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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 2 hours ago, Wolves Hero said:

    Only 1 AOO 8k map is included but too small map size. I make bigger 14k map on Teragon.
    I tried on Teragon World Generator still not detected AOO/MPLogue POI wilderness on tested 10k map, I doing edited added wilderness POI on 'Read POI Property List' & added POI folder 'Add Source Path' worked well got detected AOO/MPLogue wilderness POI but small issued AOO_Cave_02 AOO_Cave_03 don't worked not show up on map after finished generator.


    AOO & MPLogue show up on map but cave not worked.





    Not as familiar with Teragon but I do know that RWG doesn't always populate all the POIs.  This may not be an issue with the POI itself, but just not being picked to be placed on the map.


    One thing you can do is to manually insert it into the game world.  I did try to find a thread to link here that explains the process, but I didn't see one when I searched.

  2. 4 hours ago, KGPLAY said:

    The game is completely abandoned on consoles. No kind of improvements or updates for this. The game looks like Doom, PS1 version in gameplay. And on top of that, high value for a game that doesn't even reach the 360 and PS3 versions. This is a shame. And the most shameful thing is that this is for purchase on the platforms, but for free it would still be expensive. Ridiculous


    Well, the company that produced the 7 days to die console version went bankrupt, so it makes sense that nothing has been done since the last update was pushed out years ago.  Don't think this is mega urgent news as this has been discussed a lot already and they even posted notices about what happened to the console version from TellTale Games.

  3. 6 hours ago, ZephKan said:

    Sorry for digging it up. I found a small error in line 15 of the code in your modification, which causes the grenade model to be displayed incorrectly. To be more precise, there was a typo. Just change [?] to [/], [#] to [@] and add [:] right after.
    Overall, it's a great modification😉


    Technically, that is not an error.  That is how it was coded back in A20.  A21 had some changes to the coding, this is one example of those changes.  Here is the link to his newest mods for A21



  4. 2 hours ago, Izayo said:

    oh yeah you're right , I don't know why I set all of T3 at 80+


    You were looking at some of your new weapons as being a T4 version at one point while you were developing the mod.  That is probably leftover code when you decided to simplify them back to T3 but didn't update that portion of it.

  5. 2 hours ago, notBouBou said:

    Thank you for your answer , I'll check it but I think it's above my current skills. 


    You might want to check out the S Core mod.  I know a lot of the NPC mods out there use it as their baseline and they then make some modifications.  You might see something there that could be useful on your end.

  6. Zombies, by default, will automatically go after you if they have detected you (which is what you are describing).  What you might have to start looking at is adding a new AI behavior to the zombies that go for the pipe bomb decoy and make that outweigh the wander to / attack enemy decision.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Gamida said:


    Thanks for the info.

    I had an thought it might not work for areas that have already been explored. I am pretty sure I have used mods in the past that have worked that way also.

    Thanks again.


    FYI, just use the set command, not the append command.  I think Riamus copied more than intended  😉


    You might have already noted that, but I was at first "Why is Riamus appending blocks to change the color?".

  8. 58 minutes ago, shcjohnson said:

    Good day everyone, 


    In A20 I was able to use the following code. 


    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[descendant::entity[@name='zombieSteve']]">


    But in A21 when I try to use it. I get the following error. 


    2024-02-01T17:02:31 313.250 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "AGG" did not apply: <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[descendant::entity[@name='zombieSteve']]"  (line 3066 at pos 3)


    I also was able to run the following code before


    <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[descendant::entity[@name='zombieBoe' and @prob='.3']]">
        <entity name="TestZombie1" prob=".3"/>
        <entity name="TestZombie2" prob=".3"/>    
        <entity name="TestZombie2" prob=".3"/>                


    But I get the following error. 


    2024-02-01T17:02:31 313.250 WRN XML patch for "entitygroups.xml" from mod "AGG" did not apply: <append xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[descendant::entity[@name='zombieSteve']]"  (line 3064 at pos 2)


    Does anyone have a clue! 


    Thanks from


    Lost and Confused


    You need to use the csv structure and not append.  Entity groups structured changed from A20 to A21.  Go back to page 28 in this thread and the new method is explained in more detail.

  9. Entity groups file has changed format so remove doesn't work anymore, you need to use the csv commands in the xpath help topic



    Note, that this only removes from from the spawns that use entity groups, if they spawn in a POI they are handled differently.  So if you remove them from entity class you will see errors when the POI tries to spawn them in.


    One thing you can do is to create a new entity class for the zombie you don't want, but replace it with a different model.  For example, you could change the demo to a biker.  Remove the demo entity from the entity class file and then insert new demo code in the file where you simply copied the biker but replaced the name with demo.  Now anywhere the game calls for the demo to spawn, you get a biker instead.


