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Console to PC Questions


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Hey all,


So for quite some time I've been contemplating about upgrading, or rather adding a PC to my collection of options. Problem is, I'll admit to being rather ignorant to required specs and such these days. 7D2D is definitely one of my top favorites to date, but I want to make absolutely sure if I buy a PC, the damn thing will actually work smoothly lol.


I've seen some "Gaming" PC's on Amazon, see them for $600 and that's not quite bad in price, but I know you get what you pay for in the end as well. I'm not looking to spend thousands, maybe upgrades down the road, but for right now, something that can handle 7D2D, maybe even Skyrim because of the multitude of mods to experience. But anyway, I could definitely use some help. If you tend to browse Amazon, and see one within reasonable specs/price, maybe you can suggest that one. Either way, any help would be greatly appreciated.


One other aspect is I would plan to use my TV. I'm not worried about 4k blah blah blah, but I definitely don't want to sit at a desk. My only question is would this affect say game play, or response any? Could it disrupt FPS? Just curious really cause despite it being a TV and not 4k, it'd still look pretty damn good.


Now, as for the game itself. I know the gap between console and PC has been extended even greater than what it was before. I've tried to read up on many aspects, but maybe someone with more up to date knowledge regarding some aspects would obviously be easier than trying to find tidbits in between the many many posts.


1). A17 introduced Digging. This is an aspect that to be honest turned me off. No, it's not because I cant hide or some lame excuse people like to blame on others, I simply love the concept of building an underground forge/workshop near the center of the map to store my materials because I always seek to build multiple bases in various regions (and yes, I build above ground and stay above ground aside from mining). I do keep one local as well, but a central hub is just awesome in my opinion. So, with that said, has anything been said or hinted that at some point in future alpha's, that this can be toggled off? Because unless it's been fixed, the last time I heard anything about it, zombies magically had lazer guidance radar, which is a bs mechanic that I won't go I to a rant about lol. Or at the least, has it been improved that I obviously don't know about to where it's not ridiculous OP? Cause I'm not going to waste time building if they'll just simply destroy the entire area with pot holes.


2). If I'm being honest, if console could have gotten just one more update that gave us the New POI's, the additional skins, the upgraded Navezgane map, and importantly the painting system, I would've been happy. Hell, I would've gladly paid for that. I wouldn't argue against other aspects if it dealt with say stability, or work on smoother controls, but what I stated before would've been perfect in my opinion.


So I've seen posts where others are playing older versions of the game, and is it safe to say it wouldn't be difficult to just play Alpha 16.whatever it ended on? Cause honestly, that's basically the version that matched my wishes for console.


Again, any help, suggestions and answers would be appreciated. Cause if I do decide to take that next step forward, I'd like to be somewhat prepared.


I love 7D2D, don't get me wrong. The biggest appeal aside game play has been the options. Classic zombie apocalypse? Set to only walking speed. Want a virus/28 Days Later/WWZ? Set em to always run. Options to personalize the game to how you want is what makes this game even more amazing if you ask me. As long a TFP's continue to update to how they envision it to be, (which is perfectly fine, just don't turn into 7 Days To GTA stupidity), yet continue to allow us to customize the options so we can all customize it how we find it to be perfect, then perhaps they will have made one of the best games I've ever played in my life. That's not me being a fanboy, that's me being a gamer that's given multiple options to keep a game fresh and fun to keep coming back to.

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1). A17 introduced Digging.


Actually it reintroduced ;) they was in then taken out for reasons until they could get back to them. Some improvements are still being worked on. As far as turning them off idk MAYBE later from my understanding but it take a lot and will take away from getting other things done so not right now.


You can play other alphas right now easily not sure how far back it goes I forget I think like A11 or something idk give or take something like that.

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I would think of building your own PC and plan to spend around $1000.00. Newegg has a lot of options for motherboards, memory, CPU combos or choose your own combination. Get a decent case and a decent 600 watt power or more power supply, for the first time build stick to case fans and a good heatsink-fan CPU cooling - although now days the water cooling is pretty much just plug and play. You can check out some Newegg reviews to pick the right parts for your build and then find a good tutorial on the web to build your PC. I would go with a socket 2066 myself to use a good i7 but you can skimp and go with a lesser system with a lesser i7 or even an i5 and spend more on the video card. I believe this game is really CPU intensive so a better CPU might be in order. There are so many paths to pick when you build, guys will say AMD some will say Intel same with Nvidia and AMD in video card market.


