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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. @Vampirenostra


    It's changing multiple entries:

        <effect_group name="meleeWpnBladeT1HuntingKnife">
            <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="6.1" tags="perkDeepCuts,knife"/> <!-- meleeWpnBladeT1HuntingKnife -->
            <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.15,.15" tags="perkDeepCuts"/> <!-- random EntityDmg -->
            <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkDeepCuts"/> <!-- tier bonus -->


    So not only your base damage got a boost, but the two multipliers went from -.15 to 15, and 0.2 to 0.5 to 7.1 multipliers


    Change your line to


        <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnBladeT1HuntingKnife']/effect_group/passive_effect[contains(@name,'EntityDamage') and contains(@operation,'base_add')]/@value">7.1</set>


    Edit:  Also note that this would change your power attack damage (from 6 to 7.1).  If you don't want to change it, add the name in the effect group.  I grabbed my example from the pipe machine gun in my mod which doesn't have a power affect effect group so it didn't affect anything in there.

  2. 35 minutes ago, Teezer said:

    Would be nice to not release the Alpha too late so European ppl can enjoy it too today


    Unfortunately, like any game developer out there, the schedule is typically based on where they are located at.  Since they have to do some work today prior to mass release of the experimental, it is going to be based on where they are located at (US Central Time).  If it was based in Europe, you would probably be getting it in your afternoon while the US would be getting it in the morning.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Archer said:

    The skilling up thing was indeed cleared up yes - I understand it's about tool quality and so forth now. 
    I hope you're right, but again I still find the change to be the one and only time I've been motivated to pop in on the official forums and actually voice my opinion. I still feel this was mostly to appease a vocal minority who likely played the game quite a lot, and wanted more 'content' to keep them motivated to log in


    Actually this has nothing to do with adding more content, but addressing a crafting system that was for the most part lacking.  All you had to do was max perk into one of the equipment perks and then you are producing Q5 gear, of any tier.  Now if I play agility, I can still be able to craft higher level non-agility gear without having to go down those attributes.  I can also craft a lower quality item if I don't have enough resources to craft the higher tier.  And just because I can craft a Q5 double barrel shotgun, doesn't mean I can craft a Q5 auto-shotgun now.

  4. 1 hour ago, ElCabong said:

    Except for the morons that go around punching the zombies in the face right after they spawn without doing the starting quest. That works swell... Gets very boring very quickly.

    So is it anyone that doesn’t play the same as you a moron or just players that want to punch?  🤔


    Makes sense a lot of players are using the spear since it got buffed in this patch.

  5. 2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    I hope they'll do a balance pass during experimental, and lower how much murky water or drinks you find in loot.


    Does anyone else feel like that? :confused2:


    I always thought that the game was balanced towards Co-Op so dealing with multiple survivors working together.  So a single player who only has to watch out for themselves would not struggle as much under default settings as a group of 4+.

  6. 1 hour ago, Beelzebubs Ghost said:


    Learn by Doing was a perfect system which rewarded people by boosting only the skills they bothered with.


    This incentivised mining, farming, looting, and fighting. And they removed it. Utterly senseless to take away one of the best things that they have ever created, something which; had people played with friends, created a truly biased character build and genuine rpg like environment with your doctor, your fighter, your looter, your miner etc.


    Each with weighted speciality, and minor skills in other areas.


    Although you could in theory max everything out, it just made so much more sense like that. Much better than this idiotic version that is being pushed onto us - learn by reading 100 copies of the same magazine.


    Don't be surprised when the zealots strike and you are metaphorically publicly tarred and feathered foe your heretical and blasphemous appeals to the old development gods 🤭


  7. 54 minutes ago, Falcon197 said:

    I know we're on the verge of A21's release, so I'll limit my case on this for now but I've had a big bone to pick on the way perks work; to the point where I'm considering learning how to code in C# just to mod a better solution.


    That's your only option, because they have stated repeatedly that LBD is not coming back.

