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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. Your code is not pathing correct


    You need to do this


    <set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='damagemodifier' and @operation='perc_set']/@value]/@value">100</set>


    This should target the baseline modifier by using the "and @operation" one.  If you want to target the head damage modifier, you would need to change operation from perc_set to perc_add

  2. Remember that traders were nerfed so equipment is now based on your level with that particular trader.


    It is player level * (1+quest_tier_mod).  Quest tier mod goes from 0 to 0.3 in increments of 0.05.


    Also, they are geared towards specialties more.  Trader Hugh will have a more unique stock of weapons compared to the other traders


    So your best bet for weapons would be Trader Hugh and working on getting his mission tier up higher for a larger selection.  The others will also sell weapons (obviously) but as you can see below, RNG might not be as kind to you if you are working on Jen's missions rather than Hugh's missions

    • Trader Jen - 3 to 5 melee and 3 to 5 range weapons - note these can be repeats
    • Trader Hugh - 3 to 5 melee and 3 to 5 range weapons - all are suppose to be uniques
      • Note:  Hugh also has another trader group of weapons, similar to Jen's but only 1 to 2 and repeatable.

    You should be seeing a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 at all traders except Hugh (Hugh should be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 7).  It would be interesting to see if this is actually the case.  I don't think I found Hugh yet in my current playthrough, but I believe I got Joel and Bob found so I can see what their stocks are right now (one I am working at T3 missions and other other hasn't started yet).  I haven't bought any weapons or sold any weapons to them so it should represent their stock available for purchase.

    3 hours ago, manni44 said:

    Also the fun thing is the trader inventory is diffrent for me and my wife. Shouldnt we see the exact same inventory at the trader? 


    No, stock is based on trader level that can be unique with each person so each inventory can be different between players.

  3. I will take a screenshot of my current playthrough later this evening, but any crafting magazines tied to perks I have invested in are outpacing those I haven't perked into.   And this is based on being in a very small town that only had one crack a book store (lower tier one) that I already looted and haven't gotten for a mission to re-loot.  I have also been splitting my trader rewards between the crafting bundles, mollies, pipe bombs, and ammo.


    I think cooking wise, I am now up to Steak and Potatoes (somewhere in that tier).  Though my town is also loaded with a ton of residential T1-T3s and I did perk in Master Chef Level 1 to decrease cooking times.  From a time standpoint, I am approaching Day 14 bloodmoon.

  4. 6 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    Are they? I haven't checked the XML files, but I've been told that the bundles are random.


    I believe so (but I can be wrong)


        <property class="Action0">
            <property name="Class" value="OpenLootBundle"/>
            <property name="Delay" value="0"/>
            <property name="Sound_start" value="close_garbage"/>
            <property name="LootList" value="questRewardSkillMagazines"/>


    This bundle is setup differently than all the others _referencing a Loot List) - see below for example of how they are done otherwise


        <property class="Action0">
            <property name="Create_item" value="vehiclesSkillMagazine,vehicleWheels,questRewardVehiclePartsBundle"/>
            <property name="Create_item_count" value="3,2,1"/>
            <property name="Random_item" value="vehicleMinibikeChassis,vehicleMinibikeHandlebars"/>
            <property name="Random_item_count" value="1,1"/>
            <property name="Random_count" value="1"/>
            <property name="Unique_random_only" value="true"/>


    Again, I could be wrong, but the fact that it is setup as a Loot Bundle class and refers to a loot list, makes me think loot probability is taking into consideration (also should tie into not getting any more magazines once you max out that crafting skill).  I might try some actual in game tests with a test save to see what I get.

  5. I wonder if people are still cooking boiled meat and not realizing that they are losing half the hydration they can get from boiled water

    27 minutes ago, semu said:

    Wondering if the new A21 update changed wandering horde? Didn't see any commentary on it but:


    Having a problem with a dedicated server, no wandering horde and little to no spawn of random zombies outside of poi's and quests.


    Played several random generated maps on the main steam server but they were generated with the initial A21 build prior to the update.

    Theya lways had multiple wandering horde and random zombies spawning.


    Just set up a dedicated server: no wandering horde and very few random zombies. 


    Can't see any line in the command interface regarding wandering horde.  Zombie spawn is enabled.


    What are we missing to account for the massive difference in zombies?


    All other settings were the same from both types.  We are hosting the server on this one map however.  The difference is significant.



    I think you got a bad install.  No issues here with wandering hordes, I just recently had a zombie dog pack I had to deal with after finishing a T3 infection mission

  6. That's one way of doing it.


    Personally, any of my modlets will be updated to A21 and then I won't even save the old ones anymore.  Not really interested in doing any type of maintaining A20 modlets once stable rolls out.