The digging zombies is a bit ridiculous but just find a way to keep them out. My fist play in A17 I had an underground storage center built from concrete and I had 3 forges 24/7 and there was only one time I had to worry about it. It is just as hard to pound through concrete underground as it is above ground, meaning that they can go through dirt like knife through butter but they cannot get through concrete any easier underground than above ground.

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Wow, I did not know they actually could dig in the past. Sadly I only seen the game from a console point of view in terms of personal game play (So alpha 15 with a tidbit of 16 if I read right), so very limited knowledge of previous versions. I will say it has definitely come a long way over the years (I got into watching a YouTuber (J.C's Channel) who I do give credit as for learning structural integrity lol, but I did get to see the progression in visuals/crafting/gathering Resources which was kind of wild how it progressed. Im just hoping they do find a way to allow us to toggle the option on and off though. I'm not entirely opposed to digging, but when ya want that semi classic zombie feeling atmosphere, kinda ruins it sadly.


So the old adage of what you pay for is what you get definitely apply's here for the game it seems. I'm still in the debating stage with myself as I window shop per say on a PC, but I appreciate the insight obviously. I was wondering if there was any actual reason to lean toward with the AMD or Intel brand, but much like any competing products, there's always those who swear with one side as the better over the other lol. But it's clear I do want to spend that little extra as it will definitely go a much longer way in the end now.


As for PC to TV, I figured as much, but you always come across those myth's and misconceptions on the truth of the matter. Usually from fanboys who I very much detest lol. But I do appreciate the confirmation none the less. I rather ask a stupid question to get to the truth than not ask and have it cost me lol.


But again, much appreciated for the responses. No lie, despite the obvious limitations of the console version, it's still beyond fun for me, soooo, I can imagine when I finally do get to experience the actual current versions, I'll probably lose my mind lol.

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Do yourself a favor and invest in a PC, I am a PC gamer since C64 and I do not really like consoles too much. Just do some research and please buy two of those Samsung M2 SSDs those thing defy logic at 3400 MBps read rates and 2500 MBps write rates https://www.newegg.com/samsung-970-evo-1tb/p/N82E16820147691


A pair of those, one for OS and one for games and you will see load speeds and bootups I cannot even imagine. Also they fit inside the Mobo so you do not need any more SATA cables, you can just have an external storage drive and that would free up cables with a modular Power Supply. That way you would only need the 24 pin Mobo cable the 8 pin ATX 1 or 2, 6 to 8 pin PCI Express for your card and some molex cables for your fans. Less crap in your PC is always a good thing. I used to have a passion for UV cables and UV lights but that phase kind of left and now I am more into less clutter.


I like this Mobo myself as it has all I would need, this would need a 2066 socket CPU which are not cheap however: https://www.newegg.com/p/N82E16813144060


I am into this processor: https://www.newegg.com/core-i7-x-series-intel-core-i7-9800x/p/N82E16819117961


I am thinking about micro ATX motherboards (even though I have had only ATX motherboards in all but one Socket 939 build with an AMD 4000fx) as they allow more airflow in your case and I am a fan cooling guy and most likely will always be one, my first build was in 2005 so I have been at it a while.


I would suggest at least a GTX 1070 for smooth FPS. Speaking of FPS that is the great thing about consoles they tend to just run on whatever game you buy without worrying about performance most the time. PC gamers are always worrying about getting the best FPS and tweaking this and that, but it is part of the PC gaming mentality to say "yeah I got 80FPS in so and so game with all settings maxed".


Get a power supply that may seem too much like a 800 to 1000 watt from a well respected brand like EVGA, Corsair, PC Power and Cooling, I have lost a couple of PCs due to my power supply isues so this is something to really consider and I would not bother with SLI or Crossfire too much unless your loaded or something.


Building a PC is really not hard to do, the one thing I hate is the backplate and CPU Heatsink/fan and the thermal grease, I always get nervous when using the thermal paste "did i use to much or to little" the base of the heatsink can slip around too which irritates the piss out of me also tightening the heaatsink can be scary to make the base and CPU as tight as you can without tightening too much. Oh an the power switch headers are also a pain to do. I hope this does not scare you out of it because when you start to install your OS you will be proud. Do a little Prime95 to see stability and you will have a PC YOU built not some company that built it for you.


