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GeForce Now Questions


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I don't know if this is a known problem or not but recently I wanted to try geforce now as it runs 7dtd better than my computer does but my steam saves don't seem to be on the geforce version geforce now says it supports cloud saves but I've looked everywhere online and no one seem sto have much answers on this I don't know if anyone else uses it here but if anyone could maybe lend a little bit of help it would be greatly appreciated because I'm a newbie with this type of stuff🤣🤣


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1 hour ago, Callum123456789 said:

 but my steam saves don't seem to be on the geforce version geforce now says it supports cloud saves but I've looked everywhere online

7D2D simply doesn't use Steam cloud saves. For a reason.


It's a voxel game. Every. Single. Block. that was modified needs to be saved.

While an unplayed map iirc is only ~30-50MB in size (which is already huge for a single "savegame"), maps played on for a while can reach several gigabytes easily. That's way too much for using cloud save.


If you have access to the underlying system, you probably could copy a save by hand. That would be the case if e.g. using shadow tech gaming, but afaik is not the case by geforce now. So there most likely is NO way to get your local saves to the cloud gaming service.

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51 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

7D2D simply doesn't use Steam cloud saves. For a reason.


It's a voxel game. Every. Single. Block. that was modified needs to be saved.

While an unplayed map iirc is only ~30-50MB in size (which is already huge for a single "savegame"), maps played on for a while can reach several gigabytes easily. That's way too much for using cloud save.


If you have access to the underlying system, you probably could copy a save by hand. That would be the case if e.g. using shadow tech gaming, but afaik is not the case by geforce now. So there most likely is NO way to get your local saves to the cloud gaming service.

Thanks for the info 

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10 hours ago, KingSlayerGM said:

Nvidia should really implement it. I was ready to pay for this service, but with this problem they can go f*** themselves

Probably you should have read what i wrote.

The problem is not Nvidia, but if you want to see it that way, TFP ist the problem. THEY didn't implement cloud saves.

And NVidia has even more ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with at, as Geforce runs only Steam. So if there are no STEAM cloud saves, NVidia you could jump in circles and there is still nothing.

So missing STEAM cloud saves is the problem.


And i also explained why 7d2d does not support STEAM cloud saves. Again: Because the saves are becoming @%$#*ng huge! I'm pretty sure you don't want to sync your save to the cloud, except you have a really high bandwith internet connection.


Being wrong on so many levels in parallel as your answer is worth an award. And for not reading, or even worse not understanding, previous answers, the you should be assigned for the second negativ award immediately. In germany there is the "Goldene Himbeere" award for the worst movie per year, lets call it the anti-oscar. I nominate you for getting it even twice in one year.


The level of intellect is almost like complaining: Why does the xbox game Forza not run on playstation. Sony should really implement this.

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11 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Probably you should have read what i wrote.

The problem is not Nvidia, but if you want to see it that way, TFP ist the problem. THEY didn't implement cloud saves.

And NVidia has even more ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with at, as Geforce runs only Steam. So if there are no STEAM cloud saves, NVidia you could jump in circles and there is still nothing.

So missing STEAM cloud saves is the problem.


And i also explained why 7d2d does not support STEAM cloud saves. Again: Because the saves are becoming @%$#*ng huge! I'm pretty sure you don't want to sync your save to the cloud, except you have a really high bandwith internet connection.


Being wrong on so many levels in parallel as your answer is worth an award. And for not reading, or even worse not understanding, previous answers, the you should be assigned for the second negativ award immediately. In germany there is the "Goldene Himbeere" award for the worst movie per year, lets call it the anti-oscar. I nominate you for getting it even twice in one year.


The level of intellect is almost like complaining: Why does the xbox game Forza not run on playstation. Sony should really implement this.

Dude chill out. I read what you wrote. I know how geforce now works. I am perfectly aware of this problem since I experienced it first hand, even before you did. Cloud saves are impractical because 7dtd saves are to large and Steam only allows up to 1GB.


Could TFP implement it with 1GB limit? sure. But I still believe that being able to access the storage of the machine you play on via FTP is a feature that nvidia should implement. Not only to upload saved games, but to change configuration files, tinker with mods, create backups.. And not only for 7dtd, but for any game.

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16 minutes ago, KingSlayerGM said:

Not only to upload saved games, but to change configuration files, tinker with mods, create backups..

Geforce now is a pure gaming service. Login -> play -> done. Very easy to use, but limited. Has to be seen more like a console, not like a unrestricted computer.


