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How to clear PoIs late game as PER


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Recently I got bored of STR build and wanted to try perception build. However problem was, I was playing late game and try clearing GS 200 with a bloody sniper rifle. I tried a few thing here and there and remembered, that one item I used last on A15 - Barbed wire. Damn I love that thing. Any runnuer is stopped in its tracks, does a easily predictable head bob and BOOM! headshot. One shot - one kill (well except radiated ferals-they suck). Love that thing. Also the huge zombie room in factories are a breeze with silencer on my trusty rifle.

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I think I played around with PER builds the least out of all my build tries, but I learned something pretty valuable regardless.


To take advantage of it, the trick is movement and stealth just like AGI builds. Getting boxed in is the worst. It was in AGI that I learned that there are a number of tricks you can pull off to make your job easier. I kept a small stack of rocks to throw, a stone axe to clean up glass and paper garbage, and NEVER carry food that will give your position away, and I used to carry barb wire with me all the time to set up a slowing trap, but it appears that wooden bars are almost as good as throwing frames in doorways and choke points for extra safety. Spears require space because if you throw them you might miss and loose the spear, but they provide a nice amount of range that's better than fists or knives. I kept two spears on me, thought I prefer to keep my hotbar clutter free and always one spot open for basic fists in the early game. In PER builds you gotta be trixy and patient. But, if you must kill everything there's still explosives, which are REALLY nice when you absolutely need them. I know AGI has the stealth perks but if you have access to the muffled connectors, you'll never need more than 1 perk in it.


Early game play before I sank in QoL perks, I would set myself with a small raised position like on top of a fence or nearby wall, or maybe a small three block sniper tower made with frames. I would specifically choose easy POI's with places I could run to or create a kill zone in. If I hadn't invested my perk in sneak, I'd make a ♥♥♥♥ ton of noise and round them up and bring them all outside on open ground. Move to get into proper position and pew pew > profit. Chances are, you might have looted a pistol or a double barrel shotty already and that's helps too a little if you don't want to do all the prep work.


Also, consider wearing only light armour with college jacket and high performance running shoes for that shwiffy +20 movement speed bonus. They can't hurt you, if they can't get to you.


I didn't stick to PER for long because a new patch came out and I felt like it wasn't too much of a difference from AGI to make a huge difference in playstyle for me. New patch usually means new map.


It is a challenging and fun build definitely, but it lacks a lot of the smash and grab playstyle that so many people tend to prefer. For that, I set my days to 90 minutes.

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It's not really the style I like to play, I'm more of a "smash and grab" looter type that's been mentioned. However, if I wanted to go heavy PER I would make use of the explosives tree and make use of landmines. I'd plan my route before I move forward and if I encounter a lot of zombies I'd run back, drop a mine, back off and pick off the rest with my rifle and spear. I think the explosives are pretty powerful 1hit zombie killers, but I play on Adventurer. Early game the spear is the best melee and with a rifle and bombs I'd be set for awhile.

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Then how it is that they upgraded it into a buff for alpha 18? I've not seen it pop up on my screen yet, but its definitely implied that it exists on the wiki. If you scroll down to the bottom it says specifically that they intended on bringing it back in A17.


I mean I'm all well and good about not having to worry about it at the moment, but ive seen stealth additions in games too many times to just take someone's word for it without some kind of data to back it up.

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Then how it is that they upgraded it into a buff for alpha 18? I've not seen it pop up on my screen yet, but its definitely implied that it exists on the wiki. If you scroll down to the bottom it says specifically that they intended on bringing it back in A17.


I mean I'm all well and good about not having to worry about it at the moment, but ive seen stealth additions in games too many times to just take someone's word for it without some kind of data to back it up.


You should take his word above that wiki, that is player supported wiki that hasnt been updated in forever probably. And no there is no smell in the game and there hasnt been since a15? or 16



Edit: LOL if you read the link you provided, it even says smell is broken as of a16. So it WAS updated atleast around a16 sometime.


It also says they will fix it for a17, but no they never did, idk if they ever will.

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Yeah I realize as I was clicking around I forgot to add this link: https://7daystodie.gamepedia.com/Status_Effect


Not that any of it matters because I'm just going to concede the loss. It's 6:30am my time and I've been up all night building a day 28 horde base that I think is the most complex I've ever built. My brain is fried. I'm pretty OCD about inventory management and this is one less thing for me to worry about. If the Emitting Smell buff ever makes comeback, I'll just roll with it like I did before.

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Marksman rifle with a red dot, silencer, and other mods is beastly. With the penetrator perk it's easy to get double or triple head explosions from the zombie conga line.


Edit: With bandoler chest upgrade reloading is super fast you really don't feel that 5 shot clip too much.

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