Sorry guys I know I have been living on this forum but its because I like you guys and have too much time on my hands. I am really just trying to help and be a part of the community but you can always ignore me I guess.

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Holy crap....


I knew I had become ignorant to PC's/technology over the years , but this just proved it beyond comprehension lol.


If I can ask for an opinion, if you were to look at the gaming towers they offer, what would catch your interest? Obviously, the benefit to PC's has always been the ability to constantly upgrade, so finding a decent starting point which I could then progress might be the best route for me. Not only does it provide the immediate upgrade to PC, but that hands on aspect would definitely click my brain into grasping it all again.


Don't have to, but I am curious no doubt. I'll need to do some catching up on it all (yay internet), but for sake of learning, if I ended up, say spending $700, or even $500 on a tower, and plan to upgrade with what you've suggested from that point, is there any concern to size of the housing, or performance issues as far as compatibility with the other components?

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Buy a good case and you can upgrade for decades, I have been a Lian Li man myself but there are others, I also always buy full tower cases and I have only had one mid tower.


So are you thinking of building your own PC yet? What is your budget for just the case and power supply and I could check out something on Newegg for you? I would really stay away from Amazon with PC parts if I were too, its just a thing with me to buy components from Newegg and fans and cases from Performance PCs in Florida for their custom cases and custom fans and cables, which would not be needed for the most part.


Perhaps you can show me a pre-built PC you are looking at and I could check the specs for you.


You do not need near $500 to $700 for a case that's for sure. Let me know what the entire budget would be and I can pick a good case out for you, you should not scrimp on a case because upgrading is dependent on what case you buy and also how easy to install your components. A full tower means that you have lots of space to install your mobo and run your cables without being so cramped that you can barley run cables around the tight space in your case.


Sometimes I am guilty of not reading all of the post but I will look at newegg and see if they have some good cases.

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If I can ask for an opinion, if you were to look at the gaming towers they offer, what would catch your interest?


If a PC doesn't have this it's a deal breaker for me.


64bit OS

at LEAST 8GB DDR 4 Ram

Performance GPU made in the last 2 years. ($200 minimum typically)


Anything less than that and you are going to be WAY behind the curve in 6 months time.


Another thing to note is console 7D2D and PC 7D2D are SO different. I believe the Console ver. hasn't been updated in over 2 years. Even the last release was behind the PC release at the time.

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Lian Li has been making custom cases with a lot of unneeded extras lately I love my 2 Lian Li full towers so its a shame.


I checked out this case and it simple and can accept Micro ATX motherboards as well as EATX and ATX which will be good for any later mobo swapping in the future: https://www.newegg.com/black-phanteks-enthoo-pro-atx-full-tower/p/N82E16811854003?reviews=all as well as lots of fans and plenty of room to move around in.


If you let me know what GPU you want I can pick out a power supply suggestion but I would go for something 800 watt just to be sure, it may use less power but that better than requiring more power you might need later.

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If you do go with building your own PC, here is the site to use to plan it out:




Will help so you don't get parts that aren't compatible.

Well I guess it could be done but the likelihood of picking parts that are not comparable are not that high. A Case that accepts your form factor and the right socket CPU for a mobo is fairly easy to pick and now days the M2 SSD seem to be M.2 2280 standard on most mobos so that is easy enough to pick. Someone buying a LGA 1151 CPU for a LGA 2066 mobo would not usually happen. Not too many people buy DDR3 for a DDR4 motherboard.


Although it is possible for someone to buy a CPU with 16 PCI Express lanes and putting a 16x Video card and a 4x M2 SSD could be common.


That's why I would go with a 2066 i7, for those 44 PCI Express lane. When I bought my i7 3960x I did not even know about the limitations, but that CPU was an Xtreme edition so I lucked out.


I have a 1200watt of these line of power supplies and this one seems to be a sweet spot https://www.newegg.com/corsair-ax-series-ax850-cp-9020151-na-850w/p/N82E16817139158


This will run a GTX 1080 but for SLI which I feel is unnecessary would need more power.

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Another thing to note is console 7D2D and PC 7D2D are SO different. I believe the Console ver. hasn't been updated in over 2 years. Even the last release was behind the PC release at the time.


Oh without a doubt lol. I've watched a few youtubers, and when it came to PC, it was evident how massive that gap was.