If you want more access, as i also already said, you can switch to eg. shadowtech. There you have full access to a virtual computer (that is meant to be used for games), but of course with all the disadvantages of a full virtual computer. You need to install steam yourself, you need to care for game updates, just like on a local pc. But since you have full access to the machine, you can copy safes, use mods from every source, change config files as you like, and the games are not limited to what is allowed with geforce now. You can also use epic with shadowtech and also use the computer for anything else then gaming (until some restrictions, like mining coins is forbidden).

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12 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Geforce now is a pure gaming service. Login -> play -> done. Very easy to use, but limited. Has to be seen more like a console, not like a unrestricted computer.


If you want more access, as i also already said, you can switch to eg. shadowtech. There you have full access to a virtual computer (that is meant to be used for games), but of course with all the disadvantages of a full virtual computer. You need to install steam yourself, you need to care for game updates, just like on a local pc. But since you have full access to the machine, you can copy safes, use mods from every source, change config files as you like, and the games are not limited to what is allowed with geforce now. You can also use epic with shadowtech and also use the computer for anything else then gaming (until some restrictions, like mining coins is forbidden)

Who cares? You had an eccesive reaction for nothing.

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4 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Yeah, because people that @%$# on others and not even hit the right one, just right after there was even explained how it works, are so f... anoying.


And it seems you still don't understand it. So bye bye.

Professor, you don't need to explain anything

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52 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

lol, he tells you how to do what you're trying to do and yet......that's the response?

No he didn't. I didn't ask him and he didn't propose a solution. He also said it's TFP's fault, which is not, and finally I already knew how the system works because, as I said already, I faced this problem before so I had to do some research on it.

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3 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

lol, he tells you how to do what you're trying to do and yet......that's the response?

I agree the wording if my first answer was harsh. I was annoyed and in rage. Because of what i already explained and it was ignored. Could have been told more polite. Also i could have been talking to wall. But sorry for the wording.


And he is not the OP so he didn't ask the initial question. But again responding that is not the fault of TFP AGAIN confirmates, that he absolutely did not understand what the issue is, and because overally arrogant response, even if my initial answer was overexaggregated, i won't explain it again. He wouldn't get it anyway.


Perfect example for members you want to put on your ignorelist, because discussing with them is pointless anyway. They don't understand @%$#, but assume they are right anyway.


No need to answer from him, because i won't read it anyway, because ignored: Yeah, supporting cloud saves up to 1GB (why even 1GB should be the limit?). Fine. And what happens if the safe exceeds this 1GB? Sync is just incomplete or the game crashes? Thinking just  one millimeter ahead? Consequences, what is this? But assuming you are right?

It's not even worth reading what such people write. Harsh again, but true.



And yes, i even expect the poop voting from him incoming. Because he still not got the point but feels still offended by mirroring his own disunderstanding.

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6 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

But again responding that is not the fault of TFP AGAIN confirmates, that he absolutely did not understand what the issue is, and because overally arrogant response, even if my initial answer was overexaggregated, i won't explain it again. He wouldn't get it anyway.

You are simply wrong. My point was, and still is, that Geforce Now should have FTP. Cloud saves are not feasible (because too large) and would still not solve the broader issue, which is I want to access the files.

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2 hours ago, KingSlayerGM said:

You are simply wrong.

No. Simply No.



My point was, and still is, that Geforce Now should have FTP. Cloud saves are not feasible (because too large) and would still not solve the broader issue, which is I want to access the files.

You are talking bull@%$#. On the one hand you are blaming TFP for not supporting cloud saves, on the other hand you are blaming GFN for not supporting FTP to copy saves.

And you are mixing both up randomly.


I already explained why GFN does NOT support FTP, but either you didn't read it or didn't understand it. AGAIN.


Just like JCrook1028 already said. I already suggested a way how to achieve what you want to do. But you are still @%$#edly insisting on GFN, what simply is not designed to be used that way. It's the same as playing on a playstation and complaining about not being able to use mods. You are simply using the wrong platform, that does not fit your expectations and never was designed to do so. Instead you heavily request the platform to be changed, but don't even realize that the platform simply is not what you are looking for. Besides that OTHER platforms  EXIST that indeed would suit your needs.


YOU choose to use GFN and they told you what is working there and what is not. You want different things, so GFN is simply the wrong platform for your usecase. Deal with that or switch to another platform. It's as simple as that.


What you are doing is re tar ded. Buying blue wrapping paper from one seller but then complaining that it is not yellow and by the way absolutely ignoring that there are other sellers that sell wrapping paper in various colours, also yellow, but you refuse to use them. That's a contradiction in itself.

Having everything possible working and still being simple as possible is impossible.


But i'm quite sure, you still don't understand it. Because you just want the "best" with no effort.

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11 hours ago, Liesel Weppen said:

No. Simply No.


You are talking bull@%$#. On the one hand you are blaming TFP for not supporting cloud saves, on the other hand you are blaming GFN for not supporting FTP to copy saves.

