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Everything posted by Rince

  1. Love the prision POI, used as base in A19. Good times. Hope that they bring back it.
  2. I like it. If you want and can manage to do, you can adventure in harder biomes to get a chance to get better loot. (Or not, I did the hospital in the wastelands the other day, and for my troubles fighting wave after wave after wave of outside zombies I got nothing interesting... not even a miserable antibiotic to fight the infection that I got while doing it).
  3. I still wish for a way to keep the seeds, like in A19. Maybe an extra 4th point in LotL that makes the seed stay planted and revert to the seed stage?
  4. I was fighting soldiers in a camp that respawned the other night and I clearly remember their helmets doing the "CLANG" sounds when hitting them with the Steel Club.
  5. I would suggest updating the TIPS when loading. So new players know that being in a city in very dangerous. And that restore power quest needs extra preparation or they will have a bad time. But the issue of the difficulty brings one of my favorite things about this game. The customization. You can tailor the game experience to whatever you want. Too hard? Lower the difficulty. Still too hard? Make zombies walk all the time? Or raise the loot percentage. And so on. That could be in a TIP too.
  6. I really hope for more zombies in the future. Having back the Cheerleader and the Football player would be nice too. I would love to see some variation of the ones that we have. Like a few more police officers. Maybe a thing one and a female one. And a fat construction worker, maybe carrying an auger that could destroy blocks fast. And a variation of the office zombies, maybe females one. Some more snow themed zombies would be lovely too. Maybe people with winter clothing.
  7. I got the chem station as reward, so I didn't worried too much about it. But the only time that I actually saw one beaker was in the piles of chemical stuff in Dishong at day... 20 maybe?
  8. I'm a bit afraid of Megacities. Just watching at Dishong in the distance makes my FPS have a drop. Don't want to imagine with severals in the same area.
  9. I use the lockable inventory slots. Is a gamechanger. (By the way, when we gonna have a search function in the boxes, Pimps? Please?) Also like Sam's working stuff. Having to use the campfire when I already have a nice kitchen is a serious letdown. I'm waiting for my next playthough to use the 2x zombie spawns and the mod that reverts farming to it A19 way. The new farming is pretty annoying with the replanting. Want to try also the mod that makes wandering hordes bigger. I want to try something like that series that JaWoodle played, in DF, but not with DF.
  10. Yeah, I'm not doing it. I get more than enough food from the vending machines and hunting. The thing is that I liked in A19. I don't particularly need then. But I just liked slowly working from a few seeds into a little farm. Nothing wrong with reching the point where you don't need the seeds anymore. That happens with all the loot. Once you have good T6 gear you don't need those loot anymore. Once you have enough crucibles you can yeet them from tall buildings. And so. Of course, to make seeds valuable you just need to tweak the values until you reach that point. Like the amount of veggies needed to make a seed, the amount of crop received, and so.
  11. I don't think so. Every now and then I start new games because I love the first weeks and love scouting and renovating places to live on. Or like to try new things, like in A19 when I played in a snow only world.
  12. Instead of having a chance to get seed back, I would like to have chance to not get any crops instead. And not having to replant. But I don't know if it is feasible technically speaking.
  13. I haven't tried those mods, and I don't know if they work well together, but seems to be something like you want. https://7daystodiemods.com/no-feral-irradiated-zombies/ https://7daystodiemods.com/increased-zombie-spawning/ https://7daystodiemods.com/increased-zombie-spawning/
  14. The thing is that is still easy to get even more food mid/late game. But more annoying, because you need to replant every harvest. I wish they would had tweaked the old system, instead of killing it. I would had prefer to have higher materials cost for the plot, longer waiting times between harvests. Maybe chances to not getting any crop with no points in LotL. Or maybe needing to have water nearby for the crops to grow. But the constant replanting, not fun times.
  15. That's why I never took that perk now. I prefer to die being ripped apart by an horde of zombies, but not starving!
  16. I suggest putting them in all the biomes. And increase their numbers. And check if there's not one on screen at the moment, then the game should spawn a pack of them. And make it so randomly the bullets and melee just pass through them. Finally, rename them as Cliffracers.
  17. OP, you know that you can configure to not drop anything on death, right?
  18. Bicycle? Pffffff. Don't make me laugh. I can do it much more easily. "Blood Moon Horde turn off"
  19. Aaaah!!! Yesterday found my first beaker!! And not only that, but found FOUR!! It only took me almost dying several times in Dishong Tower in the Winter Biome!! Funny thing, besides the beaker and lots of ammo I didn't got anything noteworthy.
  20. Well done gang! We caught the elusive beaker!! But let's gonna see who is really under the mask, shall we? *dramatic unmask* Oooooh!!! It was "Forge Ahead" all the time!!!!
  21. Jokes asides, probably my bad luck is on it again. But I really want to find a flying robo buddy.
  22. Yeah, I was so happy when they changed farming in A19. Finally I actually used farming since, well, forever. Sure, the system could had been tweaked increasing the farm plot costs, or the growing time, or adding irrigation, or tweaking the yield taking in account the points in LoTL. But was nice. And actually enjoyed working slowly to have my farm. And then in A20 they bulldozed the entire system. Sad times, sad times. I don't want to replant my crops every single time.
  23. Tier 5, not have found the schematic. The trader didn't offered me one. (I got a chem station). So, I used the points to unlock it. Still looking for the crucible. And never found a beaker.
  24. Because is nice? I like to make big farms. But I hate replanting the seeds. Anyways, if you get the 5 corns, then you can make a seed. Then plant the seed. If you have the mats for the plot. Else you must wait to get those. When you have those you can plant your seed. And wait until you get 5 corns. And so. It's time consuming. Eventually you get to the lots of food stage. But with the current system is the same. The only difference is that you must replant every time. And I'm not angry. It's just that I don't want to replant the seeds every time. Is annoying.
  25. Yeah, not a fan of the HP changes either. Now the poles are made of paper. Farming is more or less the same. But more annoying. With all the replanting. But for food, the good old meat will never let you down. Boiled meat, grilled meat, Bacon and Eggs. Who needs veggies! Just be sure to kill every living thing you see. And keep an eye at night for those delicious wolves and bears! Huge farms which deliver endless food before the first horde? How? Took me weeks to get a little farm running. Big ones were like late game goals for me.
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