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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 22 hours ago, FramFramson said:


    Pretty good so far. How about the removal from trader inventories but only up to a certain stage sot hat it's not available for regular purchase? 


    Also I plan on changing (increasing) the price. Does that affect the probability on quest reward tables?

    Price doesn't affect quest reward tables or trader stages when it is offered.


    For trader stage, that is handled by assigning it a trader stage template in the items or item_modifier file


        <item_modifier name="modArmorWaterPurifier" installable_tags="armorHead" modifier_tags="waterPurifier" blocked_tags="noMods" type="attachment">
            <property name="Extends" value="modGeneralMaster" param1="CustomIcon"/>
            <property name="UnlockedBy" value="modArmorWaterPurifierSchematic"/>
            <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="modsTier2"/>
            <property name="Material" value="Msteel"/>


    In the trader file, you see this template stage as 


            <traderstage_template name="modsTier1" min="1" max="999999" />
            <traderstage_template name="modsTier2" min="25" max="999999" />
            <traderstage_template name="modsTier3" min="55" max="999999" />


    so for the game, it is available from stage 25 and on.  To customize it, you could create a custom stage for it and limit how long it would be available


            <traderstage_template name="modsTier2Mod" min="25" max="55" />


    21 hours ago, FramFramson said:


    Oh and as for the lootgroup question, I can see situations where I would want to add an item specifically to dilute the pool (in another mod I'm fiddling with, I want there to be more garbage-y food items besides just rotten meat and sham sandwiches), but in others I can see wanting to make sure it's additive and not reducing existing droprates. In those cases you would add a new lootgroup, correct? So the original lootgroup chances for a given container are unchanged but now there's an additional possibility of finding something from the new lootgroup?



  2. 12 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    The first shouldn't be too hard - I just need to add the bucket to more containers and lootgroups so it comes up more commonly. The only thing I'm not sure of is when numeric odds are inserted - is it better practice to just add the bucket to more containers, or should I directly alter the chance to find it as well? I'm still not 100% on lootgroups. Also if I ONLY add an item to a lootgroup, it dilutes the pool for that container, right? So if you have an X chance of finding something from some lootgroup, adding another item to that lootgroup means all preexisting items on that list will have a slightly reduced chance of coming up, correct?


    Correct.  Adding another item to an existing lootgroup would change the chances for everything in that loot group, but that would depend on the probabilities.  When I do some changes to the loot tables, I make an educated guess where I want the probability at and then playtest it.


    It depends on what you want to do.  I made changes to the brand crates in game so that they would always drop one skill magazine from the custom crafting magazines for that crate and then added a chance to drop 1-2 more magazines.  In order to do that, I set the crate to count=all.  Then I had the first lootgroup set at count=1 and that was only for skill magazines.  Then the second lootgroup was set to count=1,2 and I put the skill magazine loot group in it as one of the potential choices.  I believe I set it's priority to med or medHigh.  So when I loot a crate, I will get at least one pick from each loot group (so 1 magazine guaranteed) and depending on my luck on the second loot group I might get anywhere from 0-2 additional crafting magazines.


    12 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    IThe more important thing I need to figure out is how to remove certain specific items from the trader's inventory (mainly the water purifier), but ONLY early game. I want a common item to be changed so that it's a possible T2 quest reward, appears rarely once your gamestage roughly corresponds to doing T3 quests, and appear uncommonly from T4 onward. I thought there would be increased-difficulty mods out there which did this and which I could look at for code, but oddly I haven't actually found any so far? How the heck do I code this?


