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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. unlocks are typically by item, but upgrades can be done via tags.  In A20, if you had CraftingTier in the Deep Cuts perk, you had the tag perkDeepCuts for the base increase on Quality level.  Anything in the items file that had quality levels and the perkDeepCuts in the tags would fall in that group.


    From A20

        <perk name="perkDeepCuts" parent="skillAgilityCombat" name_key="perkDeepCutsName" desc_key="perkDeepCutsDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_deep_cuts">
                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="1,2,3,4,4" tags="perkDeepCuts"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,5" value="1" tags="meleeWpnBladeT1HuntingKnife"/>


  2. Need a log (please follow instructions in the posted thread  - How to report an issue - 3rd posted pinned from the top.


    The red warning message is saying something is wrong with your game setup, but without the information that would be in the logfile, we don't know what exactly is happening.


    It could be a mod conflict, a corrupted file, a missing file, etc.  We can make assumptions but you will get faster help after providing the logfile.

  3. 19 hours ago, Arez said:

    Would it be possible to make a mod that allows you to set when it starts getting dark? The game's setting only seems to change the morning. And I also don't want to change the zombie's running behavior, as in keeping it at 10pm-4am while having it start getting dark at 7 or 8pm and getting light at 5 or 6am. 


    Another option than what @doughphunghusgave you is adjusting the biome's weather.  I won't attach pictures in doughphunghus's mod thread, but if you set cloud thickness to 100 (min and max) and fog to 100 (min and max), you get a much darker day / more depressing.  You can also do it by increasing the storms chance to 100% and everything else to 0%.


    Myself, I removed storms from the game (both rain and stormy weather) but made the fog be more prevalent overall (min of 50 max of 100).

  4. 7 hours ago, Ruderatus said:

    Hi! There is a bug when the trader offers a book as a quest reward. When I remove Q6 mod - the bug is also gone.


    I uploaded a new version (V2) that should remove this bug.  If you see something else, let me know.

  5. 4 hours ago, Ruderatus said:

    Hi! There is a bug when the trader offers a book as a quest reward. When I remove Q6 mod - the bug is also gone.
    ALSO wanted to ask: what is the purpose of the broken items? How can I repair them?

    Ah, thanks for letting me know.  I will get that bug addressed and push an update out (hopefully later today).  I removed the perk books from the loot list and trader inventories, but forgot to remove them from the quest rewards (since I play with trader rewards removed).


    Broken items in the mod I have today are simply to scrap into parts.  This was a request from some people on the forums.  Eventually I will update it where it will work with my no repair playstyle and give the ability to repair them into lesser quality weapons if you don't have enough parts to craft a brand new weapon.

  6. Added another crafting mod - Q6, removed perk book and schematic unlocks for most crafting recipes, and some other things I did regarding crafting I probably forgot to write down at the time.

  7. Console is not an update though, it is a brand new game.  Meaning, if you got the TellTale Games version, the last update for the TTG 7 days to die is the final version prior to them going bankrupt.  The console version they are working on today is with a new publisher and not using the TTG code.

  8. 1 hour ago, kazutopia said:

    Hi Izayo. I just started modding the game. I'm wondering,  your mods keep mentioning the visible_ mods_mod, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Can you post me a link here please. 


    It’s part of Izayo’s mods, there are two folders in each mod pack - the main weapon mod and the visible mods mod.  If you download multiple weapon mods, you only need one of the visible mods mod

  9. 1 hour ago, Archael said:

    I wa sposting, few times, and explaining why crafting should not be learned by looting. Main argument there was: "there are mods". Now it seems this argument is invalid xD

    But it seems i have to learn how to mod and create one by myself then.


    That wasn't the main argument to support crafting magazines, but I am not going to get into a debate on that.


    What you want is a very specific mod.  I haven't come across one where your crafting ability increases just by killing zombies.  Typically, those mods have action skills to increase by performing said action.


    I have seen mods that removed magazines and brought back schematics / perk unlocks for crafting.


    Darkness Falls has LBD, but crafting is handled differently in that game (class unlocks, schematics, crafting skill) from what you are wanting.  Darkness Falls would be a good mod to study to see how Khaine did his overhaul of the crafting system via xml and c# coding.  From there, you could figure out what modifications you would need to do to be able to unlock crafting M60s based on how many zombie kills you rack up with assault rifles.