I'm not the jealous type, (despite the lacking of many aspects I still do enjoy the console version for what it is), but the POI's, the various zombie skins, the updated Navezgane map with the biome changes, to the main thing, the painting system... sigh.... that made me envious lol.


In all honesty, that's why even if I could play A16, I'd be pretty happy as an end game. But that's just my person preference in the matter lol

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Buy a good case and you can upgrade for decades, I have been a Lian Li man myself but there are others, I also always buy full tower cases and I have only had one mid tower.


So are you thinking of building your own PC yet? What is your budget for just the case and power supply and I could check out something on Newegg for you? I would really stay away from Amazon with PC parts if I were too, its just a thing with me to buy components from Newegg and fans and cases from Performance PCs in Florida for their custom cases and custom fans and cables, which would not be needed for the most part.


Perhaps you can show me a pre-built PC you are looking at and I could check the specs for you.


You do not need near $500 to $700 for a case that's for sure. Let me know what the entire budget would be and I can pick a good case out for you, you should not scrimp on a case because upgrading is dependent on what case you buy and also how easy to install your components. A full tower means that you have lots of space to install your mobo and run your cables without being so cramped that you can barley run cables around the tight space in your case.


Sometimes I am guilty of not reading all of the post but I will look at newegg and see if they have some good cases.


I haven't decided which route to go just yet. Part of me wouldn't mind building my own, I'd know it'd be better than the majority of prebuilts that I can look at, and should last for quite some time. The other part wouldn't mind a prebuilt either, cause I could simply upgrade as I go while still having a PC in front of me lol.


Budget wise, not entirely sure yet, tho I'm not looking to sink $3000 on it either lol. But there are factors that I have to wait for (damn car being fixed at the moment lol), but that's one reason why I'm trying to figure this out now.


Definitely appreciate the feedback from everyone. I have much to still look into and learn, but I've been given a jump start, which is what I really needed. Remember, I'm use to simply firing up a console that's already been built, so not complicated by any means lol, so it's gonna take me some time to catch back up to speed on everything. But I know it'll be worth it.

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You could go with a pre-built system just to play 7 Days, I can understand that, its just that for future upgrades is is probably better to build your own. I was like you once and just bought OEM type PCs and added a video card or more ram. Its nice to unpack a PC and just hook it up.


If you choose to by a pre-built PC you should run the specs by the guys here before buying it to give you an idea of if it will run 7 Days enough to enjoy it.

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You could go with a pre-built system just to play 7 Days, I can understand that, its just that for future upgrades is is probably better to build your own. I was like you once and just bought OEM type PCs and added a video card or more ram. Its nice to unpack a PC and just hook it up.


If you choose to by a pre-built PC you should run the specs by the guys here before buying it to give you an idea of if it will run 7 Days enough to enjoy it.


That's one reason why I've hesitated for quite some time. But I figured the best method would be to basically line the two options up for comparison, and then make a reasonable choice.


Building a PC meant it should be more powerful over a prebuilt. While buying a prebuilt meant I could upgrade over time as I go.


But I did save the items you've suggested into my wishlist lol. Figure regardless of which route I do ultimately take, I could still eventually use those parts one way or another.

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That's one reason why I've hesitated for quite some time. But I figured the best method would be to basically line the two options up for comparison, and then make a reasonable choice.


Building a PC meant it should be more powerful over a prebuilt. While buying a prebuilt meant I could upgrade over time as I go.


But I did save the items you've suggested into my wishlist lol. Figure regardless of which route I do ultimately take, I could still eventually use those parts one way or another.


Since you are new to all this, I highly, highly recommend giving linus tech media a watch. Its one of the best tech youtube channels. They have made lots of videos showing how to build a computer, what it all does etc etc. here are 2 vids on there channel. I'll vouch for Mr. Linus, him and his team know there tech and make videos for noobs and advanced computer geeks lol.





No Dollar Wasted PC Build Guide


$1,000 Gaming PC BUILD GUIDE!


EDIT: P.S. if you do end up building a PC DO NOT FORGET to discharge the static electricity from your body before you go touching the parts and assembling or else you risk destroying crap. I just thought of that figured you might want that tip. I wish you the best of luck my dude. Nothing feels better than building a new PC.

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Regarding the M2 SSD´s: As a gamer you won´t notice the difference in speed. Maybe when booting the PC. It saves you 2 cables tough, but if you have to pay a lot more than for a SATA one it just isn´t worth it.