    For quest rewards, they are handled differently.  In the quest file, you will see


            <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
            <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestSchematics" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
            <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestMods" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
            <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestResources" ischosen="true" value="1"/>
            <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestAmmo,groupQuestResources,groupQuestMods,groupQuestT1SkillMagazineBundle" ischosen="true" value="1"/>


    So the reward item is actually a loot item and the value determines the level of the loot you get (so each tier is basically a value between 1-6).  For the item you are talking about, it would be in the following loot group


    <lootgroup name="groupQuestMods">
        <item group="groupModAllT1" loot_prob_template="QuestT1Prob"/>
        <item group="groupModAllT1" loot_prob_template="QuestT1Prob"/>
        <item group="groupModAllT2" loot_prob_template="QuestT2Prob"/>
        <item group="groupModAllT2" loot_prob_template="QuestT2Prob"/>
        <item group="groupModAllT3" loot_prob_template="QuestT2Prob"/>
        <item group="groupModAllT3" loot_prob_template="QuestT3Prob"/>


    The water purifier is in the armor mod group, T2, so you won't see it as a reward at T1/T2 quests, but higher ones it would drop (0.35 prob at T3 and 0.65 prob at T4, 0 at T5 and higher).  


    If you look at the groupModAllT2, you will note that they gave the armor T2 mod group a probability of 2.2 while the others don't have one (so they default to prob=1).  That means in the mods T2 All group, the armor group has a 44% chance of being picked from while the other groups are each 19%.


    Simply removing the prob=2.2 (and reduce it down to 1) would drop the chance of getting an item from the armor group from 44 % to 20%.  To customize it even more, you might have to create a new loot group for it and create a custom quest loot probability table based on the odds you want to see.  As an example:


        <lootprobtemplate name="QuestWaterPurProb">
            <loot level="1" prob="0"/>
            <loot level="2" prob="0.25"/>
            <loot level="3" prob="0.15"/>
            <loot level="4" prob="0.05"/>
            <loot level="5,7" prob="0"/>


  3. 2 hours ago, BoQsc said:

    After a quick search, I have't seen anyone that made it. 

    I would like to know how hard would it be to make a inventory item that would open up as additional smaller UI to which you could add your stuff. 

    This might be useful if the server is about dropping backpack and having such small pocket of additional storage in the toolbelt might be fun and interesting.


    You mean like the backpack or more inventory slots on the toolbelt?  😕


    Also, Khaine does have a 15 slot tool belt modlet out there



    This requires c# so you would need to have EAC off.


    Also, and I might be misinterpreting your request, anything you are requesting would at least have to be on the server (the modlet I linked would need to be on both the server and the client computer to run properly).

  4. 1 hour ago, mid23 said:

    I've rebalance it myself for my liking. Just for feedback, yeah. 

    Melee - also use it. You get it right i think. May be just a bad luck. However, may be not. I've remember now that it's not rare situation for me. I play on level 4 difficulty. Warrior or something. English not my language. )

    At last run both encounters with that zombies was in Jen quests. 


    Have you perchance boost XP gains?  If you are accelerating XP over vanilla, your game stage is going to boost higher and you will see tougher zombies earlier.


    Edit Add - You also stated T2 quests, but didn't mention if this is an early T2 quests or something you gotten later after maxing out another trader quest lines.  T2 quests can have harder, tougher zombies based on your game stage.  I have gotten radiated zombies on T1 quests before because it being late  in the game and my GS was pretty high.  The tiers affect the reward outs and how big the quest is, but it is GS that typically affects the zombie levels you will see.

  5. 1 hour ago, Balthazod said:

    I have been thinking of doing this as A21 is the most boring version of 7DTD I have played since its release. They have made farming, crafting irrelivant and many of the perk lines now make no real sense. level 60 you can now make level 4 bone knife 'whoo hoo' the learn by reading is garbage and the lighting even though it was supposed to be fixed in the stable release is definatly not sunrise 21.56 and pitch black at 10am.  The spawning is also a major point of my disgust at this version with zombies spawning out of thin air and pois you have to stand in the middle of a trap to get Zombies to spawn to complete clear missions  as least you can by pass this BS.

    And what part of this rant has to do with no trader playthroughs?

  6. 29 minutes ago, Vaeliorin said:

    I take it it doesn't include your no repairing mod?  Honestly, if it wasn't for the T5 POIs for Q6 gear, I'd probably be interested, but I hate T5 POIs and avoid them like the plague (well, the T5 Crack A Book isn't awful, but I do not like the other ones.)

