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Look I know people want new content, but this game needs optimized really bad. I've been playing for a long time now and the amount of bugs I run into is insane. Every update there's something new that messes up my save. I was riding my bike and the game crashed, log back in and my bike is gone. So I run back to my base, literally die from nothing. Cant even spawn back in because this game is so broken. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD OPTIMIZE IT AND QUIT ADDING NEW STUFF EVERY UPDATE THAT BREAKS IT EVEN MORE. It is really hard for me to want to continue playing at this point in time.

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Optimization is for Beta. We're still in Alpha where the core content is worked on.


Any Optimization done outside of what's necessary to make the game playable is a waste of time.


It seems to me that you need to obtain a better understanding of what the Alpha development process actually is. This isn't a finished game.

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That’s the problem, the game is practically unplayable. I start a new game, something happens to cause the game to crash and it’s time to start another world because it’s corrupted. How long does it take to get out of alpha phase? 10 years?

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9 minutes ago, viper03 said:

That’s the problem, the game is practically unplayable. I start a new game, something happens to cause the game to crash and it’s time to start another world because it’s corrupted. How long does it take to get out of alpha phase? 10 years?

Only other people that have said they have anything remotely similar admit they own a potato, or are on linux.

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10 minutes ago, viper03 said:

That’s the problem, the game is practically unplayable. I start a new game, something happens to cause the game to crash and it’s time to start another world because it’s corrupted.

Sounds like you should head over to the support section, read the Sticky threads, and start following instructions.

11 minutes ago, viper03 said:

How long does it take to get out of alpha phase? 10 years?

Average for a AAA studio with a near-unlimited budget, and several hundred developers on the team is 7-9 years.


TFP is developing a game much more complex, with a team a fraction of the size, and a very limited budget.


So yeah, they're doing just about right.  It's perfectly normal.


The difference is, You won't even hear about the AAA studio's game until they're just about ready to release it. When internally they're already in Beta. With This, and other EA titles, you get to play the game before it's done being made.

This was explained pretty clearly in the Steam EA FAQ that Steam made you read before purchasing the title.


So what I suggest to you, is to lose the attitude and seek some help with your issue.  It is your issue after all.  I was playing this title on a PC circa 2011 just fine. Sure I had to struggle some with the configuration and settings, but in the end I took it from maybe 60 FPS, to 110FPS solid.

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8 hours ago, Dethar said:

Only other people that have said they have anything remotely similar admit they own a potato, or are on linux.

Nope. The linux client is very stable. There are often graphics artifacts and you have to turn off specific stuff like reflections to get rid of it. And overhaul mods sometimes have problems of not being tested and then not running on linux or mac. But regular crashes and broken worlds, no.


9 hours ago, viper03 said:

That’s the problem, the game is practically unplayable. I start a new game, something happens to cause the game to crash and it’s time to start another world because it’s corrupted. How long does it take to get out of alpha phase? 10 years?

Could you put a specific number to it? How many minutes or hours can you play the game on average before it crashes?


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I’m sorry for being an @%$*#! yesterday, I was just frustrated. So I was riding my bike on day 8 to go do a quest. When suddenly, the game froze and crashed. I load it back up and my bike is gone. So I start running back to my base and I get rubber banded about 500ft away from where I was. My bike appeared by my base. So I run towards it and try to get on it, it ends up on top of my character and I die. So I tried to respawn in on my bedroll and the respawn screen stayed there. I quit out of the game, load back in and I’m stuck in a death loop under my bike. It doesn’t even give me an option to respawn on bedroll or close to it now. It just stays on the red death screen. I was playing for a solid 3 hours before this happened. 

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If you want to try to save your current game you might try to locate your savegame, (maybe make a backup of it) and then delete the file "vehicles.dat". If it helps you can then just get a new bike from creative menue.


There is no guarantee though, more may be damaged. If you see error message in the logfile or the console you may have to try out some more drastic measures: You can also reset the region your base is in, it must be one of the newer files in the "Region" subdir of your savegame. Moving the file to somewhere else or deleting it resets the region to the initial state so it also removes your complete base. That is a lot more work getting all back from creative menue and rebuilding though, so you have to decide if it is worth it.


Make sure you normally play above 20 FPS (hit F8 to see your FPS). Being often below that is a hint that your settings might be too optimistic or even your PC too weak.



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Well I deleted the game last night and reinstalled and it finally let me respawn back in on my bedroll. Lost all my tools and weapons but I am able to play again. It seemed I had a steady 60 FPS with vsync on. I turned it off and tweaked a few other settings and am sitting at around 170 FPS. Hopefully it’ll help

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Haha yeah my pc is not the issue, maybe upgrading from 16gb to 32gb of ram might help a bit. Seems like the integrity of the steam files was the issue since deleting and reinstalling fixed the issue. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again. Thanks for your input sir

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12 hours ago, viper03 said:

That’s the problem, the game is practically unplayable.

No, it is not. Many people play without any major issues.

I had 1 crash on A18. It turned out that Windows messed up the virtual memory management. So not a game issue, but Windows.

A friend of mine had several crashes. It turned out it was his memory overclocking (and it was just an XMP-profile, no manual tweaking). It didn't manifest in other games he tried, but 7d2d is more demanding on system ressources.


If your steam files were corrupted (not the world or save file) you should check your PC. The steam files are not modified during game, they are more or less static. HDD/SSD fails could cause that. Or maybe AV-Programs.

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