And yes i have tested this myself because i hate fkn cables and here the price difference isn´t too much. No difference spotted for loading times. Not even a bit.

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Holy crap....


I knew I had become ignorant to PC's/technology over the years , but this just proved it beyond comprehension lol.


If I can ask for an opinion, if you were to look at the gaming towers they offer, what would catch your interest? Obviously, the benefit to PC's has always been the ability to constantly upgrade, so finding a decent starting point which I could then progress might be the best route for me. Not only does it provide the immediate upgrade to PC, but that hands on aspect would definitely click my brain into grasping it all again.


Don't have to, but I am curious no doubt. I'll need to do some catching up on it all (yay internet), but for sake of learning, if I ended up, say spending $700, or even $500 on a tower, and plan to upgrade with what you've suggested from that point, is there any concern to size of the housing, or performance issues as far as compatibility with the other components?


I recently built a PC with my son after "being out of the building game" for 20 years or so (I'm a software developer and primarily using laptops which aren't quite as easy to custom build). ;)


Regardless, I did a bit of studying up (as you mention above) and I ... well kinda fell down an internet rabbit hole for a few months.


It really isn't as crazy as it seems though; the main difference from a couple decades ago is that it's actually *easier* to build a custom computer nowadays than it used to be. Fewer overall components, etc.


Your main choice is going to be Intel vs AMD. (Main difference, *technically* Intel is faster single-core and AMD is faster multi-core. But this is fairly subjective and as you also mentioned somewhere; most people are incredibly biased on that choice. I stand by the single-core/multi-core statement though--and it is especially true of the cheaper CPUs.)


I suggest checking out the Hardware section of Rock, Paper, Shotgun to get an idea what sorts of gaming components are good for what you want.


I'd suggest also taking a look at pcpartpicker. They have some pretty good generic parts lists that fit within various budget categories. These are pretty helpful to compare against prebuilt towers too, for instance you can compare the parts lists to tech specs of the prebuilt system you're looking at and they should be pretty similar.


I'd definitely recommend using pcpartpicker to build out your component list as it definitely helps you avoid any incompatibilities. While it's true the risk of buying incompatible components is fairly low, it's good to reduce that chance as far as possible. And I also find their pricing / purchase comparison links very handy when pulling the trigger to buy everything.


Background Reading:



PC Part Picker - "Modest" (~$700) Builds (for Intel / AMD)




If you have a bit more to throw at it, I'd recommend a reasonable sized M2 storage drive (instead of, or in addition to one of, the SSDs in those listings).


This is what my son and I built (separated into two phases, the first one was just to get it up and running for software development, the second added a non-integrated GPU and some extra RAM/storage--the software dev I do is heavy on RAM and storage):


Phase 1 (base build): https://pcpartpicker.com/user/tricorius/saved/#view=NRD7TW

Phase 2 (better gaming): https://pcpartpicker.com/user/tricorius/saved/#view=ryGb8d


If you end up buying a prebuilt and expanding it further, be careful what you buy. A lot of the "name brand" PCs take shortcuts which make it a lot harder to upgrade down the line. Also, breaking it open and changing around components typically voids your warranty (which isn't probably a huge problem, as you'd probably be using it "as-is" for a year or two and by then the warranty is usually useless anyway).


With prebuilt PCs you can definitely get something that has a custom chassis or such that doesn't contain the airflow to toss a larger CPU or GPU in it; or doesn't have the space to put a larger fan/all-in-one cooler, etc.


If you have questions, toss a few links in here and I'm sure a few will jump in and give our opinions. ;)

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Regarding the M2 SSD´s: As a gamer you won´t notice the difference in speed. Maybe when booting the PC. It saves you 2 cables tough, but if you have to pay a lot more than for a SATA one it just isn´t worth it.


And yes i have tested this myself because i hate fkn cables and here the price difference isn´t too much. No difference spotted for loading times. Not even a bit.

Well I would like 3 M2s to be honest for video encoding and other creative software. The price is decent, at a price of 3TB Sata drives you cannot do much better. I would have 3 12TB drives for my TV and Movie and storage myself along with some 2.5 SSDs for my VMWare Workstation and some Retro Gaming drives as well. I am a hard disk pig, I actually ran out of drive letters on my PC and have to keep some offline because of that.