    Nope, it is not the official BFT crafting mod. 😏

  7. On 1/1/2024 at 12:57 PM, Vaeliorin said:

    That said, I've played no trader rewards before (thanks to BFT's mod) and not buying anything other than books and filters, and it was fine.  The way loot and such is set up now, not having the opportunity to reset high value POIs (basically anything with a lot of books) would suck unless you hardcore focused vehicles early game (though when I've cleared out my starting town and want to move to another town is usually when I end my runs, because I just can't be arsed moving everything.)


    I got a crafting mod that you might want to look at also.  It makes any items out there broken in loot and traders only having Q1/Q2 items for sell.  Crafting becomes more important to progress and Q6 gear is only found in Tier 5 or higher POIs.  It will be at the same location you got my Trader mod from.

  8. On 12/31/2023 at 6:17 PM, vom said:

    Also, the mods trigger an EAC warning on startup, and I have to restart the game everytime I try to start it - is there any way to prevent this from occurring, as it makes it a hassle to login.


    As a follow up, you can setup the launcher to always launch with EAC turned off.  That should remove the EAC warning message.  Personally, I have my copy of 7 Days to Die to ask me every time how to launch so when I run a mod that requires EAC to be off, I select it and never get the warning message.

  9. 55 minutes ago, ReznPez1991 said:

    It's not letting me open the file with office XML handler. Is there another app that will let me modify the files?


    I personally use Notepad++ as it does a great job of showing the node structure (and will flag any code you have that is not in the correct format)




  10. Exactly where you need to find these things


        <vehicle name="vehicleMinibike">
            <property name="cameraDistance" value="3, 4.5"/>
            <property name="cameraTurnRate" value=".2, .35"/>
            <property name="upAngleMax" value="70"/>
            <property name="upForce" value="1"/>
            <property name="steerRate" value="130"/>
            <property name="steerCenteringRate" value="90"/>
            <property name="tiltAngleMax" value="20"/>
            <property name="tiltThreshold" value="3"/>
            <property name="tiltDampening" value=".22"/>
            <property name="tiltDampenThreshold" value="8"/>
            <property name="tiltUpForce" value="5"/>
            <property name="motorTorque" value="400, 200"/>
            <property name="turboScale" value="1.4, 1"/>
            <property name="velocityMax" value="7, 4"/>
            <property name="brakeTorque" value="3000"/>
            <property name="hopForce" value="1.5, .2"/>
            <property name="unstickForce" value="1"/>
            <property name="waterDrag_y_velScale_velMaxScale" value="1.5, .9, .15"/>
            <property name="wheelPtlScale" value=".6"/>



    First value in motorTorque is forward direction, second one is backward direction


    Motorcycle and 4X4 motor torques for comparison


            <property name="motorTorque" value="1400, 500"/>
            <property name="motorTorque" value="1800, 900"/>


    Code to put in a modlet so you can change them



     <set xpath="//vehicle[@name='vehicleMinibike']/property[@name='motorTorque']/@value">X,Y</set>


    Change X,Y to the values you want.


  11. Thinking more about this, you might get an issue if you change the car battery itself to a bundle since it is used in crafting recipes and as a power source in battery banks.


    What you might want to do is to create a new recipe so that you can disassemble (craft) it into a new bundle package (for example car battery bundle) that opens up to the components you want.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Vampirenostra said:

    Almost same for myself, I rarely visit the trader just to sell junk or unwanted armour parts/weapons, the only 2 things I let myself buy are filters and magazines. Would be really OP to have an option to disable traders, but enable craftable tier 6 and  filters. And yes I know I can mod recipes for filters, but guess you still can't really enable tier 6 crafting.

    I am working on a Q6 crafting mod right now

  13. 4 hours ago, FramFramson said:


    So I would just replace the lines I listed above entirely with these (rather than keeping them and adding your code) , correct?


    Yes that should work, just need to change the item name for each item you want to do


    4 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    Wait there's a general ammo bundle in the game?


