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How do you remove the death penalty from the game?


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Since the Devs decided to leave the absolutely fun destroying death penalty that reduces your skills for half an hour, I’d like to know how to remove that from the game.


Has someone created a mod for that? Or do I need to edit some XML?

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The same way you get the death penalty removed in real life--- Liberals


But otherwise yes, you can search the forum to see how it was done for the game and should be easy to do. I'd do it for you but I'm a lazy cop. Try the mod forums too.

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The same way you get the death penalty removed in real life--- Liberals


But otherwise yes, you can search the forum to see how it was done for the game and should be easy to do. I'd do it for you but I'm a lazy cop. Try the mod forums too.

I tried the mod forum, but all I found was dozens of threads of modlets that don’t do what I want. If there is a mod 5at removes the penalty, I have not found it.

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Enter god mode via console. Problem solved.


This was considered a troll post but I don't think it was intended as such. If you don't want to mod your game and you are playing SP then simply follow these steps to remove the death penalty:


Press F1 to open console

Type dm to enter debug mode

Press ESC to close console

Press Q to enable godmode

Press Q to leave godmode


This is an actual workaround for anyone who doesn't want to mod their game although it doesn't answer the specific question of the OP who was looking for a mod.

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This was considered a troll post but I don't think it was intended as such. If you don't want to mod your game and you are playing SP then simply follow these steps to remove the death penalty:


Press F1 to open console

Type dm to enter debug mode

Press ESC to close console

Press Q to enable godmode

Press Q to leave godmode


This is an actual workaround for anyone who doesn't want to mod their game although it doesn't answer the specific question of the OP who was looking for a mod.


Yes thanks for posting that.

I was thinking the same thing... that someone might not take that other post seriously.


It works just fine.


Does this work? I've never tried it but wrote it down in case I ever wanted to use it.


hit F1 and type 'debuff buffNearDeathTrauma' and it goes away.


Yeah I can't see why it wouldn't.

That command removes any buff.

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