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Wandering Traders DMT Mod


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I use custom directories, i'll admit that but i pointed SDX to everything it asked me to point to. Does it HAVE ("it" being 7D2D) to be in the default location (defaulted by Steam) to work? It kinda defeats the purpose of SDX asking where things are to not be able to use where you point it to.


The System.Xml.linq is your error message. It's a .NET library that may be missing. Do you have .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.x installed?

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The System.Xml.linq is your error message. It's a .NET library that may be missing. Do you have .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.x installed?


Went back to 3.5 and all the way to 4.7


All gave the same message, they won't install because i have the newest version (4.7) so i'm hoping i'm covered there.


Any special visual library things i might need to install?


And, really, the video on how to install SDX....kinda ignores mention of things you guys are bringing up like for Net Framework. The install video seems more like a "in a perfect world" situation than what the average joe user just drops in and it works magically. That video seems more like for someone who's pre-prepped their system with certain things (his directory was already pointed to even after unzipping).


Or is SDX supposed to be dumped right into 7d2d's main directory? Again, my first time at using this thing and it's very confusing. I have it in it's own SDX directory now but i had to ask to be sure, that's how you learn.


Also, the Second Build Directory.....what's that about? Do i need to point it to anything?


It's also kinda weird that SDX has it's very own "mods" dir instead of it pointing to mine but, i digress.



I've got a dedicated server i'm probably going to have to put these mods on as well so i gotta learn this.

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Went back to 3.5 and all the way to 4.7


All gave the same message, they won't install because i have the newest version (4.7) so i'm hoping i'm covered there.


Any special visual library things i might need to install?


And, really, the video on how to install SDX....kinda ignores mention of things you guys are bringing up like for Net Framework. The install video seems more like a "in a perfect world" situation than what the average joe user just drops in and it works magically. That video seems more like for someone who's pre-prepped their system with certain things (his directory was already pointed to even after unzipping).


Or is SDX supposed to be dumped right into 7d2d's main directory? Again, my first time at using this thing and it's very confusing. I have it in it's own SDX directory now but i had to ask to be sure, that's how you learn.


Also, the Second Build Directory.....what's that about? Do i need to point it to anything?


It's also kinda weird that SDX has it's very own "mods" dir instead of it pointing to mine but, i digress.



I've got a dedicated server i'm probably going to have to put these mods on as well so i gotta learn this.


I understand it is frustrating when things don't work as expected.


I work with a lot of clean installs; SDX has worked right out of the box for me each time. It uses standard libraries. However, it seems some installs are missing something, and we aren't quite sure what exactly. It could range from anti-virus to different default folders, etc. This is why we ask these questions, to try to solve the issue.


SDX extracts to its own folder. It maintains its own Mods folder as Scripts and Patch Scripts do not need to be distributed to the clients and dedicated servers, and acts as a filtering system. SDX also maintains a back up of your XML files and your DLL files, allowing you to rebuild easily.


The Linq is inside System.XML.dll. This is distributed as part of the game, in the 7DaysToDie_Data/Managed folder. You could try copying that file to your base SDX folder, where the executable is.


As Guppycur said, it's available to point to your local dedicated install. This allows you to keep your Client and Dedi builds in sync.

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I understand it is frustrating when things don't work as expected.


I work with a lot of clean installs; SDX has worked right out of the box for me each time. It uses standard libraries. However, it seems some installs are missing something, and we aren't quite sure what exactly. It could range from anti-virus to different default folders, etc. This is why we ask these questions, to try to solve the issue.


SDX extracts to its own folder. It maintains its own Mods folder as Scripts and Patch Scripts do not need to be distributed to the clients and dedicated servers, and acts as a filtering system. SDX also maintains a back up of your XML files and your DLL files, allowing you to rebuild easily.


The Linq is inside System.XML.dll. This is distributed as part of the game, in the 7DaysToDie_Data/Managed folder. You could try copying that file to your base SDX folder, where the executable is.


As Guppycur said, it's available to point to your local dedicated install. This allows you to keep your Client and Dedi builds in sync.



No antivirus, the computer runs in a controlled environment where it's used for nothing but loading and playing games, no browsing.


I copied the file and it had no effect at all, SDX didn't recognize it was there.



Here's the compile.


EVENT: Begin task: Backup game files

EVENT: Begin task: Import UnityEngine.dll

EVENT: Begin task: Deobfuscate Assembly Strings

INFO: Skipping string deobfuscation as it already exists

EVENT: Begin task: Patch game code

INFO: Inject: System.Void GameManager::Awake() into type(SDX.Payload.Entry, SDX.Payload).Setup at start

INFO: Inject: System.Void GameManager::StartGame() into type(SDX.Payload.ModEngine, SDX.Payload).StartupModScripts at start



EVENT: Begin task: Deobfuscate game code

EVENT: Begin task: Compile mod patcher scripts

Compiling PatchScripts assembly...

Loading References...