    EDIT: Oh it's a creative mode object.


    It's not really a creative mode object.  What it is is a master template that others can reference that bestows certain properties.  For example, I made some quick code to do a bullet casing box bundle:

        <append xpath="/items">
    <item name="ammoBundleBulletCasing">
        <property name="Extends" value="ammoBundleMaster"/>
        <property name="CustomIcon" value="resourceBulletCasing"/>
        <property name="Stacknumber" value="10"/> <!-- STK ammobundle high -->
        <property name="EconomicValue" value="900"/>
        <property name="TraderStageTemplate" value="ammoTier1"/>
        <property class="Action0">
            <property name="Create_item" value="resourceBulletCasing"/>


    Now in game, I got this:





    4 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    So if I put in extensions of ammoBundleMaster which would add recipes in regular (non-creative) play, I would still need to add a condition to unlock that set of recipes, I imagine? What's the default behaviour here - if I don't put an unlocking condition in, does it default to being unlocked from the start of the game or is the recipe unobtainable?


    It depends on how you setup your recipe file.   If you have learnable in the tags, then you have to unlock the recipe (either through crafting skill, perk, book, or schematic).  If learnable is not in the tags, then you know it at the start of the game:


    Know at the start of the game

    <recipe name="ammo9mmBulletBall" count="1" craft_area="workbench" tags="workbenchCrafting">


    Have to unlock

    <recipe name="ammoBundle9mmBulletAP" count="1" craft_time="360" craft_area="workbench" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">


    This is how I made 9mm ball ammo something you have to unlock to craft - see how I added learnable to the tags

    <append xpath="//recipe[@name='ammo9mmBulletBall']/@tags">,learnable</append>


    4 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    I am thinking of other situations where I might want to use particular mini-icons. Is there any way to edit them for added items done as extensions, or do I simply need to create the item in its entirety? (which is not super-difficult, just takes a bit more space of course).


    Look to see if there is already a master template for what you want to do.  For example, in A20, I made it so I had to gather engine parts to make an engine, so I used the master parts bundle template for engine parts and used the engine as the custom icon.  Then when I wrenched down cars in game, it game me parts which had the same mini icon as the rest of the parts in game.

  14. What Tem is doing is using the backup to get some theatre shots for his content videos.  When he loads up the game, he detaches from the player character and gets video shots that way.  He also has another player character that he uses as another camera view during gameplay, you can see that pc when he tabs open and loots at stats.


    7D2D doesn’t have that capability you are talking about in CoD.

  15. Zombies are going to have variations in speeds, even if you set everything to walk only


    From the zombie template:


        <property name="MaxTurnSpeed" value="250"/>
        <property name="MoveSpeed" value="0.08"/> <!-- Just shambling around -->
        <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.2, 1.25"/> <!-- Chasing a target min/max (like day or night)-->
        <property name="MoveSpeedRand" value="-.2, .25"/> <!-- Rand added to min aggro speed -->
        <property name="MoveSpeedPanic" value="0.55"/>


    Feral Arlene's move speed properties:


        <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.6, 1.45"/> <!-- slim, feral -->


  16. 9 hours ago, FramFramson said:

    The first issue was I wanted to increase the stack size for ONLY cat & dog food cans among canned items, so I have these lines which worked for most items:


    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='foodCanCatfood']/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">20</set> <!-- Default 10 -->
    <set xpath="/items/item[@name='foodCanDogfood']/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">20</set> <!-- Default 10 -->


    I understand that even in the vanilla item system, most canned goods are actually written as an extension of the beef can rather than being fully listed separately, so I assume that's overriding these lines? Is there a way I can change the stack size of just these two cans and leave the rest alone?


