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Two Buddies in Zombie Apocalypse within Kentucky


Day 1

We manage to figure out that we are 5km away from each other, I spend the day jogging to find my buddy. As soon as I reach him, a screamer spawns. He takes out the screamer as he has mostly been looting and killing zombies as I ran to him.

Just before night comes, another screamer spawns. We ignore her and hastily build a shack. During the night she comes up to the shack and sits outside being obnoxious noise-wise, buddy takes her out.


Day 2

Sun comes up, buddy heads out to loot, I get on figuring out some sort of plan, any plan to prep for day 7. Screamer is already on the perimeter being obnoxious noise-wise. By the time night comes she has again migrated to the shack. Screamer is downed.

During the night a wandering horde hits the shack, we take them out.


Day 3

I am out gathering, while buddy is again out looting, a new screamer is again floating around the shack.





So is this Infinite Days of Screamer or 7 Days to Die?

Seriously, we haven't really done anything and already it's a steady ♥♥♥♥-show spawn on screamers. I wouldn't mind if we were on day 20 or something and had anything better than a wooden club, but this is frankly obnoxious as hell and not fun. I'm trying to figure out where exactly the fun went since A16, and it seems to be utterly squeezed out of the game.


If I wanted to sit and fight zombies non-stop I would play Left4Dead2, KillingFloor, or DyingLight where the combat is significantly better tuned and designed for it. The current direction of 7dtd doesn't make much sense when we have a full destroyable / craftable sandbox to run around in.


Design special zombies to combat our base designs, instead of overtuning existing ones to be a non-stop nuisance please.




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Do you have a bunch of torches setup or something else that generates on the heatmap? I was past my day 42 horde before I managed to summon a screamer. I was out in a field gathering clay with an auger, when she showed up and called in more including a 2nd screamer. It made for a nice diversion and bonus exp, though I was obviously more prepared for it because of the game stage.

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Pretty much the same here but I do have mods... I'm seeing screamers all the time... They're with wondering hordes, frequency doesn't matter much its more that there are screamers with them. Not sure but I had one screamer with a wondering horde and saw 2 other screamers not far away...


No torches, but initially as a precaution I destroyed the fire barrels in the area. And still I'm getting many screamers... I think this one POI has a few burning barrels and they're spawning inside that POI...


F3 in DM mode used to let you see the heat, but I don't see it in any of the options. See here.

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I don't mind em tbh. Basically XP delivery lol.


Seriously though. I am on the latest patch and haven't had that many yet. So not sure whats up with your situation.


Just in case I always reset everything and delete old generated maps and all that with the new updates.

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After this last update, we were getting a lot of screamers for no reason. I was nowhere near our base and had 2 and that was with me looting using arrows. We started a new map and problem solved so it seems like an issue with using an old save with the new update.

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There has been enough feedback about screamers to conclude something is up for sure. I think it has to do with POI's in part as I had no torches or workstations going at all and were getting screamers chain spawning across the street where a POI had burning barrels.


Good or bad I'm not judging just saying if that's not the games intent something is wrong.

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It's very odd, we're now on day 16 and there's just 1 screamer every so often, while running a forge non-stop. But the first week was very obnoxious.


There was a burning barrel about 500 meters northwest of our location, but they were spawning right on us.

Days 1 through 4... we aren't equipped at all to handle constant screamers and the hordes they spawn.

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