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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I removed all trader rewards (except for the tier rewards) and found it refreshing. You still want to do trader missions to get coin, but since you don't get rewards now for completion, it motivates you to loot non-mission POIs to find gear and items.
  2. I think this was a missed opportunity for the vanilla game. Just in crafting alone, making Q6 equipment a rarity and having a master crafter who can craft those levels would be unique. Looting Q6 equipment became a profit activity that even having the ability to craft them is not much of an impact.
  3. Depends on which version you are downloading. The current build (4.04) has actually been updated for A20.6.
  4. This is just a teaser https://community.7daystodie.com/forum/39-tutorials-guides/
  5. Tip - Destroy the body bags in the rooms
  6. @Izayo Okay, I found some issues that might be causing your problems Naming of the items You should not use special characters and spaces in the names of your items: 5.56mm, 5.56mm AP, Civilian-Legal Rifle. The game code has issues if you use special characters and spaces in your item names. This is why TFP don't include those in the code (decimal places are strictly for values in variables). I would use the same naming convention that TFP use in their vanilla items. So change 5.56mm into ammo556mmBulletBall Change 5.56mm AP into ammo556mmBulletAP change Civilian-Legal Rifle into gunCivilianLegalRifle Continue doing the same with all of the items - These are just examples that I do in my mods, but the key is getting rid of the spaces and special characters like the decimal point and the -. To get them to display properly in-game, we will need to add a localization file that will load up. That is not hard to do, especially if you load it up via excel (as it splits the information into columns). You can view the vanilla ammo and vanilla guns as examples. Don't worry about additional languages as you can just do the English displayed name for each item. I checked your loot file and it seems like it is loading correctly. However, I would drop the loot_prob_template="guaranteed" from the lines (as anything without a probability is treated as 1 anyways). I would also remove the one from treasure ammo since you already added it to both subgroups in that ammo group. Addressing the issues in the names as I mentioned above might fix the loot issue you are seeing.
  7. Wonder what the unsummon command is? ๐Ÿ˜ Maybe that is high level magic itself, like a Roland banhammer (same class as warhammers fyi)
  8. I assumed he was talking about one's head up their.....but that is just where my mind went when mprojekt mentioned head, 4 corners, and the army. Sounds something one of the soldiers would say about the officers.
  9. @Izayo I saw that you were having an ammo issue in your OP, I will check it out to see what is going on (unless you already fixed it). I will also look to publishing a modlet that people can use with your mods to add the weapons to the loot tables and allow them to be crafted. For sure, I will tie the recipes to perk unlocks (for now, A21 is going to change that), and I may add some schematics that can be found as loot. Depends on how adventurous I get this weekend. I will also do it for your other mod (0.30-06 weapons).
  10. They wanted feedback, but there was never agreement or statement that feedback would be implemented into the game at all.
  11. I always find there was a reason a person gets banned, even when they claim their wasnโ€™t
  12. Depends on which version you installed of DF. If you installed the latest version that Khaine has pushed, that is for A20.6. You are on A20. I would recommend first doing a clean install and making sure the DF version you have matches the 7D2D version (read the notes of the version of DF you are downloading).
  13. ๐Ÿค” Easily = 2.4 + 2.4 = 4.8 rounded up ๐Ÿ˜‰ So if you hide the decimal point, 2 + 2 = 5 ๐Ÿ˜
  14. I thought it was mentioned before that POIs would have a bigger effect on the crafting magazines you are looking for. If you need something for tools or workstations, Working Stiffs POIs (and crates) would be the best source while things like weapon crafting you would look towards Shotgun Messiah's. So for those that want to limit their looting and just stick around building bases / mining, you don't have to loot all POIs, just the ones that will more than likely have the magazines you are looking for.
  15. That's the wallpaper in my bedroom - game, not real life ๐Ÿ˜†
  16. I have a feeling that a lot of what you want will come after the system is finished and they got it to a place that they want. Consolidation, descriptions - those things will be added once changes are frozen. Get the mechanisms in - test them, change them, modify them - freeze them - work on the auxiliary components (descriptions, help menus, updating the UI)
  17. Just stop hording ๐Ÿ˜‰ Or if you refuse to do so, always have a secured chest crafted and in your inventory to put down when it gest full ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. No worries, I got a crash course in loot tables working on my mod. Most of the information gained was when I made a mistake or two (and helpful advice from other modders) ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  19. Most of the loot is independent of loot stage. The majority of the probability calculations are based on the standard tables <lootprobtemplate name="veryLow"> <lootprobtemplate name="low"> <lootprobtemplate name="medLow"> <lootprobtemplate name="med"> <lootprobtemplate name="medHigh"> <lootprobtemplate name="high"> <lootprobtemplate name="guaranteed"> These will apply to most. The loot stage probabilities are applied only to equipment that have tiers, like weapons, schematics, armor, tools. You still use the basic ones to see if that item drops, then the loot stage tables take over to determine what tier level you are getting and what quality level you are getting based on your loot stage. The ProbT# tables will determine what tier of the equipment you are getting, while QLTemplateT# will determine the quality level of the item given
  20. The number of items you receive is based on the count in that subgroup, randomized equally based on the range. In your example for glue, it is stated as <item name="resourceGlue" count ="1,2"/> So you have a 50/50 chance of getting 1 or 2. As another example, cloth in the same group <item name="resourceCloth" count ="1,5"/> You should have a 20% chance of getting 1,2,3,4 or 5 pieces of cloth if that item was picked But wait, there is more ๐Ÿ˜† <!-- cars--> <lootcontainer id="19" name="cars" count="1,2" size="7,4" sound_open="UseActions/open_vehicle" sound_close="UseActions/close_vehicle" open_time="4" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate"> <item group="groupCars"/> </lootcontainer> As you can see, the cars container has a count of "1,2" which means you did have a 50% chance of going through the groupCars twice. That means, if you are lucky, you could get potentially 2 picks of glue meaning your potential glue haul could be 2-4. There is a mod out there that will generate the percentage chances of loot drops as you play the game https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/2067 This is from a gamer that goes by @Boidster Boidster seems legit....but it seem like the mod was being pushed pretty hard at the beginning so you might want to be weary of them. Seems awfully helpful which always indicates something is up ๐Ÿ˜‰
  21. It works fine on my computer once I have the path setup correctly. This is how it should look like When I first extracted the file, it looked like this It created the same folder inside of itself. At that point, I just copied all of those files (the 4 folders and ModInfo.xml) and just placed them in the first izayo_weapons_firearms_v1 folder so it looks like my first picture.
  22. They are going to be like Rust NPCs, attacking you with advanced weapons but all you get is scrap metal for loot ๐Ÿ˜‰
  23. Lol, no itโ€™s my attempt not to assume a personโ€™s gender/identity so I try to use gender neutral terms as much as possible
  24. Another use of the loot tables is to see how long it takes (or took) for schwanz9000 to pull out their hair ๐Ÿ˜
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