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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 1 hour ago, Dbzes said:

    Hi all,


    I have a problem and i searched during 2 day....




    but I have the block in recipes.xml




    Do you have a idea ?


    Thank you very much !


    It needs to be defined in the items file or the blocks file as an object.  If you do have it, check the name as you might have it incorrectly in one of the two files.


    For example, just putting this in my recipes file will cause issues


            <recipe name="foodTunaNoddleCasserol" count="1" craft_area="campfire" craft_tool="toolCookingPot" tags="perkMasterChef,learnable">
                <ingredient name="foodCanTuna" count="1"/>
                <ingredient name="foodCanPasta" count="1"/>
                <ingredient name="foodCropMushrooms" count="1"/>
                <ingredient name="foodCornMeal" count="1"/>
                <ingredient name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1"/>

    unless I have this in the items file


            <item name="foodTunaNoddleCasserol">
                <property name="Tags" value="food"/>
                <property name="HoldType" value="31"/>
                <property name="DisplayType" value="food"/>
                <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/parcelPrefab.prefab"/>
                <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/>
                <property name="Material" value="Mplants"/>
                <property name="CustomIcon" value="foodSpaghetti"/>
                <property name="CustomIconTint" value="ff0000"/>
                <property name="Material" value="Mplants"/>
                <property name="Stacknumber" value="10"/> <!-- STK resource -->
                <property name="EconomicValue" value="250"/>
                <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1"/>
                <property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value="10"/>
                <property class="Action0">
                    <property name="Class" value="Eat"/>
                    <property name="Delay" value="1.0"/>
                    <property name="Use_time" value="..."/>
                    <property name="Sound_start" value="player_eating"/>
                <property name="Group" value="Food/Cooking,CFFood/Cooking"/>
                <effect_group tiered="false" name="Food Tier 2">
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$foodAmountAdd" operation="add" value="40"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="foodHealthAmount" operation="add" value="15"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar=".foodStaminaBonusAdd" operation="add" value="20"/>
                    <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="AddBuff" buff="buffProcessConsumables"/>


  2. 3 hours ago, Ramethzer0 said:

    You know, no one complained that we could loot gas without the benefit of a Jerry Can.

    But, we let go of water jars - and now its grown into so many threads that just have gotten repetitive.


    Why do you think I been discussing the correct definition of screw vs bolt in this thread?  😆

  3. On 12/8/2023 at 5:50 PM, meganoth said:


    What you seem to miss is that the terms are used differently in the US and elsewhere (so it seems). If we regard the info on that UK website as somewhat accurate then at least in the UK a bolt is just a sub-category of screw and one that isn't exactly defined. So a bolt is a screw as well, but a screw might not be a bolt. 


    I found multiple websites that had VERY different definitions of bolts and screws and their difference. The encyclopedia britannica seems not to adhere to your definition of screw and bolt as well.


    you can call it a purple nurple if you want to, it really doesn’t bother me.  Get a funny smirk from me, but I deal with people using the incorrect terms all the time.  Important thing is that you use the correct fastener, whether it is a “screw” or a wheel bolt.  As long as that “screw” looks like those wheel bolts in the second picture.

  4. 4 hours ago, Roland said:

    Will do though I’m thinking of using your trader mod anyway. I’ll hold off for now so I can see how the trader rewards are working  

    FYI, I just verified that there are no conflicts with both of those mods on the same game.

  5. On 12/9/2023 at 10:58 PM, Roland said:

    I'm on day 5 using the crafting mod and so far it is pretty cool. I haven't found any intact weapons or armor or tools in loot. I've had to craft everything myself. I haven't found any broken tier two or tier three items that I can try scrapping for parts yet. Everything is still primitive stuff that scraps to resources.

    Thanks for the feedback.


    Let me know if you see any issues with the traders offering too good of loot.  I didn't adjust the trader tables, but they should only offer Q1 or Q2 gear which I thought was enough of a trader debuff (along with removing quality gear being offered as a reward).

  6. 14 hours ago, Roland said:

    Im five days into a new game using your mod. So far so good. It’s much more crafting-centric


    Thanks for the feedback.


    I am probably going to combine this mod with my no-repair / Q6 crafting mod that I personally play with as I like how it changes the looting process up even more.  With repairing items not being an option, it makes you have to craft even into the late game.  The only drawback right now (and it is more on me than anything) is that any gear found in loot that isn't broken would have to be repaired to be used.  I have not gone down the rabbit hole yet into C# coding to make it so any Q6 spawn in loot has full durability.

