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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. On 6/13/2023 at 12:47 PM, Riamus said:

    By late game, almost everything is just something to sell.  Ammo and base repair resources are really the only things that I actually use late game.  Everything else just gets sold of piles up in chests.  By that point, it's really a good time to think about a new game than trying to find ways to make use of the stuff that isn't being used, though.  And in early game, this leaves you with a choice of holding onto that mod you like for a very long time rather than putting it on something and using it just because you don't want to waste it on a lower level item.  I suppose some people like being forced to make that kind of choice but it really doesn't interest me.


    It might just surprise you.  At the tail end of A20, I had (in my mod) removed the ability to repair items and removed the ability to remove mods from items.  It does force you to make choices, but I found the gameplay more intense and a lot more consequences.  Now you can't just put the mod into an item you find while looting to free up that spot, unless you want to keep it in that item in the first place.  You end up having to replace items constantly so you have to choose where you are going to put your parts and resources.  I sacrifice creating T3 gear just to save up on steel and iron for base upgrades.


    And you start keeping those extra mods you find while looting because you know you are going to need it later.

  2. 16 hours ago, orgthatguy619 said:

    Welcome to the outdated version of 7 days to die console they will never fix that game but we have a glimmer of hope for the new console version to come out this year but most likely it will be out next year for new Gen consoles the first part and when pc goes gold they will add cross play so in hopes or dreams of them releasing the new version I personally wouldn't hold my breath Rick is dragging his money bags with pc no love for console players I have proof they lied about a video here is a picture screenshot that's supposed to be ps 5 version 


    The console version is in development right now.  They showed some of the work that has been done in the new game, which is why there is a video out as they showcased it so everyone would see what is going on.


    And as been stated before (but you constantly ignore because it doesn't fit your narrative), TFP could not do anything with the console version.  TellTale games, in a last ditch move to drum up money prior to going bankrupt, released the console game as a finished game.  At that point, TFP or anyone else hired by TFP could not update the console version of the game.  Games in development on consoles can be updated even if they break saves, but once a game gets released, publishers cannot push out any updates that will break saves per Microsoft and Sony rules.


    This is why there has to be a new game for the console to bring it up to the same level as the PC version of the game.

  3. There is no such thing as a Quality counter in the game.  There is a loot probability table for the items and there is no memory retention to what you found previously.


    As your loot stage increases, the quality level you will find increases (obviously).  At the same time, lower quality items probability decreases until you won't pull them at all.


    For example, T1 items, you start to see Quality 6 items at loot stage 77.  At that point, prob for Q6 is 1 while the others are a fraction (so higher chance to pick a Q6 rather than a Q1 to Q5 item).  At loot stage 93, Q1 items fall off the table.  Once you get to loot stage 123, the only quality probability is for Q6 items.


    This is consistent on the quality tables.  As you advance up in loot stage where you unlock the ability to find a higher quality item, it is set at prob = 1 compared to the other items, and will stay at prob=1 until you unlock the next quality level.


    Unless there is a bug (which is always possible), you are either A) lucky on this playthrough, or B) forgotten the times you gotten non Q6 items.  You may have found a Q1 fire axe but had a Q6 stone axe that gave you higher stats so you just put that out of your mind.

  4. 5 hours ago, theFlu said:

    I might be broken somehow, but I can't find the magazine mechanic that exciting. It rather feels like a chore, especially after the couple first ones when the crafts at least progress per book trio. I know exactly what'll be next, not exactly when, but there's no surprises. Just do quests long enough and you'll get this thing next. And the next thing after that is going to take a couple extra quests.


    I don't focus on the magazines and where I am in regards to the various levels, I just continue going on and see them increase over time.  However, I always play "Deal with what I have, not what I wish I have" so I learn to make due if I don't have the workbench unlocked yet or T3 weapons to craft.

  5. The thing though, you give up a slot in your helmet for that mod....and you don't get any benefits from drinking the prepared drinks.  Once you get past needing it for surviving, it is better to use that mod slot for something else and use drinks like red tea, coffee, mineral water, etc for the additional benefits they give you.


    I been avoiding using that mod at this time for the reasons above.  If I didn't have any water that I could cook into a higher tier drink, then I would use it.

