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New A19 Graphics and lighting


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I'm not 100% sold on it.


Positive:  The environment is beautiful, the light is gorgeous, details are great.


Negative:  Zeds feels like they walked out of a wax museum.  They no longer fit with the rest of the graphics and the best way I can describe it is to say they seem over saturated.


While on the whole the game looks better, the zeds feels so wrong to me that I keep on wondering why am I the only one who sees this?

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1 hour ago, Tahaan said:

I keep on wondering why am I the only one who sees this?

You are not.
When I bought this it was scary, dark, full of zombies.
Even though the game was in the beginning stages it looked more like a zombie world than the cartoon world it is now.
Floating icons all over the place, nice bright colours, plastic zombies and a bag full of crap. Lots and lots and lots of crap.
Good thing they made the encumbrance system and chests smaller.
I don't get it but then again I know nothing about games, been only playing them since pong on an arcade cabinet and only been programming for 30 years.
Seriously guys, just remove the "fun" bit as it's clear that you don't want anyone to have any.
7dtd, the North Korea of games.

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The lighting does look good, but I find everything is really dark.  Removing shadows helps some, but there isnt enough ambient light.  I used to have the in-game brightness to 61%, now its at 80%, and its still too dark.


The comment about the zombie saturation is something I hadnt really thought about before, but I think you are right.


Edit: upon further consideration it looks like a brown tinting of the graphics.....not necessarily a brightness issue.


Mad Dog



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I have been tinkering around.  My previous observations are with Dynamic Resolution Mode Off (upper screenshot).  When I turn it to Auto (lower screenshot), the tinting goes away and everything appears much brighter.


Graphic settings (NVIDIA GTX 970/4GB):

1600x900, windowed

brightness 80%

AA low

Text qual: half

Text filter: medium

UMA: low

Text streaming: On

Reflc. Qual: Low

Refl. Shadows: On

Shadows Dist: Near

Water Qual: Low

Terrain Qual: High

Grass Dist: Low

Object Qual: high

Bloom: On

Depth of Field: off

Motion Blur: off


SS Refl. : Off

Sun Shafts: off


Mad Dog


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6 hours ago, KeiraR said:

I don't get it but then again I know nothing about games, been only playing them since pong on an arcade cabinet and only been programming for 30 years.
Seriously guys, just remove the "fun" bit as it's clear that you don't want anyone to have any.

I think with that CV and positive attitude you ought to apply for a position with TFP! I am certain they could benefit from your knowledge and experience. I mean programming for 30 whole years! And Pong? Is your LinkedIn up to date? I seriously don't understand why you aren't on staff already.

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1 hour ago, Boidster said:

I think with that CV and positive attitude you ought to apply for a position with TFP! I am certain they could benefit from your knowledge and experience. I mean programming for 30 whole years! And Pong? Is your LinkedIn up to date? I seriously don't understand why you aren't on staff already.

Because I don't want to work FOR anyone any more.
People have made enough money off me. 😃

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On 6/30/2020 at 4:10 PM, Tom Peters said:

The lighting does look good, but I find everything is really dark.  Removing shadows helps some, but there isnt enough ambient light.  I used to have the in-game brightness to 61%, now its at 80%, and its still too dark.


The comment about the zombie saturation is something I hadnt really thought about before, but I think you are right.


Edit: upon further consideration it looks like a brown tinting of the graphics.....not necessarily a brightness issue.


Mad Dog



This is the first alpha I can see clearly during the night. Lowered brightness to 35 to get somewhat dark nights. Display plays a big role here. I have aorus cv27q (va/165hz/1440p) which is like night and day compared to my other zowie xl2411p (tn/144hz/1080p)

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4 hours ago, palikkamaa said:

This is the first alpha I can see clearly during the night. Lowered brightness to 35 to get somewhat dark nights.

Huh. I have brightness at 55 and nights range from "moonlit" to "pitch black" as time goes by. Which is a little odd since the moon is out the entire time. But I'll be out chopping trees or whatever and for like one in-game hour it will go pitch black. Then it lightens up again. It did this in A18 as well - night was dark but there was like an hour or two maybe around 1AM where it lightened up to 'moonlit'.


A19 does seem to have a lighting bug going on, related to its calculations for when you are 'inside' maybe? The effect is that a very small movement will suddenly cause the whole scene to go dark. The two pictures below are on the same night; all I did was move a half-step down the stairs towards the cement bags. Move half a step farther, it lightens up again.


Maybe this same bug (?) is what is causing my nights to change from moonlit to pitch-black as I wander around, but this particular instance was very jarring, and repeatable. Stand in this one spot on the stairs and the moon goes out.




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  • 1 month later...

As of B180, this bug still seems to exist.  If Dynamic resolution is off the game is too dark.  With it on, the lighting is appropriate, but then you have to deal with the constant dithering of textures, either in Scaled or Auto mode.  Neither is ideal.   I have tinkered with various settings, and the dark tint comes down to Dynamic resolution.


Is this an Open GL problem ?  Anyone running DX11 also see this ?


Mac OS 10.13.6, Mac Pro 4,1 (dual Xeon 3.46), 24 gigs RAM, RX580/8


Mad Dog

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