  7. Do any of the mods that you are loading up affect Better Barter or the barter system itself?


    For example, this is the vanilla code for Better Barter:


                <passive_effect name="BarteringBuying" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value=".05,.1,.15,.2,.25"/>
                <passive_effect name="BarteringSelling" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value=".05,.1,.15,.2,.25"/>


    If those numbers are adjusted too much, you can see a situation where all the purchase costs become negative.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Plexius said:

    nope which is why im confused 


        <append xpath="/traders/traderstage_templates">
            <traderstage_template name="EliteTier1" min="110" max="999999" /> <!-- Elite Items -->
            <traderstage_template name="EliteTier2" min="130" max="999999" /> <!-- Elite Items -->
            <traderstage_template name="EliteTier3" min="150" max="999999" /> <!-- Elite Items -->
            <!--Create trader group for Elite Items including rare guns-->
        <insertBefore xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='ammoAll']">
            <trader_item_group name="Eliteitems">
                    <item name="gunBronzeShotgun" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunBronzeDesertVulture" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunBronzeSMG" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunBronzeM60" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunBronzeRPG" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunTungstenM60" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunMithrilSMG" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunAdamantiumDesertVulture" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunMithrilShotgun" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunOrichalcumRPG" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunNecroniumM60" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunOrichalcumSMG" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunUraniumDesertVulture" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunUraniumShotgun" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="gunNecroniumRPG" quality="1,4"/>
                    <item name="Diamond Bit" prob="0.2"/>
                    <item name="Carbon Bit" prob="0.15"/>
                    <item name="Titanium Bit" prob="0.1"/>
                    <item name="Obsidian Bit" prob="0.01"/>
                    <item name="Diamond Harvester" prob="0.2"/>
                    <item name="Carbon Harvester" prob="0.15"/>
                    <item name="Titanium Harvester" prob="0.1"/>
                    <item name="Obsidian Harvester" prob="0.01"/>
                    <item name="modResistanceList" prob="0.1"/>
                    <item name="modArmorPlatingMithril" prob="0.15"/>
                    <item name="modArmorPlatingAdamantium" prob="0.06"/>
            <!--Asking traders to sell Elite Items-->
        <append xpath="//trader_info[@id='1' or @id='2' or @id='6' or @id='7' or @id='8']/trader_items">
            <item group="Eliteitems" count="1,2"/>

    That is the pretty much the whole thing theres another group of code for ammo aswell but nothing that changes prices 


    Those are all custom items, did you assign them a value in the items.xml file?


        <property name="EconomicValue" value="175"/>



  9. 6 hours ago, Napoca said:

    I installed this mod on a server I have hosted at HostHavoc - I get these msgs in the log file - is this just more of an FYI?


    Trying to load from folder: 'A21_Izayo_Firearms_Shotgun_packVAL'
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.338 WRN [MODS]     A21_Izayo_Firearms_Shotgun_packVAL/ModInfo.xml in legacy format. Please consider upgrading to V2 for future compatibility.
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.340 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: A21IZYfirearmshotgunPV (1)
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.340 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'A21_Izayo_Visible_Mods_mod'
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.340 WRN [MODS]     A21_Izayo_Visible_Mods_mod/ModInfo.xml in legacy format. Please consider upgrading to V2 for future compatibility.
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.341 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: IZYVMM (2)


    I also get this error;

    2023-12-09T12:54:13 3.814 INF [MODS] Loading localization from mod: A21IZYfirearmshotgunPV
    2023-12-09T12:54:13 3.814 WRN Localization: Entry missing a key! Please check Localization file. Skipping entry...


    I do have the V3 and Quick fix applied both on client and server side.


    Thank you - we enjoy your mod...

    The legacy note about modinfo is letting mod creators know that in a future alpha, it needs to be updated to the new format.  It doesn’t affect anything right now in A21

  10. As both a mechanical engineer and working for a major Automotive OEM, you would never want to use a screw to fasten your wheels to the vehicle as screws do not have the necessary retention force needed for the application at hand.


    9 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    not sure whether people didn't get the point or just wants to bug me...or this is all just some language problem.

    Anyway, for everybody's total-off-topic information:

    They both exist.




    The first picture is the lug nut style fastening system used in primary American vehicles.  The second picture are wheel bolts as an alternative to the lug nut style fastening system (example I know German vehicles use this system).  Both are "bolt" system type of fasteners, though the wheel stud is more of a threaded shaft that is pressed into the hub while the wheel bolts fall under the traditional bolt category.


    Neither of those examples are screws though.  I do know of two instances where screw is used around tires - one being a screw in type wheel stud and the second being rim screws used to secure the tires to the rims (typically in drag racing situations).


    Easiest thing to say is just wheel fasteners as that covers both styles above.


    And yes, I do have a copy of The Machinery’s Handbook at my desk.


