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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 31 minutes ago, gpcstargate said:

    This is the wall of the Nuclear powerplant from CP47 for your mod .. but I get it with vanilla poi's also.

    7 Days to Die Screenshot 2021.06.09 -

    I've seen the same thing with the vanilla RWG (floating blocks).  It seems to be the terrain block underneath that is the issue.  Putting a wooden frame next to it seems to fix it when I come across it on POIs I take over for bases (I am not that OCD that I have to do it for all POIs in the game).  It will be interesting if KingSlayers solution works.

  2. 10 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    Perhaps difficulty level is why I have such a different stance than most people do when it comes to the int tree. I play on the second hardest difficulty and stuff like the stun baton and junk turrets are cool but are kind of a liability compared to just using a shotgun and club. Junk Sledges are amazing though

    I got to day 70 with an INT build playing vanilla 7D2D at Survivalist, zombies run during day.  I never thought of those weapons as being a liability, but I also don't go into the game wishing they would be as OP as the max perked Shotgun or the max perked club.  But then again, I also change my tactics.  If I am going as a strength build, sure I will wade into that wandering horde club swinging.  As an INT build, it is all about pulling one at a time towards me.  With my knife build, it is all about getting making use of bleed stacks and switching up my attacks so I am getting as many zombies bleeding at the same time.

    2 hours ago, meganoth said:

    Now I'm not so sure the baton is really OP because it simply protects you well in the easy case with only one zombie but is extraordinally weak against multiple zombies (i.e. when it would be really important). Same goes for the knife.

    That's when you get the heck out of there, regroup, and come up with a better plan.  Have I died to a group of zombies with a knife or a stun baton?  Sure.  Why did I die?  Because I let myself get pinned in a POI or was not paying attention.  I love the fact that I can't play the same way with a knife or a stun baton as I can play with the club.  That's what gives a challenge.  Knowing that you are not the same "warrior" with the stun baton or knife as you are with the club.  Sure they can make it so everything is the same, but at that point, why have different melee weapons at all?


    I agree with all that you are saying, btw

    9 hours ago, Khalagar said:

    Int is still pretty easy, junk sledges are literal easy mode after all. It's more just that some parts of it (basically everything but the sledges) are really mediocre like stun baton and the early game void

    Pipe baton will address the early game void.  Now perking into the Baton spec will benefit an INT only player, instead of having to use an un-perked club or knife until you can either find the parts to craft one or a stun baton at the trader / loot container.

  3. 31 minutes ago, ShellHead said:

    Except you’re using off-attribute weapons and khalagar is trying to use exclusively INT weapons, the raw iron consumption from using the turrets as your primary ranged weapon is massive and requires more mining perks to sustain. The core issue here is whether or not INT needing to go off-perk to be effective is balanced/acceptable/etc and why that is or isn’t the case. 

    And that is Khalagar's choice to only use exclusively INT weapons.......I don't think any other exclusive tree (Strength, Perception, Agility) builds limit themselves only to the weapons in that tree.  I don't see Strength builds not using pistols, rifles, machine guns.  I don't see Perception trees only using sniper rifles or agility builds only using pistols and bows.


    There is nothing saying that you cannot play this way.  Treat any non-attribute weapon as non grata and just sell it to the traders (or better yet, refuse to pick them up).  But it is not TFP's responsibility to balance the game for this particular gameplay if you purposely define your game style in such a way that breaks the game.

  4. 11 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    Devs need to do 1 attribute only focused playthroughs lol


    I'm curious if any devs have actually done an Int build that tries to use only int weapons primarily. You basically couldn't even do it atm since you need 90% of the strength tree to even function because of the insanely high iron demands, but even if you do int + all the mining and utility strength perks, int is still in such a wonky place as always since it doesn't have a t3 weapon and requires way more investment to use than other weapon types

    Simply not true.  You don't need 90% of the strength tree to even function.  I play INT focus builds and the only strength Perks I really do at the beginning are the first level tools, motherlode, sex rex, and master chef (if I haven't found some of the basic recipes by the first few days).


    There are some cases where the higher levels in strength are helpful.  If you are building a massive base and need a lot of resources, then yes, going into the strength tree is very very beneficial.  However, that is not be driven by the INT tree; that is being driven by your base plan.


    With my INT builds, I will at most spend one perk into the basic firearm perks on the various trees.  Eventually I will expand further in those trees, but that is when I maxed out the INT tree and purchased all the perks I wanted. 

