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Really TFP?


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Its 2019 and I still have to use my hands to play your Game? Why have you yet to integrate a DNI ( direct neural interface) like most other developers have?


Do you even have an AR programmer or neuroplastcity expert on your team? Time to step your up your game or get left in the dust.


I didn,t spend a small fortune on my datajack and cyber eyes to play games on a freaking monitor.

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Oops, right forum ,wrong reality , gets confusing sometimes.


In the reality I meant to post this in Judeo-Christian religions never really took off , so we didn't loose out on 500 years of technological progress due to the dark ages.

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Oops, right forum ,wrong reality , gets confusing sometimes.


In the reality I meant to post this in Judeo-Christian religions never really took off , so we didn't loose out on 500 years of technological progress due to the dark ages.


Dont forget to say your prayers to the emperor tonight in that reality. lol

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Oops, right forum ,wrong reality , gets confusing sometimes.


In the reality I meant to post this in Judeo-Christian religions never really took off , so we didn't loose out on 500 years of technological progress due to the dark ages.


I’m betting that in every possible reality people confuse “loose” and “lose”. I think it must be one of the multiversal constants.

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I’m betting that in every possible reality people confuse “loose” and “lose”. I think it must be one of the multiversal constants.


Yeah. I see it a ton in my online-college classes in the discussion boards. I've been guilty of typing loose instead of lose, myself, and not notice I did it. Thank god for spell-checkers. Heh, the one time I didn't double check my typing in an assignment and the only typo I made was "loose" -.- Interesting, the English language is. Tricky, even.

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