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Recommended Video Card for A18e?

Laz Man

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@Laz Man


Did a little further testing in the snow biom. After doing a bunch of combinations of graphic settings, and eventually ending up in turning almost everything off, shadows, reflection, ssao, shadow reflection etc. Regardless of the graphic settings, the drop in frames always happened. The only thing I cannot seem to turn off is whatever the heck governs this effect (sorta looks like lighting and reflections should govern this)see pics. Whatever that specific effect is called, i lack the terminology, might have something to do with the drop in fps. Further testing needed...

Observation note: Did not see any noticeable drop in frames from fog and snow weather effects in my game.







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I have a GTX 960 4GB and I get avg 55 fps with no stuttering dipping to 25-35 in snow biom. Here are my settings for anyone who is curious. Due to limitations of this card texture resolution should be set to half, which does not look bad as long as AF is set to x4 by Nvidia control panel. Reducing the resolution to 1600x900 will have a major gain in FPS.








I'm still tweaking the options to get best fps and better graphics.

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I have almost the same setup as you except the cpu (I5-6600k which is almost the same) and I get 90fps on average at 1080p. Do you have a lot of programs running in the background? Drivers up to date? Not visiting shady sites? Also check if your components aren't getting too hot as this will cause throttling and servery impact performance. Dust?


Got to admit, I haven't done a dust check for months. Better have a look. :thumb:


Nothing running in the background except when I'm recording, and this happens regardless. Think it's a bit worse when I'm hosting the game (my partner and I play over the LAN).

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To throw in on this; I had to take my GPU out and put it in my sons machine a while back, so I am using an old GTX660 with only 2GB VRAM for A18, all on low settings.


Plus side to this, it runs really smooth, but I also noticed that the snow biome runs at ~40-50 FPS where everything else pretty much bounces around the 60 FPS mark, I messed around a bit but figured that even the low res textures may just need more resources in the snow.


@Laz - Holding off at this point until you can do a new build is absolutely the correct choice IMO, the 2500k was a hell of a chip, my wife's machine still runs one on air at 4.5GHZ, but it is limited to DDR3 and PCIE2.0, which isn't an issue exactly, just not a good platform to upgrade on over waiting for a new build :)


Also, as there has been some for either side in here; when it comes to a new GPU, dont base it on whether its ATI/AMD or NVidia, both have had some very good cards and some not so good over the years, wait until its time to shop for one and look at the specific cards on offer in your price range from both at that specific time.

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Well, seeing as how this game might never get out of Alpha / receive optimizations and stop receiving more demanding game requirements, I mean, I don't see that you have any other choice if you want better performance. The game requires better and better hardware each year.

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Well, seeing as how this game might never get out of Alpha / receive optimizations and stop receiving more demanding game requirements, I mean, I don't see that you have any other choice if you want better performance. The game requires better and better hardware each year.


Yeah no kidding. Honestly I'm okay with it (within reason lol) as there is no other game out there that brings me as much fun.

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I'm doing fine with a 1060 3GB on 1280×720, it scales up nicely on my 1080p, turns out half textures is still very good looking with high UMA and I can run enough reflections and ssao that torches are a big help where they should be. Full textures would chug this card badly in some places, the fps would stay good until it didn't so I had to drop back, but I was surprised how good it still looks.





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