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A19 pre-experimental testing has 23 pages

Erik Louden

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8 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

Yep, we do.  I've been going through it daily and updating a spreadsheet with all the important details.

It's not so bad if I keep on top of it.

Anyway we can get an idea or a partial list of people accepted so far. I'd love to know if I got in so I can clear my schedule for it... not that there is much in said schedule with corona virus screwing with everyone.

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2 minutes ago, Scyris said:

Anyway we can get an idea or a partial list of people accepted so far. I'd love to know if I got in so I can clear my schedule for it... not that there is much in said schedule with corona virus screwing with everyone.

NO Spoilers!

IMHO it would be just a little unfair to post this information. Truly, I don't even know what the final selection is. I'm just collecting the data, making it easy to filter, and adding notes based on data from the post, and personal impressions. Recently nuking several years worth of posts makes it so that some of the guys who have been with us forever, and just haven't been as active recently, appear as inactive players. Even some with low hours have been very active and helpful in the past. In the end though, I'd like to see as many people as we can get participating in this. I've even personally selected and noted some of our newer players that may have only just joined in a17 or a18. We should have a nice balance of fresh eyes, and seasoned players.

One thing I do want to mention though. Participation isn't just playing the game. We're expecting you to play with default settings, and without any mods. We need to find and fix bugs before the larger public experimental, get input on game balance, and then re-test the issues after patches have been applied. It's not entirely fun sometimes, but it's what you sign up for. 😜

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1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

NO Spoilers!

IMHO it would be just a little unfair to post this information. Truly, I don't even know what the final selection is. I'm just collecting the data, making it easy to filter, and adding notes based on data from the post, and personal impressions. Recently nuking several years worth of posts makes it so that some of the guys who have been with us forever, and just haven't been as active recently, appear as inactive players. Even some with low hours have been very active and helpful in the past. In the end though, I'd like to see as many people as we can get participating in this. I've even personally selected and noted some of our newer players that may have only just joined in a17 or a18. We should have a nice balance of fresh eyes, and seasoned players.

One thing I do want to mention though. Participation isn't just playing the game. We're expecting you to play with default settings, and without any mods. We need to find and fix bugs before the larger public experimental, get input on game balance, and then re-test the issues after patches have been applied. It's not entirely fun sometimes, but it's what you sign up for. 😜

Oh I  understand that fully, and believe me balance wise i'll make my 2 dukes known. As a18 has a ton of balance issues that need addressing. Need to see how they are in a19 before I comment on them there though. One weapon I am mainly looking at is the junk turret as I still feels its grossly overpowered with how you can just drop it anywhere, and pick it back up with no delay at all. Needs a 5-10s pickup time, to make it less expoitable.

As for no mods, thats a given, you can't bug test something properly if your going to mod it during testing as the mods themselves can introduce problems that aren't there with the vanilla game.

For the default settings thing, I usually play on warrior difficulty, and leave everything else default, thats why I was wondering if the default is being put back to nomad or not. Never played on the a18 default difficulty as I find nomad a tad too easy for me personally. Then again if you guys want us to test on the default i'll play it on the default.

As for bugs, i'm used to writing reports, i've beta and alpha tested many games over the years myself, I usually wait till I can get a solid repo before I report stuff though, otherwise its like looking for a needle in a haystack for the debuggers. A solid repo gives them a specific spot to look at and figure out whats causing it.

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4 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

We're expecting you to play with default settings, and without any mods. 

how can anyone use mods if you had to play different build every few hours? :)

and i can immagine also that noone can post video or strem nothing before streamer weekend for xperimental release, right?

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2 hours ago, Sakurambo said:

how can anyone use mods if you had to play different build every few hours? :)

and i can immagine also that noone can post video or strem nothing before streamer weekend for xperimental release, right?

Depends, if its a modlet, that is often compatable across updates as long as the orignal lines are still in the xml's. For example a ui mod could probably easly work with all the pre-experimental builds. They would have to remake it for a19 though first. You usually see the ui mods hitting shortly after experimental comes out, as the ui usually doesn't change much in between incremental versions.

I'd still stay away from mods though when your testing as anything could end up causing a bug to rear its head, you'd be surprized how often the simplest things can cause massive issues when it comes to software, even something as simple as forgetting to upper case a character could end up causing the code to completly ignore a entire section of code depending how case sensitive the coding is, and it often IS that way. Which results in a ton of broken stuff usually.

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10 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

and personal impressions

Hey, ST, you're looking good today! Have you lost some weight? Hey I made <your favorite food> and I've got extra if you want some. Also I washed, waxed, and detailed your car. If you don't like it, I can buy you a new one.

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10 minutes ago, Boidster said:

Hey, ST, you're looking good today! Have you lost some weight? Hey I made <your favorite food> and I've got extra if you want some. Also I washed, waxed, and detailed your car. If you don't like it, I can buy you a new one.

due to pandemic... brown nosing is strictly forbidden!


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