  8. Sorry thought this was a modding question.  The values are in the map_info file in the saved world


      <property name="Scale" value="1" />
      <property name="HeightMapSize" value="2048,2048" />
      <property name="Modes" value="Survival,SurvivalSP,SurvivalMP,Creative" />
      <property name="FixedWaterLevel" value="false" />
      <property name="RandomGeneratedWorld" value="true" />
      <property name="GameVersion" value="Alpha.20.7.1" />
      <property name="Generation.Seed" value="test" />
      <property name="Generation.Towns" value="Default" />
      <property name="Generation.Wilderness" value="Default" />
      <property name="Generation.Lakes" value="Default" />
      <property name="Generation.Rivers" value="Default" />
      <property name="Generation.Cracks" value="Default" />
      <property name="Generation.Craters" value="Default" />
      <property name="Generation.Plains" value="2" />
      <property name="Generation.Hills" value="4" />
      <property name="Generation.Mountains" value="3" />
      <property name="Generation.Snow" value="2" />
      <property name="Generation.Forest" value="1" />
      <property name="Generation.Desert" value="10" />
      <property name="Generation.Wasteland" value="10" />

  9. 12 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    Just posting this to try and cut off any questions as this happens every alpha...


    I will not be updating my mods publicly until A21 goes stable. Maybe just before once we know stable is imminent. 


    See I must be a glutton for punishment, I am planning on updating my modlets probably around the first or second weekend after experimental drops  😆


    Slacker  😏  j/k

  10. 22 hours ago, zztong said:

    The A21 release notes point to a change in the ModInfo.xml file for A21, so I suspect all modlets will at least have to make that change. Each modlet creator won't know the answer to your question until they can get their hands on A21.


    Not sure about the change requiring to be done at A21 or further down (based on the notes)


    • Added support for ModInfo format v2. It is recommended to migrate mods to use that format as this will be a requirement later on. Format specification



  11. 4 minutes ago, sterowent said:

    Hello, i come here with a few questions about interactions with other mods.


    some context: I quite love this mod, and me and a select few good friends have been having a blast. many of them actually love the melee weapon variety, something that simply couldn't hit the mark for them in vanilla. after playing vanilla for years, and then playing darkness falls, we came to this and felt the completeness of the game. except, for me, after moving from darkness falls to undead legacy, i can't help but miss specific ranged weapon variants. 


    I am a layman, but i want to integrate some other mods with this one. So far, i've had real trouble with values of items not being reflective of the xmls, or updating some properties not going well. I also don't know how to open these ULM extension files to take a better look at what i should be touching on under the hood to make it work.


    i've gotten items to show up in vendors and i'm working on localizations to match UL's changes, with middling success. guns do negative damage and the xml entity changes don't apply as i attempt to adjust them.


    i realize this is not your mod. however, after scouring the internet with no luck and after putting many hours into this project, where better to ask than here, the main hub of the mod itself? and so i was hoping someone here could explain what i need to do, to learn even, to make this work.


    thanks for your time.


    UL is an overhaul mod so it changes a lot of things in the game.  It will be a lot of work trying to get other mods to work with this one (same thing with Darkness Falls).


    Some general tips:

    • You will need to have UL loaded first.  Any mods loaded prior to UL have the high chance of being completely overwritten.
    • Each additional mod you load up will have to be examined to determine what files are being changed.  Then you will have to compare to the UL mod files themselves
      • XML edits are usually not an issue.  If the mod itself changes C# code or add new C# code, then you are increasing the likely hood of conflicts between the different mods
      • You will need to understand how Subquake approached each aspect of the game to understand how to integrate other mods to them.
      • If the mods loaded after elements (or change elements) that the UL mod as altered / added, you increase the chance of the mod not running correctly.

    Good luck.  Not something I would really do myself as depending on the number of mods you are adding, it can be a ton of work to make all of the mods play nicely.


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