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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 14 hours ago, arramus said:

    I'd always considered The Wasteland, even with its association to Fallout, to be a direct nod to the 1988 Wasteland RPG 'predecessor/influencer' of Fallout, and its franchise. ^^


    Ah the classics  😉


    Points also if you fondly remember the original version, not the remastered one that came out with Wasteland 2

  2. 19 minutes ago, Roland said:

    If you had actually simply asked that question I could have simply answered yes. Looking back, all I see are statements you made regarding this. Maybe I missed the question and if so, sorry. 


    I personally preferred the extra details in your replies as it explains what has to happen behind the scenes and why the decision is made to make specific announcements.

  3. 21 hours ago, lordneg said:

    nods I understand. I feel the same. Once I have found a lvl 5 weapon now I never have to make a pistol for example. I want to get folks crafting instead of relying on luck to find weapons in the wild. On the other hand I was also thinking of just taking out crafting weapons, tool, armour. all together and just have to find that stuff out in the world. I too think the game becomes stale once you have lvl 5 everything.  So I was thinking making it  based on lvls of when you can have a lvl 5 you would have to be say lvl 50. :) 


    If you want to limit the quality level found in loot, you would need to change the probability tables QLTemplateTO, T1, T2, and T3.  For example, in T1 table:


            <qualitytemplate level="99,100" default_quality="1">
                <loot quality="2" prob="0.264"/>
                <loot quality="3" prob="0.315"/>
                <loot quality="4" prob="0.397"/>
                <loot quality="5" prob="0.552"/>
                <loot quality="6" prob="1"/>


    I made it harder to find the higher quality equipment in loot so I ended up changing the probabilities at one time.


        <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='3']/@prob">0.45</set>
        <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='4']/@prob">0.35</set>
        <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='5']/@prob">0.25</set>
        <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootqualitytemplates/lootqualitytemplate/qualitytemplate/loot[@quality='6']/@prob">0.15</set>


    Another route you could go is remove them completely and then insert your own custom tables.  Probably not be very difficult since you would only have a couple of quality levels so you can expand the loot stage range so less sub-nodes you would need.


    I went a different route (I had the same issue - once you find that Q6 weapon, why bother with crafting or searching anymore?  I went a different route in my playstyle where I removed the ability to repair equipment.  So you ended up having to buy new gear from traders or craft your own (I am right now testing out my modlet that introduced Q6 crafting), or using that halfway damaged weapon you found in loot until you can get something else to replace it.


    Also if you want to, you can look at any modlets I have created for people over A20/A21.  You can just search for BFT2020 at github.com and it will take you to where I posted them for download.  There are currently 24 in there.

  4. 2 minutes ago, LordMaverick1 said:

    So question. I have a sexy zombie mod and want them to spawn along side DF. They are both running right now but for some reason only DF zombies spawn and not the cultured ones. Is there a setting or something to fix it to where they spawn all versions of the zombies not just vanilla and DF? thanks

    You have to mod them in.  DF is an overhaul mod while the mod you have probably was geared towards vanilla 7D2D

  5. 3 hours ago, usHallgrim said:

    That being said, I'd still like to know why the inheritance approach didn't work?


    Certain properties can't be inherited.  Look at the Stone / Iron spear for example.  The iron spear extends from the stone spear, but to setup the various values on how it works in game, it has to have that code for the item.


    I have created new items and use the inherit property to extend from another item in game, but limit it to just properties.  Passive effects in the effect group nodes, I copy and input the values I want into those.

  6. 11 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    The thing is shapes count towards this as well. If you add one new block that can use all shapes, it's counts the same as adding around 2000 blocks. So I think vanilla is sitting around 22k from what I've seen. Which doesn't leave very much room for mods to add, especially if you are trying to do full tiers of blocks in all shapes.


    Ah, I wasn't sure about that.  Thanks.  Originally the shapes were all just blocks, but now they are specified in the shape menu.


    That seems better as when I counted the blocks I got such a low number, and I could have sworn that vanilla used up considerable more of the allowed blocks ids than 6k

  7. 20 hours ago, Riamus said:

    They decided to make the forest the noob zone.  Lol.  Unfortunately, I like the forest aesthetically.  I never really liked the wasteland and the desert is "meh".  Snow is okay but nothing special.


    shhh. keep this on the downlow, but.....



    <set xpath="//biome[@name='pine_forest']/spawn[@entitygroup='ZombiesAll']/@entitygroup">ZombiesWasteland</set>
    <set xpath="//biome[@name='pine_forest']/spawn[@entitygroup='ZombiesNight']/@entitygroup">ZombiesWastelandNight</set>
    <set xpath="//biome[@name='pine_forest']/spawn[@entitygroup='ZombiesForestDowntown']/@entitygroup">ZombiesWastelandDowntown</set>
    <set xpath="//biome[@name='pine_forest']/spawn[@entitygroup='ZombiesForestDowntownNight']/@entitygroup">ZombiesWastelandDowntown</set>


    That should up the difficulty a bit, but allow you to stay in the pine forest  😉

  8. 1 hour ago, bdubyah said:

    I think you can just add the class to it. The only issue before was the wires connecting in weird spots, but since you don't see them normally now it shouldn't matter. I made powered versions of those doors in Wasteland. Honestly haven't tested them in A21 but I'd imagine they still work. Let me go test them real quick.


    Ah, good to know.


    Was it workstations you couldn't power by electric through just xml changes or am I completely off my rocker here?

