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Ragsy' s A20 Modlets

Ragsy 2145

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Also your first person view for vehicles mod doesn't seem to do anything.


Yes you are right ... I did a Modlet Number format change for sphereii's modlauncher a week or so back and changed the website line in Modinfo.xml as well and it does not load because of that.. there was an extra " at end of website line.


Pushed fixes to gitlab an thanks again for letting me know of issue.


Ragsy !!

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For the life of me I can't get the boat's to go more than a few seconds without sinking, lol.

This is V3 on 18.1b8, am I missing something, I've tried many keys, even got the bow to point up but it still sinks, would be cool to use as my map will feature islands.


Odd .... I have no issues but there again I am used to the quirks, if you place boat in water and wait for it to stop bobbing up/down for a few seconds then add the fuel (if first time placing) then press Shift and W it will float away at its fixed velocity. Because the Pimps have fixed placing I recommend placing in shallow water and wait for boat to rise and stabilise. If you try to place on land and enter water it will not get far before it sinks. I had a little buzz round the Navesgane riverways and if you hit a bank or ground the boat it will do what boats do and sink.



I am looking at improvements and additions for version 4 of the boat stuff in the near future ...



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Also there are new (as of a18 I think) plastic garbage cans that get destroyed when you loot them with your mod. Thanks for taking care of these lovely mods!


I will take look at it ... if they are tied to loot list 10 then yes they will destroy on close after looting, I may have to seperate them out as well to stop that happening.


Thanks for the info



Took a look at the other garbage can and yes they also are tied to garbage bag id's ... version 2 will be up on my Gitlab soon and will be an 'A18 only version'.


Ragsy !!

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Ragsy_Take_Out The_Trash_V2_A18


There are now two versions ...one backward compatible for A17 users and is still available Info Here



This modlet is will allow the destruction of all trash/garbage bags and also the foul trash/garbage piles after you loot them.


This version will not destroy all the small waste bins you find in toilets/bathrooms and even more so in Zoe's Salon (as they used same lootlist id's) also now in A18 this modlet will stop the destruction of the Tilt Truck bins and the Brute Style Trash Can.


Keep your local zombie infested neighbourhood clean without destroying it completely :)




Please be aware that you have to start a new save if you install this modlet. --> Download

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OK, it seems my issues were placement, most of the time the boat would just sink and slowly slide into the depths.

With some more testing and patience I have a rythm down to where I hardly sink anymore :)


Looking forward to your future plans for the mod, it's definitely a welcome addition, thanks!

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OK, it seems my issues were placement, most of the time the boat would just sink and slowly slide into the depths.

With some more testing and patience I have a rythm down to where I hardly sink anymore :)


Looking forward to your future plans for the mod, it's definitely a welcome addition, thanks!


Thanks for the feedback and glad you have found them useful. :smile-new:



Ragsy !!

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a forum enquiry about the motorcycle not being able to climb steep inclines and slowing down too much , I set about trying to improve the vanilla motorcycle handling .. that was back in A18.0 first stable release.


I sort of forgotten about this one and have had this on in my mods folder a while now but I think its time to release it as some one may appreciate it.


I ended up with a Motorcycle that actually goes quite fast ( Turbo top speed 27) and leans well into long corners and feels a lot better than the current vanilla set up ... well to me that is you can decide if you like it or not.





If anyone wants to try this out its here  Improved Vanilla MotorCycle "Dirt Bike Style"


Added Alternate version or version 2 , this version the bike will not slide as much as the Dirt bike edition and bike leans lower to the ground on cornering


Improved Vanilla MotorCycle "Racing Bike Style"



Ragsy !!

Edited by Ragsy 2145
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Any news on the Glider?


Hopefully will be releasing a experimental version in the next week for A18, I have some R/L issues to deal with atm so time is restricted.



A little progress ..... general speed improved although now have two physics models.


One goes down with limited distance and another that can glide and glide for a very long time lol



This video was testing some other stuff in 18.1 as well but the glider bit is at the beginning ... and I have it working in 18.2 as well.


Ragsy !!

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Hi Ragsy,


In your Classic Zombies modlet, will adding this line also affect zombies sight and noise range?


<set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[starts-with(@name, 'zombie')]/property[@value='SetNearestEntityAsTarget']/@data">
</set><!-- class, hear distance, see dist (checked left to right, 0 dist uses entity default) -->


I'm looking at the XML files and a bit confused since there are several attributes that seem to do the same thing.


I don't know how to see zombies line of sight or noise range in game, so not sure how to test this too.

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In the default entityclasses.xml it states:


Line 364: 	<property name="NoiseAlertThreshold" value="30"/> <!-- DEPRECATED; an awake zombie triggers instantly if touched by the sound range/volume -->


Doesn't that mean your classic zombies mod is also affected as I see it references that code and what was the idea behind the -200 value, just so I can understand.



To get more info on zombie status in single player type "dm" in the console and then hit the numpad "0" key to get floating status text above npc's which includes sight, range, sound etc...

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In the default entityclasses.xml it states:


Line 364: 	<property name="NoiseAlertThreshold" value="30"/> <!-- DEPRECATED; an awake zombie triggers instantly if touched by the sound range/volume -->


Doesn't that mean your classic zombies mod is also affected as I see it references that code and what was the idea behind the -200 value, just so I can understand.



To get more info on zombie status in single player type "dm" in the console and then hit the numpad "0" key to get floating status text above npc's which includes sight, range, sound etc...


Sorry for late reply R/L issues atm ...


-200 just ensured the zombie had max hearing range as it was in A17 (could have been any - number but that was first i tried and worked as intended ).... it still seems to work fine in A18 as the more noise a player makes zombies head towards the source of the noise or at least on earlier versions of A18.


