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Light at night


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So for whatever reason when I post about this on the steam forum the mods lock or delete it and I have no ideal why but I just want to know

Does anyone else think nighttime is to bright now? It is so bright its like daylight out where it use to be pitch black. I do not even haft to use torches or candles to light my base anymore because it is so bright in game. 

Is it a bug or is it my pc settings? Did other people also have the same issue?

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On my screen (setting brightness is at default) the first hour of night gradually dims the light, that is much different to before. But at 1 am or later the night is quite dark. I wouldn't call it pitch black though.


If you want it darker you might set brightness to a lower value.


Total darkness means you absolutely need a helmet light. And the night stalker books are not that much use until you get night vision goggles. So I'm fine with the fact that there is no total darkness.


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I think it is more realistic now. Night's are only black if it's overcast. Usually moonlight can be quite bright. It's still really dark inside at night, so that makes sense. I wouldn't mind night a tad darker, but not by much. A18 was far too dark.

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1 hour ago, hotpoon said:

I think it is more realistic now. Night's are only black if it's overcast. Usually moonlight can be quite bright. It's still really dark inside at night, so that makes sense. I wouldn't mind night a tad darker, but not by much. A18 was far too dark.

That's been my experience too. I've spent the last few nights working on my roof (or rather, dismantling it - house flipping in the zombie apolcalypse). Some nights are nicely moonlit and others are overcast and quite dark.

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