  10. 2 hours ago, Rotor said:

    There is a dire/feral Zombie at one of the motels that has the semi trailer shipping container.  That one is always there even on first day...........although cant remember if I've visited it in A21.


    Trust me, Feral Boe is still there

  11. 40 minutes ago, FramFramson said:


    Some of those Sphereii helped me out with, like the removal.


     For adding them back I have

    <setattribute xpath="//trader_item_group[@name='generalResources']/item[@name='bucketEmpty']" name="count">1,3</setattribute>


    So the second bracket set needs to be @item name= and not @item=  ? Or does that not make a difference?


    Anyway, I updated quest.xml with the correct path, as well the other fixes and adding in the snowball recipes.


    No that was an copy / paste error on my part.  What you have above is correct and what I should have verified that I had.  I copied what you had and then modified, but forgot to remove the extra @item name I had in it.  That gets me all the time when I code.  I will copy existing code from another location and paste it to make modifications, then I forget to change something like an item to a group or item to block.  Good thing the game does the logging and gives you an error message when you try to load it up.

  12. Did a quick load and I saw some mod load errors.  Here is some feedback:


    ModInfo throws up a huge error for line 5 - Description.  To make it load up properly, I removed everything you had for line 5 and just put in


        <Description value="Water changes" />


    That allowed it to load properly.  You might have a hidden character in your description somewhere, I didn't dive that deep into it.


    items file



        <setattribute xpath="//item[@name='resourceWaterFilter']/@EconomicValue">7500</setattribute>


    should be


      <set xpath="//item[@name='resourceWaterFilter']/property[@name='EconomicValue']">7500</set>


    In your recipes file, you forgot to have <config> at the start and </config> at the end


    For quests, I answered your question in the discussion thread just now so you can modify your code to remove the water filters as quest rewards.

  13. On 1/6/2024 at 5:20 PM, FramFramson said:


    Ah that's it. I knew it was something like that but for some reason when I was searching through all my mods for a reference I couldn't find a good 'set' command altering lootgroups in that way to use for guidance. I'm just one one of those apes doing copycat moves when it comes to this stuff, haha.


    The other thing I was worried about was if it was more appropriate to use an insert instruction rather than an append at any point. I think I understand the difference between the two (the line about "being in the last train car vs chasing the train"), but although I've read the 7D tutorial blob a few times, I've never quite grasped when or if you want to use insert over append in situations when they'll both seemingly do the same thing, as with my loot changes above.


    Looking at adding buckets to traders or improving their odds, the current chance is:

    <!-- *** General_Resources -->
    		<trader_item_group name="generalResources">
    			<item name="bucketEmpty" prob="0.6"/>


    So, should I be altering this line using the set command? Perhaps to prob "1" and count "1,2" or should I remove it and append it as a new line because I'm adding an additional function (count)?


    If the first, I think the correct implementation to get a a 100% chance would be:

    <set xpath="//trader_item_group[@name='generalResources']/item[@item name='bucketEmpty']/@prob">1</set>


    Is that correct in this case? Where would I add the count?

    If you still need answers.....


    That should work. Then to add count, you would do something like:


    <setAttribute xpath="//trader_item_group[@name='generalResources']/item[@item name='bucketEmpty'] name="count">1,2</setAttribute>


    That command will add the new attribute to that node and assign the value also.


    On 1/6/2024 at 5:20 PM, FramFramson said:

    Alternately should I be adding this elsewhere? Reason I ask is because one really weird thing I noticed is that each Trader as their own default guaranteed item lists, but they ALWAYS include exactly "1,3" cooking pots and grills, and I'm not sure why that was entered for each trader separately and not part of the universal trader groups? 


    It allows trader customization which might have  been looked at one point but then they made everyone the same.  At that point, they just got to make sure each trader code is the same.


    On 1/6/2024 at 5:20 PM, FramFramson said:

    Going back to the items and the instructions you gave above for restricting "resourceWaterFilterwater" filters from the early game, I noticed that water filters are available the same way as cookware: as guaranteed items added in the specific trader lists in spite of each list having identical numbers for sale. I could individually <remove/> all five of those lines, but is there a way I can do it for all traders without going through and manually making an entry for each trader individually? Not only is that more efficient, I'd like to future- and mod- proof the mod (to an extent) by restricting all traders, such that any potential new traders added in future by TFP or via mods will also be covered.