  5. 57 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    No problem. I didn't want you thinking I was trying to insult or offend you. I respect those who have knowledge and share it. I'll remove what I had in my previous post momentarily.

    FYI, when I first read your post, I initially thought to myself that you were being dismissive of Beelzybub because he wasn't a team member of TFP.  I did stop and re-read it a few times before I realized that wasn't your intent (and before I posted a response in defense of him  😉 )


    Sometimes we lose the intent of our message when we communicate digitally.  It happens to me more times than I care for.  We see the words on the screen before us, but we don't see the smiling going on when someone is typing up the message or the smirk to indicate just how serious they are being  😁

  6. @ShellHead


    Which is to say a player could go straight STR and be able to handle almost every fight with ease (fat cops are basically a hard counter unless you have slugs and nerves of steel) and have good gathering capabilities

    That is why playing a pure INT build is so exciting.  We can't handle all the fights with ease, we have to take advantage of the tools and situation we are in.  And when we survive that fight, we are elated that we were able to win.  And if we fail, we re-examined what we did and work on improving ourselves so the next time we are in that situation, we do a better job.



    The turrets are singularly useful in watching your back but the point investment is hefty given how much they gain from the RoF increase from the perk, which was why i brought up sliding some of it into the weapon baseline.

    If that is your belief, you do not understand the full capability of perked turrets for the INT tree.  The ability to setup kill boxes on the fly, the ability to use a turret to slow down a chasing feral / irradiated zombie when the situation becomes chaotic.  To deal with that pack of zombie dogs or vultures.  The list goes on.  



    An additional issue i see here is that while an unperked weapon to use alongside the turrets is very valuable, it doesn’t seem like the inverse is true. Would a non-INT player be interested in using an unperked turret? And if not, why not? The junk sledge has good knockback and range but is that enough for someone to seek one out like an INT player seeks out an AR or shotgun?

    Yes, all the time.  A sledge turret always seems to be part of my horde base design, no matter what Attribute tree I am spec'ing into.  Once I obtain an auto turret, I use it.  The only difference is I don't take 2-4 turrets if I haven't spec'd into the INT tree.



    But it isn’t, pretty much every other weapon is a more efficient choice, and i should clarify what i mean by efficient: clearing out enemies as quickly as possible while minimizing resource and health costs,


    Does everything have to be the most efficient choice?  Whatever happen to just using things because they are fun and challenging?  If the goal was only to use the most efficient melee weapon, then I would always go with the clubs (perks and books).



    And we still come to the question “what non-INT player would want to use a unperked stun baton?” STR already has loads of stuns available, PER could use the stun if zeds got too close to use a rifle but the spear has better reach and a weighted head would add a bit of CC anyway, AGI doesn’t really need stuns when it has easily applied slows via deep cuts though the attack speed bonus would be very useful in stunning more often, FORT would probably benefit the most but knuckles are strong with a wide variety of effects and short duration buffs so using the baton would interfere with that.


    A lot of non-strength players don't use the club or sledgehammer.  The main purpose of the knife for non-agility players is to harvest animals.  As an agility build, I only use the knives (why waste an inventory slot on non-perked melee weapons when the knives are my main melee weapon).  The argument that non-INT players would not use the stun baton also applies to the other melee weapons.

  7. 3 hours ago, TheSponyX said:

    Have you guys made progress towards more customization freedom for the characters we play? Like adjusting some body parts in particular, not a generic weight and muscle slider. Just like how we had in Alpha 13!

    Madmole mentioned how he would love to have a custom person creator system, but the amount of work to do it justice doesn't align up with their goal of final release.  Right now, it doesn't look like they are planning on expanding on the options we have today.

  8. 7 hours ago, ShellHead said:

    Fair, but the reason i bring that up is in response to the argument that INT players should be fine with using unperked weapons. I don’t disagree but then that standard has to be applied evenly to all weapons, otherwise there is a clear balance issue. Because the point where INT wants everyone else’s weapons and no one wants INT’s weapons is not a point any of us want to be at.

    I agree with @katarynna’s point.  When I go strength or agility builds, I do use the Int tree’s turrets.  I don’t use the stun baton because I am perking into the melee weapon of that tree; but that applies to any other build I do.  When I am using knives, I don’t use any other melee weapons.  In all builds, I use all the firearms except for the rocket launcher.