INFO: Built in 91ms

Reference: SDX.Compiler.dll

Reference: Mono.Cecil.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\SDX.Core.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\SDX.Payload.dll

WARN: e:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDX0.7.3\Targets\7DaysToDie\Mods\AnimationSDX\PatchScripts\Animations.cs(5,14): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

ERROR: Failed to compile PatchMods

ERROR: Task Compile mod patcher scripts failed

EVENT: Action completed at: 4/15/2019 10:18:44 AM and took 0.96 seconds

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No antivirus, the computer runs in a controlled environment where it's used for nothing but loading and playing games, no browsing.


I copied the file and it had no effect at all, SDX didn't recognize it was there.



Here's the compile.


EVENT: Begin task: Backup game files

EVENT: Begin task: Import UnityEngine.dll

EVENT: Begin task: Deobfuscate Assembly Strings

INFO: Skipping string deobfuscation as it already exists

EVENT: Begin task: Patch game code

INFO: Inject: System.Void GameManager::Awake() into type(SDX.Payload.Entry, SDX.Payload).Setup at start

INFO: Inject: System.Void GameManager::StartGame() into type(SDX.Payload.ModEngine, SDX.Payload).StartupModScripts at start



EVENT: Begin task: Deobfuscate game code

EVENT: Begin task: Compile mod patcher scripts

Compiling PatchScripts assembly...

Loading References...

INFO: Built in 91ms

Reference: SDX.Compiler.dll

Reference: Mono.Cecil.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\SDX.Core.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\SDX.Payload.dll

WARN: e:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDX0.7.3\Targets\7DaysToDie\Mods\AnimationSDX\PatchScripts\Animations.cs(5,14): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

ERROR: Failed to compile PatchMods

ERROR: Task Compile mod patcher scripts failed

EVENT: Action completed at: 4/15/2019 10:18:44 AM and took 0.96 seconds


Would you mind trying this beta? http://7d.l9000.co.uk/SDX0.7.4Test.zip

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Would you mind trying this beta? http://7d.l9000.co.uk/SDX0.7.4Test.zip



Thought of that last night. I got the 074 version and got the same results...



Fresh off 074


Found target: 7 Days To Die

EVENT: Begin task: Backup game files

EVENT: Begin task: Import UnityEngine.dll

EVENT: Begin task: Deobfuscate Assembly Strings

Deobfuscate Assembly Strings has been disabled

EVENT: Begin task: Patch game code

INFO: Inject: System.Void GameManager::Awake() into type(SDX.Payload.Entry, SDX.Payload).Setup at start

INFO: Inject: System.Void GameManager::StartGame() into type(SDX.Payload.ModEngine, SDX.Payload).StartupModScripts at start



EVENT: Begin task: Deobfuscate game code

De-obfuscator has been disabled

EVENT: Begin task: Compile mod patcher scripts

Compiling PatchScripts assembly...

Loading References...

INFO: Built in 96ms

Reference: SDX.Compiler.dll

Reference: Mono.Cecil.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\SDX.Core.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\SDX.Payload.dll

WARN: e:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDX0.7.4Test\Targets\7DaysToDie\Mods\AnimationSDX\PatchScripts\Animations.cs(5,14): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

ERROR: Failed to compile PatchMods

ERROR: Task Compile mod patcher scripts failed

EVENT: Action completed at: 4/15/2019 11:06:15 AM and took 1.11 seconds

Remote build failed



I mean, it's bugging me too. This is a clean install of Windows 10, only a month or so old so it's not had time enough to get any corruptions because i only have installed 7D2d on it as far as games go.


But i keep thinking that there's something you guys may have installed on your own systems, previously, that might make a difference in your system than mine. Sphereii, you're a coder so you've got to have more stuff on your system than me.


I know it's going to end up being something dumb because it always is in the end but i followed the directions to the letter from the video and, like i said, i've done similar things like this before and i followed it all to the letter.


I would do screen clips but they make them so small (here) it would be hard for you guys to see them.


I even re-downloaded the HAL files and the wandering traders mod, fresh from github to make sure there were no corruptions.



You know, i did a Google dive, and someone mentioned redirecting target framework to 4.0.....does that ring any bells with anyone?

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Thought of that last night. I got the 074 version and got the same results...



Fresh off 074


Found target: 7 Days To Die

EVENT: Begin task: Backup game files

EVENT: Begin task: Import UnityEngine.dll

EVENT: Begin task: Deobfuscate Assembly Strings

Deobfuscate Assembly Strings has been disabled

EVENT: Begin task: Patch game code

INFO: Inject: System.Void GameManager::Awake() into type(SDX.Payload.Entry, SDX.Payload).Setup at start

INFO: Inject: System.Void GameManager::StartGame() into type(SDX.Payload.ModEngine, SDX.Payload).StartupModScripts at start



EVENT: Begin task: Deobfuscate game code

De-obfuscator has been disabled

EVENT: Begin task: Compile mod patcher scripts

Compiling PatchScripts assembly...

Loading References...