If its not working now then when i get the time will look more into the in's and out's of the changes in A18.


Ragsy !!

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It's working, just wasn't sure whether that entry had any effect anymore due to being "DEPRECATED" as stated in the vanilla files.


Smell doesn't seem to do anything as I hovered over them with backpack and toolbelt full of raw meat and they didn't aggro, sight and sound get's their attention though.


Having fun tuning the numbers for our setup, thanks!

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It's working, just wasn't sure whether that entry had any effect anymore due to being "DEPRECATED" as stated in the vanilla files.


Smell doesn't seem to do anything as I hovered over them with backpack and toolbelt full of raw meat and they didn't aggro, sight and sound get's their attention though.


Having fun tuning the numbers for our setup, thanks!


Thanks for the feedback ... I will take a look at the whole thing again at some point . The smell thing may be different then from A17 but yeah tweaking stuff up or down can yeild interesting results :).



Ragsy !!

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Hang Glider Modlet Experimental


The Hang Glider

So you fought hard suffered blows but finally you kicked zombie butts and obtained all that glorious loot on your journey up the various tall buildings and skyscapers the game has to offer. After all the hard work then doesn't it really suck that you have to walk calmly down past all the stuff you made your spoils on the way up.. :dispirited:




Now only if i had a way to get down from that roof quickly and carry on looting more stuff before the oncoming blood moon arrives to use up these newly found resources ( a grappling hook would be great but that is not yet a feature in the game and we all are thinking on that one as to how to implement so whats the next best option).


Well now if you were smart and had previously crafted the makeshift 'hang glider' before the accent you can now just take off from that roof and glide down for your next mission.


Glider Launching

Designed mainly for decent from tall buildings but you can use glider to decend from cliffs and hills if you make sure the ground is flat and there are no immediate obstacles that you might collide with.


Tall Building Launch

Place close to edge of a building roof making sure you have a clear run for take off ( probably 2 - 3 metres), if not find an elevated position on that roof or make a clear run by knocking down blocks to do so.





The glider is light and flimsy so may move after placing of it's own accord


Controlling the glider

Press E to mount glider and the glider catches the wind so to speak and takes off ....


When airbourne C becomes tilt forward and spacebar is tiltback... Whilst airbourne you can let go of W and use the A and D controls (strafe) and mouse to steer down to earth.... or for sustaining longer flights you need to use the spacebar to tiltback and maintain height .


The higher up you are the better chance you have of really long distance gliding .....



When landing press E to dismount near desired landing position ... and then pickup the glider for your next adventure (pick up is on the steering frame when looking at the glider from the rear view see above pre-launch pictures).




The Glider is craftable in a standard workbench with no progression needed as this is something you could make in early game at the cost of resources and actually finding a working workbench. Finding a workbench in early game would be a bonus and allow you to make the Glider a lot sooner. The recipe is simple and uses in game resources.


Known Issues

1. If you hit another building or perhaps a tree during decent the glider may stick and leave you stranded , I put the exit for the glider at the top for now, when exiting the glider and standing on top the glider will slowly decend to the ground without you having to plunge to your death. So stay still and don't walk off ;)


2. You can not launch easily from the roof top raised edge blocks ( see launch instructions)


3. You can climb a bit when decending from smaller buildings but too much tiltback using spacebar can occasionally take glider so high it takes a while to correct it so don't over do the tiltback after launch.


4. Glider Storage ..not needed as this is a pick up and go although it's still in the xml at present .. will sort that later.





Thanks again to Guppycur for having faith and supplying the model whilst I try to get to grips with making my own for the future.


Guppys Modding Community Discord for all the support and encouragement through the ups and downs of getting this far with the Glider.


The Community forums again for your input and support.


Hang Gliding Modlet Download



There are a few videos posted in this thread whilst in development so check them out ...


Have Fun

Ragsy !!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! thank you for your work and your mods! I could use some help tho, and I'm sorry if the questions turns out dumb, as I'm new to 7dtd modding. I'm trying to get 1st person camera to work and for the life of me I can't. Is it just incompatible with A18.2 or am I doing something wrong?

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Hey! thank you for your work and your mods! I could use some help tho, and I'm sorry if the questions turns out dumb, as I'm new to 7dtd modding. I'm trying to get 1st person camera to work and for the life of me I can't. Is it just incompatible with A18.2 or am I doing something wrong?


Thanks for trying them :)


It is throwing an error in console after I updated the version compatability in modinfo.xml a while back, I have uploaded the fix to Gitlab ... please re download the modlet and should work fine.


Thanks for bringing that to my attention .



Ragsy !!

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Thanks for trying them :)


It is throwing an error in console after I updated the version compatability in modinfo.xml a while back, I have uploaded the fix to Gitlab ... please re download the modlet and should work fine.


Thanks for bringing that to my attention .



Ragsy !!

Damn, thanks man! This makes my day. You have a good one too and I'll be looking out for your future mods!

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Thanks !


I have a few things planned for the future but limited time at present .


Also working with others on projects , I must try finish updating and reworking of Guppy's Vehicle Madness for A18.


Also involved in another 'massive vehicle project' that promises lots and lots of vehicles in it ........including 5 classic, 5 sports , 5 vans , 5 Sedans ,5 trucks, 5 4x4's , 3 EMS , 5 APC's , 4 military trucks , 5 military Jeeps , 1 Armoured bank truck and a military tanker ..... then the special version upgrades to certain vehicles in the Madmax stylee .. :smile-new:






Ragsy !!

Edited by Ragsy 2145
Re word and typos stuffs again lol (see edit history)
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