  6. 5 hours ago, stallionsden said:

    Turn your loot respawn in game menu to off


    That doesn't prevent them from destroying (like the garbage piles and bags).  With the setting at off, they still self-destroy once you empty out the container.  They will either self destroy, be replaced with an empty, open container model, or still have the standard model as before (for ones that haven't been swapped with a searched model).  I always set my loot respawn to off and containers are self destructing in my game.

    12 hours ago, rabidfurbawl said:

    How do i stop lootables (lootable objects) from self destroying after i loot them in a21, as in a20 most of them stayed.


    To mod it out, you probably would need to add a condition to the container.  Here is the junk pile in A21


    <!-- garbage, cntTrashPile -->

    <lootcontainer name="junk" count="1,2" size="6,2" sound_open="UseActions/open_garbage" sound_close="UseActions/close_garbage">


    Here is an example of the air drop crate


    <!-- Supply Crate General, the normal airdrop -->

    <lootcontainer name="airDrop" count="1" size="8,4" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="SupplyDrops/open_supply_crate" sound_close="SupplyDrops/close_supply_crate" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate" ignore_loot_abundance="true">



    Note in the lootcontainer line it has destroy_on_close.  If you add that line to the containers that pop and change true to false, it should prevent them from self destructing but I haven't tried that yet.


    The containers that have an open model have the same condition but it has empty instead of true or false


    <!-- suitcase / luggage -->

    <lootcontainer name="luggage" count="1" size="6,2" sound_open="UseActions/open_suitcase" sound_close="UseActions/close_suitcase" loot_quality_template="qualBaseTemplate" destroy_on_close="empty">


  7. 33 minutes ago, jerseyetr said:

    If you ask me the biggest blunder of this whole water jar thing is that TFP wants the game to be more immersive, but water jars disappearing after using them isn't very immersive or real feeling to me.

    It wasn't being driven to be immersive, it was driven because gathering water was basically too simple / too easy.  Water became a non-issue really.


    There is still some balancing work needed to be done (especially around SP which may require players to mod), but the intent is to make the player choose how they are going to use their limited water supplies.

  8. Plus, a pure intellect player is the only build that can have two deployed, working turrets and a weapon being used by the player at the same time.  None of the other builds can do that.


    As for trader rewards, I am just playing pure vanilla during experimental, but once I go to stable, I will be removing the rewards they give out.  I keep the dukes as is, but my approach has been they are paying you to do a job, but want you to spend those dukes on the items they have.  They are not going to hand out a Q6 M60 if they can get you to buy one instead.  I found that reduces the OP of the traders a bit, while keeping them as part of the game.

  9. 1 minute ago, Riamus said:

    I thought you already had a rare chance in broken dew collectors to get the filter?


    Yes, but very rare.  Filters are in subgroup3 which only has a 5% chance of being picked from and the filter itself only has a 20% chance of being picked instead of dirty water - not going to figure out the overall chance, I will leave that to others as I don't care to  😉


    You can also just change subgroup3's chance of being picked from veryLow to something higher to get a similar result.


    Something like


    <set xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupDewCollector']/item[@group='groupDewCollectorLoot03']/@loot_prob_template">med</set>


  10. <insertAfter xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupDewCollectorLoot01']/item[@name='workstationSkillMagazine']">
     <item name="resourceWaterFilter" loot_prob_template="low"/>


    That's all you need to improve the chances of finding the filter in a collapsed dew collector in the world.  This is about a 10% chance each time you loot one.


    Changing low to medLow will improve the odds to 17% while med will improve the odds to 22%.


    So unless I made some minor mistake in my coding, doesn't take a lot of effort or time to make those changes.

  11. If you want it back, you can always mod it in.


    I only play SP so I never had a lag issue with the dead bodies (and searching them).  However, I really like the new mechanics in play as I don't have to search every zombie body I kill, I know that the ones that drop bags have something to look at.


    In addition, I been loving the new mechanic they added where you get bonus damage to zombie bodies after you kill them.  Makes it easier to deal with now since they go poof as soon as you hit them.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Maverick said:

    I started with saying that the new blocks and shapes are great, but how long do you think a couple of new windows and doors are going to stand up against the core game being changed? That's a minor plus vs a big minus.


    The core game hasn't changed though.  It is still a survival, looting, crafting, building, zombie defense game in a total destructible world.  However, if you want to eliminate or ignore certain aspects of the game, you will have issues unless you mod the game to address those issues or use CM like meganoth suggested.


    If the core game was simply building structures, then you would have a point on the changes made.

