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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. On 4/15/2024 at 5:44 PM, Furty said:

    Hii, soo I’m testing this mod and the other pack like 7.62 and shotgun and I really love it but the weapon duration is really low, it there a way to Mel it like the cannula o es and edit the value of weapon duration? every other detail of the mods it almost perfect



    Create a modlet with an items.xml file in it

    Have the following code below:


    <set xpath="//item[@name='X']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='DegradationMax']/@value">Y,Z</set>


    Where X is the item name, Y is the duration at Q1, and Z is the duration at Q6

    Do this for each item


    Name the modlet so it loads after Izayo's mods

  2. 19 hours ago, The Freehold said:

    I'm trying to get this mod to play nice with a couple other mods.  I've managed to get it to play nice with JaxTeller718’s Increased Mod Slots just by changing around the load order.  I'm having issue with getting it to play nicely with Pahbi's Craft Tier Six.  Depending on what I do, I either can't make anything but tier 1 katanas, even at blade skill of 100, I can not make tantos or katanas, or once the katana unlocks at blade skill 64 it can be crafted at tier 6..


    Relevant code from craft tier six mod:

    <!-- *** BLADE_SKILLS -->
    <set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/display_entry[1]/@unlock_level">1,3,5,7,10,13,100</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/display_entry[2]/@unlock_level">11,17,24,31,38,45</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/display_entry[3]/@unlock_level">30,39,48,57,66,75</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/effect_group/passive_effect[4]/@level">3,5,7,10,13,75</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/effect_group/passive_effect[5]/@level">17,24,31,38,45,75</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/effect_group/passive_effect[6]/@level">39,48,57,66,75</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/effect_group/passive_effect[4]/@value">1,2,3,4,5,5</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/effect_group/passive_effect[5]/@value">1,2,3,4,5,5</set>
    <set xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/effect_group/passive_effect[6]/@value">1,2,3,4,5</set>



    To get it to craft properly, you need to add the item name in the tag section for where it goes. 


    This is vanilla Tier 3 Machete


                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="48,57,66,75" value="1,2,3,4" tags="meleeWpnBladeT3Machete"/>


    so you need a line of code that does the following


    <append xpath="//crafting_skill[@name='craftingBlades']/effect_group/passive_effect[6]/@tags">,item_Katana</append>


    note, item_Katana needs to be the actual name of the weapon in the items.xml file (I don't have that on me).


    Also, some things I see about the code you posted.

    • First display has 7 unlock levels when there is only 6
    • Second, you mentioned 100 levels but unlocks and crafting levels only go up to 75.
      • That means in game, you are not getting any additional benefits reading knives crafting magazines after you reach level 75.


    In hindsight, you will need to do more now that I realize it.  Pahbi's crafting mod only goes up to level 75 for blades, while Russiandood goes up to 100 (I see now where you got 100).


    What I would recommend doing is take out the progression file from Russiandood's mod and edit Pahbi's to add the new items.  That is why you are getting the conflicts.


    Then make sure Russiandood's mod loads first and then Pahbi's.

  3. On 4/13/2024 at 10:52 PM, onovbuton said:

    not a fan of all the handholding going on in 7d2d have been looking for mod to remove all the onscreen trash sprites... i found one going back to a19 is that mod still viable..

    comments are closed on it so feedback a bit diff....  any  ((helpful)) suggestions would be great thanks


    You just need to remove certain parts of the quest code to remove the helpful icons


                <modifier type="TrackBlocks">
                    <property name="block_index_name" value="quest_wood"/>
                    <property name="nav_object" value="quest_resource"/>
                    <property name="track_distance" value="20"/>


    If the mod still removes those, then it should work.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    Traders wouldn't be interested in money in a "real" Apocalypse, they'd be wanting your stuff.


