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Gouki´s A19/A20/A21/V1.0 Modlets


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Hi all


A new alpha starts, just like my modlets for it.

This will be the post where I will publish my new mods for Alpha 21,they are the same as I have shared for A19 and A20, but I am updating them.

Any questions or suggestions or feedback is welcome.






GK return to old Farmland A19

This mod adds back the old previous alpha cultivation system, added its scheme and recipe.


Link:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/4kaiuggwx1goiib/GK_Return_to_Old_Farmland_A19.rar/file



GK useful tires A19



It is a small mod based on the work of Ragsy2145, which gives you the possibility to harvest the vehicleWheels by destroying from the floor, they will give you:

They only change the values of vehicleWheels for decoCarTirePile and decoCarTireStack which can give you 1 to 2 wheels.



It gives you the possibility to obtain decoCarTireSmallFlat to make vehicleWheels and adds its recipe (the original recipe remains).


Additional Credits:  Ragsy2145


Link V1.1:   http://www.mediafire.com/file/v0bx3ts6zxuw5jb/GK_Useful_Tires_A19.rar/file 


Link V1.2:   http://www.mediafire.com/file/zx95oxovl8xm3vq/GK_Useful_Tires_A19%282%29.rar/file




GK Texture Vulture Radiated A19


V1.0 - A18.4

This little mod only adds texture to the irradiated vulture, which didn't have it, because?, I don't know, but now it already does.


V1.1 - A19


Fixed a bug with the vulture texture.


Link V1.0:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/vidyffdlbpyhf3j/GK_Texture_Vulture_Radiated.rar/file


Link V1.1:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/ludy9kasf6d1kyd/GK_Texture_Vulture_Radiated_A19.rar/file




GK 2 Mods

This mod adds two new itemModifiers


1-modBleeding - Modification of bleeding
2-modFrog - Dive Modification


The first adds 50% chance of bleeding to zombies and animals, only installs on bows and crossbows, ideal for hunting lovers.

The second adds%? resistance underwater, only installs on helmets, ideal for diving lovers.

The scheme of both is only for looteo.


Link:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/8kayllojkrnehl7/GK_2_Mods_A19.rar/file



GK Boxes Back

This mod returns the boxes to you by destroying them (secure storage chest and generic box).


Link:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/3cu9llrv7i0jvt4/GK_Boxes_Back.rar/file



GK Storage

This mod increases to 90 slots the storage boxes (secure storage chest and generic box) and greenDrawer.

Becaused TFP reduced the storage size of the secure storage chest,generic box and greenDrawer left them the same at 72 slots.


Link:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/c91zcieq5ml1ic9/GK_Storage.rar/file



GK Pickup Grass and More

This mod allows you to collect dry grass and shrubs in biomes by pressing E.


V1.1 - A19-A19.1

forestFlower and treeAzalea are added.


Link v1.0:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/02a4gd9i4lntwz0/GK_Pickup_Grass_and_More.rar/file


Link v1.1:   http://www.mediafire.com/file/uj94zfewzdbauzi/GK_Pickup_Grass_and_More_A19.1.rar/file



GK Less Grass

This mod causes less grass to be generated in forest and snow.

If you want much less grass edit. 0.04 in the biomes.xml file to 0.001


Link:  http://www.mediafire.com/file/f9v9wc3xq48fgr9/GK_Less_Grass.rar/file



GK Walk,Run and Swimming Fast

This mod allows the player to walk,run and swimming fast.


Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/rqp30chfoyhe9lv/GK_Walk%2CRun_and_Swimming_Fast.rar/file





GK Old Farmland

Small changes were made, everything else remains as in my previous mod.

The new A20 LivingofftheLand system is maintained.


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/hygqmh8l62c1tyk/GK_Old_Farmland.rar/file


GK Spoilet Meat 

This little mod adds a recipe to make spoiled meat from raw meat and nitrate, is made on the campfire, and requires a grill.