    I will, though, this time create a new post in the mods section with all of them linked from there rather than scattered throughout the forums (I tend to do special requests for people when they ask for something besides the ones I am doing for myself).

  7. 13 minutes ago, Apocalipservice said:

    Sorry if it's been brought up but are cooking pots rare in the wilderness POIs including cabins? My partner and I were separated by a few KMs and hit around a dozen POIs apart and together but no pots. Loved all the POIs along the long roads - really impressed by some and even the plain cabins look great inside now. So dunno if it was bad luck, cabins don' have pots, or what. [Brutal first game w/ my first "purposeful" dysentery but it was fun.]


    Yes, I found something like 5 or 6 pots in wilderness POIs in my first playthrough before I found the nearest town/city

  8. In two playthroughs so far, I have not put a single point in better barter or daring adventure.  You don't have to do that to succeed at playing this game, you just got to play smart and distribute your points according if you want to increase finding specific crafting magazines.


    I had a workbench prior to Day 7 since I restarted after the update, and this is with the fact that I spawned next to a small town with not a lot of POIs in it.


    Sure, I can't dig a hole in the ground and never leave it and still expect to level up quickly on crafting magazines; but that is extreme conditions and I don't think TFP should cater to extremes, that is what mods are for.

  9. 7 hours ago, Scyris said:

    The stat system CAN work but it needs changes, maybe a 2-3 stat system, Offense (has all weapons) Defense (Has armor etc) and survival, or something simmlar, the current stat system really screws over single player games, especially weapon wise.


    I play SP all the time and haven't noticed any issues with weapons or stats with the perk system.  You don't have to max perk a weapon to use it, and use it effectively

  10. 14 hours ago, atrayas said:

    Why would The Fun Pimps add this code?  If someone wants to increase there loot % they shouldn't need to edit the xml to get there desired result.  There are allot of folks that would have no idea how to even find this much less know what it does.  IMO it is redundant code that only makes it harder for people to tailor the game to there personal liking.


    What SylenThunder stated.  As a modder, having more control over things is always a boon.  The additional code by itself doesn't affect you, other than now some of the things you want multiple copies of won't do that.


    If you don't want those constraints, all you need to do is:

    <set xpath="//lootcontainer/@ignore_loot_abundance">false</set>
    <set xpath="//lootcontainer/@unmodified_lootstage">false</set>


    Though the unmodified lootstage one only affects twitch drops.


    The additional code is also targeted.  Based on what I could see, it only affects the crates, weapon bags, safes, books/magazines, reward containers, and dropped zombie bags.  Everything else is boosted still.

  11. 12 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    i checked in the editor and gas station 10 is not set up for infestation. it does not have the special red sleepers (infested) and the collored treasue box (color per tier level)


    The POI itself may not be setup with the proper sleepers, but it is coded as such


      <property name="QuestTags" value="clear, infested" />


    so @Exxodous is not going crazy

  12. 21 minutes ago, gpcstargate said:

    Good Day Sir

    Just wondering if you plan to Update your Mods to A21exp or Stable when it comes out ... I use several and they do not work in current game.

    Thank you. The OldGamer😌


    Telric literally said in the post above yours that once stable drops, he will start updating them.......😅

  13. 17 hours ago, Roland said:


    Wow! I love the sound of that trader change although I've gotten a bit addicted to the magazine bundle reward so it might sting when I rip off the bandage but I think I really need to rip off that bandage. Link me to that modlet when it's done!


    Do you change Daring Adventurer to increase the Dukes reward or just leave it alone emasculated?


    I left it alone.  Also didn't boost the overall dukes you get from missions, but that might change as I made a huge lot of changes overall to increase the difficulty by slowing down the traders.  I did increase their ammo stock numbers to compensate for not having them as awards.


    Tier completion awards were also removed, though you get dukes as awards instead.


    Do you want it now or when A21 goes into stable?  Haven't released any of my modlets yet as I been waiting for stable to drop so I play experimental as vanilla, but for one of my favorite moderators, I might release earlier than planned.

  14. 9 hours ago, Vampirenostra said:

    I've got no clue how you guys loot at night, as your stealth is turning off while you loot. As soon as I open a container or take items out of it all nearby zeds are hearing it and react accordingly


    I do it in T5 POIs mostly (sometimes T4's).  Typically use the day to clear out the zombie spawns and then loot (top to bottom) during the night (even brave to salvage parts).


    Though you will pucker up a few times if you do it in the wasteland with feral sense turned on  😄

  15. 18 hours ago, unholyjoe said:

    at that rate the bandits will probably each fly around in the gyros dropping bombs on players and bases. 🤔


    Nah, people have been asking for end game bosses, so TFP needs to put in a 30ft zombie (9 meters for my non-English units friends 😉 ) with a nuclear bomb strapped to its back.  Nobody said it has to be a winnable fight though  😉

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