    If I was a trader in the Apocalypse, I would prefer to have whatever the new form of currency rather than your junk that you are trying to sell me - If I need to exit an area quickly in an emergency, it would be easier to load up containers of said money than your half built 4X4 truck that I bought from you at a low price and mark it up outrageously to the next person in my area that needs it.


    Based on the game's markup on sell prices (versus how much they are willing to spend to buy the items from you), it is obviously that the traders we interact in the game are more concern about enriching themselves than bartering.

  5. I don't think there is anything specific in game that spells it out exactly.


    From the item description




    A primitive tool useful for cutting wood, mining stone, repairing & upgrading walls, doors & windows. Not the best weapon.

    Repair with Small Stone.

    Scrap to Small Stone.



    Axes Loading screen tip



    Axes are excellent at harvesting wood, but are not the weapon of choice for killing zombies.


    Pickaxes Loading screen tip



    Pickaxes are great for harvesting the various ores such as iron, lead, coal, oil shale and potassium nitrate.


    Axes have reduce block damage against earth, stone, and metal


    Pickaxes have reduce block damage against wood and earth


    Shovels have reduce block damage against wood, stone, and metal.


    It follows the logic of using the correct tool for the task at hand.  It is going to take a person longer time to chop down a tree with a shovel instead of an axe, a longer time to mine ores with an axe rather than a pickaxe.



  6. There is a saying out there, that it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission.  Unfortunately, people use that saying to justify something that they know is wrong.


    One does not use another person's mod work without getting permission first.  Any mod creator out there that is respectful of other mod creators would ensure that they have permission to use someone else's work prior to even incorporating it into their work.

  7. And GNS likes to even make changes to the mods he installs for content / gameplay reasons.  Not saying that is a bad thing (I do it myself), but like bdubyah stated, not a good reference point for his mods.


    Best thing to do (IMHO) is to do an overhaul mod first with just that mod, to get a sense of the mod itself and what the creator is trying to do.  After that, you can try customizing it to suit your preferences and desires.


    Damnit - I was hoping this post would push it to the next page and get rid of the wall of text on page 75  😏

  8. 45 minutes ago, User said:

    True, but in many cases you do loot everything. Ideally you wouldn't have to do that (put something back in). And it would instead remain a container after being looted. There's also no way to reverse it once you loot all. But yeah, that is a way to avoid it. It's just a little bit janky in the current implementation imo. Don't mean to be rude or anything.

    I like the new method as I can quickly tell if I looted some of the containers.  If you don’t want it that way, it is easy to modify it to stay as containers

  9. 1 hour ago, BadZombie said:

    Hi all,


    I have begun writing the code for the metabolism/food component of this mod concept and need some help with realising a particular goal.


    I want to have meat spoil over time.


    Is it possible within the frameworks of xml to have 1 item change to another after a certain amount of time.


    I'm looking for ways to achieve this but I just don't think it is possible within the code.


    Cany anyone confirm? Or is there a workaround?


    FYI @khzmusik has a modlet in his area that does add food spoilage to the game.  You can use that as a reference or use his mod instead of creating your own (i.e. make it required as part of the mod pack, not suggesting you copy his code).


    Note, this is a C# mod in order to get it to work.  Not sure if you can do what you want through xml only.


  10. Another thing you can do is make a small modlet and replace the current desert biome settings with wasteland to jump up the difficulty


    Something like:


    <set xpath="//biome[@name='desert']/@lootstage_modifier">1.5</set>
    <set xpath="//biome[@name='desert']/@lootstage_bonus">20</set>
    <set xpath="//biome[@name='desert']/@gamestage_modifier">1.5</set>
    <set xpath="//biome[@name='desert']/@gamestage_bonus">30</set>
    <set xpath="//biome[@name='desert']/@difficulty">5</set>




  11. 9 hours ago, Arez said:

    The 7 Days TwitterX says: "PC Stable must happen first so before summer". 


    Just to be clear, does that mean the PC version will be released before the summer or that it just needs to be made stable before the summer and will be released along side the console version?