    Since those don't have those properties (they pull it from foodCanBeef), you need to add them to the item, not set.  So do something like:

    <insertAfter xpath="//item[@name='foodCanCatfood']/property[@name='Extends']">
    <property name="Stacknumber"  value="20"/>


    9 hours ago, FramFramson said:


    <item name="resourceBulletCasingBundle">
                <property name="Extends" value="resourceRockSmallBundle"/>
                <property name="CustomIcon" value="resourceBulletCasing"/>
                <property class="Action0">
                <property name="Create_item" value="resourceBulletCasing"/>
                <property name="Create_item_count" value="1000"/>
    <recipe name="resourceBulletCasingBundle" count="1" craft_time="3" craft_exp_gain="0">
    			<ingredient name="resourceBulletCasing" count="1000"/>


    (first part in items.xml, second part in recipes.xml, which is probably obvious)


    So a small question is, if I want the bundle mini-icon (the small one, in the top left of the larger item inventory icon) changed so that it's a box (like ammunition boxes have) and not the open chest like you get on resource bundles, how do I do that for the three bundle items? Would I have to add in whole code and not just have them as an extension of the rock bundle?


    Which comes to the larger question, which is if I have to use some other bundle as the basis for an extension, which should I use? Explosives perk level (similarly to gunpowder?) or something else? Or should I use some alternate entirely new condition?


    Use ammoBundleMaster for your extends rather than resourceRockSmallBundle.  That should give you the boxes instead.


    Then if you want to add custom unlocks for them, you just need to add that to the individual items.  In my crafting mod, I removed the ammo bundle crafting unlocks from the perk books and put them in the crafting trees (so now you have to find the magazines to unlock bulk 9mm ball crafting for example).


    Here is how I setup my new handgun crafting in progression (note I removed the old one and inserted a new one since I made a lot of changes to crafting - Q6 crafting and tied in ammo / mods unlocks to the various crafting skill trees):


          <!-- *** HANDGUN_SKILLS -->
        <crafting_skill name="craftingHandguns" max_level="118" parent="attCrafting" name_key="craftingHandgunsName" desc_key="craftingHandgunsDesc" long_desc_key="craftingHandgunsLongDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_pistol">
            <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT0PipePistol" name_key="harvestToolsStone" has_quality="true" unlock_level="1,4,7,10,13,16" >
                <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT0PipePistol" unlock_tier="1" />
            <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT1Pistol" name_key="BFTHandgunsT1" has_quality="true" unlock_level="19,23,27,31,35,39" >
                <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT1Pistol" unlock_tier="1" />
                <unlock_entry item="modGunFlashlight,ammo9mmBulletBall" unlock_tier="2" />
                <unlock_entry item="modGunMagazineExtender" unlock_tier="3" />
                <unlock_entry item="modGunLaserSight,ammo9mmBulletHP,ammoBundle9mmBulletBall" unlock_tier="4" />
                <unlock_entry item="modGunTriggerGroupBurst3" unlock_tier="5" />
                <unlock_entry item="ammoBundle9mmBulletHP" unlock_tier="6" />                    
            <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT2Magnum44" name_key="BFTHandgunsT2" has_quality="true" unlock_level="42,47,52,57,62,67" >
                <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT2Magnum44" unlock_tier="1" />
                <unlock_entry item="ammo44MagnumBulletBall" unlock_tier="2" />
                <unlock_entry item="ammo44MagnumBulletHP,ammoBundle44MagnumBulletBall" unlock_tier="4" />
                <unlock_entry item="ammoBundle44MagnumBulletHP" unlock_tier="6" />    
            <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT3SMG5" name_key="BFTHandgunsT3" has_quality="true" unlock_level="70,76,82,88,94,100" >
                <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT3SMG5" unlock_tier="1" />
                <unlock_entry item="ammo9mmBulletAP" unlock_tier="2" />
                <unlock_entry item="modGunTriggerGroupAutomatic" unlock_tier="3" />
                <unlock_entry item="modGunReflexSight" unlock_tier="5" />
                <unlock_entry item="ammoBundle9mmBulletAP,modGunSoundSuppressorSilencer" unlock_tier="6" />
            <display_entry icon="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture" name_key="BFTHandgunsT4" has_quality="true" unlock_level="88,94,100,106,112,118" >
                <unlock_entry item="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture" unlock_tier="1" />
                <unlock_entry item="ammo44MagnumBulletAP" unlock_tier="2" />
                <unlock_entry item="ammoBundle44MagnumBulletAP" unlock_tier="6" />
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT0PipePistol"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="19,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT1Pistol"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="23,118" value="1" tags="modGunFlashlight,ammo9mmBulletBall"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="27,118" value="1" tags="modGunMagazineExtender"/>    
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="31,118" value="1" tags="modGunLaserSight,ammo9mmBulletHP,ammoBundle9mmBulletBall"/>    
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="35,118" value="1" tags="modGunTriggerGroupBurst3"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="39,118" value="1" tags="ammoBundle9mmBulletHP"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="42,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT2Magnum44"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="47,118" value="1" tags="ammo44MagnumBulletBall"/>        
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="57,118" value="1" tags="ammo44MagnumBulletHP,ammoBundle44MagnumBulletBall"/>        
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="67,118" value="1" tags="ammoBundle44MagnumBulletHP"/>        
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="70,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT3SMG5"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="76,118" value="1" tags="ammo9mmBulletAP"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="82,118" value="1" tags="modGunTriggerGroupAutomatic"/>    
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="88,118" value="1" tags="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture"/>                
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="94,118" value="1" tags="modGunReflexSight,ammo44MagnumBulletAP"/>
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="100,118" value="1" tags="ammoBundle9mmBulletAP,modGunSoundSuppressorSilencer"/>                    
                <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="118,118" value="1" tags="ammoBundle44MagnumBulletAP"/>    
                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="4,7,10,13,16,118" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="gunHandgunT0PipePistol"/>
                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="23,27,31,35,39,118" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="gunHandgunT1Pistol"/>
                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="47,52,57,62,67,118" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="gunHandgunT2Magnum44"/>            
                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="76,82,88,94,100,118" value="1,2,3,4,5,5" tags="gunHandgunT3SMG5"/>
                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="94,100,106,112,118" value="1,2,3,4,5" tags="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture"/>            


