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Everything posted by Rince

  1. We certainly could use some other weapon that uses .44.
  2. The currency in the game are... casino tokens!!! Coincidence!? I. Don't. Think. So!! Farmers in the prehistory, the OG gacha players. "I spended all my grain and not a single good pull!"
  3. Wow. That's pretty impressive. And I was happy with my three stacks of 7.62 just before the 14th day horde. But again, I'm not a particularly good shooter. I tend to miss quite a lot. The only ammo that I really have plentiful is 9mm because I don't use it at all. But yes, maybe they could tone it a little bit down. (I can see it, next patch you will never see ammo until gamestage 999).
  4. Maybe when they implement the bandits they can remove the trader protection and give the traders some guards, like in DF. I kinda like the idea of a 24 hs trader tavern where the post apocalyptic travellers, caravans and so stop and share a beverage, stories and pass the time.
  5. I liked the A19 farming.It just needed some tweaks. Maybe adding the need to make irrigation, so the crops only grow near water. Now farming is back to being pretty tedious. So in A20 I'm ditching it altogether, again. Just eating meat (bunnies, chikin, wolves and bears, because pigs and deers are quite rare) and canned goods all the day.
  6. Maybe having a higher reload time will put it more on line with the others.
  7. I disagree with OP, I don't particularly want more challenge and difficulty. I want more fun. Thankfully this game is very configurable, so each player can tailor the experience to their tastes to certain extent. Too much loot? Lower it to 25%. Too few zombies? Touch the xml to increase the amount of wandering zombies. Too few penalties to death? Change it to delete everything on death.
  8. I would love to have some backpacks to craft mid-game.
  9. Well, if you want action, if you really want action, you must play with an "x8" zombie spawn mod. Or made the changes to the xml yourself. That's non stop zombie action. You can't raid a POI without an endless chain of zombies coming to greet you. I removed after a little while because I don't want action!! (And because I thought that was crashing my game, but turned out that was a completely unrelated issue). That was back into A19. By the way, once you clear a place of zombies, let say, around my base, someone knows how long it will take until they respawn?
  10. Super Seven Kart. With power ups like the combat shotgun, the nerdpole and the super concrete destroying zombie hands! Can we have an spinoff? 😆
  11. I love the game. Alpha 19 is amazing, I'm playing and enjoying more than ever. Can't wait to see the what you guys do for the next updates. In particular I love the little drone, can't wait to have a little flying robo-buddy. I mean, the roboturrets are nice, but having one following me sounds great. Also I was playing with electricity a lot lately. And I was wondering if in the future there will be a relay that could inverse the, ummm... polarity?, so the default state of the things plugged in is inverse. Mostly because I want to make a batcave automatic entrance and I would love to have a reverse dawnbridge.
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