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/thn9kkcj4xp8j7v/GK_Spoiled_Meat.rar/file



GK Repair Collapsed Workstations

This mod adds a standard repair kit to repair all crashed workstations, the repair kit unlocks at perkAdvancedEngineering level 2 and requires a clawhammer.


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/at59j1x2aopl6e9/GK_Repair_Collapsed_Workstations.rar/file



GK Storage

Small changes were made to the mod, it works the same as the previous one.


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/7a26umq2yepduma/GK_Storage.rar/file



GK CanBoiledWater Back

This mod brings back the can of boiled water and dirty water.


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/8m28z6t0r62sjg9/GK_CanBoiledWater_Back.rar/file



GK Less Grass

This mod is the same as the previous one from A19, only small changes were made for A20, small grass stays the same.


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/r5ie5psy7gn5ur1/GK_Less_Grass.rar/file



GK Useful Tires

This mod was completely changed, now the tires from the ground when destroying them will give rubber, which is necessary to make the tires.


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/o8pd3ta357t29n4/GK_Useful_Tires.rar/file



GK Old System Upgrade

This mod brings back the old block upgrade system (Now there are 16), adds bricks and a tool to create bricks in the forge, they are to improve the cobblestone block to brick block, they can also be harvested in brick blocks that is on the world map.
All forms can be improved.
The woodrebarFrame block can be upgraded to stainlessSteel, but loses its ability to pick it up after upgrading to wood, be warned.


Link v1.2:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/ozl3sxk0ybr9qek/GK_Old_System_Upgrade.rar/file



GK Snowberry Returns

This mod adds the snowberry back, it will now have a value in the game, it needs to be installed to work together with the GK Herbal Painkillers mod.


Link :  https://www.mediafire.com/file/d2tv0m33qbms7f4/GK_Snowberry_Returns.rar/file



GK Herbal Painkillers

This mod adds a light version of painkillers, they are now herbal. It is necessary to install the GK Snowberry Returns mod.


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/raeevyts7lugh5a/GK_Herbal_Painkillers.rar/file



GK Clean Money ATM

This mod adds a workstation to make money "illegally", become the owner of the wasteland.


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/obdnd87p8z4pivu/GK_Clean_Money_ATM.rar/file



GK Pickup Grass and More

Same as my previous mod, more new things have been added .


Link:  https://www.mediafire.com/file/6xe7zqwwjjj0qu9/GK_Pickup_Grass_and_More.rar/file





GK Boxes Back -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/5oi8jrtn7rr9o54/GKA21_BoxesBack.rar/file


GK Can Boiled Water Return -- New v0.2



GK DrinkJar Return -- New v0.2



GK Less Grass -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/3eu9bh0xn7qubvg/GKA21_LessGrass.rar/file


GK Snowberry Returns And Herbal Painkillers -- New v0.3 



GK Spoilet Meat -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/f8d3paro4tgz5xo/GKA21_SpoiledMeat.rar/file


GK Storage Size -- Increases storage size to 90 slots. (PlayerStorage,StorageCrate and PlayerDrawer,)



GK Texture Vulture Radiated --- Changed the irradiated texture to BossGrace's, the other texture gives an error and the vulture does not appear. -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/7atir1qofepra5d/GKA21_TextureVultureRadiated.rar/file


GK Useful Tires -- New v0.2



GK Clean Money ATM -- New v0.2



GK Old Farmland -- New v0.2



GK Pickup Grass and More -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/19gkdafts0tb6di/GKA21_PickupGrassandMore.rar/file


GK Walk,Run and Swimming Fast -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/l2x2zv3577ev987/GKA21_WalkRunSwimmingFast.rar/file


GK Old System Upgrade -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/29vl5h65ajqotqz/GKA21_OldSystemUpgrade.rar/file





MODS V1.0 B336

(They should work with v1.1 B4.)


GKB1 BoxesBack -- The boxes are changed to match the new blocks.