    I am still working on it which is why you see some errors in the locationalization parts

  17. Just a suggestion, but you could limit it to feral and radiated construction workers - special variant for horde nights only.  That would limit which zombies would place the block and push up the game stage when you would first see them.

    Another suggestion - flaming arrows/bolts & cocktails bonus to clearing corpses - thought of it after watching someone do it online in the Wasteland mod

  18. 3 hours ago, wolfbain5 said:

    auger is controlled by the same stat as the rest of the mining tools. it isnt under a different tree

    I know that, but a non strength player is going to get more from the auger than steel tools.  Stamina usage for steel tools for non strength players is too high while the auger uses gas and will increase harvest yields per min for them.

  19. 14 hours ago, wolfbain5 said:

    on the auger for any future updates.


    with maxed mining skills, the steel pick axe out strips the auger making it irrelevant

    used to be, having the full set of mining books, you had a 10% chance to 1 shot ores and stone blocks. that made the auger with its high hit speed but low damage value out mine pick axes. but the current way it is, I can 1 shot stone, gravel, coal, shale, and nitrate  and 2 shot iron and lead with a steel pick axe, but takes 4 hits to take out stone, and 6 to take out the others with the auger. This drastically slows down mining, wastes gas, and is so far noisier than any other method of mining. It makes the auger for practical purposes obsolete.


    with auger supposedly meant to be the top end mining tool, the current abilities and costs make it only better than stone tools. I am not sure how to make it the top end with fuel costs, low block damage and heat accumulation, but I do think this is something that needs to be addressed going forward.


    The augur value is with non-strength players who can't max out mining skills.

  20. 8 hours ago, vom said:

    Yes, I googled it and saw that there are different ways dependent on different versions, and there are no clear directions with many other people asking the exact same question with no answer. There are also several sites which contain inaccurate or outdated information, and it is impossible to readily discern which link might lead to accurate information.


    Thanks for the lack of assistance, you were most unhelpful (and a little rude).


    First google result when I searched:




    Follow the steps as outlined in it and it should work.


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