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Magolis COMPOPACK in Modlet Form


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- Turns MAGOLIS COMPO PACK into a modlet



- Magoli has given permission for me to post this

- Magoli has NOTHING to do with this (other then doing his magic in the Compo Pack)
- All questions, errors etc from this should be directed to me here in this thread.
- As Magoli updates the COMPO PACK this will be updated.


- Simply download and place in Mods folder and play game

- New game is needed for new prefabs, changes to prefabs etc to show.

- Open up RWGMIXER.XML - If you want the prefabs listed in the general prefabList as well remove the <!-- & --> in both sections of the prefabList section

***WARNING*** At current prefabs spawn at a certain distance from the same copy both in 4k & 8k sections undoing the prefabList will make them spawn lots of the same prefab.

- Or dont want them to be in the 4k/8k section simply comment out (<!-- at start and --> at end) remove the commented out sections of the prefabList to





Original Compo Pack



MAGOLI (The Great)


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31 minutes ago, Gouki said:

Thanks Stallionsden


Are the prefabs missing from sleepers already updated?

no when they are done and given to Magoli, he will pass on the new prefabs and changed prefabs to me. I will be fixing some of the ones up to help. esp the few of mine that dont have quest stuff.

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10 minutes ago, stallionsden said:

no when they are done and given to Magoli, he will pass on the new prefabs and changed prefabs to me. I will be fixing some of the ones up to help. esp the few of mine that dont have quest stuff.


Ok stallionsden, you have to wait for them to update.
By the way, your giant hotel still can't finish looting it, it's too much.
It's a great job that you did.

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23 minutes ago, Gouki said:


Ok stallionsden, you have to wait for them to update.
By the way, your giant hotel still can't finish looting it, it's too much.
It's a great job that you did.

haha maybe in 5 years time see my airport lol.  The Hotel is a part of it haha

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good work Stallionsden


how u know I myself dont use modlets atm, but I do support your work as much as I can

I will give u all information u need to synchronize this CP-modlet to the current state of the official CP-version


I hope your work will make it easier for the people to integate the CP to their games and servers


rock on mate

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4 minutes ago, LewZephyr said:

am I missing something or just confused?


When I go to the download link it goes to github, but I don't see a file to download.

What should I be clicking to download?


Thanks and pardon my ignorance.


Press where StallionsPrefabs says in this part:

StallionsPrefabs / Compo Pack CP44 (MODLET FORM) / and redirects you to the page where it is to download everything.

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22 minutes ago, LewZephyr said:

am I missing something or just confused?


When I go to the download link it goes to github, but I don't see a file to download.

What should I be clicking to download?


Thanks and pardon my ignorance.

haha - LOL had the same problem 3 hours ago - thx for the info Stalli - but sadly 3 hours to late LOL - now i downloaded the Ones i needed manually

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1 hour ago, LewZephyr said:

am I missing something or just confused?


When I go to the download link it goes to github, but I don't see a file to download.

What should I be clicking to download?


Thanks and pardon my ignorance.

You require an extra step in your browser to be able to dl mods from github individually it is explained in my a19 modlet thread in mods section.


I however will put the same info here when i am home. But basically go to the site add the extension to your browser then you just double click pretty much individual mods etc without having to dl the whole lot each time.

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So this supported on multiplayer dedicated servers? I assume all clients need the modlet as well?

How exactly is the world generated? On the fly? If not using Nitrogen and you can't use the in game generator (cause it's a modlet) then how is the world generated? Just at random?

Thank you for your time, I know in A19 they allowed modlets to load POIs and I assume that's what made this modlet possible, serious props and I appreciate it!

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1 hour ago, Zentri said:

So this supported on multiplayer dedicated servers? I assume all clients need the modlet as well?

How exactly is the world generated? On the fly? If not using Nitrogen and you can't use the in game generator (cause it's a modlet) then how is the world generated? Just at random?

Thank you for your time, I know in A19 they allowed modlets to load POIs and I assume that's what made this modlet possible, serious props and I appreciate it!

you can use the game generator. You simply add this to your mods folder and play the game. the world when generating builds the pois as per normal

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