GKB1 CanBoilerWaterReturn -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/9tfgmx4tqymyuc3/GKB1_CanBoiledWaterReturn.rar/file


GKB1 CleanMoneyATM -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/7ixvhkuryt357cy/GKB1_CleanMoneyATM.rar/file


GKB1 DrinkJarReturn -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/q87s1w08n48xrkd/GKB1_DrinkJarReturn.rar/file


GKB1 OldFarmland -- Added new crop Peas,schematic and recipe to make foodPeas.



GKB1 OldSystemUpgrade -- ResourceConcreteMix now it gives 50.



Alternate version GKB1 OldSystemUpgrade -- Adds compatibility for ALo's Titanium mod.



GKB1 PickupGrassandMore -- Collecting lanterns and TVs will give you their variant form.



GKB1 SnowberryReturnsandHerbalPainkillers -- Added medicalSnowberryExtract and SnowberryJuice.



GKB1 StorageSize -- The boxes are changed to match the new blocks.



GKB1 TextureVultureRadiated -- Added irradiated particle, texture doesn't work.



GKB1 LessGrass -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/03sw8ffnggs72bz/GKB1_LessGrass.rar/file


GKB1 WalkRunSwimmingFast -- https://www.mediafire.com/file/imse1pneq8dukwm/GKB1_WalkRunSwimmingFast.rar/file


Important note: Before installing any mod, make a backup of your saved game, to avoid errors or character reset, you are warned.

Some of my mods need to be installed server-side and locally on each client for them to work properly.




Edited by Gouki (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/9/2020 at 1:10 PM, beware14 said:

GK useful tires A19
If it may drops forged steel, why not change the wheel recipe accordingly?

GK Texture Vulture Radiated A19

ArgumentException: The Object you want to instantiate is null.


Hi CrazyAluminum


It is already fixed, a recipe is added to make vehicleWheels, but the original is kept, you decide how you do it.

Edited by Gouki (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
3 hours ago, NobleMatrix said:

Is there a way to make the mod show in English in the game? I got the mod in but seems all the description and schematic is in Dutch, I think....


Hi NobleMatrix


Which mod do you mean, GK return to old farmland?

Of course it can be changed, edit this in Localization.txt:


Key, File, Type, UsedInMainMenu, NoTranslate, english, Context / Alternate Text, german, latam, french, italian, japanese, koreana, polish, brazilian, russian, turkish, schinese, tchinese, spanish
meleeToolFarmT1IronHoe, items, item ,,, Iron Hoe
meleeToolFarmT1IronHoeDesc, items, item ,,, Indispensable tool for plowing farmland.
meleeToolFarmT1IronHoeSchematic, items, item ,,, Iron Hoe schematic


Edited by Gouki (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I've installed Less Grass, and I edited the biomes.xml in the mod folder itself - from 0.04 to 0.01(rather than the recommended 0.001), because I expected there to be an incremental decrease, but I don't see much difference. Is there no in-between? Or should I be editing the main biomes.xml, and not the one in the mod folder?

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Also, I installed GK Boxes Back, and I noticed you get resource wood during the reclaim process, in addition to the box itself. Is there any way to change that so it's just the box? Seems a bit cheaty.

If not, I'd just go back to building and breaking down when desired. No big deal. Just curious.


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3 hours ago, Italexis said:

Also, I installed GK Boxes Back, and I noticed you get resource wood during the reclaim process, in addition to the box itself. Is there any way to change that so it's just the box? Seems a bit cheaty.

If not, I'd just go back to building and breaking down when desired. No big deal. Just curious.




Hi Italexis


For your first Less Grass question, try to set it to 0.001, if it is not what you want set it to 0.0001 and check if it is what you are looking for.
For your second question Boxes Back,edit blocks .xml and remove this code:


<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntStorageChest']">
        <drop event="Destroy" name="cntStorageChest" count="1"/>


Then copy and paste this other code:


<remove xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntStorageChest']/drop[@event='Destroy']"/>
<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntStorageChest']">
        <drop event="Destroy" name="cntStorageChest" count="1"/>


Finally save the changes, that should work.

