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What can you do to raise the gamestage?


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I cant really find defined answer for this question, i know that levels somehow increase the gamestage but i have no idea how.


Anybody knows of a list of what you can do to raise the gamestage INGAME? No XML modifying but just what you could do with gameplay (or max with the console).

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The gamestage is calculated from your current level and the number of days. If you die then 2 days are subtracted.


You have to distinguish between single player and multiplayer. For multiplayer, it is not the days you see displayed that count, but your real playing time. In singleplayer you can manipulate the days with the settime command to increase the gamestage.


In multiplayer you also have a group gamestage for the horde. This is calculated from the individual game days of the 5 players with the highest game days.


If you want your gamestage to increase faster than the default settings, you have to increase the XP. This will increase your level faster and also your gamestage.


EDIT: If you want to temporarily increase your Gamestage for tests you can use the sgs command


sgs GameDifficultyBonus 2.4

This doubles e.g. your current gamestage. Default value for GameDifficultyBonus is 1.2

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9 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

The gamestage is calculated from your current level and the number of days. If you die then 2 days are subtracted.

Then a multiplier is applied to this based on difficulty level. So increasing difficulty level will also increase gamestage....at least that was true in A18


To override the calculation, in the console, you can type :


forcegamestage x

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7 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

The gamestage is calculated from your current level and the number of days. If you die then 2 days are subtracted.

There is whole thread about gamestage. It's not the server day, but "days alive", iirc if you die 1 or 2 days are subtracted from "days alive" not the gamestage directly.

Also the difficulty setting doesn't affect gamestage anymore, it's now a fixed value, iirc 1.2.



7 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

You have to distinguish between single player and multiplayer. For multiplayer, it is not the days you see displayed that count, but your real playing time.

Afaik gamestage is calculated the same in singleplayer and multiplayer, besids that gamestages add up when you are in a party.


7 minutes ago, RipClaw said:

If you want your gamestage to increase faster than the default settings, you have to increase the XP. This will increase your level faster and also your gamestage.

If you want gamestage to increase, level up and don't die.

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1 minute ago, Ghostlight said:

Then a multiplier is applied to this based on difficulty level. So increasing difficulty level will also increase gamestage....at least that was true in A18

Not anymore. The Multiplier is fixed to 1.2 in A19

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2 hours ago, RipClaw said:

The gamestage is calculated from your current level and the number of days. If you die then 2 days are subtracted.


You have to distinguish between single player and multiplayer. For multiplayer, it is not the days you see displayed that count, but your real playing time. In singleplayer you can manipulate the days with the settime command to increase the gamestage.


In multiplayer you also have a group gamestage for the horde. This is calculated from the individual game days of the 5 players with the highest game days.


If you want your gamestage to increase faster than the default settings, you have to increase the XP. This will increase your level faster and also your gamestage.


EDIT: If you want to temporarily increase your Gamestage for tests you can use the sgs command


sgs GameDifficultyBonus 2.4

This doubles e.g. your current gamestage. Default value for GameDifficultyBonus is 1.2

So the only way is to farm exp like no tomorrow, set the game to increased exp gains and go out huntin them dead.


Thanks for the help!

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14 hours ago, Solomon said:

So the only way is to farm exp like no tomorrow, set the game to increased exp gains and go out huntin them dead.


Thanks for the help!

You could just set it to 10 minute days for the first week or so to pump up your days alive quickly. For your first horde night, don't bother trying to build with such a short time to prepare. Just get on the roof of a pass n gas or something and remove any way for the zombies to get to you. at 0400, log out, change to your normal day length, and play normal from there.

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Until some kind modder figures out how to adjust the speed of getting out of stone age (or fix loot drops), the only way I found to make it better is alter the xml, which i Know you said you didn't want, but changing it to a higher max zombie count allows you to kill more zombies and get through the stone age faster.  I had 1397 kills by day 5.  It helped speed up leveling a lot.  But if you don't enjoy killing zombies, then this wouldn't be  a good alteration. :)


I think something is broken with the spawner tho, or it's based on chunks.  Because if I cleared out an area of my max 60 zombies alive, I still would find crazy amounts of zombies if I moved over a bit.  It definitely made looting houses more interesting as zombies were pounding on the walls and breaking in from all sides.  Much more adrenaline raising by increasing the zombies around.


I suppose, I did make a little modlet for it rather than just changing the xml.

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