  10. Problem with limiting Q6 to crafting only is that people that like to loot now have to expand their crafting skills, and once you craft that Q6 item, you don't have to craft it again.  There are a lot of ways to make crafting more important if you are willing to mod the game and try out different things.  List of what I did in A20 (and slowly working on my mod for A21) to make crafting more important in my playthroughs:

    • Removed trader rewards
    • Trader stock of items / weapons / armor Q6 only (thinking of limiting it to max of Q3 for A21)
    • Removed the ability to repair items
    • Added the ability to craft weapon parts (takes time to do so though)
    • Removed food / drinks in loot and reduce trader stock - everything was reduced to basic stock and required crafting to use
    • Reduced medical supplies in loot and limited in trader stock
    • Changed mods from attachments (able to remove) to mods (once installed cannot remove)
    • Added Q6 crafting
    • Adding new mods to firearms to reduce degradation with use

    I think I captured a majority of the changes I made to affect crafting (I might be missing some).  The last run I did in A20 before A21 dropped had me setting up a base eventually in the Wasteland and I was constantly having to replace gear, mods, craft food and supplies in addition to repairing my base and horde base.  For some that might be too much, but I found it very exciting to constantly have to figure out what I needed and plan out what I needed to be crafting to stay ahead of the zombies.  You still were able to loot and use the traders, but you couldn't use the to get to the best gear right away anymore and then cruise to the end of your playthrough and not require any additional work on your part.


  11. 2 hours ago, Hells_Janitor said:


    Quite why I changed the zombie hand damage in items.xml is completely beyond me ...

    If I was a betting man, that was probably your first attempt at it and you forgot the code was there

  12. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:


    It could be non-alcoholic beer 😁. (Yeah, I was only searching for "alcohol" to make sure there isn't any in the game)


    That would be the first non-alcoholic beer that gives you a buzz that I have heard of. 😂

  13. 2 hours ago, SimuKanal said:


    I think it might be <property name="AutoReload" value="true"/> When I'm home later, I'll test it and set the value to false, maybe that'll help?


    That probably is it.  I misunderstood your question (or my brain shutoff halfway through reading it).  I was thinking how long it takes the weapon or tool to reload, not what you stated initially when you said they reload every 2 seconds like people tend to do in FPS games

  14. 11 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

    I've actually been playing a lot of Farming Simulator 22 lately (leave me alone, I'm an old man) and they have a manager built right into the game and it works (almost) flawlessly. Not only can I browse and install most mods directly within the game, but I can also choose which mods I want to be enabled on a per-save basis.


    That's one game I got in my current rotation right now.

  15. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:


    If you assume they had made no daycare POI then players would still wonder why there are no zombie kids.


    Also 7days has a brewery but there is no alcohol in it. (And except for Grandpas Moonshine there is actually no alcohol in the game, i.e. surely less than would be expected)




    Did you forget that beer is in the game?  😏

  16. 2 hours ago, SimuKanal said:


    I have a question and hope someone can help me? Where can I change the reload rate for weapons and tools? Because through the modification 0-XNPCCore, the weapon or drill feels like it reloads every 2 seconds even though the drill's tank or the weapon's magazine is not empty. How can I fix this issue?


    Reload rates are typically handled by the items file.

  17. 17 minutes ago, Rotor said:


    Is okay, thank you.  I will stick with "bucket" mod.  It is a "natural" "immersive" progression.  Again, I hope that is still doable in the future.


    Another option is adding the filters as a possible loot item in loot containers like those utility carts.  Make it a low chance so it doesn't become too common of a drop, but have it higher chance than those destroyed dew collectors we don't run across as much.

  18. 5 minutes ago, Riamus said:

    I don't think they meant they needed to craft it. 



    CRAFTING by one small thing is terrible. Why? because "track" option cause too much missclick in situation when there is no time for that ( like bleeding)


    To me, this reads that they were trying to craft in a crappy situation - aka bleeding and getting frustrated that it is not a smooth operation.

    3 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    1.  It could be put in diffrent place like item describtion not just in this same place like crafting. It would be solve that problem. 

    2. Actualy - pretty early stage + lack of free space. My friend was thinking that dogs can only make bleeding like during previous alphas


    I personally like it at the top.  Yeah I know you can mis-click it if you are trying to craft a bandage while you are bleeding, but I like that because it punishes you for not being prepared.  If you are prone to panicking, then craft them ahead of time so you don't have to worry.

  19. In vanilla, I found that I was constantly crafting items throughout my gameplays, but I don't fast track progression and don't go to higher biomes to boost my lootstage.  I also dropped the rewards on the floor since I didn't like them advancing me too fast in progression.


    I removed the ability to repair items in my modded game.  That seemed to balanced out finding items and crafting items since you will be having to constantly replace your items as they break.  - also removed trader rewards completely.

  20. 2 hours ago, Matt115 said:


    CRAFTING by one small thing is terrible. Why? because "track" option cause too much missclick in situation when there is no time for that ( like bleeding)


    Couple of things


    1) pinning recipes has been asked for so long now, so it isn’t going away


    2) Don’t wait until you need first aid to craft first aid.  Always have it on you, even a lowly bandage is going to be beneficial….not if you have to craft it first.

  21. 4 minutes ago, MisterAs said:

    I was looking for a place where I can suggest, or complain. I was told that this is meta here. developers read this forum. That's why I wrote here because... playing without modifications, there is a moment with an unbalanced NPC (Google translate)


    Pimp dreams or General Discussion is where you want to do that.  General Support is for players who have issues running the game and need answers to get it running properly.  Balanced issues is something that is not part of General Support and probably wouldn't be seen by developers.

    FYI, this concern (Traders) has been brought up before so they are aware of players' concerns on them.

  22. 11 hours ago, Roland said:

     In addition, I have heard that there has been a lot of cleaning up of unused code as well as part of their efforts to optimize and release on consoles.


    Not part of this original thread, but I have been cleaning up the unused code myself when I mod items in the game.  My OCD just can't stand the old code commented out when I copy an item to make a slightly less powerful repaired version.  BFT2020 approves  👍

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