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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Have you tried entering any MP game or is this limited to just the game your friends are on? Does it do the same behavior if you play SP? As Star69 mentioned, logs will be very useful. You have provided very little useful information for anyone to assist you in troubleshooting the issue. For example: Information provided - Game closes when you try to join with your friends Possible cause - It's October so Halloween is just around the corner. How sure are you that they are not playing a trick on you? ๐Ÿ˜„
  2. Also might try repairing windows. Sometimes that will work without having to go to a technician.
  3. Is it installed correctly in the game? What does the mod file location look like with this modlet installed?
  4. It's not really entitlement, it is just an understanding that some of the language we use today has a racist background to it. Changing that past language is understanding that the words we use today based off of that history is hurtful to others. And Code_Ovrld didn't demand any change, just brought it up and the reason the change was being asked to be made. Quoting Code's original post A polite request and why it was made. Everyone is allowed to ask for a change, it is up to the developers to decide if they want to make that change.
  5. Which is why mods are important for those that have a different vision from TFP. Don't get me wrong, I have played a lot of vanilla 7D2D. But after 3k hours, sometimes you want a little variety. Which is why I got myself into learning xml coding so I can tweak the game to my preferences.
  6. The game can be harder and still have traders, you just have to nerf them really. I did that with my mod and I found the game more difficult to play - but I increase the cost of items, removed any gear quality 5 or less from their stock, and removed quest item rewards. So now you only get dukes from them which they will gladly take in exchange for an expensive Q6 pistol that they just happen to have in stock ๐Ÿ™‚ You can also make other changes that impact the game and having traders still around is critical. Take for example - removing recipes unlocks from perks while at the same time lowering the chance of finding any gear Q3 or higher in loot. Doing that, I found I had to find the recipes while out looting or get lucky to find it at a trader if I wanted to have a Q3 or higher pistol early game. Throw in removing the ability of repairing gear and you find yourself using various pistols until they break and you find the recipe to start crafting ones that start at full durability. I remember one playthrough where I found a half broken Q6 iron pickaxe. That I saved until I was actually needed to mine a bunch of materials and just used it for that purpose until it broke.
  7. A20.6 b8 is the experimental version of A20.6 release. A20.6 b9 is the stable version of A20.6 release. I don't think you can go back to b8 as once the stable version is released, they don't have the experimental version able to download and install (I could be wrong though).
  8. I modded out empty glass jars in my game and didn't notice anything harder with them missing. Not having the ability to drink from standing water and not being able to make a dew collector yet, now that made the game a bit harder. I did find myself buying glue and tape from the traders which I never did before.
  9. Eagerly waiting for A21 developer streams / release is like watching your grass grow in anticipation of mowing it again. Better just to do something else and occasionally stop by and check it out ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. Nobody's forcing you to play any funny games or use funny mods. Not sure why you are so tired of them.
  11. Ignore it. UL mod removes the groupammoAdvancedGunslinger so there is nothing to append to. Since it is just a warning letting you know it didn't execute, it should not affect your game
  12. Give me some time and I might be able to point you in the right direction.
  13. Not just the one change you mentioned, all the changes you mentioned. All those changes can either (at a minimum) be an overhaul mod or (at most) a completely different game. Though some of those things you would want are simply xml modifications, using free assets from the unity store.
  14. All that code does is increases the quantity of loot if the survivor has a specific perk and what level. TFP could do the same thing with parts in loot tied to the perks. A relatively easy thing to add since they already got the mechanic in game. Thatโ€™s not a mod, thatโ€™s a completely different game.
  15. UL is a large overhaul of the game. Those types of mods (Darkness Falls is another one) tend to make large changes to the game files that other modlets would have issues during loading. You can try changing the location. The two mods you listed above should be in the Mod folder, not inside the undead legacy mod folder (as they are separate from UL). In addition, you should rename the folder so these mods load after UL (mods are loaded in Alphabetical order so izayo would be loaded first). If that doesn't work, you would then need to mod Izayo's mod to work specifically with UL.
  16. Yes did you bother to even read mine or do you simply dismiss others posts if it doesnโ€™t reinforce your opinions?
  17. Couple of points. TFP have already stated that they are not going back to LBD. Just because people keep asking for it is not going to change their mind about it, especially since they are trying to release the final game over the next 2-3 development cycles. Unless they changed their mind already to go back to LBD, I don't see this happening. In addition, this is not something you can just add to the game as an option. Turning things on or off by a slider (zombie spawns, bloodmoon) - sure. Changing how certain aspects of the game interact with others (loot abundance, zombie damage, player damage, block damage, blood moon frequency) via a global variable tweak - sure. Changing out a core mechanic of the game via source code changes (changing from the progression system in A20/A21 to a hybrid system bringing back LBD) - not so easy to do. Mods that bring back LDB rewrite portions of the source code and make changes to the xml files in order to do that. They can do that since they are rewriting some of the source code to remove unwanted game mechanic to put in their preferred game mechanic - Not something a lot of game developers want to do unless they planned for it at the beginning of the game development cycle.
  18. Or it could just be a simple boost on parts if you are lucky to get them on the loot table, like they handle the treasure hunting perk or the bonus harvest on plants with Living off the Land <passive_effect name="LootQuantity" operation="perc_add" level="1,2,3" value=".1,.3" tags="buriedTreasure"/> Thing is, everything is simple speculation at this point. We won't know until we get our hands on A21 and it may change even after that.
  19. No it doesnโ€™t work how they want it to in those mods. Modders donโ€™t have the same restrictions and criteria that the developers have for their game.
  20. Clicking never bothered me, because at the end of a long play session, the amount of clicks from farming is always small compared to the total overall. crafting, farming, building - those are all night time activities for me so it never seems tedious for me, it actually makes the night go by faster as I am keeping busy
  21. I never really found it tedious to do the farming in A20, but I can be patient and usually just set aside some time at night to do the activity. We basically do the same steps whenever we craft anything in this game so not sure why farming is getting such hate. For example, need to craft 9 mm, so need to craft gunpowder, craft bullet tips, and craft casings. Then combine all those items and craft them again into either individual bullets or boxes of bullets. Opening and closing various boxes as I grab and return the basic crafting materials, then grabbing the finish product and putting it into a different storage container. You could make the same argument that all of this is unnecessary and why don't TFP just make it so you an instantly craft bullets while standing in the middle of your base? If I could change anything, it would be lengthening the time it takes for the plants to grow and be harvestable.
  22. Easy way is just to have a note in-game with the times. That is on my to do list for my playthroughs (Even the modder doesn't always remember the open times of each trader when he plays ๐Ÿ˜‰ ). Right now, I just have a scrap piece of paper next to me with the times based on my current mod level. I average out 1 a day, even at T1 quest levels. There might be days where I don't do a T1, but I will do a couple the next day. One I get closer to T3 and higher though, sometimes the average drops down to less than 1 a day before the reset, especially if the day is a trader visit day and the quest is on the other side of the trader route. Those days I will just pick a POI on my way back to loot before I return to base. Also, I impose my own limit, but not really have an opinion on the devs introducing one to the game....but I play SP only so that is why I don't have an opinion either way.
  23. Interesting idea, but a bit weird. Would have to do some c# coding for that though. I am trying something different. I changed the open and close times for each trader so they are unique. I also limited it to only 12 hours open. Does change up interacting with the traders
  24. If I could, I would mod the game so the traders would just mock you both and laugh at you
  25. Nobody has to summon you. We just need to leave opportunities for you to come in and give us another bad pun ๐Ÿ˜‰
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