOT included. When fixed, sinks can be right clicked with an Empty Jar (yes they are back and found in loot) to give you some murky water.


Bowls can be found in loot, like dishwashers and cupboards. Jars as well. Microwaves and Coffeemakers are picked up when you destroy microwaves and coffeemakers in POIs. There is a chance to receive them so if at first you do not succeed, try again.


This is an ongoing modlet so if you find any omissions or you would like some recipes added let me know. I am considering making late game dishes stove exclusives.


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Increased Zombie Spawning x2

Multiplies the population of zombies in towns and wild by the following numbers. 


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Increased Zombie Spawning x4

Multiplies the population of zombies in towns and wild by the following numbers. 


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Increased Zombie Spawning x6

Multiplies the population of zombies in towns and wild by the following numbers. 


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More to come


Download All Modlets In One Package v1.0



Edited by JaxTeller718
Added Trader Quality to level 2 Modlet (see edit history)
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5 minutes ago, JaxTeller718 said:

Added zombie reach modlet

Thank you. This has always been very popular with the little community I game with because players are from all over and server latency can be a little higher due to distance and greater ping. It helps to level the playing field while increasing the game difficulty.

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14 minutes ago, arramus said:

Thank you. This has always been very popular with the little community I game with because players are from all over and server latency can be a little higher due to distance and greater ping. It helps to level the playing field while increasing the game difficulty.

You're very welcome. Agreed, I played for a few hours on vanilla yesterday and some of the attacks were a bit unfair. Enjoy!

Added Increased Zombie Modlets

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Thanks so much for these. I can't play without the increased zombies. It just doesn't feel right not being threatened at every turn.


Now if we can get your awesome Working Microwaves and Bird Nest and Trash Piles Destroy on Loot mods I'd be set.


Those 4 mods are staples in all my games. I always found your microwave mod was a great half way point between having no food and having a good chef without breaking the game. How trash and bird piles don't destroy in vanilla I will never know. I absolutely hate going over the same nest multiple times cause no one will get rid of it.

Edited by CynicalGamer (see edit history)
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Hey Jax, Love your mods and have used many of them for years.  Based on the title of this page and the comments I am confused.  A20 graveyard would indicate these no longer work in A20.  But the comments seem to be the opposite that these are the ones you have umm resurrected TO work with A20.


Just checking to make sure the the 2nd statement IS working again in A20 is the correct thought.

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17 hours ago, cayla said:

Any chance that the reach mod is making zombies no longer move? I don't have moving zombies on my server after putting the reach mod on.



I've been using zombie reach for 2 days now with no issues. I know there is a button that turns off the ai, could it be you hit that on accident?

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Can I use this with other spawning mods? Or will they just cancel on of them out? Say this coupled with 'Duriel's More Zombies x64 Crazy short delay' and 'KHA20-WanderingHordePatch'


Looking for maximum overall zombie population in all biomes, city, town, wilderness. Obviously it doesn't effect placed zombs in POI's.

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29 minutes ago, kimsgrim said:

Can I use this with other spawning mods? Or will they just cancel on of them out? Say this coupled with 'Duriel's More Zombies x64 Crazy short delay' and 'KHA20-WanderingHordePatch'


Looking for maximum overall zombie population in all biomes, city, town, wilderness. Obviously it doesn't effect placed zombs in POI's.

Im unsure of this, i assume not but i have not tested these against other modlets. The khaine patch should be fine though. 

On 12/7/2021 at 2:57 PM, Ozzland said:

Hey Jax, Love your mods and have used many of them for years.  Based on the title of this page and the comments I am confused.  A20 graveyard would indicate these no longer work in A20.  But the comments seem to be the opposite that these are the ones you have umm resurrected TO work with A20.


Just checking to make sure the the 2nd statement IS working again in A20 is the correct thought.

I was trying to be witty lol Ill change the name of it so its not so confusing

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On 12/7/2021 at 1:50 PM, CynicalGamer said:

Thanks so much for these. I can't play without the increased zombies. It just doesn't feel right not being threatened at every turn.


Now if we can get your awesome Working Microwaves and Bird Nest and Trash Piles Destroy on Loot mods I'd be set.


Those 4 mods are staples in all my games. I always found your microwave mod was a great half way point between having no food and having a good chef without breaking the game. How trash and bird piles don't destroy in vanilla I will never know. I absolutely hate going over the same nest multiple times cause no one will get rid of it.

Your wish is my command


Added along with a simple 5 slot craft queue

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It may be nothing as I cant tell if it is working or not, but I noticed the below warning when running up my server.


2021-12-09T12:41:09 33.938 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='03']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS5' 	and @num='06']/@num"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2021-12-09T12:41:09 33.938 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='04']/spawn[@group='ZombieDogGroup' 			and @num='04']/@num"  (line 6 at pos 3)
2021-12-09T12:41:09 33.938 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='05']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS1' 	and @num='09']/@num"  (line 7 at pos 3)


Thanks for all your work!!!

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3 hours ago, LewZephyr said:


It may be nothing as I cant tell if it is working or not, but I noticed the below warning when running up my server.