    One issue I have with the link provided is that they state the difference between screws and bolts in the US is more of a legal definition.  That is not correct.  Bolts by the nature of their design have a significant higher clamping force compared to screws.  That is one of the reasons they are used to fasten wheels to vehicles (another reason are bolts / nuts are easier to assemble and disassemble which is necessary for wheels as you will be removing and reinstalling them as you maintain your vehicle).  If any engineer out there tells you that they are simply interchangeable, no...just no.....  A bolt used where a screw would be sufficient would be okay, but using a screw where a bolt is required - I would be extremely worried about the fastener holding up to the task.



    not sure whether people didn't get the point or just wants to bug me...or this is all just some language problem.


    I just went into a detailed response on this subject, I am not one to judge  😏

  11. 4 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Or another example: Have you ever seen a screw in the game? Have you ever fixed a screw when building a 4x4 and attaching a tire to the 4x4 ? Have you ever attached a steering wheel to the 4x4? Yes, you must have done all these things in this game, but you never have seen them as separate parts on screen that you handle or work on or attach.


    Uh those are typically nuts / bolts, not screws.  You don't screw a tire onto a vehicle, you attached it to the studs and drive a nut down to keep it in place.  Remind me to never allow meganoth to work on any of my vehicles  🤪


    I mean, you can use screws instead of bolts if that is your desire, but I would recommend nobody ride with you in your 4x4😁

  12. 58 minutes ago, Urban Blackbear said:

    This isn't Jar Simulator. People really need to get over this.


    I can create a mod for you to do exactly that  😉


    J/K, I like jars being removed and not really interested in that little side project  🤪

  13. On 12/2/2023 at 3:19 PM, Matt115 said:

    mistake.  You can killing kids in Fallout 1 and 2. 


    Btw. why did you skip it?


    Not a mistake.  Note I said Skyrim and Fallout.  Bethesda published both of them.  Fallout 1 and 2 were from a different developer who was okay with kids being killed in their games.  Also note those games were not as graphically advanced as Fallout 3+ / Skyrim.  Would the the F1/2 developers be okay with kids being killed in their games if they had the same graphics / gore system?  We don't know, but it was their choice to have that option while Bethesda choose not to go that route.


    Because I didn't feel that mission added anything to the game and the thought of mowing down innocent people (even though they are fictional and virtual) was too much.  I also don't put thralls on the wheel of pain and do any of the sorcerer sacrifices in Conan Exiles - I just admin that stuff in.


    If TFP make a complete 180 and add zombie kids so you can maim them to your heart's delight, then that is a choice they can make.  If they do, I will promptly mod them out.  On the other hand, if they stay the course and not put them in the game, then that is also their choice.  For those that want zombie kids in the game, ask around and maybe someone will make a mod for you.

  14. 10 minutes ago, XCOUNTRY said:

    Is there a way to have them spawn as scouts? I had no success back in A17 when I tried. I could get other zombie types to spawn as scouts (which is interesting and can catch you off guard), but I could not get them to work by just editing the xmls. 


    Only if you start doing c# coding - I think  The scout function is part of the game manager so you are getting into the base code of the game.  As far as I know, the things you can change via xml are what model is referenced when it calls for ZombieScreamer (so swap Joe with the screamer for example) or what entities are in the various screamer spawn groups in the EntityGroups file.


    I recall seeing a mod in the past that created an object that would spawn screamer hordes, but can't recall the mod name or how they did it.

  15. @Old Crow is correct, screamers in POIs are not the same as Screamer scouts.  They are just another zombie model at that point.  Similar to if you were to mod in screamers as a variant in the blood moon hordes or a wandering horde.  The screamers that spawn in other zombie entities are when the game manager spawns in a scout to investigate some heat activity.


    So in the case of POIs, they are functioning correctly.

  16. On 12/3/2023 at 12:33 AM, NewGuy said:

    I've done all I'm willing to do for no compensation. I'll let you all who get paid to work on this game take it further if you want to.


    The reason they ask you to fill out the bug report is that only you have all the details of this issue occurring in your playthrough.  It is also a standardized form that they created to ensure the right questions are asked and the right information is provided back.  Without it, they could spin their wheels trying to create a situation that may only be unique on your setup.


    There was a bug report for Bell Lake POI, but that had to do with the name of the POI in the trader dialog.  There hasn't been any reported issues with the quest marker.  Even some online videos I saw showed the quest marker working fine in other players' games for this POI


    Most people want to assist in tracking down bugs in the game and point the QA testers / Development team in the right direction without having to be compensated for it.

  17. 5 minutes ago, prkchpsyring said:

    Hi everyone,


    I’m coming back to 7Days after a hiatus and I was curious if a certain POI is still in the game. It was a construction site of sorts that was basically a garage being built. It had an upstairs area to it as well. I used it as my main base in the last single player game I played and haven’t found one yet.


    Yes it is still in game.  Can't think of the exact name of it right now.  It was updated also so a bit bigger.  I think the name is something like Garage First or such.

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