INFO: Built in 96ms

Reference: SDX.Compiler.dll

Reference: Mono.Cecil.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\SDX.Core.dll

Reference: E:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die/7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed\SDX.Payload.dll

WARN: e:\(Games - Steam)\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\SDX0.7.4Test\Targets\7DaysToDie\Mods\AnimationSDX\PatchScripts\Animations.cs(5,14): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

ERROR: Failed to compile PatchMods

ERROR: Task Compile mod patcher scripts failed

EVENT: Action completed at: 4/15/2019 11:06:15 AM and took 1.11 seconds

Remote build failed



I mean, it's bugging me too. This is a clean install of Windows 10, only a month or so old so it's not had time enough to get any corruptions because i only have installed 7D2d on it as far as games go.


But i keep thinking that there's something you guys may have installed on your own systems, previously, that might make a difference in your system than mine. Sphereii, you're a coder so you've got to have more stuff on your system than me.


I know it's going to end up being something dumb because it always is in the end but i followed the directions to the letter from the video and, like i said, i've done similar things like this before and i followed it all to the letter.


I would do screen clips but they make them so small (here) it would be hard for you guys to see them.


I even re-downloaded the HAL files and the wandering traders mod, fresh from github to make sure there were no corruptions.


I am a coder, but not all my PCs are used to code. The Mod Launcher can also trigger SDX compiles, and sometimes this issue comes up for end-users too, but by far, it works out of the box. Why is it failing for some, I'm not sure. Is it a difference between incremental patches vs clean fresh install, etc.


The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)


Linq exists in System.Core.dll, which is available in your game folder, as well as in other places.


Do you have .NET Core installed? https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download and install .NET Core2.2 ".NET Core RunTime".

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I am a coder, but not all my PCs are used to code. The Mod Launcher can also trigger SDX compiles, and sometimes this issue comes up for end-users too, but by far, it works out of the box. Why is it failing for some, I'm not sure. Is it a difference between incremental patches vs clean fresh install, etc.


The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)


Linq exists in System.Core.dll, which is available in your game folder, as well as in other places.


Do you have .NET Core installed? https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download and install .NET Core2.2 ".NET Core RunTime".




Installed it immediately and did a reboot and tried....same issue.



Your github says that the dependency files are 3 months old. Did you submit any patches (here, from another storage source) to the animation dependency since then that may have fix this error previously and possibly it wasn't uploaded to github (where the first page's links are)?


I'm just throwing possibilities into the air since we've gone over the most obvious things. I did notice you've got a couple of different github accounts and i thought maybe one of them (linked here) might be more updated than the original post's links.


To be honest, the search mode here isn't the most accurate i've used and i could have missed some patch you put out that could have corrected the issue in a previous post somewhere along the way.


(and please, no offense is intended by this statement) I've put in manux vehicles and the A17 elevator sdx mod and got no errors with them. They probably don't call on the same libraries but some of the mods do compile....


I'm just trying to find some conclusion to this issue.

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Installed it immediately and did a reboot and tried....same issue.



Your github says that the dependency files are 3 months old. Did you submit any patches (here, from another storage source) to the animation dependency since then that may have fix this error previously and possibly it wasn't uploaded to github (where the first page's links are)?


I'm just throwing possibilities into the air since we've gone over the most obvious things. I did notice you've got a couple of different github accounts and i thought maybe one of them (linked here) might be more updated than the original post's links.


To be honest, the search mode here isn't the most accurate i've used and i could have missed some patch you put out that could have corrected the issue in a previous post somewhere along the way.


The error is pretty fundamental basic. The mods have not changed that much to cause that issue.


You could copy the System.Core.dll from the game folder into your SDX folder and see if it helps.

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Those are not errors that you can ignore. Looks like sdx either isnt setup properly or your missing some files, or both. There is a tutorial video on setting up SDX in the tutorial section. Hopefully that will help you.


The players can just use the 7D2D modlauncher to install this and other sdx mods now on the client side (That's a new feature) , or you can build a custom mod package and have the launcher send that to the clients. I think the launcher will also do dedi builds now too, but I never tried that.




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There is a chance your SDX isnt setup properly. Try installing it like its described in this tutorial: https://7d2dsdx.github.io/Tutorials/


It is more steps but isolates your vanilla game install from any changes, and really help reduce problems later if you do a lot of modding.




Now i will admit, this guide has a few things i've not done (like delete my entire 7d2d and start over) but i was hoping to avoid something like that.



And i'm really trying not to offend anyone but this is the "only" mod series i can't compile and make work, this series (wandering traders/bandits and the HAL dependancy mods).

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No offense taken. I'm not aware of any issues with the modlet as it seems to work well in the many implementations I know about.


Someone mentioned installing Net Framework 3.5, is there a way you can force it? Most of the time, it just ignores me and other versions of Net Framework tell me i've got the newest version. I just keep thinking i'm missing something.

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Someone mentioned installing Net Framework 3.5, is there a way you can force it? Most of the time, it just ignores me and other versions of Net Framework tell me i've got the newest version. I just keep thinking i'm missing something.


I believe Net Framework is automatically installed through Windows update, as long as your system is up to date, it receives the updated version of Net Framework. Make sure that you have the latest Windows updates and see if that resolves the issue.

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