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Everything posted by Krougal

  1. I've found some missions (I don't know this particular one) also have a series of valves you need to turn, and then Carl's corn even has a puzzle where you need to turn them in the right sequence to make them all close. I'm learning to always assume I missed something first. Also I noticed in some the buttons don't work if you are not on quest. One of the army camps in particular, although I have noticed it in others as well, the vault door to the good loot, the button just doesn't work if you are just there raiding it.
  2. <item_modifier name="modMeleeWeightedHead" installable_tags="light,medium,heavy,turretMelee" modifier_tags="damage" blocked_tags="noMods,perkDeepCuts" type="attachment"> <property name="Extends" value="modGeneralMaster" param1="CustomIcon" /> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="modMeleeWeightedHeadSchematic" /> <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="modsTier1" /> <!-- Increases stun chance; increases stamina use, axe, hammer, club --> <effect_group tiered="false"> <requirement name="RandomRoll" seed_type="Random" min_max="0,100" operation="LTE" value="15" /> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfAttackedOther" action="AddBuff" target="other" buff="buffInjuryStunned01" /> </effect_group> The head adds a 15% chance to stun. That is not insignificant. I'd take that over the stamina any day of the week.
  3. Oh right! I forgot I have a mod that exposes some of those settings to the normal game, so I've got my animals set to max. It is working because I can't spit without hitting a chicken. It was an attempt to combat my lack of deer, which turned out to be an outdated mod. I should probably tone it down now.
  4. Ok, but you should be able to clear POIs much faster than a solo. So you should be able to clear more POIs in the same amount of time and therefore get more loot, and quest rewards, which are per person. Any way you slice it, a group should be more effective than a solo. Ok, so base mom doesn't need gear. Diggy diggy hole guy only needs mining gear. You aren't making a strong case. As for your second para, that is as much a SP as a MP problem. All of us that don't like the direction the game has taken in one way or another are in that same boat. I mean you don't like the change, I get it, and that's valid, but don't make some bull@%$# argument that doesn't have anything to do with the problem.
  5. The same. Not a one have I seen. Now rabbits otoh are all over, maybe not quite as much as chickens but I see plenty. Plenty of coyote in the desert for good eats too. I haven't spent a lot of time in the snow yet (about to build new main base there) but I imagine there is enough big game there too.
  6. Really? I mean the comfort mod, yeah, TBH by the time I can get it, stamina is not an issue (and stamina isn't an issue for me in general other than the first few days) but the medical one has saved my ass more than a few times. You just need to make sure it has a stack of med kits, because by the time it uses them, a bandage probably doesn't cut it.
  7. I didn't forget, that means 5 people need to get off their ass and gather cloth. Yes, I realize that means the 1 store is not going to be enough but once again 5 people can do more I agree it's a PITA to distribute magazines efficiently but otherwise once again, you should be getting magazines 5x as quickly any way you slice it. So the magazines shouldn't suck anymore than they suck for the rest of us. I mean as a SP I still need pretty much every magazine, weapons excluded but I personally hate being limited to 1 weapon (or even 1 ability trees weapon). I thought it was the armor, but yes, 3 double clothing mods...once and then you have them forever. Do you really think it is that much of an issue?
  8. Who knew zombies had so much blood in them... I would say my favorite is the stun baton, I often stop to admire it and tell it how sexy it is after it sends a pile of fried zeds sailing across the room (repulsor mod FTW!). Least favorite is the stupid bear head on the drone, but that mod is so damn useful I will suffer through it).
  9. Too true. Besides you are going to craft at most 5? I usually only use 2 triples. although I like to have a set of light and heavy armor ready to wear, but that means 4, and I think I've gotten so many as quest rewards/misc loot that I haven't even made any in b16. I've used many stacks of cloth to make duct tape and I've still got like half a chest full of cloth. I honestly think this was a good change.
  10. Because face it, many people like games, but we all love tits! Except the drone (she is jealous of Jen's tits)
  11. Stop asking those difficult questions!
  12. All very true. That doesn't change the fact that we're here to talk about THIS particular instance. Granted it is hard to discuss it without delving into related topics (and I am the first one to go off on a tangent).
  13. I think that is broken honestly, it isn't supposed to rain in the desert in this game at all last I knew, unless they changed it on purpose.
  14. The problem is more deer would give way too much food. I mean we only get a few meals out of large animal as it is now. I suppose they could go the route they took with the cloth and make recipes use much more but then increase the animal spawn and/or drop rate. That might not be a bad thing.
  15. Yes, and since I was part of that OPM breach several years back, China already has all my personal info. Still no reason to continue furnishing with daily status updates. There is no good reason for any of these services to run on my system or be able to collect data but it goes deeper than this. Many people do not seem to realize just how bad EAC is. Do you not understand that you are giving them carte blanche access to your system, so even if for arguments sake we give them the benefit of the doubt say they are not doing anything nefarious, tomorrow that could change.
  16. Not the only one, just among the most obnoxious about it. I also don't allow any/all traffic in or out for that matter. Yes, it's all about minimizing your attack surface.
  17. I feel like ergonomic grip is for tools always another combat related mod to put on a weapon (if you have them of course), but then I don't run out of stamina in fights Go for the eyes head Boo! Go for the eyes head!
  18. Yeah, they really need to fix it. It sucks and I feel the same way about playing with the gamma. I mean it is darker in the day during a rainstorm than it is at night. That just isn't right. Josh's lightening mod seemed to help a bit but since the latest build I am not really sure. Even the author said he wasn't exactly happy with it. Haven't had a chance to mess with it myself.
  19. Well, I did find this guide https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2594056744 for blocking EOS in general, as well as this guide specifically for 7DTD: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2712765148 which is a bit more involved than just blackholing their domains, and then I still don't know if you can play MP after doing that or not.
  20. FTFY! Landing is doable, but yeah, there isn't enough room to take-off.
  21. Yeah, it's horrible but easily modable at least. I highly recommend "Less Rain" by Pahbi. Or just edit your biomes.xml to your own prefs.
  22. Hmmm...that's an idea. https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2861?tab=description I am not sure what version it is intended for, files 4/23 so probably A20, but GUI modlets seem to continue to work, I was still using Redeagle's which haven't been updated since A19 or maybe even earlier.
  23. Mine are out in the open and noone has @%$#ed with them. The way screamers work is they are drawn by heat. The way heat works is generally making noise. Using crafting stations all generate some heat. The chem station the most. Resource gathering is a big heat generator too, especially with an augur or chainsaw. This isn't heat in the literal sense, which I think many people take it as, but the figurative sense of "drawing heat to yourself" So yes, even the dew collectors produce heat, which while it still doesn't make a lot of sense for them to outside of the obvious reason of limiting how many we spam, I think of it as signs of activity and civilization produce heat. Some people would consider it a bonus, and although I generally do, I still want the ability to control when a screamer horde starts, it is a little annoying when you have planned to do some gardening and uninvited guests show up. A half a dozen or so dew collectors seems to be ok.
  24. Well it may actually work still...just not on your existing save. I mean it gave me a normal restart with noob items and quest. So just warn people it will probably break their existing saves. I should poke through the save folder, I mean the old character is obviously there, so it might be easy to find and copy the file(s) and/or edit the section (I think the saves are XML also, which is easy peezy to manipulate) also although I didn't check I imagine your base and stuff would all still be there too.
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