I hope that helps you, regards.

Edited by Gouki (see edit history)
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18 hours ago, Gouki said:

Hi Italexis


For your first Less Grass question, try to set it to 0.001, if it is not what you want set it to 0.0001 and check if it is what you are looking for.
For your second question Boxes Back,edit blocks .xml and remove this code:


<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntStorageChest']">
        <drop event="Destroy" name="cntStorageChest" count="1"/>


Then copy and paste this other code:


<remove xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntStorageChest']/drop[@event='Destroy']"/>
<append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='cntStorageChest']">
        <drop event="Destroy" name="cntStorageChest" count="1"/>


Finally save the changes, that should work.

I hope that helps you, regards.

Well, per my first question, I'm still unsure as to which biomes.xml I'm supposed to be editing - the one in the mod folder, or the main one. I'm assuming it's the mod copy, so I should say that I have noticed a change after a quit & restart(actually more than one as I've been testing multiple mods, IIRC, and perhaps with some inexplicably necessary time lapse, because I tried that before with no change, but then it did for some reason). The only problem is, the grass is gone altogether. None. Anywhere.

And the second issue still stands. No change in the resource recoup with chest dismantle.

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50 minutes ago, Italexis said:

Well, per my first question, I'm still unsure as to which biomes.xml I'm supposed to be editing - the one in the mod folder, or the main one. I'm assuming it's the mod copy, so I should say that I have noticed a change after a quit & restart(actually more than one as I've been testing multiple mods, IIRC, and perhaps with some inexplicably necessary time lapse, because I tried that before with no change, but then it did for some reason). The only problem is, the grass is gone altogether. None. Anywhere.

And the second issue still stands. No change in the resource recoup with chest dismantle.


The biomes.xml that you must edit is that of the mod, you can leave it in default like this, to avoid any other errors.
The boxes back mod works with the change I have made (I suppose you made the code change, let me explain), I don't know why it doesn't work for you, but you should always restart and start when you make a change, it is useless if you return to the menu and you start.

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/13/2020 at 7:30 PM, Gouki said:

GK Texture Vulture Radiated A19


V1.0 - A18.4

This little mod only adds texture to the irradiated vulture, which didn't have it, because?, I don't know, but now it already does.


Does this make all vultures Radiated? I'm kind of confused. Or are there irradiated vultures in the game, that I have not seen yet? So far all the vultures appear normal in my game.


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  • 7 months later...
3 hours ago, TheKHoleKing said:

Hello Gouki,


I was wondering if there was a way to put the radiated vulture skin onto the baby radiated vulture from IceBurg_Baby_Animals_1_6.


Hi TheKHoleKing


Thanks for stopping by for my mods.
Of course you can add the texture, if you have my mod installed, just make a copy of the xml code, paste it under the original and rename it to baby vulture, that should work.
If you don't have it, just add this code to babyvulture and it will work for you.


<property name = "ReplaceMaterial0" value = "# Entities / Zombies? Zombies / Materials / feral_radiated.mat" />



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  • Gouki changed the title to Gouki´s A20/A19 Modlets



Your Pick up Grass and More mod in ModInfo.xml is missing the end quote on the Description value line, causing an error on launch for Alpha 20.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <Name value="Pickup_Plants_A20" />
        <Description value="Allows press E to pickup all plants."/>
        <Author value="MD420Reaper" />
        <Version value="A20_1.0" />
        <Website value="" />

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3 hours ago, Rumobok said:



Your Pick up Grass and More mod in ModInfo.xml is missing the end quote on the Description value line, causing an error on launch for Alpha 20.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <Name value="Pickup_Plants_A20" />
        <Description value="Allows press E to pickup all plants."/>
        <Author value="MD420Reaper" />
        <Version value="A20_1.0" />
        <Website value="" />


Hi Rumobok


I don't think so, I'm using it in A20 and without any problem.
If you look closely at the code you put in, the mod is Pickup Plants A20 and it is another author.

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