And you are mixing both up randomly.


I already explained why GFN does NOT support FTP, but either you didn't read it or didn't understand it. AGAIN.


Just like JCrook1028 already said. I already suggested a way how to achieve what you want to do. But you are still @%$#edly insisting on GFN, what simply is not designed to be used that way. It's the same as playing on a playstation and complaining about not being able to use mods. You are simply using the wrong platform, that does not fit your expectations and never was designed to do so. Instead you heavily request the platform to be changed, but don't even realize that the platform simply is not what you are looking for. Besides that OTHER platforms  EXIST that indeed would suit your needs.


YOU choose to use GFN and they told you what is working there and what is not. You want different things, so GFN is simply the wrong platform for your usecase. Deal with that or switch to another platform. It's as simple as that.


What you are doing is re tar ded. Buying blue wrapping paper from one seller but then complaining that it is not yellow and by the way absolutely ignoring that there are other sellers that sell wrapping paper in various colours, also yellow, but you refuse to use them. That's a contradiction in itself.

Having everything possible working and still being simple as possible is impossible.


But i'm quite sure, you still don't understand it. Because you just want the "best" with no effort.


Well, to be fair, when other suppliers sell colored paper and one is just selling blue paper he could be critizised for exactly that, having such a limited selection.


I don't see a practical reason why GFN could not add upload/download to its cloud platform, but I don't know much about GFN except having a guess about its principal function. I only see that upload is a risk for them and this way it is safer and cheaper for them. After all GFN uses a cloud underneath like everyone else. If you know more, fine, but I don't see you explaining it, except for "GFN is a pure gaming service, that's why".


That is like saying they can't offer red paper because they offer only blue.


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22 hours ago, meganoth said:


Well, to be fair, when other suppliers sell colored paper and one is just selling blue paper he could be critizised for exactly that, having such a limited selection.

Well no comparison that is inaccurate in some way. :D


They don't support FTP or other solutions yet. I also never said they will never add something like that.

But i don't think they will add such stuff, because as i already said: GFN is supposed to be a very simple working streaming service, just like a console. Login and start playing.

Adding FTP wouldn't make it complicated for people that don't need it anyway. But it's still against their idea. And probably not very relevant for the customers they want to attract.


Anyhow, iirc mods that come from the steam workshop are working with GFN, as Steam itself automatically installs mods that you have subscribed to your account you also use to login.

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1 hour ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Well no comparison that is inaccurate in some way. :D


They don't support FTP or other solutions yet. I also never said they will never add something like that.

But i don't think they will add such stuff, because as i already said: GFN is supposed to be a very simple working streaming service, just like a console. Login and start playing.

Adding FTP wouldn't make it complicated for people that don't need it anyway. But it's still against their idea. And probably not very relevant for the customers they want to attract.


In 7d2d's current alpha state everyone that wants to play a long game needs the ability to make a backup, otherwise he has to pray to his deity that nothing serious happens to the one and only savegame. The savegame just isn't robust enough, not enough redundancy, error checking, checksums, internal backups, recovery options. Nullrefs in the world are not that serious, but the rather small "index" files like main.ttw and the player files should have checksums, automatic recovery and multi-tiered backups.


80% of support requests currently seem to be for corrupted savegames. Granted that a lot of them are still the result of inexperienced PC users shooting themselves in the foot.


For 7d2d the best option GFN could provide would not be FTP, as this is just a recipe for increasing support requests and making the service expensive again, but builtin filesystem snapshots. That way they wouldn't even need to know where the savegame of a particular game is located with still minimal hard disk usage.


1 hour ago, Liesel Weppen said:


Anyhow, iirc mods that come from the steam workshop are working with GFN, as Steam itself automatically installs mods that you have subscribed to your account you also use to login.


Interesting. That will definitely remove one reason for wanting filesystem access.



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2 minutes ago, meganoth said:

For 7d2d the best option GFN could provide would not be FTP, as this is just a recipe for increasing support requests and making the service expensive again, but builtin filesystem snapshots. That way they wouldn't even need to know where the savegame of a particular game is located with still minimal hard disk usage.

Another valid argument. But as you say, GFN could implement automatic whole system/game backups and then simply provide access to restore specific ones, e.g. in their account interface. So still easy and without direct filesystem access. 


On the other hand i can draw the simple conclusion that GFN probably is not the best choice to play "instable" early access titles in general.


6 minutes ago, meganoth said:

80% of support requests currently seem to be for corrupted savegames. Granted that a lot of them are still the result of inexperienced PC users shooting themselves in the foot.

And with GFN shooting yourself in your food is limited, as you don't have access to filesystem and so no mods, config files, etc.



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