2021-12-09T12:41:09 33.938 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='03']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS5' 	and @num='06']/@num"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2021-12-09T12:41:09 33.938 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='04']/spawn[@group='ZombieDogGroup' 			and @num='04']/@num"  (line 6 at pos 3)
2021-12-09T12:41:09 33.938 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='05']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS1' 	and @num='09']/@num"  (line 7 at pos 3)


Thanks for all your work!!!


I just came to post the same thing. Saw this when I was exiting and got an error.


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4 hours ago, CynicalGamer said:


I just came to post the same thing. Saw this when I was exiting and got an error.


I will look at this tomorrow. I assume they changed the name of the groups. it shouldnt cause any serious issue but i will make sure it s fixed by tomorrow. Thank you guys for enjoying the modlets. more to come!

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Fixed the Wandering Horde Modlet


Added a Grass Cutter, a modlet for Harsher Food Buff Penalties and my new favorite Harsher Death Penalty!!!


Lot of talk here on death penalty. This adds respawn at 5 percent max food and water, up too 100x XP deficit instead of vanillas 25 percent so you can die 4 times and lose up to 100 percent XP as opposed to 25 percent once, it removes the clear buffs on death. So broken arms legs and Infection will PERSIST through death. Dying is no longer the easy answer. Infection WILL clear after you die to it at 100 percent.

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1 hour ago, gpcstargate said:

 O-Thank you JaxTeller


I was worried that this might have been forgotten ..  "Bird Nest and Trash Bags Destroy on Loot" .. it is a Must in any of my games along with others.


Thank you again .... Have a Great weekend and Take Care, the Old Gamer 😌 

You have a great weekend as well Old Friend :)

Added Disable Chair Pickups. Turns off E for pickups on chairs in pois. We used to use this because people would make walls of chair for hordes. Now you have to break them in POIS.


Also added Disable Bedroll Pickups. If that is your thing.

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3 new modlets added today


Working Coffeemaker

Adds a working coffeemaker. Perfect compliment to the working microwave. Destroy coffeemakers in houses to acquire one. Recipes for tea and coffee are included in them.





More uses for Nails. Adds nails to recipes containing wood and also adds nails to harvests of poi wood items.




Nuts and Berries

Adds nut and berry food items. They can be acquired from punching bushes and grass. Nuts give a small amount of food and berries give some water. Combine them for handfuls of each and an extra bonus.

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Added a new modlet that  think is great for early game



Honey can be very difficult to find early game. This modlet increases the chance of honey dropping from tree stumps and also slightly increases the probability of tree stumps spawning in the world. That part requires a new map to see results for.

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8 hours ago, Rathlon said:

I'm wondering is it possible to create extra foods using the nuts and berries?

Cause I think it would extend the use of them and making it viable to harvest the grass for them.

We can look into adding some recipes or at least adding these ingredients to some vanilla ones


Rage Removal From Normal Zombies

This modlet removes the rage feature from normal zombies. Keeps rage on feral and radiateds. Goodbye lunging zeds!

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I've messed around with the berries. While they are balanced food wise for early game gathering them seems to be a bit difficult. I tried 3 times to get 5 berries or nuts to craft a handful. Twice it took me just over 50 grass and 1 time I had to gather over 100 grass. With grass not growing back I could see this wear thin pretty quickly not to mention having to get so much grass for 8 food doesn't seem to pan out.

I know there is a fine line and this could ruin early game food struggles if not careful but it does seem to need tweaking a bit.

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Can't download your mods anymore for whatever reason.. Windows Defender keeps saying there's a Trojan mixed in the download link or something... Trojan:Script/Sabsik.FL.A!ml the links we're fine yesterday any idea what could've changed? Edit. Having the same problem with Action Skills A20

WD seems to have quarantined the Zip file as well. Re-edit was able to download Action Skills from Nexus without trouble think it could be linked to github somehow?

Edited by CrimsonKing
Another mod problem (see edit history)
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3 hours ago, CynicalGamer said:

I've messed around with the berries. While they are balanced food wise for early game gathering them seems to be a bit difficult. I tried 3 times to get 5 berries or nuts to craft a handful. Twice it took me just over 50 grass and 1 time I had to gather over 100 grass. With grass not growing back I could see this wear thin pretty quickly not to mention having to get so much grass for 8 food doesn't seem to pan out.

I know there is a fine line and this could ruin early game food struggles if not careful but it does seem to need tweaking a bit.

We can tweak it. They are currently set to RH settings lol

2 hours ago, CrimsonKing said:

Can't download your mods anymore for whatever reason.. Windows Defender keeps saying there's a Trojan mixed in the download link or something... Trojan:Script/Sabsik.FL.A!ml the links we're fine yesterday any idea what could've changed? Edit. Having the same problem with Action Skills A20

WD seems to have quarantined the Zip file as well. Re-edit was able to download Action Skills from Nexus without trouble think it could be linked to github somehow?

Entirely possible someone did a naughty on github today. None of my stuff is dll or exe so shouldnt throw that issue. But i will do a scan and double check. 

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