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A19 NPCs DMT Mod


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Notice: I deleted the XythNPC modlet and replaced it with 1-NPCPackHumans. Be sure to manually delete the old NPC modlet to avoid dupes.


I renamed it for 2 reasons. First, it's now a CommunityPack, and no longer my modlet. 2nd, the 1- prefix will make for a more predicable base as it loads right after the 0-Creaturepacks and 0-Sphereiithings. Now mods like TS and DF can load those and extend them without worrying about collisions between those dependencies.


In this new version DarkStarDragon added his new NPCs. Enjoy.


Does this still work like the NPC Modlet did before? I noticed in the mod launcher (on my end) the name changed overnight even though this post you made was from a few days ago.


I'm not sure of the differences between Modlet's and DMT, so I have no experience with it. I'm asking because even though I've downloaded the Launcher fresh recently, I can't seem to find any DMT section. Also for some reason my World save from yesterday no longer works (even though the mod changes I guess are from before that), so I'm having to restart new...again.


It's really getting frustrating having to spend my normal play time trying to troubleshoot problems that I didn't have in the last 2 days...when I made no changes during that time.


Edit: Belay my last. I've been having nothing but problems of one sort or another with 7D2D this whole last week, and I'm done messing with it. Even with new content I'm bored with Vanilla play and modding, even with the Mod Launcher, is giving me nothing but headaches.

I'm just going to uninstall and find something else to do.

Edited by NazT_DragN
No longer applies. (see edit history)
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got my soldiers in, stoked, here theyre taking on a demo zombie


How can i see that health bar in my server?


PD: I know that i need to install in client and server, but i only see a gray bar without any info.


Im not able to make my Linux 7 days to die server run, any idea of how to patch with DMT?




Edited by vinanrra (see edit history)
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You need to load the 0-SpherellCore and make sure in that modlets blocks file that this property is true: <property name="UnlockEnemyHealthBar" value="true" /> <!-- Unlocks the enemy health bar-->


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You need to load the 0-SpherellCore and make sure in that modlets blocks file that this property is true: <property name="UnlockEnemyHealthBar" value="true" /> <!-- Unlocks the enemy health bar-->


Is not working at 18.4 Linux 7 Days To Die Server, im getting errors with 0-SphereIICore.


Im able to use at 18.4 CLIENT 7 Days To Die.


Here is the error log:



Edited by vinanrra (see edit history)
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Hi, I would apreciate if some can helpme, I'm trying to install this mod in 2 ways with 7d2d mod launcher and DMTviewer but in both is the same error "This Assembly-CSharp.dll file has already been patched by SDX so can not be used as a backup. Reset your game files and try again.Build failed". This is the first time I want to install a mod. Thanks for your help.

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You cant use both dmt and the launcher as far as i know. The launcher builds any dmt modlets for you when you play the game through the launcher. So you need a clean copy of the game for the launcher to use, which means no dmt builds or other mods in the base game when it make a copy to use.

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I just started playing 7 days to die. I downloaded the mod launcher and activated the modlet for NPCs and the other required modlets plus some others I decided to try. Should I be seeing dialogue options on NPCs I walk up to and target? I am not seeing any and am assuming I set something up incorrectly. I am using the latest version off steam of 7 days as of this post and the latest version of the launcher. Anything I should check or try?

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I am trying to play this mod with a buddy and we both have the mod downloaded and set up. But when he joins through steam he is able to play for a few seconds before getting "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" spammed in the console. I am able to play completely fine but he is the one having problems. Any ideas?

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Where do I find these logs my friend?



Edit: Through some testing I found that the error only occurs when an NPC with dialogue options spawn. When that NPC is killed the problem goes away. NPC with no dialogue does not cause the same problem. Is there something I can change in the Spherell NPC Dialog Windows config to stop this?

Edited by Bartledoo (see edit history)
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Windows: From Steam or Launcher

<gamefolder>\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log__<DATETIME >.txt From .exe

%AppData%\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\player.log From dedicated through startdedicated.bat



Linux From Executable

<homefolder>/.config/unity3d/The Fun Pimps/7 Days To Die <- Dedicated>/Player.log From start scripts or Steam

<gamefolder>/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log__<DATETIME>.txt From server with management scripts





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You playing on a dedi or are they connecting to your MP session? NPC pack is used extensively on dedi, but im not sure anyone uses MP with it. Many mods dont play well on multiplayer




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Lots of code isnt loading: 2020-04-05T02:46:11 64.486 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionNotifyTeamAttack, Mods

2020-04-05T02:46:11 64.487 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionSkillPointSDX, Mods

2020-04-05T02:46:14 67.516 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionChangeFactionSDX, Mods

2020-04-05T02:46:14 67.516 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionChangeFactionSDX, Mods

2020-04-05T02:46:14 67.516 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionChangeFactionSDX, Mods

2020-04-05T02:46:14 67.517 INF Unable to find class: MinEventActionChangeFactionSDX, Mods


Maybe you didnt build the dedi DMT version correctly


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