    Stable A22 is based on TFP's schedule, but they want to push it to be release as either before Console release or same day as.   Console release I believe is more of a set timeline because they are working with an independent publisher for it so that is probably a set in stone drop.

  12. 1 hour ago, phip said:

    Been following and playing this game since the beginning, but never commented until now.  One of the reached goals in the kickstarter was NPC controlled safe houses.  So are they not fulfilling that promise?  Just curious.  


    Are the trader compounds NPC controlled safe houses?  To me, they seem to be.

  13. Wait a minute, why should the Dire Wolf be reworked based on its future design?  It looks great as is (though I understand the models we see in the pictures may change prior to release).


    The totality of the 7D2D model for dire wolves is not going to make me see COD Hellhounds in this game, they have more not in common than they do in common.

  14. 23 hours ago, Reaver Black said:

    The early game struggle has always been pretty amazing and enjoyable. But the most recent changes to the water system have made it utterly ridiculous. In the sense that boy, you're gonna struggle UNTIL, you're lucky enough to loot either the purifier mod or the recipe... Once you have one or the other? All survival challenge suddenly flies out the window at once.

    PLEASE bring back the steadiness rather than 0 to 100 we're now experiencing.


    Or you simply find a cooking pot (not very hard to do, just hit up houses and food trucks and you are bound to find one either in a loot container or out in the open) which allows you to take murky water and boil it to make it drinkable.  Golden rod tea is available after finding 4 cooking magazines and red tea is after 6.  Cooking magazines are easy to find early game unless you specifically avoid residential POIs.


    This is not an either or situation.  There are multiple solutions to obtaining water early game that doesn't require obtaining the purifier mod (either by itself or the recipe).  Heck, I have yet had to use the purifier mod for hydration.  I always rationed my looted water supply for hydration / cooking first, then glue.  Only once I have established a constant supply via a dew collector would glue production increase.


    Water / food on SP has always been not much of an issue unless you mod the game or turn loot abundance down to a very low percentage where you wouldn't spawn in food / water even if it was picked from the loot table.  Prior to A21, you just need to find the nearest source of water (lake, swimming pool, etc.) and take all your empty jars with you and refill them.  Most of the time, you simply took them with you while you were out that day and when you passed a water source location, you would fill them up.  It wasn't much of a thought early game, it simply was a chore you had to do each day until you built up a good supply of empty jars you had to fill.

  15. First, decide if you want to play with the UL mod


    If so, delete the game and mod, delete all data, and have the game install as A20.  Then reinstall the mod and try again.


    if not, then delete the game and mod, delete all data, and have the game install as A21.  Then start playing.


    since you tried playing an A20 mod on A21 version, you need to make sure everything is wiped clean before reinstalling.


    A21 works fine. A20 with UL mod works fine.

  16. 2 hours ago, RippedWarrior said:

    Hi saminal, thank you for the great quality of life mods.


    I am currently getting this error with Sam's Working Stuff


    2024-03-13T19:36:57 295.921 WRN XML patch for "progression.xml" from mod "Sams_Working_Stuff" did not apply: <append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingWorkstations']/display_entry[@unlock_level='30']/unlock_entry/@item"  (line 26 at pos 6)



    You got any other mods being loaded that affect the crafting aspect of the game?  It loaded fine on my end.

  17. On 3/11/2024 at 11:11 PM, Izayo said:

    let's be honest , I do not play 7D2D lately ,I feels like I'm lost passion in modding for this game (for now I think) but I'm not gonna abandon the plan I have made , only gonna take longer.


    That's why you need to break up 7 days to die playing / modding with other games my friend.  It is what keeps me going when I hit a rut.

  18. The version you have won’t be updated as the company that released it released the game as a completed version and the went bankrupt.


    TFP are working with a new publisher and a new version will be available when A22 for PC drops, price has not been set.

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