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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. Give it a try and see if it is still possible


    Example below

            <item name="noteFirearmChallenges">
                <property name="Extends" value="questMaster"/>
                    <property class="Action0">
                    <property name="QuestGiven" value="quest_FirearmChallenges"/>


  2. 30 minutes ago, Uncle Al said:

    The biggest factor for me in not using HP is it won't stack with regular ammo, and I seem to pretty much only find regular ammo as loot. If, at high loot stage, a significant portion of looted ammo was HP I'd probably start using it more often.


    Unless the game is modded, you will never find AP or HP ammo as loot.  You will only get it via crafting, trader award, or buying it directly from the trader.  For some reason, it does not exist as a lootable item in the game.


    I was going to say at first what level you could find it, then realized that the reason I was finding it in my game was I specifically added those types of ammo to the loot tables.  So when I been playing, I do find AP and HP ammo that I save up and use in-game.

  3. 18 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    why there is no 7dtd mod that's going to keep serious about enemies 😭


    All the mod creators got together in a secret meeting and hashed out some rules.


    I heard Rule #1 was Do not make Matt115 happy.  🤔

  4. I do want to point out that all weapons do get a boost from Penetrator perk, as it adds additional armor penetration for any range weapon (and spears).  So a point in Penetrator gives you a 10% increase in armor penetration for all guns (20% for spears).


    So AP ammo starts with a 50% armor penetration that you can increase with the Penetrator perk.  Max would be 70%.  Maxed out at Perk Level 3.


    Spears, if you were to max out Penetrator perk, would give you a 100% armor penetration.  Maxed out at Perk Level 4

  5. So everyone knows


    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeToolRepairT3Nailgun']/property/property[@name='Allowed_upgrade_items']/@value">resourceWood,resourceClayLump,resourceSnowBall,resourceScrapIron,resourceForgedIron,resourceForgedSteel,resourceConcreteMix,resourceCobblestones,ironDoorBlockVariantHelper,ironDoorDoubleBlockVariantHelper,vaultDoor01,vaultDoor01Double,ironHatchBlockVariantHelper,vaultHatch01,cellarDoorDoubleIron,cellarDoorDoubleSteel,shuttersIronBlockVariantHelper,shuttersSteelBlockVariantHelper,resourceYuccaFibers,resourceCloth,resourceScrapPolymers,resourceNail,resourceForgedMeteoriteGreen,resourceForgedMeteoriteRed,resourceForgedMeteoriteBlue</set>   


    Original code was items/item/property[@name], needed to be   items/item/property/property[@name]

  6. 3 hours ago, warmer said:

    Well I have seen them at night, so I am not sure why you haven't


    Probably because you were in Forest downtown and others haven't seen them spawn in yet


    Wolves can spawn in the downtown areas, even in the Forest

  7. Do ores show up in the preview map?  I didn't think they would.


    If your issue is with the oil shale rocks on the surface, that is handled by the biomes xml file and that would be the deco_shale_vein prefab.  If anything you loaded up changes that prefab, that would cause issues on your map


            <!-- *** Desert: Ore Sub Biome: oilDeposit -->
            <subbiome prob="0.402">
                    <layer depth="4" blockname="terrDesertGround"/>
                    <layer depth="1" blockname="terrSandStone"> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer>
                    <layer depth="*" blockname="terrSandStone"> <resource blockname="terrOreOilDeposit" prob="0.6500" rwgGenerationType="all"/> <resource blockname="terrGravel" prob="0.7830" rwgGenerationType="all"/> </layer> <layer depth="1" blockname="terrSandStone"/><layer depth="3" blockname="terrBedrock"/>
                    <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_shale_vein" checkresource="-7" onslopes="true" prob=".00657" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="rockResource02" prob=".00033" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus01" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus02" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus03" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus04" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus05" prob="0.004" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="rock01" prob=".001" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="rock02" prob=".001" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="rock05" prob=".001" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="cntDesertRandomLootHelper" prob="0.00025"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDeadPineLeaf" prob="0.020" rotatemax="7"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedYucca3Harvest" prob="0.002" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="plantedAloe3Harvest" rotatemax="3" prob="0.003"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeDesertShrub" prob="0.05" rotatemax="7"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="driftwood" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="driftwood2" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="driftwood3" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="cntBirdnest" prob="0.001"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="decoCowSkull" prob="0.00025" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeCactus06" prob="0.0009" rotatemax="3"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeBrownGrassDiagonal" prob=".00025"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="plantShrubDead" prob="0.001" rotatemax="7"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakMed01" prob="0.0003" rotatemax="7"/>
                    <decoration type="block" blockname="treeOakSml01" prob="0.002" rotatemax="7"/>


  8. 1 hour ago, Avzyttv said:

    so a buddy of mine tested spawning a vehicle on his server and same error and my gf also built a local server and got same issue it shows up after spawning a car and what it does is makes the world stop responding eventually and sucks things into the ground 


    this is the error 


    2023-08-30T03:53:00 344.686 WRN navobject already exists in list


    Any clue what's going on 


    Did you go to the post that SylenThunder linked in her reply to you and follow the directions, like getting the logs and posting them?

  9. 2 hours ago, Sembo said:

    As it is, farming isn't viable.  Even with "Living off the Land" at full level you cannot keep crops going.  You simply don't get enough seeds back and crafting seeds takes more than what you produce.


    And here we go, How to say you don't farm, but claim to be an expert on what needs to be improved about it.


    LoTL maxed out gives you a minimum of 6 crops back per harvest, with a 50/50 chance of a 7th bonus crop.  Seeds only take 5 crops to craft, and you have a 50/50 chance to get a seed back when you harvest.

  10. I don't craft it, but if I am running low on ammo, I will buy HP.  I typically save AP ammo for horde nights, and 9mm ball ammo for turrets.


    If I got quite a bit of HP ammo saved up, I will use it for POI / trader mission runs for the above reason.

  11. 12 hours ago, Cryoh said:

    On my server I have three players playing currently. One of the user's Mod is not working for some reason. His weapons are invisible icons, and when someone shoots a Mosin in his area it gives him errors on his end. The error is referencing Audio file issues it seems?


    I looked and it seems his mods folder is the same as ours. Any ideas? 

    Might be a bad install?

  12. 6 hours ago, Lucky2999 said:

    When respawning, an error appears. Do I have to force players to manually download the mod with a link? can't I install it only on the server?

    99% certainty that your issue is that you only have the mod installed on the server.


    This adds new (old) assets to the game so all computers (server and clients) need to have it installed.  Khaine specified that it is not server only mod on the front page.

  13. 2 hours ago, Sarakatunga said:

    There is a problem with trader protections. I was creating a custom trader and realized that the game is not sending the proper information to the client. So players can build and destroy trader to their heart's content unless they have custom "trader" prefabs in the MODS folder. It can also happen eg: If you delete trader_rekt from the game folder and enter any server you can destroy that same trader or place claim, blocks etc. No logs etc are needed, this is more than enough.


    Sounds like a mod issue

  14. 11 hours ago, Lucky2999 said:

    Hi guys,i have a problem whit Behemoth mod:

    I tried to install the mod in my online server, I put its "Behemoth" folder in the Mods directory, but in the server when I try to respawn the zombie it shows errors from the console. I installed it like the other mods, I don't understand the problem... the server uses the A21 version.


    And nobody here can understand the problem either as you have not stated any information other than you got errors.  Error messages?


    Also, did you install it on your computer also?  This mod needs to be installed on all computers (servers and everyone connecting to the server).

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