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Uncle Passed, 7 Days to Die Thank you.


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To Whom it may concern
My uncle, a man who I loved incredibly passed away yesterday on 9/26 to COVID. Its so hard to write, or speak and try to compose things to tell you all. But i wanted you to know how much he loved 7DTD. When he got me on it, that was it for him, he was already hooked. He would grind out this game so incredibly hard! if there was a way to check, you'd be impressed at just some of the wild and bizarre, but working idea's he'd come up with! He had me constantly getting hounded on by my wife because we were playing so much at one point. hah! (Tears in my eyes smiling while trying to write this.) But I think of all the amazing adventures we had together playing, and I want you to know as i'm sitting here with tears streaming down my face, you guys brought me some of the best memories i've ever had together with him. He was so fun, the stuff he would come up with in the game in order to try to get loot fast, or kill some zombies were out of this world, I promise! 

 What I wouldn't give one more day to have him with me to play again. I just can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate you all, because even though I'm crying, I'm smiling knowing I have awesome things to share and think about always. I love you guys/gals out there. Keep doing the amazing things you do.
 Thank you.  RIP  Hawkeye11871. Scott Lowe. 




Edited by CHAOS XTC69
COVID (see edit history)
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What a great story. I have shared it with the dev team. One of the goals was to create a game that would bring friends and families together in a way that would build comradery and make people feel that they were surviving together rather than always competing against each other like so many other games do. I think you agree that this game transcends simple co-op as it has been thought of before and you actually build relationships working together to mine, build, defend, and as it sounds from your description-- just do wild and funny and silly things together and create memories.


Deepest condolences for your loss.

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We're very sorry to hear about your loss.

And it is a good reminder that games are nothing without the people to play them. Not engine features,bullet points, etc. but thing like the times you can chill out after a bad week or the fun memorable reactions you get with other people you enjoy playing with.

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17 minutes ago, Yark said:

Man it really burns me up hearing of these healthy young people being taken by COVID. Stay strong brother; some day we'll make China pay for what they did to the world.






Please leave your conspiracy theories at the door. Thank you.

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