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ok so I'm coming over form console alpha 16 love the graphics,kinda like how they sort the ress like stone and iron. found a base  And a power generator I get to work I put steel doors at all the entrances I put spike traps all over and I bunker down from my 1st night and right off the batt they know exactly where I am I'm down in the basement crouched hiding being quiet and a cop zombie comes right through my wall  Did they change it so that they know where you are every night even when it is not blood moon

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23 minutes ago, darthsarman said:

ok so I'm coming over form console alpha 16

Console version afaik was based on A14 with some changes of A15.


23 minutes ago, darthsarman said:

and I bunker down from my 1st night and right off the batt they know exactly where I am I'm down in the basement crouched hiding being quiet and a cop zombie comes right through my wall  Did they change it so that they know where you are every night even when it is not blood moon

There was a breadcrumb system added. So zombies might find your "trail" and follow it.

Or if they spotted you previously they are following you and if you then go into a building, they still try to reach you.

Basement (or underground in general) is also not necessarily the best idea anymore, because zombies can dig now.


But there is something wrong in your story. Found a power generator on day 1? And on day 1 there are no cops spawning. At least not in vanilla.

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That's what I sought to it dropped me off in a Forest Hill area South a little bit right next to the snow range mountain area it looks like I'm wondering if what I found is one of the hidden treasures I'm finding on the forms Once I get on later I will try to upload a photo And sure enough right through the wall it was a cop zombie shooting acid right at me  I manage to get on the roof and I'm trying to get them to come outside so they quit destroying the inside of the house And I'm not on the traditional map I'm  On one of the 8000 by 8000 maps

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Night time zombies can be higher types, just like dangerous animals can spawn right in the first night already.


Going underground is possible but has lots of ways it can blow up in your face. Going up instead is a lot easier, especially in the first days.



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42 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Night time zombies can be higher types, just like dangerous animals can spawn right in the first night already.

Jep, but spawning zombie types are still limited by your gamestage and on day 1 there are no cops spawning yet, also not during night. Afaik. Is this wrong?

I usually see my first cops during a bloodmoon. And that usually first happens on the third or even fourth bloodmoon (depending on how fast you level up).


38 minutes ago, darthsarman said:

So castle up is the way to go got it. thank u

I wouldn't call it the way to go. There is no absolute need to do it and it can be done in various ways.

But underground won't help, too. It's impossible to go deep enough on day 1 to be not noticable and closing the way down like in earlier alphas is not possible anymore, as Zs now also dig. And early underground usually has the disadvantage that if Zs come in, you have no escape route left yet.

Also going up doesn't make you absolutely safe. If zombies notice you, they will try to reach you too and if they can't, start bashing on the building underneath you, what may cause the building to collapse. 


During the first days, i usually set my (temporary) camp up in a building on the second floor (and remove the stair cases) or even on the (flat) roof of a building (e.g. the gas station or the diner). You still need to be quiet during early nights to not attract zombies.

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3 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

Jep, but spawning zombie types are still limited by your gamestage and on day 1 there are no cops spawning yet, also not during night. Afaik. Is this wrong?


I don't know. Maybe cops can spawn in the snow biome he was bordering. The only sure way to find out what happened would be to look into his logfile of that session.



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12 minutes ago, darthsarman said:

Once I get on later I didn't take a photo and upload it on here to show you   I'm also playing on one of the  pre Gen. Maps

will take a photo

A picture won't help much if we want to find the reason he spawned. The logfile of your session where the cop turned up would be much more helpful.



Read the following


It tells you how to find and post the logfile. You probably will see more than one logfile there, find the one with the same date when you saw the cop.




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On 12/1/2020 at 10:29 AM, Liesel Weppen said:

Jep, but spawning zombie types are still limited by your gamestage and on day 1 there are no cops spawning yet, also not during night. Afaik. Is this wrong?

I usually see my first cops during a bloodmoon. And that usually first happens on the third or even fourth bloodmoon (depending on how fast you level up).


Not if you go to the wastelands ;)

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17 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

Not if you go to the wastelands ;)

That would be worth mentioning. That's why i asked for the strange sounding details.


Even if i spawn in wasteland (dunno if even possible with RWG maps anymore, but it is possible on nitrogen maps), my first task is to leave wasteland.

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I personally didn't mind the wasteland too much. It's a bit more difficult, but not by much. Snow biomes are definitely a lot more difficult when starting out, but great source for meat if you can handle the bullet spongy animals.

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On 12/1/2020 at 10:29 AM, Liesel Weppen said:

Jep, but spawning zombie types are still limited by your gamestage and on day 1 there are no cops spawning yet, also not during night. Afaik. Is this wrong?

I usually see my first cops during a bloodmoon. And that usually first happens on the third or even fourth bloodmoon (depending on how fast you level up).

I've had it happen to me once in one of the earlier versions of A19. Day one, sometime in the early or mid afternoon. I came across the new "clothing store". (I forget its excact name) so I went in to look for some good clothes and a duster. I woke up some sleepers and while I was taking care of them I was suddenly hit on the side of my head by a bunch of green goo. I turned and there was a cop. It surprised the crap out of me. I had to run outside and wait for him to come out. From a safe distance I peppered him with arrows until he blew.  I was glad I was at the clothing store because my plant fiber pants had a big brown stain on the back and they kind of smelled bad too.


Over 2500 hours starting in A16 and that is the one and only time I've ever encountered a cop that early. No mods, all vanilla.

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1 hour ago, Liesel Weppen said:

And still not mentioned if that happened probably in wasteland, where cops could spawn early according to previous answers?

This was in the forest biome. Not terribly far from where I spawned. My thoughts then and now are that it was some kind of extremely rare bug having to do with spawning enemies and GS.

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Actually, since it was in a POI, it was probably a predetermined placement of a cop.  There are a couple of the newer POIs that always have cops in them regardless of when you go there.


That said, zombie bears, dogs and cops do spawn on day 1 in the Wasteland, from what I've observed, and have since at least alpha 16.  It's why I avoid that place like the plague (and generally make maps that don't even have wasteland, because it's just wasted space as far as I'm concerned.)

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10 hours ago, Vaeliorin said:

That said, zombie bears, dogs and cops do spawn on day 1 in the Wasteland, from what I've observed, and have since at least alpha 16.  It's why I avoid that place like the plague (and generally make maps that don't even have wasteland, because it's just wasted space as far as I'm concerned.)

That's just an issue in the beginning. Once you are leveld and equipped well, even a zombie bear ist not a that big issue. I usually die in wasteland because i stepped on one of those random mines. So i usually avoid to go there until i found the book that makes you not trigger mines when stepped on. (one of the urban combat books, iirc) :D

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holy @%$# day 5 ran into dogs day 7 all 50 of them @%$#ers came at once not 7 or 8 like console no no no they all came I had 1 cop show up 2 undead birds a bunch of them fat blob woman zombies and dogs I got a tackle rifle and pump shot gun on day 7 early morning from trader both grade 1 went threw 300 7.65 round 150 9mill and around 30 shotgun but yes it is definitely a lot more of a challenge then console and definitely enjoying it

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just real quick cuz I cant find it anywhere else is the md5 glich a problem on pc??? I started a mine just south of my base and have 10s of thousands of raw materials that I would like to not loss I. the up coming days on day 11and I just got the work bench running and a cement mixer as well as a second forge for stone and sand to make cement

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