    After removing it, I would probably add it back to the universal group via

    <append xpath="//trader_item_group[@name='generalResources']">
      	<item name="resourceWaterFilterwater" count="1,3"/>


    And then also going back to items and appending

    <append xpath="//item[@name='resourceWaterFilterwater']">
    	<property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="baseTier2"/>


    Easiest way to remove all with one line


    <remove xpath="//item[@name='resourceWaterFilter']"/>


    On 1/6/2024 at 5:20 PM, FramFramson said:

    baseTier2 is stage 50 which should be okay, I think? As you mentioned I can add a new stage (around 40, perhaps?) if I want to be a little more flexible. But one thing I'm not sure about is that I initially want it to only be available in lower quantities when it first appears, so maybe a .75 chance for 1, then later on you get 1-2 and finally 3-5.


    Oh and for your instructions about about lootgroups for quests, I noticed you used the purifier mod, not the actual water filter. I can probably suss out the code based on what you gave me, but it would fall into the resources category rather than mods, in the armour group. So I'd have to twiddle the percentages in there.



    You will find as you playtest where you need to put it.


    That's a common thing I do.  I read one thing and my mind goes a different direction.  As long as the code structure I gave you is correct, then you can modify it to target what you want specifically.

  14. 9 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    Just working on the bit of the mod related to quests. So for removing the filters from the T1 quest reward pool, I think this is the correct code?


    Relevant vanilla section:

    <quest id="quest_tier1complete">
          [quest property stuff]
    <reward type="Item" id="resourceWaterFilter" ischosen="true" isfixed="true" value="2"/>


    Correct xpath to remove that?

    <remove xpath="//quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']/reward/type[@item='resourceWaterFilter']"/>


    If that's correct, I can probably append something like the original line that to the T3 quest options, or else go with one of the options BFT suggested to offer a graded chance from T3 on up. Can't seem to figure out what the 'value' refers to as I don't think it's actually quantity, but the plaintext description in the vanilla quest.xml file is kinda unclear to me.

    Once this is done, I can toss the mod up for playtesting!



    Nope it should be below.  Each / mark indicates a node.  So // tells it to go to the specified node regardless of what is in front of it, quest/ would be the quest node identified in id, and /reward would be the next node inside quest to find the specific reward you want to remove.  Type is an attribute of that reward node, but if you added /type like you have in your code, it is going down another node looking.


    Where you want the game to go location wise




    What you were telling the game to go location wise





    If that makes sense

    <remove xpath="//quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']/reward[@id='resourceWaterFilter']"/>
  15. 9 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    If I recall correctly, the horde day is scheduled at the end of the horde. If you change it at that point, the change will not take effect until after the next scheduled horde. So you would need to start the game with the value of 7. Then before the first night change it to 6. Then again before the night of the 13th change it to 5. And so on.

    Does it matter how you set it up?  I just started a SP game to try it out and I had it initially set at 7 days.  BM horde was on 7th day (I just sped up the time factor, didn't advance days), then I shutdown at 5 am, changed frequency to 1 day, and restarted.  Next BM was that day.  However, I do note that this method is not the same if the server is always up.


    If you don't shutdown (i.e. a dedicated 24/7 server), is the trigger to calculate the next blood moon tied specifically to actual blood moon event?  If that is the case, I can see where my method wouldn't work in every situation.

  16. On 1/4/2024 at 12:12 PM, Vampirenostra said:

    @Vaeliorin @BFT2020 If you have the mod plz link me to it, would highly appreciate, or atleast point me to the file and tag for editing, I could not locate it myself


    Give me a few days as I have to finish the localization updates and verify that I didn't miss anything.  Then I will post it in my mods thread and link you to it.


    10 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    Not sure if this is all correct? Almost 100% sure the syntax is wrong for changing the item # in farm trucks from '2' to '2,3', but not sure what the correct line is there. If I'm missing other errors, I'm not as sure.


    Your last line syntax is what is wrong.


    If you are doing a set command, it should look something like


    <set xpath="//lootgroup[@name='groupFarmTruck']/item[@group='groupFarmTruck01']/@count">2,3</set>


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