  13. On 6/13/2023 at 8:04 AM, nanaandbobo said:

    Hi all -

    I have a player who needs a specific entity removed from the game (the snake) - I've used your example, and here's what I came up with but can't get it to work:


    <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='Snakegroup']/text()" delim="\n" op="remove" >animalSnake</csv>
    <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='Snakegroup']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >zombieJoe</csv>

    What have I missed? The snakes remain in the game.


    Thanks to anyone who can help with this (and thanks especially to u/sphereii for posting this initially).



    FYI I did create a modlet awhile back for someone


    Replaced the snake with the coyote model

  14. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    If you can plan ahead a nice option is to clear a POI (or POIs) in daylight but defer the looting. Then eliminate access to the upper floor except for yourself and loot the house, Thoroughly. Even the ground floor is no problem until zombies notice you. Let them wreck the house, it doesn#t matter, just continue looting and scrapping until day break



    I do that for T4 and T5 POIs all the time.

  15. 1 hour ago, DanielHazmat said:

    2023-06-14T18:05:05 26.688 WRN XML patch for "items.xml" from mod "ZombieReach" did not apply: <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeHandMaster']/effect_group/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Range']/@value"  (line 2 at pos 3


    effect_group should be removed, should be 



    ignore me, Khaine is already on it

  16. Just now, meganoth said:

    If you meant A19 with "previously" you are probably correct.


    Nope, by previously I meant as late as 20.5 for certainty (I have 20.5 files on my work laptop and it shows p=0.4 for POI stumps and p=0.2 for biome stumps).

  17. Observations are speculation.


    The code though, doesn't show a change of buff chance from A20 to A21.


    The odds of getting a critical debuff is based on the players buff resistance.  First hit reduces the resistance by 0.12.  Successful hits after that reduce resistance by 0.19 with a cap (based on what I see) of 1.1 in total


    And from what I see, buff resistance from armor hasn't changed.


    Maybe some code was updated where it wasn't being applied correctly in the past, but it doesn't look like TFP changed debuffs being applied more often.  And I really haven't seen it in my gaming so far.

  18. 3 hours ago, Lokeus said:


    Uhm... same here. I am confused: Did they remove pots from the game? I thought you can still cook murky water into clear water? This is also no more possible?


    By the time I reached the first town, I found something like 6-8 of them.  Two I ended up carrying to the city, and the rest I stored away in the various chests I laid down as I was going to the town.  As others suggested, residential POIs are more than likely to have cooking pots in them.   I prioritize residential POIs for food, cooking pots, and now cooking magazines whenever I start a new game during the first few days to get setup.

  19. 4 hours ago, Scyris said:

    Yeah, but now you need to max out any other weapon or tool line you use to get stam reduction instead of just spending a few points into str and having 1 perk that covers everything. Even if your just going ONE weapon/tool line its still a bigger perk point cost than just getting 5 str and sex t-rex maxxed. As you now have to take any stat with the weapon/tool line to 10, and then get 5/5 in that weapon/tool's perk The stat alone getting to 10 costs more than 5 str and sex t-rex did combined. You gotta look at the bigger picture, if you do the math, your spending more skill points for the same effect than if it was like a20. Now it'd be nice if they'd put sex t-rex back into str AND also keep it in the other stats weapon/tool lines. They do not stack (sex t-rex overrides the weapon/tool ones) but at least this way you have a choice, me? I'd always just go 5 str and sex t-rex as it covers every melee weapon and every tool for less perk point cost than taking 1 stat to 10 and the perk to 5/5 to do it for one.


    No, I don't have to max out every other tool or weapon.   Nobody is forcing you to max out stamina for every weapon and every tool in this game, that is a personal choice, and with choices comes drawbacks.  This is max - min play right here.  Maxing the gains out of every equipment in the game at minimum cost.  I prefer I have choices, but have to adjust how I play with the choices I make and the ones I don't have to make.


    And I was already maxing out knives to Perk level 5 when it was my main weapon, the same as pistols and bows.

  20. You also need to take into consideration that the equipment parts, weapon parts, armor parts compete with tools / weapons / armor in loot drops.  So every time you get the actual item, that is one less time to get the raw parts.  The boost also applies to finding more of that item.  So if you perk into Dead Eye, you have a higher chance to find the magazines, rifles, rifle parts, and 7.62 ammo.

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