When I got a backpayment in 2012 I bought 20 3TB hard drives and of course a damn near top of the line PC, a boatload of software I could not afford before as well as a couple of NAS enclosure and eventually went Esata with 4 4bay Icy Docks and a $36,000.00 mobile home bought and payed for cash as well as furniture and appliances galore, of course I pay rent but its cheap rent anyway. I believe it was in 1998 when I was in a hospital and I lost my foot do to their incompetence, so in 2012 I got $125,000.00 and other than my house and everything in it, I blew through most of it in about 5 years, whiskey and whores mostly, just kidding. I did have a couple of cats that I bought everything I could think of for them and the best cat food and snacks you can get, I treated them like they were kings and queens but they were still bored no matter how many cat trees and toys I would buy, so I gave them up because they were just not happy, I miss them but they are probably better off with someone else I guess.


It of course sucks having one foot, my prosthesis broke and I was using a spare and it was almost too painful to walk although the pain pills have been fun for the last month but I ran out last night so I will miss them. It just had to be my right foot too and not my left foot, with it being my right foot it means all of my vehicles need to be converted with a left foot gas petal and renting a car or a moving truck is not possible. Taking a shower and having to put on my prosthesis every morning is also a bummer. I was always good at almost all sports and some better than others so that kind of ruined my sporting days. I tried to play tennis back in 2004 and it was not possible. I have not even tried running since 1998 and I do not know if it will be possible to run anywhere close as fast as I used to be able to run. They did tell me it costs and arm and a leg but that just means I am only half way there.


I have enough credit to build a great new PC but my debt is bad enough now that it would be insane to do. I am paying $900.00 on my credit cards this coming month.

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So, I've lost my replies like 3 times now due to being timed out... yay... mobile....


So this round will be shorter/quicker than originally written.


The decision to build or buy a prebuilt is definitely not an easy one. There are many factors to consider, but thankfully it's not like I'm pressed on a time frame.


Have you ever gotten to a point where you had many questions to ask, yet couldn't think of the questions to ask? That's where I'm mentally at lol.


I think the main question to ask myself is what do I really want the PC for? And the majority of that answer indeed goes to gaming. 7D2D, The Long Dark (though I do have it on PS4 and it's been amazing and up to date every time I e went back to it), to other survival games of similar fashion that I simply will never (statistically) get to play if I remain limited to consoles.


I've always been fascinated by RTS, though I'm sure they've changed since the days when I 1st encountered them. I use to see reenactment types, one was Gettysburg, though not sure if the game only dealt with just that battle. Then Civilization, as I absolutely loved Civ2 on PS1. Then to something like Skyrim, mostly because of the ridiculous amount of Mod's that brought aspects to the game that I've always wanted in a game. But for games like GTA? No, but that could also be bias as I've only dealt with Arcade/Console for the most part. So in truth, yeah, gaming would be the main purpose of the PC, though if I did have access to creative outlets, hard to say what I'd do.


The worst part is how many options there are when it comes to selecting components if I built a PC. It's easy to say pick what I want, but that's just it, not sure what I want/need without over spending on an aspect that wouldn't be needed. Like over paying for a graphics card when I'm using a HDTV (though eventually will be a 4k, just not in the near future), so it's not like I'm attempting to have the ultimate supreme system for graphics lol. Besides, almost anything would surpass a console I would assume, but I wouldn't want to be under powered in a sense.


Same with having a Motherboard that would ultimately limit in any future upgrades or whatnot, to the whole debate between AMD vs Intel. Single core, Multi core, slam my head into a wall core lol. Why does one like one over the other? What aspect don't they like about the other?


Hell, then there's the SSD, the DDR4 which I seen there was a DDR5 that's apparently an add on to the DDR4, and claims it excels for gaming? Yeah, I obviously don't know lol. Let alone if I read right, the better the ddr4 is, the better the refresh rate? Was that right or did I mix that up with something else? Yeah, there's been quite a lot of info at once lmao.


But regardless, after watching the one video on building a $1000 gaming PC, it definitely helped put things into basic comprehension on building a PC. The various suggested component's also helped in semi understanding what to expect, or perhaps need at a basic level. Though it did lead to more questions lol.


In the end, I do know a PC is definitely in my future. Be it built by me, or prebuilt (with hopefully the ability to upgrade as I want when I learn more), I do thank everyone for their responses as it's helped tremendously.

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