  9. 12 hours ago, Riamus said:

    I'd really like to have a 7x4 roll up door to be powered.  Is there a way to make a custom block of that door that's powered?  If I need a C# mod for it, that would be okay, but I'd prefer an XML method if such is available.  Thanks.


    I believe you have to copy and modify the block to allow it to be powered.  I don't think you can do it just in xml.

  10. 7 hours ago, NewGuy said:

    Hey guys, I used to mod this game heavily in the xml's to suit my tastes but haven't played for a couple years and have just come back to try the new Alpha. I'm liking it so far, but I personally think the progression by reading books is way too slow, so I looked through the xml's to try and find a way to double this progression rate by giving perk books 2 points per read instead of 1. I've found some values in progression.xml that may or may not affect this, but I'm being a bit lazy and just asking the community to save myself some time. So if I wanted each book I read to increase my Perk/Skill Level by 2 instead of 1, what value should I change? Thanks in advance.


    Try this


    <set xpath="//item[contains(@name,'Magazine')]/effect_group/triggered_effect[@action='AddProgressionLevel']/@value">2</set>


    If I did it right, that should change all magazines to increase the level by 2 every time you read it.



  11. 1 hour ago, Wrought said:


    Ok, based on your hotbar I think I see the problem.  How did you make the straight pipe and the valve?  I only have the "T" metal pipe in my crafting menus.  I ran T metal water pipes from bedrock to the farm plots and then put the sprinkler right on the T pipe.  It looks like maybe it goes water pipe>valve>sprinkler?  I don't see a way to craft the straight pipe or the valve, they aren't in my crafting menus.

    Here is what my setup looks like and what my crafting menu options are.





    If you see the white icons in the upper left corner, it means that the block has a shape menu associated with it.  Select them then hold R down to bring it up (like the wooden frames).  You should see more options with the T Pipe block now.

  12. 15 hours ago, bdubyah said:

    That's why I mod the lever action rifle to use .44 instead of 7.62.

    Same here


    I also changed the pipe pistol to .44 ammo, and changed the pipe machine gun from 7.62 to 9mm.


    Though I only changed the ammo types via xml and didn't touch the models / animation at all

  13. 5 hours ago, walkingwounded said:

    Regarding the double barrel:

    -I've had this problem too, sometimes I can make a single shot, 95%+ of the time its both at once

    -is there a cooldown setting between shots or a mouse press time counter? if so, maybe that could be adjusted to force a longer delay (like under 0.5 seconds, is a single shot, over 0.5 seconds is a double). No issue with the pumpy.


    This was an issue with Alpha 21.0.  TFP changed the rounds per minute from 1000 to 1 and added a new property RapidTrigger to the double barrel so you can rapidly click twice to get it to unload both barrels.  This change was made for Alpha 21.1.  Now when you hold down the trigger in A21, it doesn't fire both shots rapidly and requires another quick trigger action.

  14. 38 minutes ago, fluffyfoxy said:

    Im having an issue. I am not getting the strater quests for the farmlife mod and im also not getting any farm liife books to get to the point where i can make the table. 

    Im stuck at farmlife 1/100 in my skills.


    Are you on A21?  If so, you should be using the download from this thread which was updated for A21



    Also, best to let the mod author know in that thread of any issues having with A21

  15. 2 hours ago, Greatest Olelko said:

    That's the thing tho, it doesn't really matter whether you perk into stealth or not if by shooting smg just once, even tho you'll most likely will kill one zombie with all of the sneak damage bonuses, you'll find yourself surrounded by others and if it's high-tier poi, youll have to run and parkour yourself out of mess and this is where m60 stamina and accuracy perks kick in. I mean I could sneak kill one zombie with my m60 and 1.5 sneak bonus just as well


    Or just use the bows, knives, or the 9mm pistol if you are trying to clear the room as silently as possible.  The SMG shouldn't be able to stealthy clear the POI the same as the pistol or the bow.  That is why the bows and knives have such a significant boost in hidden strike damage, as those are the weapons geared towards clearing out a POI stealthy.  I think the SMG was wrongly placed in that category in previous Alphas.


    The SMG though does generate a lot less heat compared to the M60 when the silencer is added (1/3 less by my calculation) so if you are forced to fall back to a rapid fire weapon in a jam, then it has that going for it.  Less likely to have a screamer or wandering horde investigating the noise if you use the SMG as a backup rather than going in guns blazing with the M60.

  16. Not to forget that if you are perking into the agility tree, it boosts the damage of the SMG a lot, both through Agility itself and Gunslinger.   Throw in Hidden strike and the SMG is going to be the better weapon if you max out those perks compared to an unperked M60



    • Maxed out Agility - Double damage for headshots
    • Maxed out Gunslinger - 50% increase in damage
    • Maxed out Hidden strike - 300% increase in damage for hidden strikes

    So comparing Q1, Average stats between a perked out Agility and a perked out Fortitude player

    • SMG - 225 headshot sneak damage with regular ball ammo
    • M60 - 140 headshot damage or 175 (if they take the first perk of hidden strike that they can)


    Throw in that both classes has a book series that gives them both sweet benefits, along with the Gunslinger perk having the gunslinger combo bonus in addition.


    If you are playing a true stealth player, then you will be perking into Agility to boost sneak damage and the SMG wins hands down.  If you are not perking into stealth, then any weapon with higher damage output is going to be best regardless of sound level.

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