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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Sometimes I can be brutally honest, it's something that will pop up time after time. But if it makes you feel better, how about this? I think you guys have the same chance of bringing back empty jars as LBD coming back to this game.
  2. @The_Great_Sephiroth @Riamus @Cruiser @FramFramson If you desire, something I threw together real quick https://github.com/BFT2020/A21LeadBrassIngots.git You can only use them to craft ammo components with the recipes I added (use the workbench). The amounts are affected by Advanced Engineering perk like forged iron and forged steel. Ratios are just a stab and can easily be tweaked
  3. Send me the log and I can see if am able to help. Also send me two logs, the server log and your log.
  4. That does not make me a masochist. Now, removing the ability to repair weapons, tools, armor........ 😁
  5. Did that before, Mixed up tag and tags, took me forever to find the error. something I started to do after that is to have the vanilla file opened at the same time and copy/paste from it. Cut down the errors a lot
  6. Already one made https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/33699-ammo-boxer/#comment-537108
  7. I did that, no unlocks via perks. Day 20 with no workbench makes for interesting game play.
  8. I drop those odd pearls of wisdom every now and then
  9. @doughphunghus is correct, you are missing the first / <insertAfter xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkFromTheShadows']">
  10. Wow, read the pinned topic that states to read first in this sub thread. You have given everyone absolutely no information to assist you.
  11. I think the issue might be more of a loot or loot quantity than anything else. The explosives crafting magazines are in the Shotgun messiah crates, but in group two which is a high chance for pick, but not a guaranteed (like the first group). And unfortunately it shares equal chances with magazines for handguns, shotguns, rifles, and machine guns. There is also a lower chance of getting ammo, ammo crafting items, or messiah books. Even if you get the 2nd group pick, and the pick is one of the magazines, you get one magazine. One thing I been thinking about is, should the crates have a chance to give you more magazines? And make them a guaranteed pick? Would it be better if every time you loot the shotgun messiah crate, you get 2-3 magazines (either the same or a chance of getting a variety)? Should the increase probability chances apply in this case or should they only apply to situations where the magazine selection is much greater like the Crack a books? It's something I been thinking about in the background as I been updating my crafting mod to A21, and based on what the numbers are showing and what I have seen in game.
  12. Sad, I thought at least one person would be a smart arse and answer with their legs, not their back 😉
  13. I can see it now, someone rapidly clicks and loses everything, then floods the forum with complaints about bad design 😉
  14. There is a difference between feedback or critical feedback and being an arse. Some people tend to be an arse and then complained about not being able to give feedback.
  15. Do any of the workstations allow you to pick them up if they got items in them? If not, then that means they are consistent as a generator is not a workstation
  16. I just tried the campfire and it doesn't allow me to pick it up with a cooking pot in it, it gives the same message as the forge.
  17. Something I just remembered, I changed two weapons in the game to use the 44 cal, the pipe pistol and the lever action rifle. The pipe pistol worked out of the gate properly, but I think the issue I had with the lever action rifle was not applying the correct damage in game (not sure on the display though). It was a tag issue that I eventually figured out. If the weapon doesn't have the same tags as the ammo, it won't applied the damage. So the mod should add perkMachineGunner to 44 cal ammo. That is why you are only seeing 10 damage with the SMG as the ammo damage is not being applied. <append xpath="/items/item[@name='ammo44MagnumBulletBall']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='EntityDamage']/@tags">,perkMachineGunner </append> Adding your tag so you get the notification since I didn't quote your original post @FramFramson
  18. weapon damage is based on both that value and the ammo being used. 44 cal ball bullets do 70 points of damage, add the additional +10 from the line you showed above so unperked you would get 80 damage, not 10 I am also assuming the modder changed the tags in the 44 cal ammo to include additional guns or do they have custom ammo created for it? This is the Entity Damage line for 44 ball ammo <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="70" tags="perkGunslinger,revolver"/> Without seeing all the code, I believe the 100 damage is correct; but not being applied properly in game.
  19. None of those are item containers, those are loot containers. So I think you are nitpicking a bit 😉 If you stop and think about it, even the loot containers that go poof or turn into an open container that cannot reset with loot respawn on makes sense, as those are typically the containers that most people skip over once they reach a certain part of the game. The other containers though, still have value as you advance further in the game if the loot respawn option is turned on. Take feathers for example, once you are past making stone and iron arrows, they don't have any value unless you still need to make a puffer coat.
  20. Wouldn't be hard to mod that into the game actually. And you wouldn't need a new icon for it, just reuse the forged iron icon and give it a brass color custom tint. I usually process them in the forge and then into casings, so my playthroughs are similar to what you see even though I never throw brass away (though I don't think I ever been hard up on brass to require smelting down dukes either).
  21. Pretty late to the party really. They (developers) don't have any intent at this point to bring back empty jars, it is now consistent with every other liquid in the game which is what they want. It is the same as bottles of acid or gas cans. They don't want to deal with empty containers in their game.
  22. I am sorry that my quirk offends you so much. I didn't ask you to change your mod or anything about it.
  23. Not @%$#ing at all, just my personal understanding that I have quirks that I can now address. Yes, I understand that it is only 1 slot out of 96, but quirks are not rational or logical. They are simply quirks. So if you have a quirk of not wanting any empty jars popping up in your inventory, it doesn't matter if you have 10 inventory slots or 1,000. Small patch being that while you did all the hard work to create the system and code it in, I just have to reverse engineer one small part of what you did overall and tweak it for my quirkiness. That is all.
  24. Not really for those that don't want the inventory clutter 😉 But we can always make a small patch to remove them again with your mod.
  25. That hasn't been true for awhile now. At least from A19 and on, coal has not been found in the desert to mine. Not sure if A16-A18 if it was available back then.
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