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A18 Underground Base


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From Changelog: After a player dies during a blood moon, zombies will no longer know where you are and normal stealth rules apply. If you re-engage an enemy, blood moon behaviors recommence.


Good news, so I don't have to setup my underground base 40 blocks deep to hide while Bloodmoon.

Will the zeds know at the beginning of Bloodmoon where I am or have they to spot me first?

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This is only AFTER a player dies on bloodmoon. To prevent death loops if your base is overrun.


Probably in a later alpha you will be able to just buy a hotel room at a trader if you don't want to do horde nights (or you completely turn them off in options).

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In this case if I just wanna do some crafting while Bloodmoon I have to go out naked first, let them kill me and then I'm undisturbed. Maybe not the best while leveling because of XP loss but at least no problem when at max level.

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The result is you not only not gain xp from the Zs you would kill, but also additionally lose some of the acquired xp. For a maxed out character (which i never attained and probably many of us also) that is okay. For all the others it could be a potential advantage, if you don't want to level up too fast.


Remember, skills are not level gated anymore, meaning you could keep a high enough level to invest in most important skills, yet low enough to not spawn very dangerous hordes at later days.


Also, i'd love to make a peaceful playthrough again, so such an idea is very good :-D

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In this case if I just wanna do some crafting while Bloodmoon I have to go out naked first, let them kill me and then I'm undisturbed. Maybe not the best while leveling because of XP loss but at least no problem when at max level.


unless you attract their attention accidently by crafting :p but yes, itll make it so you can die the once and then hide away for the rest of the night.


My question is will the zombies still be there come day light or will they disapear if not killed during the bloodmoon?

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unless you attract their attention accidently by crafting :p but yes, itll make it so you can die the once and then hide away for the rest of the night.


My question is will the zombies still be there come day light or will they disapear if not killed during the bloodmoon?


I presume regular rules will apply. After a long time the zombies will die on themselves (watched this on wandering hordes), despawn if you're far away or stay where they were, shambling around.

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I think it's a nice change. A17 bmh was a bit weird compared to previous versions. In the past, they'd generally respawn wherever the player was.


If you died, and respawned in a different location, they'd just start spawning around there.


in A17, they seem bound to the initial spawn location for the wave(s) in progress, so if you move a couple hundred blocks away you might escape all of the bmh.


This change at least means if you die, you can hide and wait out the horde, or re-engage once you've gotten a backup set of gear ready :)

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During my last solo games, I played without the sleeping bag. Returning to life totally naked 2 or 3 miles from my base is a very interesting way to make death punitive. And it will now be playable on the nights of the Blood Moon (in the A17, I had to wait until morning before pressing the respawn button). Next time I'll configure a server, there'll be no beds : let's see how players will feel...

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During my last solo games, I played without the sleeping bag. Returning to life totally naked 2 or 3 miles from my base is a very interesting way to make death punitive. And it will now be playable on the nights of the Blood Moon (in the A17, I had to wait until morning before pressing the respawn button). Next time I'll configure a server, there'll be no beds : let's see how players will feel...


This is a death penalty I like to use in my games, too. I even comment out the sleeping bag class on the beds so I can still decorate with them if I want to. I predict your players will have a sore back, hurt feelings and greater character.

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For all the others it could be a potential advantage, if you don't want to level up too fast.

I don't get this dying to not level up thing. I've already read it in other threads. Isn't the number one goal in a survival game to not die (or die as seldom as possible)? Of course for each their own, I'm not judging, I just don't understand it. So shouldn't the slower leveling be achieved while not dying in the process? Also, if the purpose of slower leveling is to have easier zombies in poi and to have easier bloodmoon nights in order to not die there, how is dying in advancement any better?

Wouldn't it make much more sense to just set gained experience lower in the settings and play the game as an actual survival game? Please someone enlighten me, why dying is considered a suitable strategy in a game where not dying is the number one rule.

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why dying is considered a suitable strategy in a game where not dying is the number one rule.



Trying for a passive-turtle strat in 7dtd will get you dead on horde night, and as the weeks turn into months the game starts feeling like the final episodes of Angel. (Oh, God: a ♥♥♥♥ing dragon. TFP: DO THIS to anybody who makes it to gs1k. Not the wimpy dragons you get in lesser games, a real ♥♥♥♥ing zombie dragon that will burn down your city with radioactive fire just to limber up, one that's immune to all the splodey-head perks).


Anyway: cheesing the mechanics to avoid having to abandon a losing position is reasonably honorable in an alpha game, balancing progression is inherently a last design issue resolved, and it's especially painstaking in a game that effectively plays out at a 1:7 time scale, nobody sane sustains more than seven hours a day. You gotta expect to get beat, and beat bad.


So when you're getting beat but redoing days and days of early gameplay is unbearable, when you just want to extend this world a little longer to help swallow your pride in manageable pieces, cheesing the mechanics seems like a suitable option. For now, and maybe for always. (as always, all imho, I'm really not all that good at this game so have a grain of salt to go with the humble).

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Also, if the purpose of slower leveling is to have easier zombies in poi and to have easier bloodmoon nights in order to not die there, how is dying in advancement any better?


Sorry for double answer but I realized I missed the important question, why do it before horde night: how many days you've lived without dying plays a big part in your game stage, which controls among other things who shows up at your door on horde night. Bring up the multiplayer panel, it lists everybody's game stage, I think tab's the default key but I remap that. So it can be the difference between you dying, and you dying and your base getting utterly shredded.

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