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ate0ate last won the day on April 10

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About ate0ate

  • Birthday 08/06/1981

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    Pennsylvania, USA
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    Homesteading and videogames. Clearly they go hand in hand.

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  1. I took a small break from the game so I thought I'd check in today to see what changed in that time and was I ever pleasantly surprised to find the progression system I've missed since a19. Thank you so much @khzmusik! Those Whisperers look absolutely amazing. Can't wait to see them in action. Looking at the repo it seems that you've added progression for, well, only every single add on NPC group that I am aware of. That leaves me with just one question then; do you sleep?? But seriously, thank you for the work here. It really does make the game infinitely more enjoyable to me.
  2. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I was aware that you were involved in the development of NPC Core and I may not have said anything but I was quite excited to see that. I kind of had these most likely unrealistic hopes that the faction system would be essentially built in from the start and likely improved. The only thing that even bothered me at all in a19 was how turrets and sledges targeted npc's regardless of your relationship. Everything else was absolutely amazing. I honestly have not enjoyed my experiences thus far with a20 and npcs. The spawns are terrible in their current state and it just feels like a bunch of random things running around the wilderness regions. I'm sure it'll get better, but its rough to enjoy as it stands now. So much potential though. Personally I don't think that their really is any one way to play this game. I don't really like the streamer beloved horde night every night or even the separate horde night base building. I usually turn horde night off entirely and ramp up the roaming hordes to focus on immersion and exploration. To each their own I suppose. Take your time and make what you enjoy. Theirs plenty of us that will love playing it waiting patiently.
  3. I'd imagine that creating something like that utilizing the new npc core's doodads and thingamajigs might take a bit, plus the new world gen, but I also hope that it is in the works eventually. It really spoiled me. I didn't start playing 7 Days until a19 and went modded nearly straight outta the gate. Really fell in love with how alive the world felt back then using khzmusik's suite of npc mods. Good times.
  4. Yeah, I agree that it wouldn't make sense for SMX to change something like that. Most games using the colored tier system tend to personalize it in some way so its not exactly standardized or anything. TFP would have to make the adjustments but it works well enough as is. As I said earlier its really not bad once you get used to it and I actually ended up preferring the color system over the number system once I did. It keeps things clean and concise. Less numbers is less confusing for my eyes too. I play on an older 1080p LCD TV in my living-room so I'm rather far from the screen. SMX makes things nice and easy to see with high contrast black backgrounds and the clearly colored tiers means the only number I need to be concerned with is the amount of items in a stack. There's not only an insane amount of personal preference involved in HUD/UI selection but also what your monitor/screen setup is. That goes a long way in making a decision or forming preferences. For example, a lot of UIs go for a bit of translucency as it can look quite aesthetically pleasing but I find on my setup that it just makes things hard to read or see clearly and quickly. A lot of the HUDs and UIs for 7 Days tend to aim for something more akin to 4k monitor setups with their nice and neat, but very small and semi-translucent inventory tiles. Beautiful on a monitor, terrible on TV lol. I'm not trying to fanboy too hard, its just that I've genuinely gotten a lot out of SMX:)
  5. Lol, yeah, I agree. Blame the vanilla game for that one. I realized after using SMX and going by the default color system that it more or less follows the rarity system in many looters and mobile games. Grey for common, green for uncommon, blue for rare and puprle for epic. TFP should scrap the yellow, move things down a notch so that things work out to tier 6 being the gold legendary tier:)
  6. 1 = Grey 2 = Orange 3 = Yellow 4 = Green 5 = Blue 6 = Purple Once you know them I found that I actually prefer just the color. Its sort of redundant to put a number AND a color really. I get that that is a subjective thing though:)
  7. You should be able to edit the entitygroups.xml of whichever expansion the NPC is from (raiders I believe) and comment out the lines where the rocket launcher raider spawns are.
  8. No problem, you certainly do not have to record the process. Either one of those POIs you mentioned would be amazing to see in-game. Now that you bring up a downtown hospital I find it odd that I never noticed the curious lack of medical facilities before. Seems like something that would definitely offer an opportunity for a high-level dungeon crawl and really decent medical loot. I mean, what place would possibly be more overrun with zeds than a hospital?
  9. Awesome! Thanks for letting me know @MikeyUK. Its hard to stop using SMX once you start. That vanilla UI is... something:) Its nice when mods support SMX but I can completely understand why many don't. I'm gonna give these mods a try now, they look great. Edit: FYI @arramusthe link to chicken coops in the OP goes to the cooking stations mods instead. I found the chicken coops okay on Moddb myself, but just wanted to mention that. Thanks!
  10. This is insanely nice stuff. Love the farming additions. The workstations and cooking stations wouldn't happen to be SMX friendly by any chance, would they?
  11. Thank you tremendously for doing that. I appreciate it. I haven't had much time to sit down and give things another shot but I do appreciate you linking that video as well. Its a useful thing to know how to do and I'd love to learn it a bit. I certainly do not see myself being able to make any amazing POIs from scratch or anything like that, but being able to fix small issues or tweak things to personal tastes would be quite a nice thing to do as well. Thanks again:)
  12. Is there a way to make the nurses killable? They drive me nuts shooting around POIs when I am trying to explore them stealthily. I'd like to be able to silence them:) I am playing singleplayer and have the player kill setting on 3 "kill everything" so I'm not sure why I cannot simply shoot them, but I cannot. Is there a setting somewhere that I can tweak?
  13. Very nice scrollable inventory there! I had a quick question regarding the splash behind the compass mentioned earlier, is it meant to be white?
  14. You've gone above and beyond again sir. Above and beyond.
  15. I don't know how much this may be affecting others, but for me I can only use the compass in dark areas. It looks beautiful and clean without a black or colored background, but I simply cannot see it outdoors against the sky most of the time. I find myself constantly looking at the darker ground or trying to find a tree to go up against just so I can see the compass clearly. Its the only criticism I even have of this UI though so obviously it's not a deal breaker or anything, but it sure is a nuisance on those beautiful sunny days:) Is there any chance we could get a small optional modlet to add a shaded background to the compass if its not too much of a bother? Thank you much for all of your work either way.
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