    It’s very satisfying to play a build that is not as combat capable of the others.  Stun baton has its strengths and weaknesses, but I wouldn’t trade them for a second just so they are buffed to be similar to the knives or the clubs.  I want real weaknesses, not flavor weaknesses if stun batons are buffed to be like the other melee weapons.


    So it is not true that everbody this and nobody this like you stated in your post.

  9. 4 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    For me, the injury system is a little too random to be Fun. It has all kinds of right elements, but the overall feeling is .. "Well, that happened. Randomly. Now I'm <slightly slow> for half a day and there's nothing I can do about it." It doesn't really change much, there's not much you can do about it before or after, and the things you Can do are passive and a little un-intuitive (keeping full health, passive armor improvements).


    Not that I can offer a solution to the issues, it would require making decisions about the game that haven't been made, like "what is it trying to be" ... :)

    I seem to recall (but as I am getting older I tend to forget things) that A19 was the introduction of the critical hits / injuries system, but the plan was to fine tune the system for later Alphas so it would be less random and more tied to the type of zombie attacks / events so it would make more sense.


    I agree that some things were not really intuitive.  I was hording vitamins in a previous playthrough just to use them after I got fatigued, but didn't realized until recently that I can take them proactively to prevent infection and fatigue prior to it occurring (this was me not reading the description very well).  So now I have another use for them if I got extras on hand.

  10. 5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Well is PVP still right?  that's way for example conan or rust have rebalance sometimes . Well  we don't have statitic but for sure more people using sledhammer that machete .  So yeah it could be but it pvp too . So i see two solutions : balance as PVP with  elements of E ( conan ) or PVE with elements of PVP ( the forest ) 

    No the game is geared towards PvE.  Sure you can play PvP if you want to, but that is not the intent of this game when TFP first set out to create and develop 7D2D

  11. 49 minutes ago, Omaha1944 said:

    Yeah I'm running war of the walkers and zombie days, my wife play the same as me and hers is 19.5 but I can't update mine


    Are you trying to update after you already installed the mod?  You will need to create a new War of the Walkers build to do that.  I am not an expert on mods for 7D2D (I just started to use one now), but I would recommend deleting all the mods and mod folders, download the latest version of WotW (confirm it is compatible with 19.5), and have ModLauncher generated a new copy of the Modded game on your computer.  Based on the author post, you will need to restart the game (old saves are not compatible)



  12. 19.5 should be the latest stable build.


    I can't be sure on how it is worded in Steam (at work right now), but your settings for updates should be latest (Non experimental) build and it should download the 19.5 stable.


    Also, are you running any mods?


    The mod I am using right now is using the 19.4 build.  If I run 7D2D through Steam (no mods), it is 19.5 build.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well in cod were situation like : most players was using m16 , ak74 aug , gallo 12 and  tundra. So people wanted to rebalance it to change meta - why using type 63 when m16 have better ttk? . Well now 7dtd is constructed more into "rambo" that "sneaky " way .  In my opinion 7dtd should support more sneaky way at least it was until A20 because it changing into rage 2 and i hate it xd . 

    Well machete was a example - you loves knifes right? but better ttk will be for slendhammer so it need rebalance or it will be like cod when - most players used this same bulid because it was the best

    Does it matter if 90% of the players decide just to use the sledgehammer?  If that is all they want to use, then that is their choice, and they are the ones limiting themselves out of the enjoyment of using something that is not as OP as the strength melee weapons.


    Rambo method is only true if that is your choice.  There are a lot of us in the background (though I might be one of the most vocal right now) that play the game in other ways than "Rambo".  IMHO, I think the reason people go the Rambo route is that it is the easiest way to play the game, not that it is the only way to play the game.  And I think that some people see dying in the game as a failure while there are those of us that like the fact that our builds did not last as long as we wanted it to.  It's that type of feedback that pushes us to re-examined how we played it the last time and what we need to do better the next time.  I don't need machetes to be rebalanced in order to enjoy playing with them.  If everything is the same balance, where is the enjoyment in that?


    This game is not like COD where it is simply two teams squaring off against one another trying to kill each other.  This game is so much more.  Comparing items or game mechanics of 7D2D to a FPS is not equivalent and should not be the bar we are setting for this game.  7D2D is a survival, horror, crafting, building type of game.  It's those various elements mixed together that makes 7D2D the game that it is.  COD, Battfefield, and other games like those are two are just FPS and have different game mechanics that fit the FPS game genre.

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